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you got mail! // palm glades invite - Printable Version

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you got mail! // palm glades invite - METEOR - 01-27-2021

The vaporwave mess of a canine flew through the air. Well, that was a generous way of putting it. His body flailed about, bouncing up high to the wispy desert clouds, and then back down to the… snowy desert. He did this in cycles, his paws flailing and his three colorful tails weaving together, as he made his way steadily through the blizzardstruck desert wasteland, on the search for anyone sentient to notify.

“HEY, PITTIANS! YOU GOT A MESSAGE—RATHER, AN INVITE, YOU KNOW, TO BE MORE PRECISE!” he howled, his voice oscillating between normal and a shrieking high pitch as his wingless flight took him up and down, up and down, his body rolling around through the air like a baby’s first football throw.

Abruptly, he dropped like a stone onto a pile of snow. Groaning and rubbing the stuff off him, he grumbled to himself. “Goddammit, where’d all this shit come from? I thought this was going to be a nice toasty break from wintertime! What’re deserts for if they’re not all hot!” He huffed, straightened up, and looked for anyone in the distance.

Re: you got mail! // palm glades invite - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 01-27-2021

[glow=white,1,400]WHAT PART OF LIVING SAYS YOU GOTTA DIE ?。+゚.[/glow]
"Jesus fucking Christ, bro, you don't have to be so damn loud." Dante snarled as he came closer to where Quasar was, his ears flattened back and his gaze a piercing glare. "In more fuckin' ways than one. You're a god damn eyesore, can you turn that shit down?" Pelt color wasn't something that could be manipulated (as far as he knew), but good god, Quasar's colors gave him a headache. Fuck.

"I ain't got no authority to accept your offer." Dante went on with a grunt. "But what's going on here ain't none of your fuckin' business." He was, of course, referring to Quasar's comments regarding the snow that littered the desert. He wasn't too fond about the snow in the first place anyway, so everything about this situation was pissing him off.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: you got mail! // palm glades invite - aine. - 01-27-2021

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2e8b57; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]HOW DO YOU RUN FROM Y[color=#5d8e93]OUR OWN MIND?
Sudden, loud noises never boded well.  The deer-fox felt her ears flatten.  Flinching at the intrusion of sound.  Hesitantly, hooves crept forward, halting besides Dante.  While his sharp tone further agitated her nerves, at least he was familiar.  A secure point.

Hazel hues flickered.  Uneasy.  Even as the word invite settled in.  Someone was actually inviting them to something?  That was nice... No one had done that since the Halls of Hiraeth.  Since... Redvox.

Her wings shuffled at her sides.  Four... Seven... Eight... The Palm Glades were not Redvox.  They were not the Halls of Hiraeth.  They did not really know them. 

However, since the Pitt's political stance had changed... No official allies or foes... Odds were her father would give the go-ahead, depending on what the invite was for.  No reason not to, even if she wasn't sure she would want to go.  Wary of everyone outside her home.

"C-can you be more... Specific?  A-about the invite, I mean? What's it... About?"

Re: you got mail! // palm glades invite - METEOR - 01-28-2021

Quasar shook his head and the shakes spread over his entire body, spraying powder snow everywhere, until his tails thrashed the last of the clumps off his tail-tips. He lifted his muzzle and immediately shot a glare at Dante, his lips pulling away from his gleaming teeth as he stared the cougar down. “Fuck you, fin soup,” he growled. “Don’t like the way I look? Then close your damned eyes! Or I’ll shut ‘em for you.”

His nostrils flared as he exhaled a sharp puff; sparks crackled between his yellow ears. He didn’t look away from the cougar-sized hybrid, even as the dainty thing approached and softly spoke.

“Ice skating on the frozen lake. Gonna be fancy, with the Typhoon’s crew invited, too.” His blue eyes stared, unblinking, at Dante as his lips pulled into a deeper snarl. “Food too, but none so tasty as this fishy fish smells.”

Re: you got mail! // palm glades invite - Kold - 01-28-2021

How long did you think we could make it?
How far did you think we could take it?
We couldn't be bothered,
We didn't have time
To think
So far

"Hello again." Kold drawled out, stepping beside Aine and blankly looking at the walking sweet tart. She flicked her ear at the remarks and simply shook her head. "Ice skating sounds fun. Now..." She stepped a little closer, heat radiating off her in waves.

"Let's play nice - The Glades could be Allies to us if Gael and their leader agree on terms." The harsh tone cut through the air and Kold ran a pale tongue over her lips, disinterested in causing a fight. "I'm sure Sway-man doesn't taste as good as the food you Glade-iators have."

Re: you got mail! // palm glades invite - gael - 01-29-2021

Official allies were of no priority to the vulpine in question -- intent on operating along the terms of the Pitt's founding.  Managing deals with their neighbors suited well with him however; more so if it brought true benefit to the Pitt. 

Maintaining amiable relations with the Palm Glades seemed beneficial to him -- the lesser known group harbored no resentment towards his group and he felt personally curious about them.  Any trust would be reserved until he knew more, but the faerie dipped his head as he trotted up to the gathered group. 

An ice skating event sounded pleasant enough.  There was no reason to suspect foul play either, given recent circumstances -- the Palm Glades likely sought better terms with everyone after their broken alliance with the Coalition.

"You can tell Rhinestonestar I've accepted your invitation," Gael announced curtly, hazel eyes narrowed slightly on both Quasar and Dante -- how one responded to insult was a mark of their maturity.  "Those of the Pitt who wish to attend may."
"I AM A STONE" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / ardent / lamby

Re: you got mail! // palm glades invite - METEOR - 02-01-2021

The colorful blight glanced at Kold, his blue eyes squinting. Yeah, he recognized this one, and at least this Pittian had a lick of sense about them. He grunted, then relaxed his posture. His lips covered his teeth again.

He snorted. Unintentionally, his exhale shot a stream of wind directed at Dante’s face. Then he breathed in a deep, calming breath, and turned to Kold and Gael, completely ignoring Dante without any idea what dumb fuckery he’d done with his ill-controlled powers.

“Yeah, that’s true. We even got some candy, you know, sugary sweet stuff like—” The ice cream man I’d love to eat. “—chocolate and some crunchy candy, the hard stuff, I mean? But not like the gross hard stuff. But even the gross hard candy would probably taste way better than this mangy fish-bitch.”

To Gael directly, he dipped his head. His fluffy ears flicked, sparks zipping between his ears, before he straightened up. “Aight! Glad you decided to come. I’ll let Rhinestonestar know. You gonna be there yourself, uh, Ardent?”