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the ocean call 》elemental practice - Printable Version

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the ocean call 》elemental practice - riftweaver - 01-28-2021


[div style="background-color:#242924;width:90%;max-height:200px;overflow: auto;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;color: white;"] "speech"

Rift was aware of his powers. He'd had incidents with them before. However, he had never taken the time to properly figure out how they work. At least, not since the split. He had very little knowledge of their life before they separated, as those memories had gone with Brandyskies into his current body, however he figured it would be like second nature once he got the hang of it.

He sat at the ocean, and started simple. Just pulling and tugging at the water in a small tide pool. The water swished around in response to his will, little creatures of the miniature ecosystem scuttling about below the surface. Easy enough, but could he lift it?

Focusing on the water, he willed it to lift. He imagined the entire pool rising up, creatures still within it. He seemed almost shocked when this came to fruition, the water rising up to eye level for a few moments before falling heavily and suddenly back in with a splash. He reeled back, sputtering as he shook water from his face. He could feel the salt clinging to his fur and leaves, a feeling he wasn't overtly fond of.

Re: the ocean call 》elemental practice - Keona. - 01-29-2021

keona sibéal ní faoláin.
the typhoon.
the blind dealer.
[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2a4971; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 2px;"]Idir brí is idir muir, Tá mé i dtiúin
The split souls seemed to share the connection to the water.  A connection the tiny dealer had herself.  One she rarely shied away from.  Constantly drawn back to the shore.  The first peice of land her paws had ever touched.  The sand.  The waves.  The push and pull of the water.

She felt the shift in the nearby water before she sensed Riftweaver.  Felt the sudden change and movement.  A tide pool that felt too tall.  Just for a moment.  Keona blinked as the water crashed, the abrupt sound nearly causing her to jump.  Ah.  She tasted salt on the air and dipped her head as she recognized Rift as the unfortunate cause and victim of the splash.

The wildcat's tail twitched idly behind her.  Thought in pale sea-green hues.  "Think of what would fit in your paw," she murmured, offering the first suggestion that came to mind.  "It'll be less of a splash, at least.  Easier to hold for longer."

Re: the ocean call 》elemental practice - roan ; - 01-29-2021

Roan also had elementals of his own, but they weren't in the same element as Riftweaver, or Brandy. Instead, the soothsayer was able to command the forces of lightning at will, a flick of his paw bringing forth electrical shocks that could injure, as well as paralyze. It had taken quite a bit of time for him to master said powers, but he was pretty happy with where he was at these days. He didn't use them much – didn't really have to, considering his nature as a medic – but at least he had control. It wasn't like when he was a kit, and he had lashed out only to hurt his mama, and others. Now he was far more confident about his own abilities, as well as confident enough in himself. It was a nice feeling, even if it had come about as a result of him going through quite a bit of trauma.

The soothsayer's usual path around the island brought him towards the shore, looking for herbs that preferred to grow closer to the water. Unfortunately, it seemed as though he wouldn't just be having a peaceful herb picking evening. Roan paused and frowned slightly as the sea came crashing down not too far away, his ears pinning back against his head in annoyance. He took a deep breath before making his way over, coming to sit nearby just a few paces away from Keona. As he sat, the siamese wrapped his tail around his paws, muttering, "My elementals usually just respond to my emotions. You should try and make yourself angry – you might get a bit more control that way." His advice was a little spitefully motivated – he mostly just wanted to see how deep of a hole Riftweaver could dig for himself when it came to mama.

Re: the ocean call 》elemental practice - VAYNE CIPHER-VANTAS. - 01-31-2021

[glow=white,1,400]LIKE WE FORGET WHO WE CAN TRUST !。+゚.[/glow]
Powers weren't something that Vayne was unfamiliar with, though she didn't have any herself. She was, admittedly, envious of others' abilities to control water, fire, electricity... whatever it may be. She watched Riftweaver manipulate the ocean from a few feet behind him before she decided to join the others. Frowning at Roan's suggestion, the Beta squeaked, "Um... Maybe anger wouldn't be the best idea? What if he causes a tsu-tsu... big wave?" Hopefully they got what she was getting at; she didn't exactly know how to say 'tsunami'.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]