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you're gold on black tar - moving - Printable Version

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you're gold on black tar - moving - brandykit - 01-21-2021

By assumption of time, Brandyskies moved out of the temple and into the, well, rest of the Typhoon. It was almost overcast today, with just hints of sun peeking through. There was promise there of light rain, but nothing too intense that it'd drench fur and cause a mud fight. A small quirk of a smile tugged at his face as he considered having a mud fight, before padding down towards an empty hut. His eyes scanned it. Quaint, in size, a pastel green on the outside with a disturbed roof. He stepped up towards it, stretching a wing up to tug the tarp away from the window on the porch.

It was almost an empty space within, something to cause him to pause and think for a moment. There were plenty of houses he had passed by without considering them. But the way the clouds pushed sun away, lighting up the rooms inside, causing Brandy's brain to freeze up a bit. Like the ghost of a future at his paws, the gentle breath- just a taste of what he could have. Slowly, he pushed the door open, looking around at the dusty interior.

A small smile broke out on the injured teens face, and he broke away slowly, moving to gather the broom from the corner. He picked it up, slowly swaying himself as he sweeped, the gentle hum of his voice riding the tones of Paul Anka.

// he's just sweeping rn! nothing's been really moved


Re: you're gold on black tar - moving - SirDio - 01-21-2021

Seems like Lucy just couldn't keep her feet still. She felt bursting with energy and that would usually put her on edge. There were two times where her energy lead to unsavory moments, but only two times in the span of like a year. So now she felt a little less scared of the energy and decided to walk. Maybe meet someone new.

Walking past the hut Brandy was in, she halted at his humming. A catchy tune. Quietly stepping into the hut, she peered over to see Brandy sweeping. Lucy felt electricity crackle in her paws but she didn't show her nervousness. [color=#093044]"Hello - That's a nice tune you're humming. My name is Lucinda Felx. Do you need help with anything?"

Re: you're gold on black tar - moving - Grimm - 01-21-2021

[div style="margin: auto; max-width: 475px; padding: 5%; min-height: 20px; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; text-align: justify; line-height: 17px;"]The heart is a heavy burden, a fragile weight incapable of repair. Well she knew of such, mapped the incorporeal scars adorning her own, tasted sorrow and grief. The weight of this, how back peeled each instance until the mind rang with an empty din seeking new information to fill the place of what once was, she knew only so well. Conducted her own visits, sought the presence of the once captain brought low beneath the usurper, visage a cruel reminder, ignored each son no longer recalled.

Neither cared for in way deserved, spite an old ache, shoulder grown taunt beneath thickened tissue, ignited agony as the cooler weather set in. Family, and thus fitting for love her heart closed behind iron doors, in name only.

Heavy the breath that rushed through flared nostrils, trajectory unset, a mindless wandering slowed as thoughts coalesced. Possibly it was time to mend the bridge she had allowed to burn to cinders. Scattered the notion as gentle voice arose, a query bore aloft on salt laden air. Closer she tread, unsure but perplexed for an unknown the speaker, arising the soft hum, a song well suited to the voice. Unknown the identity, darkness a veil broken by dull hues, burnished the gold painted in shifting strokes. "What song is that." Light her voice, a question further softened by a smile.

Had she known the identity of other, knew him as she had grown to know Rift simply for bearing the visage present during her youth, maybe different her reaction. For now Eulia kept a careful neutrality, attention diverting for a moment to regard the one who deemed herself Lucy with that slight smile.

Re: you're gold on black tar - moving - michael t. - 01-22-2021

It was nice to see Brandyskies up and out of the temple, for several reasons. For one, Michael was just glad to see the other out and about after his rather... exciting return. Plus, less patients in the temple meant less stress for Roan, which was good considering the soothsayer's recent return, and his own injuries. Of course, with Brandy out of the temple, the dealer had sort of just... expected the other to move back in with his mom. However, it seemed as though that wasn't an option, considering Goldie still spent most of her time in the temple, and he imagined it was hard, being around her without all her memories, especially when you were one of her kids. He also supposed that Brandy was an adult nowadays, although he couldn't deny that felt surreal to think about. It felt like just yesterday when Brandy and his siblings had been born, so fresh faced and tiny.

The soft hum that Brandy was letting out was what drew Michael over, the bobcat moving to sit down near the doorway. He didn't come inside just yet, not wanting to just step into the other's home uninvited. That was assuming this would be Brandy's home – which seemed pretty likely considering the fact that the other was sweeping up an otherwise empty hut. Nodding his head to both Lucy and Eulia – while knowing full well that Lu was unlikely to return any such greeting – the dealer then questioned Brandy, "Hey, Brandy... you got anything to put in here, yet? If you're moving in, I could get you some furniture. Most of the merchants know me by name at this point." He usually went to them to ask about jewelry, but he could make an exception for Brandy – they usually gave him deals on trades anyways.

