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it's a pleasure dear to have you here }} veganism - Printable Version

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it's a pleasure dear to have you here }} veganism - Alexandre - 01-23-2021

Sickness swamped Alexandre for weeks on end. Every meal was followed by heaving and nausea that overtook his day. No matter the prey or how rotten the kitten struggled to keep any solids down. He had tried everything. His patience was wearing thin by the day. While he usually enjoyed his tall, lanky stature, the unbearable fact that he was getting skinnier by the day was haunting him. Fragile ribs began to show through what skin he lacked and his legs grew weary, stumbling across the territory wherever he went. His state was growing weak. The kitten didn't want to admit defeat, but he knew if he continued, his body would eventually consume itself and die off. There had to be other ways.

Though not practical, the idea of veganism was mentioned in passing. Felines weren't geared to surviving as vegans, but he had to try. After gathering a variety of leaves and berries throughout the tropical island, the horned feline settled near the pier with a bowl from the Capricorn Tavern before him. His orange hues stared down at the bowl. A frown lined his maw, obviously uninterested in the array of colorful fruits and veggies before his eyes. Swallowing his pride, the kitten lowered his maw to the rim and slowly wrapped his tongue around a heap of his makeshift salad.

With the first burst of flavor in his mouth, Alexandre's brow furrowed. So far so good. Every pop and crunch of ingredients satisfied his pallet, but there was no answer to whether or not the food would stay down. His head pulled away from the bowl. His pink tongue wiped the juices off his chin, questioning his eventual fate. Nonetheless, the kitten momentarily pushed the bowl away and looked out towards the ocean that lined the pier. The salt in the air made him feel woozy. He'd wait until he ate more for now.

// tldr: alexandre is getting sick off prey, so he's trying something new. he's noticeably skinny due to lack of nutrients, probably prompting concern and worry.

Re: it's a pleasure dear to have you here }} veganism - ASVINI - 01-24-2021

[div style="max-width: 600px; height: 24px; background: #2F1313; padding: 5px; line-height: 15px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; color: #673F3F;"][align=center] — [b]JAGLIONESS - TYPHOON - MEMBER - TAGS
As a lion, she had born and bred a predator. Despite the fact her body was of a different design now, that fact hadn't changed- predator of prey, red meat, the savor of blood as she fed herself. More often then not, these days, she cooked the meat. Easier to share, that way. So when she heard the crunching of leaves and the near-hungry gulps of food the child was taking, Deldrach had started to wander his way instead. It must've been hell, she thought critically, for this child to not be able to eat a meat diet.

As she looked at him, holding her breath for a long moment, seeing the skin and bones that he presented, she understood. Slowly, her brow furrowed for a moment, before clearing her throat. She hadn't meant to stand there, thinking to herself. "You're one of the Roux children, yes? My name is Deldrach." She slowly stepped up next to him, sitting down slowly. Her body must've towered over him, shifting her front paws for a long moment. "How was your salad?"

Re: it's a pleasure dear to have you here }} veganism - riftweaver - 01-24-2021


[div style="background-color:#242924;width:90%;max-height:200px;overflow: auto;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;color: white;"] "speech"

The Roux family was extensive, and Riftweaver had list track of most of them. He was very concerned with the weight this young child held, and so he approached despite not necessarily being aware of their shared kinship. "Are you okay?" Really... blunt. But he wasn't gonna beat around the bush.

Re: it's a pleasure dear to have you here }} veganism - Alexandre - 01-24-2021

His head snapped back at the lion's words. Orange eyes wearily stared at Deldrach in surprise, thinking he would've been left alone in this tucked away spot of the pier. Alexandre was found though. He lowered his gaze to the floor and heat rushed to his face in embarrassment. "Yeah, Roxanne and Diya are my moms," he muttered lowly. As she began to sit down next to him, his ears pinned to the back of his head. "My name is Alexandre. Alex for short... If you will." The feline subtly shifted his head upwards, looking up at her momentarily, only to move back down at his bowl moments later. "Nice to meet you, Deldrach."

