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A Night of Flames | Fire's settling | - Printable Version

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A Night of Flames | Fire's settling | - Fire - 01-20-2021

Fire | 3 years
Cat | Coalition of the Comdemned

Fire had came to the Coalition with his son Crimson, but unlike his son, Fire had stay either in his house or around it. He didn't talk to the others, but that could change very quickly. But also with the change of territory, Fire had found that the cold to be a bit bothersome. Fire stepped outside of his house and sat by the door letting the cold air hit him.

Fire knew that Crimson would go out and try to meet the others, but Fire didn't see the joy in it. Fire looked around him before walking from his house. He headed towards the beach. He loved the beach in the winter. For some strange reason, the beach had also calmed him. Fire stopped when he reached the beach and sat down and looked out at the water.

Re: A Night of Flames | Fire's settling | - SirDio - 01-20-2021

Brutei, in all honesty, was a little nervous to try and talk to Fire. For some strange reason, the cat reminded him of his father and that scared him back when he was an oriental. The fear had diminished to an uneasy feeling but it hadn't gone away, mainly because Brutei never had the chance to talk to the older cat.

While he was doing a solo patrol in the snowy landscape, he spotted Fire and paused in his tracks. Pulling his scarf closer to his body, he followed the tom. He stopped as Fire sat down and he sighed, calming his nerves. "You must be Fire. I don't think we have properly met." As much as he would have loved to sound more masculine, his voice was much to feminine to sound right.

Re: A Night of Flames | Fire's settling | - Fire - 01-21-2021

Fire | 3 years
Cat | Coalition of the Comdemned

Fire wasn't paying attention at first, but soon notice Brutei. He looked up and looked over at Brutei. "Yes, my name is Fire and I don't think we have properly meet either." He said smiling. Fire liked where he was and he was happy to have Crimson with him. He still looked at Brutei.

Fire smiled still looking at Brutei. "Have you meet my son Crimson, yet?" He asked thinking about his son and wonder if he had met the others yet. Fire smiled at the idea of Crimson meeting the others around him.

Re: A Night of Flames | Fire's settling | - ninazu - 01-21-2021

“I met your son. Briefly. I believe he was looking at clouds.” Ninazu’s nose twitched, and she shrugged.

“But, how are you settling in? The cold getting to you yet?”

Re: A Night of Flames | Fire's settling | - SirDio - 01-21-2021

His ears flicked to Ninazu and he shrugged. "I may have met him, but my memory of my past body is kinda spotty." He sat down and curled his tail around his body.

"Yes, are you faring well in the cold?"

Re: A Night of Flames | Fire's settling | - Fire - 01-22-2021

Fire | 3 years
Cat | Coalition of the Comdemned

Fire smiled hearing Ninazu. He was glad that he son was meeting the others. "I'm glad that he has been out and about then." He said happily. Fire smiled still as the cold. He looked at both Ninazu and Brutei. "It doesn't bother me right now, but thank you for your concern." Fire added still smiling at the fact that he had found his home, but then his thoughts fell on his daughter.