Beasts of Beyond
HELLO WORLD ☆ MANDATORY MEETING 1/29 - Printable Version

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HELLO WORLD ☆ MANDATORY MEETING 1/29 - wormwood. - 01-29-2021

Re: HELLO WORLD ☆ MANDATORY MEETING 1/29 - Ares - 01-29-2021

Mama, they say I'm a terrorist - WHAT?!?
I've done nothing wrong but I'm put on the blacklist!
Past the poker face Ares had put on, anger surged like a raging river. Understanding did as well, but the idea of exiling a child planted hatred for the Luminary in her mind. But she wouldn't let it show. Other news completely passed her mind, thoughts focusing on her probation and practical threat of exile.

This is for your own good? Pah! She would never leave town ever again, then. This wasn't for her own good, but the good of everyone else. Damn bastard was trying to make it seem like he cared. But no one cares for a monster.

Re: HELLO WORLD ☆ MANDATORY MEETING 1/29 - arrow - 01-29-2021

"Let's just hope that this new tradition to ward off evil spirits doesn't affect me any." Arrow thought about the new ideas, nodding to herself at the idea of everyone drinking merrily in honor of someone's death. It was a good send off, at least in her humble little opinion. If only she could drink.

Seemed she'd be getting back to being useful again, despite her...state. The ghost looked around for Bonita, her supposed charge, ears perking up at the new promotion. Lord, she needed to study the ranks, and all the new names for things. Now was as good a time as any other. "I guess haunting the shit out of the place has it's benefits. I'll see what I can do with what I've got, boss." She kept her second set of thoughts to herself, no one needed to know she was already planning how to help Elsweyr in the very near future. Things were...not going her way, to say the least.

Re: HELLO WORLD ☆ MANDATORY MEETING 1/29 - trojan g. - 01-29-2021

[align=left]there's a chip on my shoulder *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
The call from a slightly unfamiliar voice called out to Moth, though as soon as she arrived to the meeting, she recognized the other simply by the way he held himself, and Moth couldn't help but let a small smirk grow on her face as she listened to the words that her brother spoke. He might not want to discuss what the change of body meant, but she knew he'd eventually have to come to her about it to make sure everything was okay when the fact that he was carrying cubs showed more.

There was a lot that was happening with the meeting this time around. It was possible that not everything that was said was something that Moth would retain, but she would try her best to be able to remember everything. Some stuff was easier said than done though. She and Els got shoutouts, that made sense since they couldn't be promoted any higher than they already were, and they got new shaderunners. The jaguar made sure to put it in her head to congradulate those who got promoted today. She'd then look around to see if she could find the canine that had been assigned to her for the buddy system, something that she was both excited about and hesitant to do. Although Moth had grown in the two years she had been in Tanglewood she was still a bit warry around others that she didn't know, and even if she was as big, if not bigger than, most of the members of the group now, it still didn't ease that feeling. You never knew what would happen.

The mention of Ares going on probation caught Moth's ears, and she turned towards the other for a moment, watching to see what her reaction was before turning back to Aurum, lost in thought. She understood that it was for the best - after all, Ares had threatened those that said she couldn't have the sword only a few days prior, not to mention the incident with turning into a dinosaur and crushing her own home - but it still something that had never happened before. Ares was a child, yes, but with everything that had happened and the way she held herself she seemed to be more mature than most children Moth had seen. She'd offer to help Ares if the younger member wanted help, in controlling her anger. That was what was most important, controlling the anger to not be a danger to others.

She barely heard the mention of ambassadorships and of Aurum going to Typhoon, though Moth would prick her ears when the mention of the sea-dwelling group was made. "I'd like to go with you to the Typhoon if you're okay with that." She would speak, head looking up towards the other for a moment. She wanted to see someone again, see what the group was like now that someone new was in charge, Moth hadn't been there in a very long while.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  and it's big as a boulder


Sophiea walked over noticing that there was something different about Aurum and a single tufted ear twitching, she had to hold in a groan knowing what was to come soon enough. Her usual frown on her maw as she found a place amongst the crowd listening to all of the announcements, a soft sigh leaving her parted jaws and adjusted her wings on her sides. Eventually, the sound of her own name leaving the tigers maw was enough to make her snort "Thank you for the promotion, Aurum." The mention of Ares and her actions made the British feline wiggle her tail in an irritable manner, she shook her head knowing that it could've been avoided if Elsweyr had been a more responsible mother. Perhaps the Shadow Regent needed to pay more attention to the child than have the responsiblity of second in command, her pupils were narrowed into dangerous slits as she sat within the crowd.

