Beasts of Beyond
( I played the fool til I started to choke / joiner ) - Printable Version

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( I played the fool til I started to choke / joiner ) - Grimm - 01-26-2021

[div style="margin: auto; max-width: 475px; padding: 5%; min-height: 20px; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; text-align: justify; line-height: 17px;"]Subtle shift, woven strands pulled taunt and grown lax, time the skilled hands at play about the edge of the known. Away fallen soil once soft and pliable, frigid beneath ivory covering when the cold may penetrate deep, replacement grating. Toes spreading and allowing their dig, clinging particles scraping against sensitive flesh, away washed with the next rise. Know the sand, different yet always similar, fine the fleeting touch upon end of each long stride, cool where the scorching heat was expected. Almost wanted.

To decipher his reasoning was to allow another droplet to fall into the ocean that rang with a permanent clamour, the noise of each wave connecting, swallowed within the brine that propelled each forth. Never would they scrap the dark belly of the sky, upwards vision turning as the thought bloomed, find a place nestled among those glittering points of illumination. Sardonic the curl, held for a moment on cracked lips before it fled, replacement sour, the gentle curve of a frown taking hold. Once he dreamed of such, lofty the expectations and desires of a glorified errand boy, the one who may walk among the stars even as the world despised him with every breath.

He never made it, could not grow jovial and remark the moon indeed was an edible substance, a pipedream pushed down among the debris left in his wake.

Different the sky he studied with half lidded eyes, grown still now though ever slight his shift, weight rocking, the waves acting as influence. The constellations he knew not the names for, and those he made with the flick of a wrist and the faux surety of a practised liar speaking his own personal brand of truth, missing. Never a moment where all may grow still, a singular point of respite, expected the continuation until all seemed pointless.

Silent inhale, fleeting the noise to exhale. Forgein all, ache growing in the hollow of his chest, rooted that and scraping against his ribs, wound about soft tissue until his lungs seemed ignited in the hunger of all consuming flame. It is not there, he knows how fire eats and this is a shallow facsimile, but he holds it all the same, nurses it as he walks where the tide breaks. Never had he seen the ocean before, an expanse stretching to such a degree limitless seemed it, yet the sand before captures and holds a once wandering eye.

Re: ( I played the fool til I started to choke / joiner ) - rhosmari - 01-28-2021

Once upon a time he had been afraid of the sea. A time long ago it almost felt but time was moving at a normal pace. He had had good reason to fear the depths of the ocean given what had happened to his mother and what he had escaped from with her sacrifice. But now he was not afraid, the demons that laid in the waves though the was dead. The end of the thieves that had stolen from them. But he was more alive than he had been for a while, felt more free in this new body to do what he wanted to without having to be fearful that something could come out of the waters and snatch him away. But he could say that dying was terrifying and dying alone even worse. Yet he supposed he had that thing to thank for that because he would not be in this new form and understood that it was a power no less if it hadn't been for that monster. He was still getting used to it really, being so tall and gangly. Being a maned wolf was most certainly strange but he was getting used to it and whatever else that came with this new form. The only thing he didn't want to think about was who did this body belong to and if he had actually taken it from someone. It was highly unlikely that it was vacant to begin with but these thoughts he pushed down as he wandered along the beach.

At time he did come here to watch the ocean waves, look up at the stars but he was surprised to see a stranger here. One that he was sure did not belong for the scent of the Glades did not come off of him. Oh man, it was that time again. For him to put on his brave face and try and confront a stranger. He didn't really have much of a choice as he was the only one that was near the area so he pushed himself to get a bit closer, golden blue orbs narrowed slightly as he twitched his pierced nose. Angular ears pulled forward as he took in the appearance of the much older canine. ''Um, hello.'' The tall creature began almost casually but he did keep his distance as he looked to the ocean. ''It's pretty out tonight. Normally we don't usually get people wandering this far into the territory. I'm Sorbet and this is the Palm Glades.'' He gestured with his soft grey white tails to the area around him. ''You need something from us? Looking to join, maybe? Are you okay?'' So many question tumbled out of his maw that he felt bad and cringed a little. He was never good with these first encounter stuff.
code by Reggan

Re: ( I played the fool til I started to choke / joiner ) - Grimm - 01-28-2021

[div style="margin: auto; max-width: 475px; padding: 5%; min-height: 20px; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; text-align: justify; line-height: 17px;"]Once upon a time.

Numerous the definition tied, yet singular the purpose, intent always evident in that to follow. They all had such, a time bygone littered with too much, a broken landscape pitted with debris, those lucky unscathed. Had he the good sense possibly that unease may have found a place in the hollow expanse of his chest, lodge there where the grave for a heart is erected, buried now in sand coarse and hot beneath unforgiving sun. Yet there is none, taken in that fabled once upon a time, the days populated by such overcome by jade that soured his thoughts.

Narrowed those whiskey hued depths, perceived the origin of unsure call, sought attention in given hail. Such given, though still his own tongue. Study commenced, dragged over seconds that coalesced into minutes. Indeed of a grand height this one, atop stilts one may hope achieved such, odd for such. Attempt was made to bite back the snort that left flaring nostrils, though weak it and thus it came forth, scratchy the drawl of his voice. "An here I thought giraffes were a myth." Jovial the lightly presented tease, crooked the grin that lifted singular corner of his mouth, head shifting as the feathered extension of twin tails moved in gesture.

Question offered what finally drew his attention once more, comment on the night put aside for such beauty may be remarked on but he bore no care for such, lost as he ached for another sand adorned land. "Palm Glades, huh. Who thought up sucha pompous name." Known another by similar moniker, threaded through murmured comment an annoyance not for the boy before nor the land he spoke of. This place was fresh, unburdened by that which acted leaden weight against his hip, threadbare the crumbling bag. Teeth fastened about tongue, ground against the muscle as he contemplated.

"If you'd have me could I, uh…" Voice dwindled as old lessons reverberated through his mind, voice his own taken a scolding tone, mockery laced in false sentiments. Never stop moving, don't allow yourself the false sense of security. Brusque the rejection, sullen still the threads of his every thought as he stepped closer, once more adorned in a grin of poor quality. "If an old bat like me is allowed I wouldn't mind sticking round."