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Girl who sang by day ❤ Settling in ❤ and by night she ate tear soup - Printable Version

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Girl who sang by day ❤ Settling in ❤ and by night she ate tear soup - SirDio - 01-20-2021

After a short stay at the tavern, Lucinda Felx finally decided to find herself a hut at Barracuda Bay. To be fair, it didn't take long, but she took her time. After a look around the vacant housings, she found one close to the beach that she loved. It was decently sized and she took no time in setting up and getting a good feel on the place.

With a selected hut and her small amount of stuff placed inside, she took off to find some flowering vines she could root into the hut itself. Y'know, just to add some flare to it. It took a small bit but she found some flowering vines and debris from the raid she could use as anchorage for the vines. Lucy's selected vines were Golden Trumpets, and for good reason as she set up the anchorage points at the front of her hut and using a latter to place some on the very top where they'd get the most sunlight.

With a huff, she leapt from the latter and landed softly in the sand. Using driftwood she created a small wooden path, then set the rest of the driftwood up against her house. Taking a step back, she looked at her work and smiled broadly. [color=#093044]"What else could I do.."

Re: Girl who sang by day ❤ Settling in ❤ and by night she ate tear soup - salem - 01-21-2021

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: georgia; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]SALEM | Home felt like a complicated concept to the dark-furred feline.  The Typhoon had long since became home, but home was more than a place.  He fell asleep within the upper floors of the tavern just as often as his own bed, tucked in a treehouse he claimed long ago -- spending quiet time with Keona and her books in the Sky Parlor, until it was too late and he felt too tired to walk back to the jungle.

In the end, home was more than that treehouse -- the physical location was only the start.  Home used to be wherever his family was; it still was.  The only difference now was that he saw the Typhoon as a sort of family; even though he missed his siblings.

The small wildcat had thoughts of redecoration in mind as he wandered across the sand; considering a few plants he could try gardening, though he seemed to only possess a knack for tending to autumn plants.  Could use another bookshelf too... Vine-wrapped paws only halted when he heard an unfamiliar voice speak.

Her contemplative tone and the newly adjusted hut told him enough as he blinked.  Quiet and reclusive as he was, Salem felt no surprise he did not recognize the newer crewmate -- spurred on to speak primarily due to the plants he saw hanging across the hut.  The flowers blooming were a lovely and bright color.  "I like the flowers."

"Uh hi," he added, sheepish tone slipping into his quiet voice.  "I'm Salem.  I like how your hut looks so far.What else to add?  He felt unsure on the matter, dark eyes drawn to the trumpet vines with fondness.  "If you like to garden... You can always have some planters out front."

Re: Girl who sang by day ❤ Settling in ❤ and by night she ate tear soup - michael t. - 01-21-2021

Michael's home had been The Typhoon for as long as he could reasonably remember, these days. He knew that he had been in The Pitt for a brief time, but it hadn't been long enough to truly consider the other group a home in any sort of way. Not only that, but there were many faces within The Typhoon that further made it home for the dealer, such as those of his sister and her family, as well as his best friend, Diya. His little hut on the beach had become his home within a home, and he had built it up slowly, changing it from the dilapidated little building he had initially found it as. Nowadays, it was a bustling hub of activity for his family, with both himself and Trevor watching over not only their children, but their myriad of pets, as well. He couldn't imagine moving away from his hut after so many months spent making himself comfortable, and he had to admit that it was pretty exciting, to see someone else finding their own true home to make all their own.

The thief arrived on the scene shortly after Salem, his head tilting to one side as he inspected the vines that Lucy had latched onto her home. Clearing his throat, Michael spoke with a faint smile, "Those look pretty nice, Lucy. Gotta be careful about somebody trying to climb up onto your roof, though." That was mostly meant as a joke, but he also wouldn't put it past some of the more rambunctious kids within the group, including his own son, Midas. He let out a thoughtful hum as he tried to think of what to suggest, one ear flicking as he acknowledged Salem's suggestion. A garden was obvious, but it was also so basic. Michael preferred things with a but of flair. So, he soon offered his own suggestion, "What about a bit of proper decoration? Vases, little statues, stuff like that... you could probably find something from the traveling merchants that usually come to the tavern. Or you could even head over to Tanglewood and ask them if they might have anything – they have an entire junkyard full of stuff, from what I remember." He wasn't sure there would be anything worthwhile within the messy field of trash, but it was always worth a shot.

Re: Girl who sang by day ❤ Settling in ❤ and by night she ate tear soup - Keona. - 01-21-2021

keona sibéal ní faoláin.
the typhoon.
the blind dealer.
[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2a4971; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 2px;"]Idir brí is idir muir, Tá mé i dtiúin
Many moons ago, the tiny wildcat had a hut.  Only to end up staying on the Tempest with her father... Then the Sky Parlor, as a dealer.  Odds were her room might look plain to some.  Especially to those who truly enjoyed decoration.

So long as she had a place to work, a place to sleep, and a place for her books... She was happy with her room.  No need to complicate.  Manu the stuffed parrot did sit by her bed, and a few shells were placed around, but that was as far as Keona went.

Her ears perked idly as she trotted by, stepping closer to Salem as she listened to him and Michael speak.  Well.  She had little to offer in advice, pale hues flickering in thought.  "Aloha, Lucy.  Do you need any help?"  Might as well be an extra set of paws.

Re: Girl who sang by day ❤ Settling in ❤ and by night she ate tear soup - SirDio - 01-21-2021

The silver Mau turned to look at Salem, kinked tail waving in greeting. [color=#093044]"Hello, Salem. My name is Lucy. It's nice to meet you! Ah, they are quite pretty. A pain to gather sometimes, though." She beamed, then looked back at her hut. [color=#093044]"I do plan on a garden at some point. I saw that someone's treehouse had some really colorful flowers, and as much as I'd like to have that, I can get overwhelmed by them easily." She shrugged, then looked to Michael as he spoke. Her eyes widened with a bit of surprise but it quickly replaced with awe at the mention of a junkyard. [color=#093044]"ooo! I'll have to check it out. Who knows, might make my own decorations if the talent is still there."

Turning her gaze to Keona the Mau nodded slightly. [color=#093044]"Hello, Keona. Uh.. I think I might be done for today, but I'm honestly not sure. I do still have to work out the inside but I might just leave that for another day."