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TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT TO HEAR // monthly task - Printable Version

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TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT TO HEAR // monthly task - VAYNE CIPHER-VANTAS. - 01-22-2021

[glow=white,1,400]LIKE WE FORGET WHO WE CAN TRUST !。+゚.[/glow]
As weird as it may seem, Vayne was actually excited for her monthly task. While cleaning up the beach in of itself didn't sound very fun, it was an excuse to look around for more seashells to add to her collection. Fluffing her fur out, Vayne called out shyly, "Um.. Does anyone want to help me clean things up?" She asked, shuffling a paw on the ground as she tried to push down the odd feeling in her chest.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT TO HEAR // monthly task - roan ; - 01-22-2021

In the back of his mind, Roan knew that he shouldn't really be out of the temple just yet. After all, he had only gotten back from the Iron Forged a couple of days ago, and his back legs were still aching, despite the bandaging that he had covered them with. Still, he hated being stuck in the temple all day when he didn't want to be, so his stubborn nature had driven him outside and towards the beach. He ended up pausing when he heard Vayne call out for help, deciding that he could take a little while to offer a paw. Padding over to where Vayne was, the medic muttered softly, "I suppose I could help out a little bit... are you planning on doing the entire shore? Cause that might take a while." Even as he offered his assistance, Roan looked pretty exhausted, his blue eyes slightly dull and his head tilting to one side thanks to missing a large chunk of one of his horns.

Re: TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT TO HEAR // monthly task - Keona. - 01-22-2021

Keona Ní Faoláin — the blind dealer
[div style="width: 490px; font-size: 9pt; line-height: .1.1; color: #386bab; text-align: justify; font-family: palatino; margin-bottom: 5px; margin-top: 2px;"][i]Idir brí is idir muir, Tá mé i dtiúin
Tired.  Everyone was working hard and getting tired.  So the tiny wildcat deigned not to be.  To keep working.  To be of some use.  To let the others have earn their breaks.  She had never liked sitting still anyway.  Needed her paws to be moving.  Doing.

Roan sounds tired.  A protective spark igniting at the prospect.  Ears flicked back as the dealer trotted over the sand, pale hues flashing towards her younger brother's perceived location.  A silent look of warning not to push himself.

"I'll help out if you like, Vayne."  Three better than the two.

"And me!" Natyli would interject abruptly, overhearing the others.  The draconic jaguar skidded over, mitch-matched hues bright.  She wasn't hurt.  She was okay.  So she had to help.  She wanted to help.  To make things better.  "I wanna help."

She still had her own work to do but... Rose-colored wings shifted at her sides.  Natyli did not want to think too much on flying at the moment.  The thoughts had clouded her brain for hours already.  Uncertainty.  Lack of practice.  She probably could fly, if she tried, but everything she cared about was... On the ground.  She'd simply never had the attention span to give it a go before. 

The growing feline pushed her paws into the sand with antsy energy.  Eager.  "What do you need us to do?"
come and fly away with me!
[align=right]Natyli Roux — the chimera

Re: TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT TO HEAR // monthly task - VAYNE CIPHER-VANTAS. - 01-27-2021

[glow=white,1,400]LIKE WE FORGET WHO WE CAN TRUST !。+゚.[/glow]
Vayne perked up as Roan came over, though her expression faded slightly as she realized how tired the medic seemed to be. "Um, yeah. I, um. I was planning on doing the whole beach, but..." She trailed off in her reply, looking left and right to survey the beach. It was rather big, wasn't it? Even with help, it would take a looong time to be able to clean it up properly. But that's why she was assigned this task, right? To help at least a little bit? It might be easier to do sections each day rather than the whole thing at once, just to make sure everything was thoroughly picked up. "I think doing a little bit for right now is better, if you wanna join." She finished her sentence, looking back up at Roan, hoping her reply eased him a little.

