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why does it have to be so cold // typhoon trader - Printable Version

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why does it have to be so cold // typhoon trader - ROSEMARY - 01-20-2021

[td][div style="background:url(; font-family: arial; background-size: cover; background-position: center; min-width: 200px; min-height: 450px;"]
The wingless wildcat glided down onto the ground, rudely jutting right in the middle of the Palm Glade’s camp. How these idiots could live in dens, of all things, she’d never know. The Tanglers at least lived in structures, if in the middle of an irradiated territory, but nothing would ever beat the treehouses in the Typhoon—even if she was one of the few who liked living in them.

“Hello? I’m Rosemary. From the Typhoon. I’ve visited you before for medical things before, and I’m here again with a trade request.” She sat down, shivered, and flicked her ears back against her skull. Her teeth rattled as the wind kicked up, when her trading baskets landed gently beside her.

The ocelot shivered, wrapping her white scarf an extra time around her neck, and curled her forked tail around her body. Her short fur provided no protection against the Palm Glade’s mild winter breeze, but at least the scarf and sweater warded off the worst of the chill. She grimaced and stared down at her toes, flexing them rhythmically; the numbness began creeping in, and she hoped this trade would be completed as soon as possible.

She missed her treehouse. In truth, she’d missed her treehouse since she’d stepped outside of it, but she had a job to do. With Roan missing and their supplies depleted, she needed to step up and perform her job. Even if all she really wanted to do was sip tea and give Vayne therapy. Sighing, she ducked her muzzle into her scarf.

“The Iron Forged raided our medical supplies. There are a variety of herbs I like to use, but they don’t grow in our territory. Specifically, I think your environment has these plants I’m looking for: common mallow, western St. John's wort, foamflower, tansy, and twinflower.”

“I also know Vaas has… interesting medicine choices, much like myself. If he has any catnip, marijuana, and Psilocybe mushrooms, then I would be interested in trading. There are psychedelic and hallucinogenic plants local to the Typhoon’s biome, but I didn’t bring them for this trip, with how fragile they are.”

“I’ve brought guaraná, which improves fatigue… despite it’s rather terrifying appearance.” She pointed to the eye-like fruits, and then pointed out the other baskets beside her. “These, cajueiro and milhomens, are anti-inflammatory… and curare here is a muscle relaxant.”

Her tail-tip flicked against her face, curling tighter against her body, and her eyes squinted as a harsh sea-breeze rolled over her. “If you have a shortage of anything, I’m open to trades. Let me know what you need it to do, and I might be able to find something close enough that grows in the Typhoon.”
peace comes at dawn, but yours comes at night

Re: why does it have to be so cold // typhoon trader - RHINESTONE. - 01-22-2021

To see Rosemary on Glades territory again was... a bit of a surprise to Rhinestone. Despite his recent agreement with Roxanne on the two groups being allies, the legate certainly wouldn't have blamed Rosemary if she felt some resentment towards them. He had tried his best to make sure that no Palm Glades member hurt a member of The Typhoon during the initial raid, but he had seen Vaas essentially knocking her around like a toy. That had been enough to cause his heart to sink in the moment, but he hadn't been able to do anything back then, too distracted by the rest of the chaos around them. Hopefully things would begin to mend now that the Coalition had been defeated, and the Glades had made it very clear where their loyalties lay. Unfortunately, the serval wasn't sure that they'd be able to help the wildcat out too much with what she was trying to do. It had been a bit since Rhine had actually seen Vaas around – a fact which was unsettling enough on its own – and he wasn't particularly skilled in medicine on his own. He could only hope that the tiger would pop out of the boardwalk to greet her, or perhaps that Quasar would know something about what Vaas had, considering the other was his mentor.

Either way, it seemed rude to just leave Rosemary sitting in the middle of camp on her own. It was because of this that Rhinestone made his way over, the lanky blue serval sitting nearby, but keeping a bit of distance between them. From what he remembered about her past visits, she wasn't a big fan of... well, people, in general. Regardless, he flicked his tail in a sort of "wave," his voice even as he spoke, "Welcome back, Rosemary. I'm sorry to hear about what happened to The Typhoon... raiding another group for medical supplies is a reprehensible practice." He shook his head, his nose briefly wrinkling, before he continued, "I don't personally know much about what herbs we do and don't have, but I think our stores should be fairly well stocked, since our winter has become mild once again. Hopefully Vaas will be here soon, and he can give you a more detailed answer on what we can give you... or Quasar, his apprentice." He knew that Quasar wasn't all that interested in the medical side of things, but the brightly colored canine spent plenty of time in the warehouse that Vaas used as his base of operations. With a sigh, Rhine then glanced over his shoulder towards the boardwalk, hoping he would spot Vaas coming this way – he really just missed the other in general, if he was being honest.
[Image: jGD2qw5.gif]
tags + roleplayed by stilly + the palm glades

