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A MILLION DREAMS ◇ JOINER - Printable Version

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Winterhymns carried the crimes and sins he had committed on his shoulders, his gaze half closed and tired. He had done a bad thing yet... He didn't want his younger cousin to go through the same thing he had when he was young, naive, and stupidly in love. The thought of it left a bitter taste in his mouth but, he had already did his best to take care of Averill only to make the journey to Tanglewood and drop off the boy. His brother insisted that he stayed but if those soldiers have been following, he would rather not endanger those close to him. His pawpads were raw and bleeding from his frequent traveling so, he figured that he would stay the night even if he felt guilty about doing such a thing. When the sun rose, Winterhymns did the same not bothering to bid farewell knowing he would visit once he knew that he wasn't being hunted down. He felt guilt... He felt completely horrid for leaving his family but he did not wish harm come their way. He had done enough damage and without a word, the Pendragon left Tanglewood not stopping when someone spoke to him.

Eventually, the man found a place that would put some distance between himself and those soldiers. A soft breath leaving him as his bleeding paws pressed against the sand, he wished to soak his paws in the ocean yet... He knew better than to do that. This wasn't his home so he shouldn't get comfortable quite yet. He shrugged his shoulders lightly as he stopped at the border with his folded ears twitching ever so slightly, a frown on his maw. He was lost in his own thoughts trying to figure out what he would do if they came here, it filled him with dread but he tried to think in a more positive light. For now, he could try befriending the locals and situating himself here. He could do that easily since he was quite the social butterfly or that's what Eternalknight always told him. A soft huff left him, Winnie shook his head "Some brother I am... Leaving them just as we were reunited." Guilt gripped at his chest though he had his reasons and continued to believe them to be valid. He was doing this for their well being.

"Right... Relaxed posture... Take a deep breath." He mumbled under his breath adjusting the bow that was on his neck, he would take a deep breath before exhaling. "You are the man and you can do this," He encouraged himself in inaudible mumbles, Win would ease down completely until a pleasant smile found itself present on his face. He was ready. "Hello, I am Winterhymns Pendragon and I would like to join... If you'll have me, of course." That was simple enough.

Re: A MILLION DREAMS ◇ JOINER - SirDio - 01-25-2021

When the only woman you feared has been killed, you can really live in a bit of peace. Then again, there was the mild panic about losing your friends and family and the boy you considered a son but all in all... peace.

The Primus had been finishing a patrol and went toward the beach, wishing up a few sprites to keep her company on the walk. The scent of a newcomer sent her on edge, but as she followed the scent, she heard the voice and felt a little more calmer. Winterhymns, huh? "That's a neat name. Kinda like what some of these guys have here in Palm Glades," She rumbled as he approached the man, the sprites appearing a little more skittish.

"My name is Medusa - I'm the second in command, or primus, of The Palm Glades. I don't think you joining should be a problem, but Rhine would have to approve, which I'm sure he will." She grinned, tail sliding across the sand and pulling around to her forelegs.

Re: A MILLION DREAMS ◇ JOINER - magnum - - 01-25-2021

Crimes were something the young wolf was almost kindred spirits with for a while now. Whether they me of murder, thievery and even one count of arson that wasn’t entirely his fault. But, they were shown with the few visible scars on his face and the lesser known ones that danced across his stomach from those he had wronged not all too long ago. He may not have been around very long, but it was obvious that he had stories like no other. It was his only claim to being anyone worth a glance in this land he was in. Magnum’s eyes widened slightly at the scenery around him, noting his continued stay with a puff of smoke from the cigarette dangling from his mouth at the time. If he was the seasoned criminal he had identified with for all this time, how come he was settling down in this tropical island and fighting alongside them to chase of the creep that stole his gold, rocks and shells from them.


Magnum chuckled at the slip of his mental tongue at the thought of being a part of his strange family of misfits. But, it seemed to bother him less and less the longer he stayed despite his injury healing up faster now that he had a place to rest. Another few puffs of his cigarette and a nervous bite at the filter had him up on all fours as he began to wander off towards a scent that seemed to break his train of though and the cloud of smoke around him. It wasn’t one of those damn coalition creeps again, from the smell of it. Something much softer and foreign that made his ears flick at the faint audio from afar. Alright, so now he was greeting the weirdo at the border, huh? What a strange feeling, all of this was.

