Beasts of Beyond
ONLY YOU ★ o, announcement - Printable Version

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ONLY YOU ★ o, announcement - charrie graveyard - 01-25-2021

Ever since Gremlin had arrived in the Coalition, the two had been nearly inseparable. Wherever one went, the other was usually not far behind. Of course, Kura never would have imagined he would get that close to anyone again. One night, before Kuragori left to travel back to the borders of his homeland, he had had... a bit of alcohol while the leopard cat was visiting his home. One thing lead to another and the last thing he could remember was waking up in bed the next morning with Graham beside him.

His excuse for leaving had been on the premise that he had 'important business' to attend to far away, but really, he had just been scared. Terrified, really. It wasn't Grem's fault, it was his own and only his own. His previous relationship had left him horribly damaged in the love department and he was scared of falling in love only to have his heart break a second time. To make matters worse, while he was travelling, the griffin would soon discover that he was pregnant with him and Gremlin's children. He wanted to pass it off as nothing more than a nightmare, something that couldn't possibly be real. Him? Pregnant? It was absurd. But no, it was real. Very real.

The truth is, he had always wanted children. He always thought of himself as the fatherly type, but it had been a very long time since he had even considered the thought of having kids. Now, he really didn't have a choice. He honestly just wanted to run and hide, rename himself and try to raise these little beastlings on his own, but he knew in his heart that it wouldn't be right of him. Kura would have to go back and tell Gremlin the news. The griffin just hoped it would go okay, otherwise, he wasn't sure if he could stay in the Coalition anymore...

It was unusual for the griffin to be walking to the main camp, but with how much his mind was swimming, Kuragori knew it probably wouldn't be a good idea for him to fly. Greeting a couple of NPCs softly as he made his way to the center, he cleared his throat, glancing around. "Ah... excuse me. I have something to uh... announce. Is Gremlin around?" The beast called out in a hesitant tone, something that was extremely out of character for him. Going silent once more, he would sit down, talons nervously picking at the frosty earth beneath.

// >Smile [member=17171]GREMLIN F.[/member]

"as the stars start to align, i hope you will take it as a sign that you will be ok"

Re: ONLY YOU ★ o, announcement - COSMIIX - 01-25-2021

Gremlin about leapt out of his fur when he heard that Kuragori had returned, his heart skipping a beat as he ran outside completely forgetting about the furs that he should've worn because of the cold. All of it forgotten due to his dear friend coming back from his business trip. Or was it a vacation? He was uncertain but it had been sudden after that night... Grem had worried that he had upset the other that night or the days before it had occurred. He hoped that he didn't seeing as he cared about the other and even if there was other of people to talk to, they didn't stick out to Gremlin. They weren't Kuragori nor would they ever be. He spent most of his days aimlessly wandering around for the most part until the idea of stealing shit from other groups came to mind, Grem felt unmotivated to do it at all in the beginning but once he gave himself an objective and reason why he was doing it. The reason being that owl griffin who treated him so kindly in comparison to all the people he had met in his life.

He had nearly died on his trip to Palm Glades but that was what he endured through back home, he was beginning to question if it was truly home... Most of it slowly starting to become a foggy memory even when he tried his best to grip at the small silvers, they would slip from his paws. Instead of those memories of "home", it was filled with the people who currently lived within the Coalition even if he did not know most of them by name. They were starting to fill the memories he was losing, it was fucking weird but... He preferred it that way. The worry of being found and killed left his mind completely when he joined. Grem's life upon joining slowly became more meaningful and comfortable. Yet... He only ever felt that whenever he was near the owl griffin, they had become inseparable and now... Kuragori had gone away leaving Gremlin alone. It had become hard to pick at the pieces and try figuring out what he did or what he should do with the other gone. He thought he could've handled it when the other left but Grem found himself anxiously gnawing at his own tail when no one was around.