Her breath practically warmed the back of his neck. Deldrach's looming figure made him uneasy, but her intentions were good and he wanted to keep talking, despite how his stomach turned. "It was good," the kitten mentioned. With a paw, he shoved his bowl towards her. "Do you want the rest?" Nausea was beginning to hit him hard. He presumed it was due to the rush of food in his system, not because of his newfound diet. If anyone wanted his scraps, then so be it.

Another voice. Alexandre cautiously looked towards the colorful hybrid, offering a stiff nod. "Yeah..." He momentarily paused to swallow the food going up his throat, almost leading him to gag. 'Not again.' With a forced smile, he begun to lie through his gritted teeth. "I'm fine."

Re: it's a pleasure dear to have you here }} veganism - bubblegum - 01-24-2021

DEAR FRIEND as you know,  your flowers are withering
your mother's gone insane, your leaves have drifted away.
    but the clouds are clearing up
        and i've come reveling, burning incandescently,
                                              like a bastard on the burning sea.

It had been a few days since the rest of the Typhoon would have seen the tigress' face, staying inside the temple for the most part, especially now that Roan has returned, the only instance being when she'd gone out to gather a present for Sophiea's birthday and to celebrate it with her. But, that'd still been mostly spent inside, with one or two other individuals collectively. She was doing her best to keep resting, to stay out of the way, to not make anything worse for anyone else. She'd helped collect herbs just before their soothsayer had gotten back from his capture, so she'd done her part, at least a little bit, and now she can simply focus on doing whatever he needed her to do in order to get better. And, really, all that entailed was rest. Take care of herself, stay out of trouble, don't overdo it. She wouldn't argue, her body not particularly interested in the idea of getting up after her seizure anyways, from fear of something similar happening again sometime soon. However, the past couple of days had helped the female feel a bit better about everything, spending it with Sophiea, doing something other than simply laying quietly, staring at the ceiling of the temple. And, she felt well enough to go on another walk she liked to take around the archipelago, so today, may the former captain finally do so once more.

It seemed that it wasn't a bad idea, either, given what she'd come upon as she walked along the beaches. A small group, one of her cousins, Deldrach, and one of her sons all together, their focus on Alex. She looks quietly over them before fully approaching, seeing what they may be discussing. A salad, and the boy's health. Riftweaver was correct in his assessment that the other didn't seem to be doing so hot. She decides perhaps she could be of some use here, even if only a little, and would draw closer, glancing to the others before focusing on Alex. "Perhaps we should get you inside, you seem like you could use a lil' rest." She suggests in a light tone to the boy, keeping enough distance away that he wouldn't feel overwhelmed. A crowd would not help in this situation. "If you aren't feelin' well, bananas are good for a quick boost for when you're ready t' eat again."

Re: it's a pleasure dear to have you here }} veganism - rhosmari - 01-24-2021

She had never once thought of changing her own diet. She just ate what she knew would sustain her and the instincts in her body did not call for anything else. A change of diet my inevitably lead to her own death and so she had never had such a thought cross her own mind. Now watching such a sight from the sky, a feline trying to have a meal of stringy plants and odd berries had perked her curiosity. It was such a strange sight and she of course already had a thought that it wasn't good for him. Why would such a thing even be necessary? With a slow sweeping of grey fringed wings the avian would circle high above before allowing her body to slowly move down toward the earth. Her sharp gaze watched for any potential danger as she pressed her talons upon landing on a post not too far away from the group. Bronze and red eyes narrowed slightly and she tilted her head a bit. No one had question him on why he was actually consuming this vegetation instead of eating something that his body would actually take nutrients from. Flicking her wing slightly she would settle herself before glancing to the others. But after a moment she found them to be unimportant and instead she focused back on the kid.

He seemed suddenly off and she tilted her head a bit. An owl didn't miss much and she was no exception. ''I can tell you know that it is futile to attempt to change your diet. As a feline you are primarily a meat eater, you won't live very long attempting to consume vegetation like this. Also you look a bit sick, child.'' Her tail feathers twitched and she cocked her head to the other side after a moment in thought before twisting her head to the side and then back to him once more. ''Why are you eating these things anyway? They can't possibly taste too great with your palette.''

