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AN AGENT OF CHAOS ☆ ice skating gathering - Printable Version

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AN AGENT OF CHAOS ☆ ice skating gathering - RHINESTONE. - 01-25-2021

This was a bit late, admittedly, but Rhinestone didn't think it was that big of a deal. After all, the skating rink was still working pretty well. A large pool hollowed out in the sand, filled with water and then frozen over with the help of Rhine's air elementals funneling freezing air over it. Now they were left with a fairly significantly sized rink for everyone to enjoy, and the legate had set out many pairs of ice skates alongside it. He had no doubt that this would be a bit of a disaster – considering most of them didn't know how to skate, and had to get used to skating with four legs. However, it would at least be an entertaining disaster, and the serval had no intention of sitting things out. He wasn't about to sit and laugh at other people stumbling over themselves on the ice while he just relaxed. He was going to skate, even if it meant that he'd knock his eyeballs into even worse shape. Either way, it wasn't as if he was going to start skating until their guests had gotten there. Hopefully, The Pitt and The Typhoon would enjoy the whole event, and the Glades wouldn't have to worry about any kind of chaos breaking out. Rhine didn't really think it would, given The Pitt's recent decision to help The Typhoon out.

With the actual rink finished, Rhinestonestar decided to focus on the second part of the whole event – the food. He had set up a large table in the sand, sitting between two of the larger palm trees. He had then covered it in plates, trays, and utensils, making sure to bring all of the food out as well. The entire table was covered in different kinds of dishes, some just prey cooked to a decent temperature, and some actually proper meals. The serval had opted to let others make the actual proper food, since he had never really been great with cooking – he was still getting used to not just eating prey raw. Either way, he was glad that the setup seemed pretty nice to look at, and when he stepped back to inspect it fully, he found a cheerful grin coming to his muzzle. His tail was flicking eagerly behind him as he turned, calling out loudly, "Hey, everybody! Gather around for our ice skating gathering! We've got food and a rink to skate around on! Not to mention that we've got Typhooners and Pittians joining us today, so be sure to be friendly, and on your best behavior!" He hoped that everyone would be friendly, but he didn't think there would be much of an issue – especially now that Caesar was exiled.
[Image: jGD2qw5.gif]
tags + roleplayed by stilly + the palm glades

Re: AN AGENT OF CHAOS ☆ ice skating gathering - SirDio - 01-26-2021

"If I fall and die, it's on you, bossman." Medusa chuckled, padding up to Rhine and taking a glance at the ice rink. With a shrug, she gently shoved him with a paw. "At least it'll be entertaining for everyone else, y'get me?" She grinned.

"Watch Xho come barreling in, being a dumbass and slipping on the ice, haha!" She threw her head back, the primus letting out a loud laugh at the image. Then, for a moment, she got serious. "Yeah, let's make sure no one picks any fights with our friends. The Pitt can be a good fallback group if things fall here, and we can support each other with supplies. I'm already kinda biased with The Typhoon, with Xhocoatl in there."

Re: AN AGENT OF CHAOS ☆ ice skating gathering - magnum - - 01-28-2021

Ice skating. Why the hell was it Ice skating?

Magnum crept up to join Rhinestone and Medusa at the edge of the rink, looking cautiously at the frozen body of water and even placing his paw onto the ice to test it out before returning to the edge with his cigarette moving from one side of his mouth to the other. Of course, this was all in contemplation for whether or not he should risk making himself look like a fool in front of his clanmates and complete strangers from two different clans. “Three different clans all in one place, huh? Hopefully this event does strengthen things enough for us to be kept around, even if we are the smallest of the group here. It definitely doesn't mean we can’t provide to the alliance.” The wolf commented with a puff of smoke, glancing at the food with interest before turning his attention back to the serval and leopard.....snake....thing that Medusa was.

Hold up, I’m going to make a fool of myself first so you guys look better.

The wolf chuckled at this, moving over to the table decked out with all sorts of food for him to try. But, he was going to need something he could balance a long with his cigarette. His eyes swept around and eyed the perfect dessert for him, a simple chocolate chip that was picked up and balanced on his nose as the canid took careful steps back towards the two. Magnum reached up to take off his hat, placing it on Medusa’s own head before moving the cookie into his mouth, cigarette still balanced in his lips somehow. “Awlrfwright, fwere I gogh.” Magnum choked out pass the cookie as he moved a few steps back with a big, dumb grin. It was quick, but he was now bolting towards the ice and jumping as soon as he reached the edge of the rink, laughing all the while he skid across the ice.


Re: AN AGENT OF CHAOS ☆ ice skating gathering - rhosmari - 01-28-2021

He couldn't say that he was a social butterfly. But at least he tried every now and then and he didn't want to come off as antisocial. He liked having conversations with many people here in the Glades but the other groups were a little bit different. They could sometimes have vastly different thoughts than him on how to handle things or what was going on and he was afraid he could offend. Still he knew what this whole event was about, to strengthen relations and being people together. Rhine had worked hard to set all of this up so he wasn't about to skip out and he was sure that he would have fun. Carefully he made his way over, glowing white pawpads visible with each step as he made his way to the area. The first thing he saw was Magnum skidding across the ice and he couldn't help the smile that blossomed upon his maw. The wolf sure was doing better since he joined and had healed up it looked like. He was glad for him and he couldn't help the small chuckle that left his muzzle from his antics. He wondered when the other groups would show up and he looked around before he setlted on the food that was prepared for them.