Re: you're gold on black tar - moving - brandykit - 01-22-2021

Brandy hadn't realized singing would garner attention. As soon as he heard pawsteps- perhaps from Michael first, but Luci was the first to draw his attention- the swaying would stop and he'd clear his throat rather quickly, ears flat against his head and the skin on his face turning red with embarrassment. His head pulled back a bit, trying to appear bigger out of instinct- which, perhaps, wasn't hard for the hybrid. He realized what he was doing and relaxed just a bit, shifting his wings.

"Brandyskies Roux. I don't.. ah. I don't think I need help." He stated, giving her an awkward smile. Lucy, it was. His tail swayed for a long moment, before he remembered himself, and cleared his throat. Brandy gave her a charming smile instead, the awkwardness fading as his confidence surged. His house, his rules, right? "Nice to meet you, Luci- I hope you don't mind me callin' you that." He nodded his head a little bit, before his gaze shifted.

Eulia and him.. didn't have a relationship, that he could notably remember. But to him, it almost appeared that Eulia didn't recognize him as his counter-part, and perhaps that thought made his visage darken and his wings shuffle, feathers a bit ruffled. He didn't speak on it, however, instead offering her the same careful smile he first offered Luci. "Eulia," He offered his greeting first, "It's a song by Paul Anka- I found an old record a long time ago. I forget the song name, but it had a really catchy tune." His head tilted a bit, thoughfully holding the broom as if trying to remember the song name.

His eyes finally sketched towards Michael, who had been there all along. He cleared his throat, and if looks could kill, Michael would perhaps understand that he had never been dancing and sweeping at the same time. Absolutely not. However, at his question, his wings lay flat again and his ears twitched. Furniture. He hadn't even thought of that. Slowly, his head shook. "No, I don't.. have anythin' to put in here yet. I hadn't even looked." He looked down for a moment, kicking his paw, before clearing his throat. "If y' could, that'd be appreciated Michael." He gave him a tiny grin.


Re: you're gold on black tar - moving - SirDio - 01-22-2021

The mau grinned to Brandyskies, sitting down by the door incase he wanted her to leave at some point. [color=#093044]"I have no problem with that - most call me Lucy anyway. It's nice to meet you, Brandyskies." She turned to Eulia and nodded back, that goofy grin still plastered on her face.

Turning her light gaze to Michael she nodded to him before directing her attention back to the hybrid. The nervous crackling of electricity ceased and she chuckled. [color=#093044]"It's a nice tune! I used to sing old shanties with my family." Quietly she stood up and stretched a paw. [color=#093044]"I need to get some stuff for my hut soon, too. Thinking of stopping by Tanglewood and taking a look at their junkyard."

Re: you're gold on black tar - moving - michael t. - 01-25-2021

Michael couldn't help the faint smirk that came to his face as he noticed the look on Brandy's mug, the younger male clearly embarrassed that he had gotten caught dancing around. The bobcat wouldn't rag on him on him too much, though, considering he had done things that were just as embarrassing in the past, if not more. Such as when he took to recreating scenes from some of his favorite movies. He'd usually drag Trevor into reenacting them with him despite the coyote's protests, a grin everpresent on his muzzle as he recited lines he had memorized long ago. In spite of how much he enjoyed those silly little exchanges, he would never want anyone else to see them. It would be unbearably embarrassing, and he was fairly sure that he could understand how Brandy was feeling.

It was because of this that the dealer didn't tease, despite how much he was tempted to do so. Instead, Michael just gave a casual shrug of his shoulders before he spoke, "Paul Anka is a pretty good songwriter. Or... maybe was, I'm not sure. Don't exactly know which human musicians are still alive. But I do like a few of his songs... they are nice to hum along with." He shot Brandy a bit of a mischievous grin, his bob of a tail twitching behind him.

Looking then between both Brandy and Lucy, Michael tapped a paw casually against his muzzle before he spoke, "I suppose the junkyard isn't a bad idea, but I generally don't try to grab stuff from there. In my experience Tanglewood members can either be nice or huge bitches, no in-between. Plus the stuff in the junkyard is a lot dirtier, naturally." Nothing a good clean couldn't fix, though. However, the thief wasn't a fan of having to thoroughly wash and look over every bit of furniture he brought into his hut. He then said, glancing back towards the tavern and where the merchants usually chose to hang out, "But I don't mind trying to get you some stuff through a bit of... bargaining, so to speak. What is it that you're looking for? I mean, you need pretty much everything, but anything in particular I should try to get?" In a way, Michael did intend to actually try bartering with some of the merchants. However, if some of them decided to make their deals a bit unfair, they very well might end up without their wares next time they wake up.