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so so sweet - open; battle sparing / breakdown - Printable Version

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so so sweet - open; battle sparing / breakdown - rhosmari - 01-24-2021

Cold heated breathes left the monster. Crisp vapors from throat and nostrils as she heaved a breath in and then another one. Two individuals looked on, worry clear in their eyes. The smell of iron soaking the air as the lioness shifted her stance. The pain ment nothing to her, the sting of cold numbing anything that would hamper her movements. She was ready but she saw their hesitation and she snapped at them for it. "No fucking hesitation! Your enemy won't and I assure you they will take pleasure in tearing your families apart! Now attack me!" She spat like a frothing creation of death and the two seemed to get back their resolve back. The lion held fast and attacked her first, teeth burrowing into her side but the Warmonger was quick to snap her jaws against his face in turn. Flesh and flesh tore and blood splattered the ground. He let out a sharp cry but shook his head as hot anger consumed. The smaller canine went for a flank but the woman saw him coming. Noted that he was the smarter of the two and sudden a wall of ice rose up in front of him. He slammed against it and crumpled to the ground. Pathetic. While one was out of commission for the moment they blue tinted demon turned her attention back on the lion. Anger pulsed through her body. Thoughts weaving together. It wasn't fair. None of it was fair. How could he let this happen?

Everything seemed to blur together and she felt like she was back at that raid again. Watching death and blood be spilled. But the one death that shouldn't have happened. The horror in her eyes as her parents fell. Her body was in motion and she was fighting with blind rage. Claws scoring against flesh, deaf to pained cries and pleas. Teeth finding a neck and clutching down tighter. They would pay. They would all pay. Heated tears slipping down her face. Paws beating hastily against her side, a scream into her ears. "MISS SOJOURN PLEASE! YOU'LL KILL HIM IF YOU DON'T LET GO!" The canine from before. Her mind lapsed and suddenly she was back in the winter wonderland. The lion struggling beneath her and his friend desperate. Her eyes and tear stained face screwed up and she pulled her teeth from his body in a sudden jerk. Fuck.

Re: so so sweet - open; battle sparing / breakdown - SirDio - 01-24-2021

Brutei wasn't a combat-savy man. His small size never allowed much combat effectiveness, but he made up with a sly nature and quick actions. But he did want to improve, so hearing Sojourn yelling at someone for a fight, he wanted in.

What he wasn't expecting was Sojourn biting down on a fellow wanderer, even if she did let go. "What the hell is happening here."

Icy eyes drifted past Sojourn to the other lion, walking up to him to make sure he was alive, placing a cold paw agaisnt the side of his neck just behind his jaw.

Releasing his paw, he turned to face Sojourn and, despite the size difference, spoke as stern as he could, "Mind telling me what you just did? What happened here, what caused it."

Re: so so sweet - open; battle sparing / breakdown - COSMIIX - 01-24-2021

Unlike Brutei, Gremlin didn't take shit seriously or at least, he was aware that Sojourn would only get a slap on the wrist for what she did considering that her mommy was the badass bitch running the operation now. The smaller wildcat usually didn't fight seeing as he used his size for sneaking around and only ever used his elemental abilities to perform a killing blow. A snort would leave his maw as he approached pulling at the fur coat that covered his small body, his single eye fixating on the wanderer who had just been choked out by Sojourn. "Damn Jojo. Did the guy steal your skittles or some shit? You nearly took em out," He said in his usual sarcastic voice only to twitch his only good ear as Brutei began to sound rather stern, Grem couldn't help but roll his single eye. He could recall Sojourn being distraught about the death of her father, he wasn't a psychologist by any means but clearly, there was some daddy issues afoot. The Asian leopard cat would lift up one of his hind legs to scratch behind his head before shaking himself off.

"Yo Frozone, give her a moment to breathe." A soft snort leaving him as he took the moment to approach the lioness not seeming to be scared of the slightest possibility of being the next person who she could maul. He was a demon or how Kura put it... Little imp. He would just pop up the next day though, he wasn't sure if anyone was aware of that just yet, it warranted a shrug from himself at the thought. Oh well. Grem would place a small paw on her larger one and gave it a few pats before speaking "Now, take some deep breaths and try to calm down." The demonic feline lashed his spotted tail to the sides as he sat there close to her and it was quite a ridiculous sight, such a small wildcat next to someone who could easily break his spine with a snap of powerful jaws. "The last thing we need, Jojo, is killing one another." He decided to finish with.

Wow, he was shit at comforting people wasn't he?

Re: so so sweet - open; battle sparing / breakdown - rhosmari - 01-24-2021

Her eyes stared at the struggling lion. He was having a heard time breathing but then again she knew the reason why. After all her teeth had been in his throat. His canine friend was desperate it seemed and was trying to make him get up. But her eyes soon whipped upwards at the voice of another Wanderer as he approached. Brutei. Her claws broke into the cold frozen ground as he talked to her, as if she was some naughty child that needed to be reprimanded. Black began to crawl into the whites of her eyes, the pastel pink slowly deepening. Her muzzle curled lightly as she looked at then other. "Excuse me, I don't remember feeling obligated to tell you anything." Or to tell anyone anything for that matter.  Lifting a paw she was about to wipe at her tear stricken face before she heard Gremlin's remark.

His sarcastic voice set her on edge but as he moved closer to her and placed his paw on her own she stiffened. She wasn't used to others caring about her disposition or about her in general. And even if it was fake ir was disarming to the lioness. The pats brought her back to reality and from her dark thoughts and she tried to do as he said. Just breathe. But it was harder than she thought it would be. Everything had crumbled around her. She felt lost, she felt betrayed but worse of all she was just angry and confused. Maybe she was just an overgrown child. The last thing they needed was to be killing each other. It made sense. Finally she lifted a paw and brushed it against her face, fur tinted darker from the moisture. "Yeah, right. Well...he needs medical help. I'm not going to go ballistic on anyone. Just....whatever." The Warmonger was never good with her feelings.

Re: so so sweet - open; battle sparing / breakdown - SirDio - 01-24-2021

Brutei held his breath, in all honesty, seeing Sojourn react to his words. He took a step back, ignoring Gremlin but closing his eyes as he recollected himself. She had a right to be mad, to lash out. After all, didn't he? When he killed Ezekiel? It seemed such a long time ago. And his words - he sounded like his father and he hated that. His words were a whisper, "Right.. Sorry. It's been rougher for you than it has been for me." He kept his distance, knowing he'd say something stupid and end up dead again.

Even he breathed softly, his solace replaced with an anger. Not toward anyone but himself and The Typhoon. Himself for speaking the way he did, and The Typhoon for tearing away this girl's father from her. Not like he knew what fatherly love was, or the love of a child to their parents. He bit back words and simply called out for someone to get the lion medical attention.