As soon as he saw him, his teeth clenched harder onto the cigarette and he took a long drag before releasing the smoke in the opposite direction from the lone feline. His pelt was all sorts of browns, all in a big fluffy mix that seemed to accentuate the big purple eyes set in the middle of it all. Not to mention the they very painfully. Magnum’s body became tense with each step closer he took before he was now standing right before the feline with a rather stoic expression on his face. “ Winterhymn Pendragon, eh? Quite a mouthful for such a small fellow.” Magnum’s voice rolled into it’s deeper tones, only now noticing that Medusa was also there with them as they greeted the newcomer.

Magnum Daisuke. I’m sorta new here as well, so we kinda have something in common.


Truthfully, Rhinestone had never really been someone who committed crimes. Of course, the legate supposed that fact depended in who you were asking about him. His fellow Glades members had probably never thought of him as a villain, but if you asked any of the Coalition, they would probably say he was a right bastard. Hell, there was even a chance that some of the older members of the Palm Glades would consider him to be a criminal because of the changes that he had made. All the changes to ranks, and traditions, not to mention the fact that he let in hybrids like Medusa. Thankfully, most of the immunes who had been like that had either adapted to the changes, or they had left, and he couldn't say that he was sad to see them go. He was fairly sure that Medusa was glad to see them gone as well, since Medusa didn't deserve to deal with other members who thought her very existence was a crime.

Either way, Rhine wouldn't consider himself to have committed crimes in the same way that Winter and Magnum were thinking about. Regardless, the legate tried not to judge others based off of their pasts. There were exceptions to the rule – such as Caesar, with his rather unfortunate past – but most of the time, the serval wanted to give others a chance. Of course, the male had no knowledge of any wrongdoings Winter may have committed in the past, approaching casually with a kind smile on his muzzle. Medusa had already taken care of the usual introduction, so Rhinestonestar was free to just wave his short tail in greeting, purring softly, "Welcome to the Palm Glades then, Winterhymns. I must admit, it's a surprise to meet someone outside of the Glades with a two part name. They're not a required thing around here, but they were tradition for quite a while... are you from anywhere near here?" He couldn't help but feel curious, considering two part names weren't tradition in pretty much any of the other groups that he knew of.

He was getting off topic, though. After all, Winterhymns was here for a reason. With a bit of a sheepish look crossing his face, the black eyed male then muttered, "Ah... sorry, let my curiosity get the best of me. My name is Rhinestonestar, and I'm the legate of the Palm Glades, or the leader. You may call me Rhine though, if it's easier for you. Like Medusa said, there shouldn't be any issue with you joining us. So... welcome. Be sure to let me know if you have any questions, or need any guidance. Our territory is fairly large, with our camp and the boardwalk, so I understand if it takes you some time to know where you're going." He never minded giving others tours, especially since it gave him an opportunity to show off his favorite parts of the territory. Although, it was sometimes hard for him to pick his favorite parts, considering how much he loved nearly every single part of it – save for the Twisted Forest.
[Image: jGD2qw5.gif]
tags + roleplayed by stilly + the palm glades

Re: A MILLION DREAMS ◇ JOINER - rhosmari - 01-25-2021

New faces were popping up and he remembered when he had been new. Although his joining had not been the most pleasant of things. Especially since he had collapsed on the territory at the edge of the waves before actually being let in to join. But that had been when he had been a hybrid himself. A jaguar and direwolf hybrid to be exact and well now he wasn't. Because of a death that had his body now in the waves of the ocean with The Brim. He couldn't say that he missed his glowing body very much given that it was a dead give away to the sea witches who had wanted him and his mother dead. They had it now and he could at least be at ease that they were tricked and thought that he was dead. Although that was still a worry in the back of his mind that he could meet that thing again. The thing that had hunted him and poisoned him somehow. He wasn't sure of where it had gone but he hoped it never came back here. It was dangerous, clearly very dangerous and he didn't want someone else being captured within it's jaws. The maned wolf slowly made his way toward the growing close, golden blue eyes focused on what was happening in front of him. He didn't know the individual that was asking to join but the name was pretty. He liked it. ''Hey, um, welcome. I really like your name. Winterhymns is really pretty. Mine is Sorbet and I'm a Gladiator here.'' He introduced himself after he had waited for everyone else to say their piece.