Realizing his own tail, he sat on top of it to stop it from wagging in front of the other feeling his face beginning to get warm. There was only faint memories lingering in the back of his head from the last time he had felt like this. His single eye fixated onto the owl griffin that stood in front of him only to shift away in a nervous manner, Gremlin did his best to brush it off but he looked a mess... Unruly fur, no bow, and patches of missing from his tail (but he was doing his best to hide it). Grem offered a toothy grin "Welcome back..." He trailed off as if he wanted to say more, his smile faltering in the slightest. Shit! He hadn't even brought the stolen stuff to give to Kura when he came back, his tail tip twitched in self frustration but he tried to keep a cool demeanor about it.

His fur rising slightly realizing that Kura had called him by his actual name instead of Graham. You fucked this up. Came a thought as he sat there trying his best not to frown at that, he cleared his throat trying to figure out what else to say "I'm here..." His spotted tail curling around his forepaws not caring that it was visible to the other, his eye glancing to the side before returning to lock onto the owl griffin "I... I missed you." Gremlin managed to blurt out feeling his face growing warm as he sat there, his face might have been getting heated did his entire body tremble from the cold as it nipped at him.

Re: ONLY YOU ★ o, announcement - charrie graveyard - 01-25-2021

As the other male rushed out to see him, Kuragori couldn't hold back the jumpy feeling inside his chest, only for it to drop to his stomach once he realized what he'd have to say. The leopard cat had shown up a lot sooner than he thought, he wasn't ready. He wasn't ready. Realizing that he probably had the worst worried expression on his face right now, he immediately worked to replace it with a soft, cheerful one. It was fake, but the hybrid didn't want to scare Grem before he even said anything.

"Graham... thank you." He would greet the other wanderer, tail swishing once behind him. Feeling his face warm up as the other said he missed him, he couldn't help but echo the sentiment. "I... missed you as well." Memories of that night would resurface as he looked down at the demon but he shoved them back, determined not to let himself fumble just yet. Tipping his head slightly, Kura would immediately take notice to his injuries, smile turning to a slight, concerned frown. "What happened? We didn't have a raid while I was gone... did we?" It would be just his luck for him to be gone while one of their enemies launches an attack. Fuck, if that was true, he really was a failure of an ally.

As he was about to say something else unrelated, he would remember what his real purpose for calling the other male here was. Swallowing the lump in his throat, Kura would dig his talons into the ground to keep himself from shaking, the facade he had attempted to put forth before returning again as he spoke. "Anyways, there's... something I must tell you, Grem. You see... that night before I-" The beast would stop, crimson eyes looking down at the patch of snow next to him. His heart was pounding, vision steadily growing blurry. "Gods, why am I so scared?" He would mutter softly, a laugh escaping his beak as he shook his head. Taking a breath, he would look back at Gremlin once more, tears pricking at the edges of his eyes. "P... Please don't be upset but... I'm... well, I'm pregnant." There. He said it. A part of him thought that finally saying those words would release him from the stress he had been under, but it didn't. Going silent once more, Kuragori had to force himself to maintain eye contact as to not look away in shame, waiting for the other male's answer.

"as the stars start to align, i hope you will take it as a sign that you will be ok"

Re: ONLY YOU ★ o, announcement - COSMIIX - 01-25-2021

Gremlin's ear would twitch at the familiar nickname feeling comforted by hearing it, he took a deep breath only offering a soft smile as he did. He felt a bit more at ease listening to the other say that he missed him too, it was enough to make his heart flutter inside his chest but he remained silent until Kura frowned at him asking what had happened "Oh! These?" He began to point to some of his injuries before waving a small paw in a dismissive manner, he snorted quietly as he continued "Nah, we didn't have a fuckin raid... I just kinda... Went to visit the other groups to get you some cool shit when you got back... I forgot to bring it here to you but I'll show you later," His spotted tail lashed to the sides a few times only did he pin it down with a paw, his attention still on the owl griffin that sat in front of him. "I'm sure your trip was a lot more eventful than my small adventures." His whiskers twitched, Grem eventually rising to his paws to get closer to the bigger creature still being quite attentive of what was going to be said. He wanted to hug the beast yet he knew better than to do that when the other had something important to tell him.

