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I'm Sorry, Berlin - Nightmare - Printable Version

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I'm Sorry, Berlin - Nightmare - SirDio - 01-25-2021

The night could not had been more of a wreck. Anxiety held the Mau in it's iron grip even into sleep. The girl tossed and turned in her bed, muttering indiscernibly in her sleep. There was so much wrong in the dream.. the nightmare. Mom, dad, Berlin and Hadrix, all gone. Gone. Gone. Gone.

Lucy stood up in the bed, eyes wide, ears pinned back. [color=#093044]"Berlin..! Berlin.. Mom.. No.." Her words were quiet, just above a whisper. With haste she threw herself off the bed and, grabbing her sketchbook and pencil, exited her Hut and sat on the porch, bathing in the moonlight that barely hit her page. Even as she pressed pencil against paper, she couldn't draw him. That.. that.. [color=#093044]"That bastard.. Damn him.. Damn him to hell.."

Re: I'm Sorry, Berlin - Nightmare - brandykit - 01-25-2021

Sleep tended to elude him on nights like this. Clear, pale nights where the moon was the brightest and the stars relayed their distances by twinkling against the dark ink of the sky. More oft then not, Brandy found his paws dragging in the sand, his eyes sunken in and his vision lowered. The way the crack ran down his soul, eating at his muscles and causing some kind of.. dizziness. Some kind of hunger in his.. body? His soul? He couldn't fathom what could ease his starvation, but as he walked, it brought him right back to the huts.

A soft sigh exited his muzzle. It always led him here, this feeling, this hunger. And it was slowly dawning on him what the hunger truly was, what he was really looking for. And the longer he walked, the more often these sleepless nights plagued him, the more he truly wanted to avoid this place. Maybe he should have stayed in the sea, remained asleep for some kind of demon to take his soul and return it back to his home. Clearly, he wasn't the original.

But the mumblings from her muzzle caused his head to turn, green visionaries searching porches until he found the white figure hidden underneath the porch cover, moonlight barely drafting her pages and the subtle sense of fear in the air causing his stomach to turn. Brandy bit his lip for a moment, and considered turning and running, tail tucked around his leg. His namesake slowly reminded him, the vision of what his mother once was, and he shook it off, slowly stepping closer. "Lucy? You awake?" He questioned as he approached, his voice lowered to provide those perhaps sleeping nicely peace and quiet yet.


Re: I'm Sorry, Berlin - Nightmare - michael t. - 01-25-2021

In the past, Michael had struggled with nightmares quite a bit. There were various causes for said nightmares, whether they be brought on by his father's old abuse, his own struggles with his sexuality, or his worries over Trevor, just in general. Nowadays, though, he didn't really have them. It was a pleasant feeling, being able to just lay down and relax before he slipped off into a peaceful and dreamless sleep. He wasn't sure what had stopped them, but he was grateful for whatever it was – probably Trevor's presence, if he really thought about it. Either way, he didn't have to worry about nightmares coming up as often anymore, and that meant that the source of his tiredness was no longer from nightmares – instead, it was just from general Typhoon stress. He'd much rather take the stress of being a dealer and helping out his sister over just having terrifying nightmares, though.

When it came to his fellow crewmates, though, Michael tried his best to help with stuff like this. He wasn't amazing at comforting others, since he still sometimes struggled with understanding the emotions of others – or even himself sometimes, either – but he could at least try. He was drawn over by Brandyskies initially, wondering what it was that the younger male was asking about. Of course, when he saw the look on Lucy's face, he immediately knew where the concern was coming from. The bobcat's ears briefly flattened against his skull before he spoke, a sigh leaving him, "Lucy...? You don't look so good... sleep not going well?" He had to assume that whe was awake now, considering she was shredding the paper beneath her paws with a pencil. He wasn't sure if she was actually trying to draw, or if she was just trying to destroy.

Re: I'm Sorry, Berlin - Nightmare - SirDio - 01-25-2021

Her anger was taken down as she glanced to Brandy, Berlin forgotten for the time being and her paws letting go of the tearing paper she held beneath them. [color=#093044]"Yes.. Yes I'm awake." and she didn't want to be awake.

Michael's voice reached her and she turned to face him, gritting her teeth behind a thin smile. [color=#093044]"Yes, i... nightmares aren't fun.."