Re: why does it have to be so cold // typhoon trader - rhosmari - 01-22-2021

Everything she said was intriguing and the way she rattled off plants like it was nothing made him really respect her knowledge. He like the idea of learning medicinally. He had been in and out of that stone house in the woods quite a few times and a lot of plants grew there. He watered them where he could. He still remembered when he discovered the garden upon his first time being able to travel through the territory. Though he barely knew anything at all. Save for colors but names and properties eluded him. He had asked some questions here and there that had gone unanswered but still that didn't not shake his resolve. Golden blue eyes focused on the strange eye fruit for a moment and he logged in his head what it looked like, the appearance, what it helped with. Improving fatigue. There was a buzz of excitement within him as he got a bit closer, not much taking in consideration that they had been raided. They Typhoon used to be his home a long time ago and he hardly remembered much anymore. The sea witches had played in his head when he had met them the first time, toyed with memories. But he knew of them.

Pausing in his steps he would look at the feline, shifting his soft snow grey colored paws lightlu against the ground. "Thank you for coming all this way. Um...I don't know much about the plants you spoke about. But can I ask a favor? Could you...teach me? I don't have much to trade for lessons but I have a few blankets and some small gems." Chalk that up to his earth elementals considering it helped with finding such treasures and even creating it.
[Image: lnnqViN.gif]
How, how much to light up my star again and rewire all my thoughts? Oh baby, won't you remind me what I am? And break, break my little cold heart. I'm living someone else's life. Suppressing who I was inside. I don't know if I can be alone again. I don't know if I can sleep alone again.

%u2014 Sorbet Monroe Roux

Re: why does it have to be so cold // typhoon trader - ROSEMARY - 01-27-2021

[td][div style="background:url(; font-family: arial; background-size: cover; background-position: center; min-width: 200px; min-height: 450px;"]
Rosemary’s whiskers twitched as Rhinestonestar and then a canid approached her. The ocelot buried her muzzle deeper into her turtleneck sweater as they talked, and her amber eyes narrowed skeptically at the mention of Vaas and Quasar. “I ran into the bright menace briefly during a previous trip. He does not seem the kind capable of sitting still and learning—I wouldn’t trust him to pick out marigold from a field of lavender.” She sighed; as much as she and Vaas had a complex history, she would much rather deal with his professional knowledge… or simply look over the Gladers’ supplies on her own.

“As long as you can give me access to his stores, I should be able to select them.” Her four eyes narrowed, and her right eyebrow twitched. “Rest assured, I wouldn’t clean anyone out of needed medical supplies. Not an enemy, and most certainly not an ally.”

The ocelot looked at Sorbet when she finished addressing Rhinestonestar, her forked tail flicking before coiling tight around her body for warmth. “A blanket would be appreciated. And gemstones are always good to trade with.” She could hear her teeth chatter. Her four eyes narrowed again and converged on the lanky canid, though she wasn’t looking at his face or, even, directly at him. Her smaller eyes narrowed, almost to slits, before they widened as she inspected his soul.

“I would love to teach you. However, until Roan—the Typhoon’s other healer—returns, I am the only medic int he Typhoon, so I can’t stay long enough to give you a proper lesson. If you would visit the Typhoon or wait until I can return for a longer period… then I would happily teach you.”

She cleared her throat. “I will need your name, though. And, of course, to have all of this herb trading sorted out before I go.”
peace comes at dawn, but yours comes at night

Re: why does it have to be so cold // typhoon trader - rhosmari - 01-28-2021

Well, that was something that he could understand given the circumstances. If she was the only available healer then she most certainly couldn't waste any time with idle chatter. They needed her back in the Typhoon as soon as possible in case something went wrong. He felt a little bad for even coming forward now that he knew the circumstances and what was happening. But she had offered him solutions to the problems. He could wait for her return or he could go and visit her in the Typhoon. A place he hadn't been in so long and he frowned just a bit before shaking his head a little bit. He couldn't start thinking about his memories right now and instead he gave a small nod of his head. At least she saw that blankets and small gems were a good enough trade for lessons. His twin tails shifted as he debated over the issues and he knew that he wanted to learn as soon as possible. He knew small things, some of which he had understood when watching Vaas when the other wasn't paying attention to him. Though just what looked like what and passing names. ''Okay, I don't want to waste more of your time. But I'll come by the Typhoon for lessons and I'll bring stuff with me...'' It was a journey he could definitely take and he was sure that him taking the trip wouldn't hurt much here. After all he was just a Gladiator and it was just a stepping stone. Quasar was much higher than himself...much more important.

A small smile had wandered onto his face which he quickly changed to neutrality. Oops. He tried to move on from that weirdness and toward offering his name since that was what she wanted. ''Oh, my name's Sorbet. I'm a Gladiator here and I promise I'll work super hard to learn what you teach me.'' He was rather excited about the prospect of learning it all and she was really intelligent in her field. He didn't think he could have found a better teacher given the circumstances and what had been going on lately.
code by Reggan