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take your tips 》redecorating + giveaway - Printable Version

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take your tips 》redecorating + giveaway - riftweaver - 01-27-2021


[div style="background-color:#242924;width:90%;max-height:200px;overflow: auto;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;color: white;"] "speech"

Change was ever present in Riftweaver's life. Thus seemed the curse of the Roux family; ever rotating problems, a new struggle for each new day. It seemed the only thing to do was to accept the ever changing circumstances, claim control over the tiniest aspects. Embrace changes, evolve with the world around. Those were the tenants that the leaf-maned tiguar lived by these days.

And where better to start than with his hut? He began by gathering up all his items. One at a time, he piled them into two separate piles - keep, and giveaway. So many things that he no longer needed, all stacked into boxes, pushed to the corner next to the door. Scarves, blankets, hats, jewelry and assorted other things, a colorful display of the changes he was currently embracing.

He hummed as he worked, Odette napping curled up in his leafy mane. A smile stayed fixed upon his maw as he worked, a genuine air of positivity hovering around him. He seemed, for once, to be looking at the brighter side of life. He seemed to have finally accepted his circumstances, and the change was quite refreshing.

Re: take your tips 》redecorating + giveaway - Keona. - 01-27-2021

keona sibéal ní faoláin.
the typhoon.
the blind dealer.
[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2a4971; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 2px;"]Idir brí is idir muir, Tá mé i dtiúin
Change and stability were the odd dualities of a long life.  Stuck at a young age while everyone around grew.  Still remembering the names and voices of those long since gone.  It brought an odd sense of standing still while the world moved.

Yet she moved too.  Best she could.  Following the flow.  For even the ocean changed.  The water that brushed over her paws one morning, was not the same accumulation of droplets the next.  She would stay in-tune.  She would keep up.  Stay steady too.  Try to be familiar grounding for others in turbulent waters.

So, she kept her paws moving.  Kept busy.  Offered help.  Truthfully, the work kept herself steady, amidst everything.  But it was nice to breathe too.  Catch someone else simply happy.  Riftweaver sounded happier now if the hum reaching her perked ears were any inclination.

"Aloha, Riftweaver," the tiny wildcat offered up softly, head dipping politely.  It sounded a little like he was organizing something.  Her tail twitched idly behind her, thought in pale hues.  "Are you cleaning?"

Re: take your tips 》redecorating + giveaway - riftweaver - 01-28-2021


[div style="background-color:#242924;width:90%;max-height:200px;overflow: auto;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;color: white;"] "speech"

Rift turned his gaze to Keona, offering her a small purr of greeting since she couldn't see the smile across his maw. "Good morning, Keona. How are you today?" he asked, deciding to take a small break from his cleaning to focus his attention upon his visitor. At her question, the male nodded enthusiastically. "I'm getting rid of a bunch of things I no longer have use for."

The male thought for a second before turning to one of the boxes. He dug through, pulling out a small wooden case with a metal latch. Inside was a pair of round, wire-framed sunglasses and a small, sharp silver letter opener. The sunglasses were dark, with a blueish tint to the glass. The letter opener was inlaid with a few small crystals and had roses and vines carved into the handle. He set the open box near her, pushing it until it touched her paw. "This is for you. Sunglasses to protect your eyes, and a letter opener for whatever you wish to use it for, as well as a wooden box with a latch. I found these while cleaning and figured you could get more use from them." he said simply, smiling broadly.

Keona wasn't the only one he had gifts for. He'd also gathered up gifts for Michael, Roxanne, Goldie, and his brothers. While most of them were pretty simple, his gifts for Brandy were... different. The male had gathered up all his accessories - feathered earrings, ect - that they'd owned before their split, and put them in a small silver treasure chest type box. A peace offering of their most valued possessions, a way of stating his acceptance of their shared origins, and his acceptance of Brandyskies. He glanced nervously at said box, sitting up on a shelf, and his mind raced. Would Brandy accept it? He shook the thoughts off, looking back to Keona.

"I hope you enjoy them." he murmured, shuffling his paws. Gift giving made him anxious. He always fretted over whether or not they'd be accepted, and always worried about what he would do if they weren't. Possibly the biggest fear associated with gift giving was that of said gift being rejected. Nobody wanted a thoughtful gift to be rejected, for such an action often equated to rejection of the gift-giver. "You don't have to keep them, if you don't want to," he added, not wanting to make her feel forced into accepting such a thing.

Re: take your tips 》redecorating + giveaway - SirDio - 01-28-2021

[color=#093044]"You getting rid of any furniture? I'm in need of a chair or two - if not that's fine." The mau chirped, peering at Rift and Keona. For a little while the girl was scatterbrained with a few things, mainly lack of sleep. But that didn't mean she couldn't act happy.

Re: take your tips 》redecorating + giveaway - Keona. - 01-29-2021

keona sibéal ní faoláin.
the typhoon.
the blind dealer.
[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2a4971; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 2px;"]Idir brí is idir muir, Tá mé i dtiúin
As she expected then.  That made sense.  Good practical use of a day.  Her rounded ears twitched.  Small talk... Not her favorite pastime.  "'m jus' making my rounds." Checking on everyone.

She blinked slowly.  Gifts were an oddity.  Rarity.  Little sentiment in physical objects.  But she had a few.  A stuffed parrot from kit hood.  A handcrafted sword forged to her size.  Forged for her.  The necklace that she wore, seashells carved into a flower.

The necklace was the only accessory she wore.  Once, she wore a bandana over her eyes.  A tactical suggestion by Argus.  But she hadn't liked it.  Sunglasses were completely foreign.  Vague concept.  Her head fell to one side.  Thought and idle curiosity.  She didn't like hiding her eyes... But she could see the potential.  Protection from sand.  Irritants that she dealt with on windy days.