Nayli and Keona were the next two to come over and Vayne gave them both a smile. "Thanks, you guys!" She chirped, the fact that Keona was blind not even registering in her mind. Once again, Vayne looked around to try and see what should be done first. "Um.. okay. Let's see..." She hummed her words out in thought, before going on in a normal tone, "I think we should work on getting some of the debris cleaned, maybe put it in a pile so we can throw it away somewhere easier?" It was a suggestion more so than a demand as she came to the realization that she... didn't really know what to do exactly. Oops.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT TO HEAR // monthly task - Simon F.M. - 01-29-2021

Diya was greatful to see Vayne already hard at work, and to see three others assisting. She would meow a "hello!" as she approached, brushing her tail against Roan as she came to stop beside him. She had never intended for Vayne to do the whole beach, that would be an insane task, especially to give a young child. She didn't need to point that out, as the Cipher had already made that decision, though.

So, instead she would listen to Vayne's plan, nodding. "Do you mind if I help? I know I gave the task but, that doesn'tmean I can't help, does it?" she asked, smiling towards the younger feline. She thought of Vayne's idea to make piles and nodded, deciding that if Vayne accepted her help, she'd suggest they make the wood its own pile and perhaps have a bonfire.

Re: TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT TO HEAR // monthly task - roan ; - 01-30-2021

[table][tr][td][table][tr][td][div style="background-color:#383a37; color:#d3d2b5;max-width: 100px; text-align: center; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 8pt; line-height: 1.4;padding-bottom:10px;padding-top:5px"]½ ROANBRUSH -
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Shit. It seemed as though he wasn't as good at hiding his own exhaustion as he thought. A soft sigh left the soothsayer as Keona and Natyli approached, glancing over at his half-sister and offering her a bit of a forced grin. He hoped that would be convincing enough to get her off his back, since he didn't want to cause anybody any more worry. Eager to take the attention off of himself, Roan turned back to Vayne, muttering softly, "You're definitely not going to want to try to clean everything up at once. You'll end up exhausted, and everyone will be worried. It's a good idea to just focus on this part for now." He gestured a paw out towards the immediate area they were standing on, before placing it back down on the sand. He was going to make a comment about Vayne's mother being worried about her, but then thought better of it. After all, even if Aphra was still around, she probably wouldn't have cared.

Knowing that Vayne probably didn't know how to go about directing others, Roan was quick to provide his own advice, "How about we make two piles? One for things we know are definitely trash, and things that we may be able to reuse. Like, look..." The siamese made his way over to a nearby splintered plank of wood, cracked from one of the nearby houses during the Coalition raid. He tugged it away from the sand and towards the more firm ground, dropping it before he continued, "This can be reused, since we can always use wood to build things back up. But something like that bottle over there? It's probably just trash, unless someone wants to use it as a rather... unique flowerpot." That wasn't exactly out of the question, and the soothsayer had nothing against recycling. However, he didn't really think that they needed to keep around a bunch of empty bottles.[/td][/tr][/table]

Re: TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT TO HEAR // monthly task - VAYNE CIPHER-VANTAS. - 01-30-2021

[glow=white,1,400]LIKE WE FORGET WHO WE CAN TRUST !。+゚.[/glow]
If Aphra were around, she would likely only care about the fact that the Rouxes were helping. Being in The Typhoon, that was... almost unavoidable, really, and even Vayne could see that her mother's demands regarding that were ridiculous. So in this particularly instance, Aphra probably wouldn't have cared very much, if she were around.

Fortunately though, Vayne's strict mother wasn't around and the Cipher spawn felt much more at ease. At least now, she wouldn't have to worry about being scolded later. Vayne let out a purr as Diya approached and gave her a little nod to her question, before looking back over at Roan as he started to talk. "Um.. yeah! That's a good idea, actually. We'll use this pile to put things we can reuse," She echoed Roan in case anyone didn't hear him, speaking in a loud voice now in hopes the others would hear. "And this pile for things we can throw out. Maybe later we can go through it and let people pick from it if they want to keep it for whatever reason." Like the flowerpot-bottle for example, not that Vayne would have any particular use for it.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]