Re: it's a pleasure dear to have you here }} veganism - roan ; - 01-25-2021

Roan couldn't help the way that annoyance pricked his pelt as he approached, a scowl on the soothsayer's muzzle. He hated it when others hid the fact that they were feeling sick from himself and Rosemary. After all, their jobs were to make sure that everyone was healthy. They were the first line of defense from a disease taking over the entire group, and they worked their asses off in order to make sure that other crewmates didn't die. Yet, even from afar, he could hear various voices both familiar and unfamiliar talking about how none other than Alexandre seemed sick, Roan's very own little brother. He couldn't tell if the other was stubborn or just stupid, but he was inclined to believe that it was more of the latter. Honestly, though, Alexandre was probably just lucky that Roxanne hadn't arrived yet, since their mama had a particular brand of motherly love and frustration that could rain down hell upon someone. Part of him almost wanted to call for Roxie just to see what would happen. For now, though, he held off.

The medic's dark tail flicked and lashed behind him as he approached, a sigh leaving him before he spoke sharply, "Alexandre. If you weren't feeling well, you should've come to me. Or Rosemary, if I wasn't around." After all, there had been that period where he was stuck with the Iron Forged – as made evident by the chunk of horn still missing from his head. He ignored the others around him as he continued, shaking his head from side to side, "A diet made up primarily of plants won't last you long, Alex. It's a better idea to figure out what is causing your aversion to meat, rather than trying to change your entire lifestyle because of it. Even if you could make an all plant diet work, it would severely shorten your lifespan, and I don't think mama would be particularly glad to hear that..." Knowing full well that he was risking his own cleanliness in doing so, Roan moved a bit closer to Alexandre, trying to tilt the other's chin up with a paw as he requested, "Open up... there's a chance something in your mouth or throat could be exacerbating things." There was a variety of things that could've been causing Alexandre's sickness, but Roan liked to rule certain things out early.

Re: it's a pleasure dear to have you here }} veganism - ASVINI - 01-25-2021

[div style="max-width: 600px; height: 24px; background: #2F1313; padding: 5px; line-height: 15px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; color: #673F3F;"][align=center] — [b]JAGLIONESS - TYPHOON - MEMBER - TAGS
A bit of a wince left her features as she recognized the child's aversion to her company. A soft sigh left her muzzle, Deldrach's eyes turning away and her body shifting itself to the right, trying to further herself away and give him space. However, as the time progressed, she could sense the uncomfortable tension riddling his body, the sickness turning in his stomach slowly coming to light. "You as well, Alex." She tipped her head gently towards him. Her eyes shifted towards the bowl, then towards Riftweaver.

Her ears stopped twitching and rotating for a long moment. She slowly looked down at the bowl, before offering a small smile towards Alexandre. "While I appreciate the offer, I cannot stomach greens." She said lightly, her tone offering no anger or ill will. However, as the swallow came forced upon his body, the paleness in his skin and the sheen to his eyes, Deldrach knew the signs well enough. She had a sick cub in her paws before, and she picked herself up, slowly stepping back.

That was, of course, when Goldie and two others started to arrive. Space was the best, she managed with herself, slowly stepping back next to Goldie, her tail swung low behind her and stayed slowly swaying. She held her tongue, her eyes shifting between those that spoke. She slowly assessed, before her head turned gently, her shoulders stiff but her vision fluid in movement. "Those of us who have soft stomachs not geared for handling bodily fluids should turn away soon. It's best the boy gets some space and air, and medical attention, in peace." Deldrach stated.

She nodded her head towards Roan, but left the words of thank you up in the air and unspoken. Best to let the two of them speak to each other and not interrupt the medical process. "If you find a way for him to stomach meat, let me know. I'd be happy to catch some for him." The statement was general, perhaps ushered towards Roan or Goldie. She then turned, brushing Goldie gently with her shoulder for a short moment and slowly starting to wander away.