He didn't think he wanted to shorten up the other's name given the circumstances. He liked how it sounded. Flicking his elegant tails slightly back and forth the tall and skinny canine like creature would give a smile. He liked to see new people honestly, it made Palm Glades feel alive and bustling. More and more individuals meant a wide variety of animals he could get to know and befriend.
[Image: lnnqViN.gif]
How, how much to light up my star again and rewire all my thoughts? Oh baby, won't you remind me what I am? And break, break my little cold heart. I'm living someone else's life. Suppressing who I was inside. I don't know if I can be alone again. I don't know if I can sleep alone again.

%u2014 Sorbet Monroe Roux


When the first person appeared, he had not expecting to see a snake hybrid of sorts yet he wasn't taken back by her appearance. She was beautiful truly and the way her scales shone in the sunlight was enough to make his pleasant smile grow a bit bigger before finding his voice "Thank you, milady." He dipped his cranium in a polite manner only to find a chuckle leaving his maw with both of his ears twitching lightly, he lifted a paw to his chest as a purr escaped him "Ah yes, my name is rather charming though... If it proves to be tiresome on the tongue feel free to call me Win or Winnie, I do not mind being called either by such a lovely woman as yourself. Such radiant scales you have as well. It reminds me of the gemstones back home," There was a pause only for him to apologize with a light chuckle "Ah, pardon me and my rambling. It is a pleasure to meet you, Medusa." With a flick of his tail, he would briefly turn away from her before feeling his fur beginning to rise at the sight of a wolf standing in front of him. Win was unsure of how to act but that stoic expression made his face heat up with some form of embarrassment, the lupine had startled him to say the least.

Suddenly, the man spoke to him and what he said next made his face grow even hotter though he brushed it off with a short bout of laughter "Well, if it makes it any easier for you. You may address me as Win, Winnie, or Winter. Perhaps that will be a preferable name length for someone of my stature, old sport?" He used one of his paws to brush down his ruffled coat continuing to listen to the lupine before finally catching his name did the small feline perk up. Magnum Daisuke. What a charming name for such... A rugged man. Win pushed away those thoughts with a polite smile forming itself on his maw "Well, it is a pleasure to meet you, Magnum." When the other mentioned how he was new as well, it made the Pendragon tilt his head to the side "Oh how quaint, it'll be nice to have something in common with someone else here." He would've continued to speak to Magnum had it not been for the arrival of others, Winterhymns would cast the wolf one more look before his attention was fixated onto Rhinestonestar.

It seemed like he was the leader of the group, the fluffy felines tail brushing against the sand lightly as he spoke with a light nod of his cranium "Thank you for the welcome. It is greatly appreciated... As for where I am from well, it is not near unfortunately. Although, within my family we have two part names since it is a tradition of ours... It didn't pass on though seeing as my younger cousins have singular names." His own soft purrs would grow a bit louder until the other decided to introduce himself, it amused him really how the other's curiosity had gotten the best of him but Win wouldn't mention it. He brushed it off just for now. "You needn't apologize but it is a pleasure to meet you, Rhinestonestar. And I'll definitely go to you if I have any inquiries. I have only been here for a few moments but I truly believe this will become a new home to me soon enough." He mused closing his eyes in a sweet manner.

Soon enough, the attention of someone else caught his eye and what was said next made him flush completely. It left him quiet for a moment only to finally pick himself up together and began to speak "Why thank you! That's the first I've heard someone compliment my name today." Winterhymns adjusted the bow around his neck, his eyes half closed as his purrs eventually died down "You have a lovely name as well, it is a pleasure to meet you." He rose to his paws having sat down for the moment, he glanced over all the individuals that had gathered there to greet and welcome him. He watched the wolf from the corner of his eye though he lightly shook his head and turned to face them all with a polite dip of his cranium "Once again, I thank you all for the warm welcome."