Beasts of Beyond
I said nothing was wrong ♡ Beach Sketching ♡ But you knew I lied. - Printable Version

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I said nothing was wrong ♡ Beach Sketching ♡ But you knew I lied. - SirDio - 01-22-2021

Settling into her new home wasn't hard - it was finding what to do in the meantime between meeting people at the tavern or greeting other Typhooners at the bay. She would definitely have to find a job at some point, maybe join one of the groups that was within the Typhoon. But she could think about that later, since she was sitting on the beach, wilting necklace drooping around her neck and a sketchbook and pencil in the sand. The sketchbook was opened to a blank page, begging to be drawn in.

The only question was, what should she draw? Aside from the obvious answer, which was the ocean before her. But she was tired of drawing just landscapes, Lucy wanted to draw people. More specifically, she wanted to draw people she knew, people she had seen in the Typhoon. Taking the pencil in paw, she pressed it lightly against the paper and let her mind drift off. Loose sketches soon filled the page, some of those she had met in the Typhoon (Keona, Michael, Salem, and Brandy), and some she had met before or were part of her family.

Re: I said nothing was wrong ♡ Beach Sketching ♡ But you knew I lied. - VAYNE CIPHER-VANTAS. - 01-22-2021

[glow=white,1,400]LIKE WE FORGET WHO WE CAN TRUST !。+゚.[/glow]
Vayne should be looking to join one of the groups as well, considering she was now apprentice-aged and didn't have her mother constantly breathing down her back. But she have to look more into the different groups before deciding to join one; the only one she really knew of was the Blackjack Rats, which Michael had mentioned - but considering he mentioned groups, as in plural, there was obviously other kinds. But their names? Vayne didn't know.

"Whatcha doing, Lucy?" Vayne asked as she bounded up to her new crewmate, dropping her seashells that she had grabbed prior.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: I said nothing was wrong ♡ Beach Sketching ♡ But you knew I lied. - michael t. - 01-22-2021

If Michael had known that he was one of the faces that Lucy was doodling away in her notebook, he probably would've been flattered. After all, the dealer rather liked investing in his own appearance, something that could easily be seen from the various bits of jewelry all over him. He would've been pleased to know that someone was interested in drawing him – even if it was just because Lucy was bored of landscapes.

The bobcat arrived on the beach not long after Vayne, his short tail twitching behind him as he sat down near her. While he wasn't constantly watching the young Cipher, he did make sure to keep an eye on her when she was around, not wanting her to get herself into any trouble. Not that he really thought that she would – she was far sweeter than her mother, after all. Shaking Aphra from his thoughts for the moment, Michael looked back towards Lucy, mismatched blue gaze glancing down at her sketchbook before he questioned, "You're... drawing? Looks like you've been hard at work... what have you got so far?" He tilted his head to one side, trying to sneak a peek at the various sketches that Lucy had scribbled onto the pages.

Re: I said nothing was wrong ♡ Beach Sketching ♡ But you knew I lied. - SirDio - 01-22-2021

A soft squeak left her mouth as she heard Vayne, placing a paw haphazardly on the page she was working on as if to hide it. But she relaxed as she saw Vayne and soon Michael and she smiled. [color=#093044]"Hello, you two. I'm just sketching is all. Nothing too special." If that wasn't a blatant lie, as she lifted her paw and looked to see she smudged Brandyskies' face on the page. Okay, maybe some of these sketches were special.

[color=#093044]"Aaa! I smudged it - I heckin' smudged it!" She squeaked and frantically worked to clean the sketch up, accidentally allowing Michael to peek at the page. Most of the faces were in detail, though it seemed she was just starting to work on the drawing of Brandy.

Re: I said nothing was wrong ♡ Beach Sketching ♡ But you knew I lied. - Keona. - 01-23-2021

keona sibéal ní faoláin.
the typhoon.
the blind dealer.
[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2a4971; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 2px;"]Idir brí is idir muir, Tá mé i dtiúin
Keona did not really know what she looked like.  Spotted.  But she didn't even know what spots looked like.  Most concepts of appearance were foreign.  She had ran her paws over tactile shapes before.  Knew them in their base forms.  Understood that the sun and moon were supposedly circles.  So were spots.

Something about her eyes told others she couldn't see.  Their lack of focus.  The way she couldn't quite look at them, even when she was attentive.

But she knew art.  It was something that Goldie had liked... Painting... Even if the tiny dealer could not see, she never minded being nearby.  The sound was curious.  Brush against canvas.  Pencil scratching against paper.  The sounds attracted her over to Lucy, petite ears perked in interest. 

"Aloha, Lucy." She gave Lucy (and herself) some space, conscious of Vayne and Michael's nearby presences.  She didn't want to hover if she was working on something.  "'m sure it'll turn out fine," she offered softly.  Polite encouragement though truthfully, Keona did not know how to fix smudges on paper.