Walking over he looked at everything and it all looked so good. But the moment the smells invaded his nostrils he almost gagged. Stomach doing flips and he stepped back before scrunching up his nose. It was like this almost everytime. He didn't understand what was wrong as he didn't have problems with food before. Slowly his tongue swiped over his golden colored teeth before he walked away and decided to test the ice rink. He had never skated in his life but well, he had a chance now. Narrowing his eyes and sticking his tongue out he held a look of perfect concentration as he pressed a paw on to the ice. So far so good. He then proceeded to place another paw onto the ice, head lowered and and then he scooted. But that was the wrong move and he went flailing across the ice, swirling in circles. ''Oh geez, it's cold!'' He hissed as he fumbled and twisted to stand up straight but all he did was end up with crossed limbs and wide eyes.
code by Reggan

Re: AN AGENT OF CHAOS ☆ ice skating gathering - SirDio - 01-28-2021

The Primus turned her gaze to Magnum, nodding to his words. "I'll make a fool of myself on the ice, that's for damn sure." She smiled, then blinked as Magnum placed his hat atop her head. 'I'm not a coat hanger, cowboy." Despite the words she wheezed a laugh watching him skid across the ice.

She waved a paw to Sorbet, a hint of worry in her eyes. She didn't know what was wrong with her son, but she wanted to help if he would allow it. But watching him attempt to skate sent her almost doubling over in laughter, with a paw keeping the hat on her head. "Hang on let me have a go!"

With a running start she planted her paws on the ice only to let out a yelp as her forelegs shot out from under her, hind legs scrabbling for balance. Her tail slid across the ice in a drifting motion and she cackled. Medusa, almost dizzy from laughter, ended up falling on her ass, which only caused more laughter from the hybrid.

Re: AN AGENT OF CHAOS ☆ ice skating gathering - WINTERHYMNS P. - 01-28-2021

Ice skating... It was a familiar activity that Winterhymns felt joy in doing, he was excited upon hearing about it and now that he was walking over to see the rink did his heart leap out of his chest. A smile being present on his maw as the feline made his way over only to hear that the Typhoon and Pitt would be coming over to join them on the ice. He was excited at the possibility of meeting new people when they did decide to arrive and his tail lashed to the sides in an enthusiastic manner, he already saw a few of his clanmates beginning to slide across the ice. It was enough to make a giggle erupt from his maw, he took some steps forward only to purr "Well, the lot of you are graceful at ice skating." It had been a while since he had done any ice skating not since he was home, he twitched his whiskers lightly deciding that he might as well make a fool of himself but at the very least, he would be enjoying himself and spending time with his clanmates. "Alright, here I go." He mumbled to himself taking some closer steps until his pawpads touched the ice, he flinched momentarily  though he carefully pushed himself forward with his back leg.

He offered those already slipping and falling on their asses a smile, he nearly slipped the first few times and nearly landed on his face but managed to catch himself with a gasp. His tail lashed a few times as he stood there momentarily, Winterhymns eventually began to move around the ice a bit almost slipping now and then though it took a few moments before he was skating smoothly with a grin on his maw. "It gradually gets easier over time," He said with a purr leaving his jaws deciding that he would head over in the direction of where Magnum had slid to, Winter couldn't quite remember how to stop himself whilst skating and it only occurred to him last minute but he was already bumping into Magnum with a loud gasp leaving him. "Whoops, its seems I'm still a bit rusty at skating." He managed to say in stumbling words feeling flustered in that moment with the wolf's fur in his face, he moved away standing a ways from the lupine finding a short, timid laugh leaving him.

Re: AN AGENT OF CHAOS ☆ ice skating gathering - Keona. - 02-02-2021

keona sibéal ní faoláin.
the typhoon.
the blind dealer.
[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2a4971; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 2px;"]Idir brí is idir muir, Tá mé i dtiúin
The tiny wildcat was far from social.  Far from excited.  But she had accepted the invitation.  It hardly felt polite to remain at home.  Even if skating was not the most appealing pastime to her.  Slipping and sliding into others did not sound like her kind of fun.  Even if she could control water.

Keona's ears flicked back as she padded forward.  Idly moving against the clamor of excited voices.  At least the Palm Gladers were having fun.  Hopefully, her crewmates would too.  And leave her to quietly observe.  The dealer waved her tail, moving towards Rhinestonestar in familiarity.

If nothing else, this event was a chance to know more about the Typhoon's new allies.  "Aloha," she offered softly.  "'an mahalo, again."