Once the meeting was essentially dismissed, Sophiea would approach Aurum with a slow nod of her cranium "I would like to be the ambassador of the Typhoon if possible," A faint smile on her maw though eventually it disappeared, after all, Sophiea already had some inter relations within the group and went to visit Goldenluxury for the most part. It was perfect for her. Though she let that sink in for a moment before saying with a twitch of her whiskers "Congratulations." She fell silent for a few moments until she added with a faint smile "I hope these ones don't break into my home." It was in a joking tone or at least, half of one anyways. She gave a curt nod before leaving, she had to go do something at the moment.


Re: HELLO WORLD ☆ MANDATORY MEETING 1/29 - rhosmari - 01-29-2021

A meeting was called and she was there, she didn't enjoy the idea of herself being late to one given her position and so she came out of the home that she stayed in with Arrow. Quietly she found her place beside the ghostly woman and she sat down, tilting her head slightly at the way that Aurum looked. Well, this was certainly different but she didn't say anything and instead she focused on what was being said. There were a lot of changes that were going on and some she was confused on but that was normal for the tribal lioness. She was not raised here and it would take a while for her to understand alot of things. Especially getting used to the position that she was in. It was all about learning and practicing as far as she knew. But much of what Aurum said went out of the window when he brought up Ares and threatened her with exile. Her eyes widened slightly and she felt her claws press against the ground. Her back stiffened and she watched the leader almost unnervingly. He was still speaking, she couldn't leave. She needed to leave. Her fire mane twisted and coiled with her emotions but she held herself back.

Shoutouts, promotions. Arrow had gotten one and she was trying to be happy for her but all she had was a bitter taste in her mouth. Ambassadors....buddy system he had said. Right. Her body slowly got up and she swallowed down the biting words that she wanted to say and instead she lashed her tail. ''She will ambassador the Pitt.'' That was all she cared to say about the situation. She looked to Arrow then to give her a congratulations underneath her breath, glaring at the ground before she rose up and left the meeting. In charge till he got back. She could do that and not burn things to rumble.

-- out

Re: HELLO WORLD ☆ MANDATORY MEETING 1/29 - newkit - 01-29-2021

[align=center][div style="width: 40%; text-align: justify;"]meetings were never things new chose to attend. they were things he was dragged to, but he guessed this one wasn't.. horrible. or.. he didn't think so. he got a mention, it got his hopes up and very quickly tore them down. cool, no new name, no training still.. peachy. he refused to let himself deflate, beaming up at his father and keeping himself settled in his place. "you say that like i haven't been here for months, dad." he teased, but the moment didn't last for long.

the meeting went on, and the glances he received as his name was called had turned away, which wasn't uncommon. they were just as common as most stares people got, a glance and nothing more, but there were was a name or two that he didn't spare a glance for. he didn't want to deal with whatever emotions were going through the air right now, so he kept his eyes trained on his father, smile never faltering. "you think i could be an ambassador?" he asked curiously, head tilting to the left, then the right, before his ears perked up. he hoped the answer was a resounding yes but given the track record..

it was probably no.
☼ tags | updated 1/1:


you laugh and smile at me, but you don't see a thing !
It may have been a month since the last meeting for Tanglewood, but to Atbash, this meeting came pretty quickly. Not that she was complaining, of course; she liked meetings, as draining as they were to actually hold as a leader, but it was a good way to keep track of all the going-ons in the group. At Aurum's call, the savannah made her way over, her eyebrows raising quizzically at the new form the Luminary took. Fortunately Aurum addressed this pretty quickly, even if he said he didn't really want to get into the details right now.

Aurum did mention this meeting being a long one and he started off pretty strong with announcements regarding some tradition changes. It was a lot to take in, but Atbash tried to keep track of it as much as she could. A buddy system sounded nice, and she was even more glad to hear that Aurum was going to be her partner. The next announcement was the usual welcomes and shoutouts, as well as a probation for Ares. Atbash frowned at it, having not been at the event and it was actually quite worrisome that a child had gone on a rampage. Aurum did a good job in deciding on what needed to be done about it, even if Atbash herself didn't entirely agree on exiling a child. Not that Ares was being exiled at this exact moment, but still.

Atbash had no interest in being an ambassador at this time, especially not really knowing any of Tanglewood's allies. But with The Typhoon being one and The Pitt seemingly another (or at least, Tanglewood was having a truce with them for the time being), she was uncomfortable with being an ambassador to either groups. The Pitt left a bad taste in her mouth, and she didn't exactly have the best track record with The Typhoon unfortunately, and it felt awkward to make amends with that happening almost two years ago. "Congrats." The savannah murmured, not really close enough to anyone to really get super excited over the promotions and shoutouts.
bio | female | loner, no group
© madi

Re: HELLO WORLD ☆ MANDATORY MEETING 1/29 - wormwood. - 02-03-2021