"I've never had glasses before, mahalo."

She pressed her paws inside the box slowly, pale hues sharpening in thought as she grazed over the letter opener's designs.  The vines reminded her oddly of Salem.  A smile without comprehension or realization.  "Mahalo, Riftweaver."

Her head turned slightly towards Lucy's voice, nodding in encouragement.  That'd be a nice way to help her get settled in her hut.  If he had something, that is.  Which reminded her...  "If there are any blankets, or anythin' you don' find someone to give to, I might suggest the tavern."

Re: take your tips 》redecorating + giveaway - bubblegum - 01-30-2021

DEAR FRIEND as you know,  your flowers are withering
your mother's gone insane, your leaves have drifted away.
    but the clouds are clearing up
        and i've come reveling, burning incandescently,
                                              like a bastard on the burning sea.

After spending another group of days resting, the female felt ready to get up and move around once more. It was starting to slowly, but surely, get easier. Her head felt better, at least a little. There were some mishaps here and there, some headaches, sometimes a spark would spiral out, but overall, it was okay. It was significantly better than the first week since waking up. And she was starting to go greater lengths now, approach larger crowds. Soon enough, hopefully, she could handle a proper group. Maybe even try to enter the tavern, do the task she'd been saving from Diya.

In the meantime, she moved about the beach, seeing whatever she could find. Today, it'd seem, she'd step upon a small group of individuals speaking to one of her sons, who seemed to be busying himself. Giving out old things; that was kind of him. "The temple could always use some blankets, or pillows, too." The female would suggest lightly after Keona's comment. The tigress had no need for any furniture of her own - at least not for the time being, seeing as she exclusively remained within the temple, and others' own huts for now. Her old hut...triggered such a reaction she did not want to experience again anytime soon, and the captain's quarters sat below the deck of the Tempest, of which she hasn't even attempted to step on since waking up. The light bobbing back and forth, she imagines, would only make her dizzy as she continues to recover.

Re: take your tips 》redecorating + giveaway - michael t. - 01-30-2021

All in all, Michael had never really been one much for giving things away. That wouldn't be a surprise to most of those that knew him, considering how greedy he tended to be. Of course, there were exceptions to his usual actions. He was always willing to give gifts to Roxie, as well as Diya and the other familiar faces that he was fond of. And if the tavern was really in need of something, the dealer usually went through the effort of finding it for them. Otherwise, though, he often just kept his things to himself, usually just moving things around whenever he tried to clean his house. Thankfully, the place wasn't actually too cluttered. Mainly because the dealer liked shiny things over anything else, which meant that he didn't just stuff whatever he could grab inside his home. He mainly just had a great deal of jewelry, along with a few bright and shiny bobbles that he had proudly displayed. Trevor certainly made fun of him for it,  but his husband made fun of him for a lot of things, and it was all good natured. After all, Trev certainly had his own... unique way of decorating, as well.

Even if he didn't give things away often, the bobcat could understand the desire to do so. He certainly couldn't blame Riftweaver for wanting to clear things out, considering how hectic his life had been as of late. Michael did find his mismatched blue gaze scanning over the various scattered items with interest, a soft hum of curiosity leaving him before he spoke, "Hey, Rift... Nice of you to give some stuff away for others. Like Keona and Goldie said, the tavern and temple are always looking for extra stuff... plenty of rooms to fill and beds to make." Nothing immediately shiny or interesting caught his eye, which caused him to make himself comfortable before he continued, "You could also try putting some things aside for our allies. I don't think they'd ever mind getting some gifts from us." His gaze shifted then over to Keona, looking over the gifts that his fellow dealer had been given.

Letting out a smooth whistle as he spotted the sunglasses, Michael muttered, "I think you'll look good with sunglasses, Keo. I used to wear some to hide my eyes, but I've thankfully gotten over that... mostly." He still didn't really like the thought that enemies could easily see his blind eye, but he also liked to think that he had gotten a little bit better at fighting. Which meant that he had less to worry about, when it came to The Typhoon's several enemies.

Re: take your tips 》redecorating + giveaway - riftweaver - 02-03-2021


[div style="background-color:#242924;width:90%;max-height:200px;overflow: auto;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;color: white;"] "speech"

Rift looked to Lucy as she asked if he had furniture, offering a small smile. "I do have a chaise and a small wooden table I'm not using. They're over there." he said, waving a paw towards a corner of his house where a blue chaise and a dark brown wooden side table sat. The legs of the chaise and table were both carved of wood, with humming birds and flowers intricately and meticulously carved.

Next, his gaze looked to Keona, Goldie and Michael as they suggested he provide blankets and pillows for the Tavern. He pointed to a particular box set off to the side. "That's all for the Tavern. Blankets, pillows and some small weaponry I've found." He didn't have use for many weapons - his small dagger that he kept strapped to his leg was enough for him.

"Mom, I've got a gift for you, as well. You too, Michael." Turning away and stepping towards his chest at the foot of his bed, the male would pop the top open and dig through for a second before pulling out two boxes. Both were crudely made of wood, obviously made by hand - or, well, paw. He passed one to Michael and the other to Goldie. He'd taken a bit of time selecting their gifts and had finally decided on what to get them.

For his mother, he'd found a necklace cord and put a small bird skull painted gold on it. The cord slipped right through the eyesockets of the skull, dangling perfectly.

For Michael, Rift had gone a little more practical. He'd taken a knife blade he'd found and attached it to small antler handle, wrapped leather around it for grip. There was an 'M' shaped charm, appearing to be carved from bone, dangling from the end of the handle.

He waited patiently for them to open the boxes, feeling nervous about their reactions.