Re: AN AGENT OF CHAOS ☆ ice skating gathering - RHINESTONE. - 02-05-2021

Well, they had certainly gotten quite the turnout, hadn't they? Granted, the majority of the people currently there were from the Glades only, but that was alright. Rhine was just as happy to see his groupmates having fun as he was seeing everyone else do the same. The serval had a playful smile on his muzzle as he heard Medusa, snorting before he muttered softly, "Well, hopefully if that ends up happening you'll come back again, considering that'd be a pretty embarrassing way to go." His tone was lighthearted and joking, dark black gaze moving off of the hybrid as Magnum approached. The other's words caused Rhinestone's smile to grow, nodding before he spoke, "Well said, Magnum. The Typhoon saw our worth – hopefully The Pitt will too." While he knew The Pitt didn't really have traditional alliances, it wouldn't hurt to have a beneficial alliance with the desert dwelling group, at least in the legate's opinion. Although, any and all thoughts of Palm Glades's political options went out the window as Magnum went barreling onto the ice, causing Rhinestonestar to burst out laughing, shaking his head.

The rest of the Glades members that went onto the ice weren't any more graceful, with Win probably being the best of them – until he crashed into Magnum, that is. Although, something told Rhine that the other didn't really mind, considering the way he stumbled over his words. The leader himself was about to go on the ice, only to hear a slightly familiar and small voice speak up nearby, causing him to look down and see Keona. He offered the Typhoon dealer a bright smile, even if he had been made aware of the fact that she couldn't see it. He then spoke warmly, short tail flicking behind him, "Hello there... Keona, right? It's nice to see that you've decided to come, so... thank you, I suppose." He then glanced over at the ice, muttering, "Ah, and... don't worry about skating, if you don't want to. You're perfectly free to just eaf some of the food and talk, if you'd rather." He had to imagine that Keona would have a more difficult time out on the ice, considering her vision. Not that he would fare much better, considering his own poor vision problems.

However, it seemed in poor taste to just watch everyone else out on the ice without doing any skating himself. So, after greeting Keona, the lanky serial made his way over to the slates, pulling them onto his paws before he awkwardly approached the ice. He already had a difficult time getting around thanks to his lengthy legs, but this was even worse. The first step out onto the frozen lake already sent him sprawling, the legate sliding forward until his chin connected with ice. He then let out a grunt of frustration, mumbling as he glanced upwards, "Well... I suppose it could've been worse." At least he was still on top of the ice, rather than falling through it.

Re: AN AGENT OF CHAOS ☆ ice skating gathering - gael - 02-05-2021

Just as his cousin approached for the sake of politeness, so did the Ardent of the Pitt.  The vulpine hardly possessed a party spirit, but he did possess curiosity and the knowledge of diplomacy.  After all, the responsibilities of leadership could easily keep one at home.  However doing so would dismiss the opportunity the Palm Glades had presented him with -- to better understand their new neighbors, their intentions and their lifestyle.

The Faerie approached his cousin first; spotting her tiny figure speaking with Rhinestonestar.  He wondered if she had inherited her father's ability to manipulate water, although he doubted it would encourage her onto the ice.  His head inclined lightly as he padded forward, making sure to greet the Palm Glades leader first.

"Dia dhuit, Rhinestonestar.  We appreciate the invite."

He took a seat besides Keona then, resting his thoughtful gaze on the Typhoon Dealer.  He had the feeling she, like himself, did not attend these events for the social aspect -- a more thoughtful and reserved soul.  Nothing like Kian then; a thought that intrigued him.

"Keona -- I believe I've heard Kian call you Sibéal before?  Do you have a preference?"  No doubt, her two names were due to her parents' preferences; a Hawaiian name from her mother and an Irish from her father.  It had been the same with Gael's children.
BUT I PROMISE YOU I'LL KEEP YOU SAFE   gael ó broin / faerie / ardent

Re: AN AGENT OF CHAOS ☆ ice skating gathering - SHERBET - 02-06-2021

An ice cream tabby swaggered around, splats of rainbow sherbet littering the ground of where he walked. His pastel green eyes were half-lidded as he took in all the festivities. Sherbet lifted a paw to shake off excess sand from The Glades as he muttered, "Getting better at keeping the sand off." Giving himself a cursory shake of his ice cream pelt, he began to skitter to the ice rink, keeping an eye out for anyone he could converse with.

Sherbet finally made it to the ice rink and brightened significantly, it was cold! He jumped onto the ice and chirped with excitement, and began to slide a bit before he suddenly stopped. The tabby looked at his paws and frowned as he seen little paw pad shaped green goop behind him. With a tug, Sherbet tried freeing his paws from the ice, but he found, with a lack of reaction, that he was stuck. The rainbow sherbet tabby threw his head back and let out a boisterous laugh, his body shaking until he was wheezing and coughing, "I always forget I stick to incredibly cold things!"

As he was stuck, and probably would be for a while, Sherbet folded into a loaf on the ice as he watched everyone skate and decided he could give tips if anyone asked and yell out encouragement to anyone. He had a huge smile on his face as he swept his tail to lay beside him and decided this will be a good day.

"Speaking" & 'Thinking'