// outish

Re: it's a pleasure dear to have you here }} veganism - Alexandre - 01-29-2021

Eyes shifted up to the lea... Goldenluxury. Alexandre offered a soft nod to her request, not willing to protest to the former medic's orders. He wearily shifted onto his feet and pushed up from the floor, looking over at Requiem as she spoke in disdain. The facts were true. His kind ate meat. Deldrach even emphasized it. Yet for some reason, he couldn't stomach anything he consumed. The feline grinded his teeth. He wanted to lie through his teeth, but couldn't come up with a viable lie. His body was practically a thin bag of bones. There was no avoiding the truth of his physical health. "It's... It's not making me feel good," he muttered. His ears pressed down against his skull. "I thought I'd try something new."

As he continued to wobble forward, the medic approached. Roan's aura radiated frustration and disappointment, causing Alexandre to stop in his tracks and stare down at the floor. The sound of Deldrach's paws stepping away unnerved him. Words drowned her out. 'It would severely shorten your lifespan, and I don't think mama would be particularly glad to hear that.' The feline choked once again, stepping back out of shock. "Don't say that," he snapped harshly. "I'm fine..." Did he have to say it again? Something so small didn't need to be worried about (or so he thought).

As Roan's paw attempted to tilt his chin upwards, a growl left him. "Don't touch m-" His words stopped. The kitten tried to speak, but it soon devolved into merciless hacking. Claws dug into the floor. He couldn't hold his stance and doubled over onto the floor, expelling the contents of his meal on Roan as he fell. By the time Alexandre had finished, the boy's vision had already faded to black and he was out.

Re: it's a pleasure dear to have you here }} veganism - roan ; - 01-30-2021

[table][tr][td][table][tr][td][div style="background-color:#383a37; color:#d3d2b5;max-width: 100px; text-align: center; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 8pt; line-height: 1.4;padding-bottom:10px;padding-top:5px"]½ ROANBRUSH -
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Roan looked up as Deldrach began to step away, a short sigh leaving him. He didn't blame her for going, considering that there was little she could do for Alexandre. The soothsayer nodded his head, muttering as he watched her go, "I'll be sure to let you know..." The usual bitter and sarcastic edge to his voice was gone, indicating that he was being genuine. After all, Alex was still young, and it wouldn't hurt to let Deldrach catch some things for him if she was willing. First, though, he needed to figure out what was wrong. Instead of acting as a brother, Roan's mind had immediately gone to the medical side of things, words leaving his mouth unimpeded by wondering how Alexandre would react. It was because of this that the medic recoiled slightly as Alex snapped, dark ears flattening down against his head in disapproval. He muttered, shaking his head at the other's rash words, "You don't know that you'll be fine. That's why you come to the medics when something like this happens. How long has this even been going on for?" Roan dreaded to think of how long Alexandre had been hiding away the nausea. It might've seemed relatively minor to the other, but it only served to Roan as a reminder of what had happened with Jaime. His little brother hadn't wanted to bother him either, and look where that had gotten him.

Ignoring the twist of anxiety that ran through his gut as a result of thinking about Jaime, Roan just briefly closed his eyes, pushing through. When he opened them again, he was intent on checking whether Alexandre's mouth and throat were alright. Unfortunately, he never got that far. The siamese recoiled as Alex began to hack up what little he had actually eaten, a look of disgust coming to his face. However, his first reaction wasn't to shout, or scold the other. It wasn't as if the younger feline could've controlled it, after all. Instead, a heavy sigh of annoyance just left the healer as he flicked his paw, making a silent note to clean himself up soon. He didn't really have a chance to do so immediately, taking into account the fact that Alexandre had collapsed right afterwards. Looking towards Goldie – considering she was the largest one there – Roan questioned, "Goldie... do you think you'd be able to carry Alex to the temple? I need to look him over there, and see what I may need to give him. This is obviously more serious than he realized..." He then glanced down at the collapsed form of Alex, wondering what could've brought this on. Did he have some sort of trauma related to meat? That didn't seem likely, considering that would be the most obvious thing to pinpoint.[/td][/tr][/table]