Beasts of Beyond
( she got me weak / rabbit ) - Printable Version

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( she got me weak / rabbit ) - Grimm - 01-28-2021

[div style="margin: auto; max-width: 475px; padding: 5%; min-height: 20px; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; text-align: justify; line-height: 17px;"]To continue onwards the past must be laid to rest. Lesson rather hard won, burned among folds wrapped in a constricting hold about fragmented moments, regarded and discarded in the same moment. Deep ran the well, his life carved from stone unyielding, a tunnelling labyrinth manned by more than a bastardisation of man and beast. To forget, allow any located among a myriad of well maintained and secure blockades, was to release who he was, the small inkling of being that set him apart.

A falsehood such, stone against tongue weighed beneath too much, aged beyond his years for the weight he carried without care to pass it to another.

Dilapidated the hidden structure, a miniscule space meant for the occupation of one yet the walls had enclosed more, stained each time worn board with their presence. Nostrils flared, fine and fleeting the plume, the hours when darkness still enclosed as the sun rose offering a chill the day stole. Within the limited illumination of the newly come dawn it seemed a haunted thing, a beast crouched among the undergrowth with a ravenous appetite for the one that abandoned it. Back eyes travelled, cleared the winding trail out of necessity, too many the times he had walked it simply to stand here where it seemed half alive in shifting foliage. No breeze was present however, distance closed until it sagged under its own weighed, aged as he was.

This was no monster as his mind made it seem, a simple home, one in need it attention he must give it. Closer he tread, an approach made lightly yet taunt muscle made each step stiff. From the door he turned away, incapable of entrance as of yet, the tiny plot before what caught his attention. Taken much of his grown produce, once a necessity, others left to wither, the earth overgrown. Outward paw stretched, claw tips travelling until the small sea of grass waved beneath his movement, tickled along his pads.

A ripple began, stilled his own movement as it continued, irregular the pattern. Dismissed almost before realisation arose, still the wind about, the leaning boughs enough to block most breezes had it even been present. Different the source of this, confusion light as visage is changed beneath it. Slow his withdraw, stilled the fine strands as his bulk was lowered, frigid that which grazed his belly, dew and a thin layer of ice collecting among coarse hairs. Yet he dare not move, the minutes passing in a tense silence, watched the perimeter of the overgrown garden, or, at the least, what remained of it. It grew difficult to determine when the grass parted, stronger now the light that filtered through, stilted but evident the song of stirring birds, twitching the nose that brought a gentle curl to his lips.

"Daisy." Old the name his tongue clumsily uttered, dark eyes peering from chosen hiding place that concealed much of the rabbit still, well known to such a degree the assumption was made readily. Desire welled in his chest but was pushed aside, unknown that he now inhabited and understood the fear that left her rooted within supposed safety, a standstill the pair at, neither capable of moving before the other did so.

Re: ( she got me weak / rabbit ) - Simon F.M. - 01-29-2021

Diya is often times a quiet walker, a silent stalker moving swiftly but with little noise. She had been stalking a rabbit, a decent sized thing that she had deemed fitting for her children. Alex hadn't been eating right recently and she hopped she could figure out something with the rabbit. She had a hunch but it was to soon to predict.

Those plans came to a pause as she slowly crept out of the underbrush, preparing to pounce, when the sudden speech and appearance of Emil brought her to a pause. She looked from him to the rabbit, and then back to him. A pet, then? She moved out of her hunter's crouch slowly, shifting into something more comfortable. She wouldn't intercept, though the feline would throw a confused look at the bear before her.

Re: ( she got me weak / rabbit ) - michael t. - 01-30-2021

Michael knew a thing or two about caring for creatures that were considered lesser by others. Companions that were traditionally seen only as prey animals, rather than anything impressive all on their own. In Emil's case, it was a rabbit. For Michael, it was his rats. His precious little family within his already existing family, cared for by himself, Trevor, and their pups. While Franklin and the others still didn't quite have a handle on caring for any of the rats all on their own, the dealer still enjoyed having his children bond with them. Princess especially seemed fond of the pups, since they were always eager to provide her with more treats to plump her up even further. Michael might've disapproved – if it wasn't for the fact that he got himself plenty of treats a lot of the time. He didn't like to be a hypocrite, at least when it came to his family. So, he let the pups play with the rats and spoil them as much as they wished, while also keeping a close eye on his little companions whenever he could. There were plenty within The Typhoon that didn't know Michael's rats were pets, and the thought of anybody pouncing on them made the male's heart clench unpleasantly.

Unlike Diya, Michael hadn't been approaching because he had been intent on a good hunt. Rather, he had just been out for a walk, wanting to shake off some grogginess from an earlier rest. He had started taking the advice of his sister and Roan, the both of them repeatedly telling him to let himself have a nap when he was starting to feel exhausted from his work. The naps admittedly were helping, but the bobcat couldn't help feeling a great deal heavier afterwards, having to shrug off his body trying to lull him back to sleep. This valiant fight against further napping had brought him out towards where Emil stood, as well as where Diya had paused, evidently surprised by the interaction that was going on. As he made his own way over, he found himself blinking, his groggy mind taking a couple of seconds to catch up to what he was seeing. He could certainly understand now why Diya seemed confused, considering the sight of a bear and rabbit being friends wasn't exactly a usual one.

While Diya seemed content to just sit and watch, Michael was motivated further forward by his own curiosity, slowly and silently slipping forth from the brush. Not wanting to frighten the rabbit that Emil was interacting with, the small dealer came up beside the much larger male slowly, sitting down once he was close enough to speak. When he did, he spoke in quiet tones, questioning Emil with a faint smile, "Daisy...? Is that the rabbit's name?" It was a rather pretty and soft name, considering who it had come from, but he couldn't blame Emil for picking something cute. After all, given all the options in the world, Michael himself had chosen to name one of his rats Princess. He could still remember the clear surprise on Trevor's face when he had introduced her to him, as well as the flush of embarrassment that had spread across his own face in return. Still, he hadn't made any sort of effort to change it because... well, it was cute.