Re: I said nothing was wrong ♡ Beach Sketching ♡ But you knew I lied. - ROXANNE R. - 01-24-2021

Roxanne rarely ever found time to draw and well, she wasn't the best at drawing to begin with so she hardly ever did it. The Captain slowly made her way over to the small group with both of her ears perked forward, her mismatched eyes glancing over in the direction of Vayne and offering a smile though her attention diverted to Lucy who was the current center of attention at the given moment. "Hello guys," She offered all of them a toothy grin with her fluffy tail lashing behind her, she took a seat next to Michael not aware that Lucy had been drawing her crewmates but it didn't take her long to realize it. Her ears swiveling forward when she noticed the piece of paper though she couldn't make out what had been drawn on it.

"What did you draw something, Lucy?" From what she had heard, the drawings had been smudged though Roxie wasn't certain so, she decided to sit back until Lucy shared the drawings or felt comfortable in doing so.

Re: I said nothing was wrong ♡ Beach Sketching ♡ But you knew I lied. - bubblegum - 01-24-2021

DEAR FRIEND as you know,  your flowers are withering
your mother's gone insane, your leaves have drifted away.
    but the clouds are clearing up
        and i've come reveling, burning incandescently,
                                              like a bastard on the burning sea.

Among everything that's happened, there was a few things that Goldie was able to hold onto still. Hobbies, old skills, interests, some still remained as a pass time for the female, or would eventually become one once more as she grew more and more physically well again, and one of those things she's found herself sharing an interest in still despite the blow to her head is painting. She had done her own tattoo, as well as one of her son's, and had plenty of paintings she'd done as decorations before everything, and when she'd been listening about old stories of herself, it was obvious it was something she was interested in, even if she wasn't necessarily the most skilled. She had just enjoyed it for the fun of it. And that would ring true now, as she spent most days within the temple or some other building being only sociable to those directly next to her. It was one of the few things she could do while she laid in the temple, besides stare at the walls.

So the tigress would walk over with a bit of intrigue in her gaze, looking over the small crowd that was forming, deciding to place herself against her ma, letting out a quiet rumble as she focuses towards Lucy. They'd not really gotten the chance to properly meet yet. They'd seen each other before, though she couldn't quite recall, given the haziness surrounding what was her seizure, so she would figure this to be their first real interaction. Her tail tip twitches as she offers a small smile to the other, nodding in hello. "I enjoy doin' art too, although I usually paint. D'ya like t' do that?" she'd decide to ask in a friendly manner, figuring it would be an easy thing to start a conversation over, besides asking what she was drawing.

Re: I said nothing was wrong ♡ Beach Sketching ♡ But you knew I lied. - michael t. - 01-26-2021

Despite his best efforts to seem casual, Michael found himself perking up with interest as he snuck a glance at what Lucy had been sketching out. A glimpse of his own face was enough to make him grin, mismatched and half blind gaze darting from face to face. He eventually spoke warmly, his voice coming out as a purr from the back of his throat, "I must say, they look pretty good, Lucy! Especially my face... you really managed to capture my image. And Brandy looked nice too, until the whole... you, know, smeared face thing." He gestured a paw lazily towards where Brandyskies's face had been just a moment ago, now slightly warped despite only being in the sketch phase. As Roxanne approached, the bobcat glanced up at his sister with a bit of a lopsided grin, nudging his shoulder against hers before he muttered to Lucy, "Hey... you should try drawing Roxie! I'm sure that she would appreciate it... maybe you could hang a portrait up above the throne." His last sentence had a humorous tone to it, directed towards the new captain. He mostly just wanted to lift her spirits, considering he knew how uncertain she had been ever since taking over after Goldie.

And then, as if she could hear his very thoughts, Goldenluxury appeared. Michael glanced over at her with a smile, glad to see her out and about, enjoying the things she used to enjoy. He had seen Goldie's art once or twice before, but he couldn't really say anything about the quality of it. That wasn't to say he didn't like the tigress's art. He loved her pieces, especially her own tattoo, but he knew nothing about how they were when it came to critique. He hardly knew how to draw a circle anymore without screwing it up – mainly thanks to the fact that only having one working eye kinda messed with his steadiness. Tilting his head to one side, the bobcat spoke up after Goldie, smiling lightly, "Ah, Goldie's paintings... they're really great! I wonder if the two of you could collaborate at some point. Like, you sketching and Goldie painting over that sketch... I bet it would be real impressive." The Typhoon certainly wouldn't suffer from a bit more art around. That wasn't to say their group was uncultured, he just thought that spaces like the tavern could benefit from a bit more color.

Re: I said nothing was wrong ♡ Beach Sketching ♡ But you knew I lied. - SirDio - 01-26-2021

The sudden arrival of some others sort of set the Mau on edge but after a quick fix, she managed to make the sketch of Brandy a little better. Words caught in her throat but she nodded to Roxanne and Goldie, tail swaying in greeting.

Taking a deep breath to calm her nerves, she turned in her spot to face everyone with the sketchbook open for all to see. With a shaky paw, she pointed to the Typhoon sketches. [color=#093044]"Yeah.. ye-yeah I drew some.. some of you guys." Her voice was level, but as she pointed to a stern looking caracal sketch, her voice wavered. [color=#093044]"I.. I drew some of my old family too.."