Kuragori seemed uneasy by the way he looked down at patches of snow and digging his talons into the ground, it was enough to make the small imp worry for his friend as he stood there still shaking from the cold. He had to keep his mouth shut just so his teeth wouldn't start chattering, when the night before was mentioned did he feel his entire body growing hot only to say with a nervous chuckle "Yeah, about that I wanted to say-" It wasn't long until Kuragori mumbled something else that made his frown grow bigger and then it hit him. I'm pregnant. His pupil widened in that moment, he was unsure of what to say or do. They were his... No, it would be their children. Gremlin noticed how tears were slowly forming in Kura's eyes and that was enough to make him react to what was unfolding. The small wildcat glanced around for any type of leverage but found none, he would leap forward climbing Kura's back leg until he was on his shoulder did he reach forward to wipe away the tears.

It took him a few moments to muster up what to say though a soft smile forms itself on his maw "Looks like I'll have to make a name for myself here to make sure the kids get the best, huh?" It was a murmur for Kuragori's ears alone, he pressed his body to the head of the owl griffin "Or stealing more shit... Maybe picking some odd jobs along the way," He fell silent again trying to figure out what to say, he wasn't the most emotional creature but the throbbing of his heart and the way his guts felt like they had eaten butterflies. It was enough to push out the next words from his maw "I love you... You silly overgrown bird."

Re: ONLY YOU ★ o, announcement - SirDio - 01-25-2021

Copy cat, tryna cop my manner,
Watch your back when you can't watch mine.
The wounded Warmonger was concerned for Kuragori and Grem, seeing Grem down when Kuragori wasn't around somewhat hurt her. She saw them as family, now.

Moving quietly toward the two, she halted at Kuragori's words. Pregnant. Woah. "For a moment I thought I was gonna lose a dad. Turns out I'll be having siblings soon." She approached the two, a shy smile reaching her lips. "Congrats, Dad."

Re: ONLY YOU ★ o, announcement - ninazu - 01-30-2021

The snow leopard blinked, one pupil-less eye squinted before she schooled her facial expression. Ninazu considered Gremlin too annoying and childish for a romantic partner—much less as actual father material—but she wouldn’t knock Kuragori’s taste. These two didn’t need her to understand their relationship, and, frankly, the kingpin had no interest in wasting brainpower or time speculating on their dynamic.

“Well, isn’t this adorable.” Ninazu chuckled; even if she didn’t understand how they worked, love was always… cute. No matter it’s odd forms. “Congratulations, you two. Let me know if you need medical assistance… and, if the bustle of the camp gets too much for you, feel free to head to make your own nest whenever you like. I became a horrible misanthrope, myself, when I had to deal with my own cubs.”

Re: ONLY YOU ★ o, announcement - rhosmari - 02-01-2021

Great, they were going to have more little shits running around. Perhaps she shouldn't be so envious and so jealous at the same time. Grem deserved his happy ending. He got to have the thing that she wanted most. A family that was whole and unbroken. She wished she could understand why she hurt so much over her father's death. Perhaps it had fucked up her brain, yeah, as if she wasn't already fucked up already. Excuse her bleeding heart, she moved forward to proclaim her own congratulations. Or at least she tried to proclaim it but it was like the words were glued to the roof of her mouth. Not losing a dad, gaining a bigger family. Her jaw clenched and she wanted to lash out but she knew better right? Of course not. She never did and she needed to control herself. Taking in a deep breath the woman sat down heavily and finally forced the words to leave her throat. "Congratulations you two." It sounded so much easier for her mother and she felt the ach spread from her chest.

Re: ONLY YOU ★ o, announcement - trojan g. - 02-01-2021

[align=center][div style="max-width: 450px;font-family: timesnewroman; text-size: 9pt;text-align: justify;"]text "speech"
She was too young to know about things likes the birds and bees, and much too young to even think about asking about them. So when she heard the call from her father, asking for Grem to come near, Ellie didn't think it could be anything related to children. In fact, children were the last thing she had been expecting. She'd thought it be something like asking him to go on a date, or them moving in together finally.

Coming over, stopping by Mordred, the mutated wolf would soon take a seat, watching the two as words were spoken, head soon cocking to the side in confusion. "What's a pregnant?" She would soon blurt out, looking up to her older sister, questioning gaze unmoving. She didn't care whether or not Mordred actually knew the answer, she was going to be the one who she would listen to, and that was clear.