Beasts of Beyond
HE'S IN YOUR BED ☆ birthday - Printable Version

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HE'S IN YOUR BED ☆ birthday - S. PENDRAGON - 01-22-2021

The British woman rose from her bed only to rub her eyes as she woke up, she let out a soft sigh brush pass her parted jaws. She was tired after the recent events within Tanglewood, her fur was an unruly mess as she used a claw to comb down her fur before taking the moment to groom herself. Sophiea would hop off of her bed shaking her head lightly noticing that Archimedes was on his perch and sleeping no less, the winged feline shook herself gently starting to go downstairs "Everything has been rather hectic these last few days," Her whiskers twitched lightly as her paws turned in the direction of her kitchen, she was unsure of how she would start the day and then she realized there was a small slip of paper did Sophiea pick it up. "Happy birthday."

She was half asleep yet the small letter was a nice reminder to what today was, Sophiea Pendragon's birthday was today and now, she was the age of three years old. It was odd though she didn't dwell much on the fact it was her birthday since Eternalknight usually gave her the day alone to relax and frankly, she needed it after all the shit that had gone down this week. Sophiea would grab her arrows heading outside, she would've had tea if it hadn't been for the fact that her tea set had been destroyed. The memory of it made her anger begin to grow but she would try to enjoy her day despite that sole fact immediately dunked on her mood. With a shake of her head, she found a few trees that she had used as targets before. "Tea would've been a great way to start the day." She grumbled under her breath taking out a single arrow with her telekinesis, her eyes closing as the wind began to blow a little rougher than usual.

Without much hesitation, several arrows would sink into the trees bark. She would pinch her nose with her paw as she sat there tail angrily wiggling to the sides, Sophiea huffed quietly "Nothing could be worse." Sophiea decided to herself with frustration placing her words and if it did, well, she had jinxed herself in that given moment. It did not occur to her that Eternalknight might have mentioned it was her birthday to the other Tanglers, her fur prickling upwards at the thought. He wouldn't... Right?

Re: HE'S IN YOUR BED ☆ birthday - ETERNALKNIGHT. - 01-22-2021

Eternalknight had spent most of his recent time just laying down or walking. With the disastrous ending to his side, scars that constricted and marred his side in obvious fashion, he spent a lot of time with Moth being cared for and walking to work out the muscles.

He hadn'tbeen, regretfully, present for the breaking of the teapot. He'd known how important it was to her, knew who had given it to her, and wished he could have prevented its fall. As such, he'd tried, unsuccessfully, to find a replacement. What he had found though, was a tangler willing to let him borrow one. He'd snuck it into the home, left a slip labeled "happy birthday" set on the counter. He remained hidden in his room with the set, awaiting her departure eagerly.

Once she had left, he began the confusing process of making tea. It wasn't a skill he was as good at as his cousin, but it was one he managed none the less. He hoped she would still appreciate it, none the less. As the water began to heat, he looked over his plan to transport it. He'd borrowed a wagon from someone and had layed a blanket down along the bottom. He set the cups down in it first, then made a small spot for the teapot itself. Q small pot of sugar and a small pot of cream were tucked firmly against the side. Satisfied, he finished readying the tea. As well, there was a small package meant for her, carefully wrapped.

Tea rightfully tucked into place, he began the carefull process of finding his cousin and getting the tea to her. She wasn't hard to follow, he knew how to follow her tracks and scent better than he could any others, it always stood out to him.

Had he mentioned the day to any other tanglers? No. Maybe a mention here or there to give her her space today, but no mention of why. He though, would want a small batch of her time. He finally laid eyes on her and gave a low, soft whistle to get her attention, motioning with his head for her to join him. The shorter the distance he had to drag the wagon, the better, his side was starting to hurt him something awful already.

"Haby pirthtay, Zoph, I know I can't make tea like vu put, I hobe vu can schtill enchoy!" he would say softly when she was within range, a gentle smile on his face. He would also motion towards the package with a paw; which she would come to find contained a simple necklace that he had made, a wooden replica of her family's crest painted a soft blue. "Zat is for vu, too. Arh ! Zee tea zet is porroved put, I vill pe finting vu one! I chust couldn't find one near und didn't vant to miss totay."

Re: HE'S IN YOUR BED ☆ birthday - wormwood. - 01-29-2021