Beasts of Beyond
INSPIRATION GETTING HARD TO FAKE IT ☆ return from capture - Printable Version

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INSPIRATION GETTING HARD TO FAKE IT ☆ return from capture - roan ; - 01-20-2021

Well, he had certainly had an eventful week, now hadn't he? Trying to recover from his herb stores being stolen from, then getting captured and held in the territory of the Iron Forged, and then discovering that he could shapeshift into a dragon. Oh, and he had air elementals, if his ability to fly as a dragon with no wings was anything to go by. Honestly, everything had happened so fast that the soothsayer just wanted to curl up into a ball and sleep. Unfortunately, he knew that he wouldn't be able to do so, pausing only momentarily on his journey back home because of one little passenger – Aveline. He had no idea how she had managed to make it all the way out to Iron Forged territory, but he didn't especially care. All he knew was that he needed to get her out of there, and doing such a thing had been as simple as swooping her up carefully in his claws before he flew the hell away. After that, he had started flying back towards The Typhoon, stopping only for a few hours in order to let his air elementals recharge before he took off again.

By the time he and Aveline reached Typhoon territory once again, the medic was unable to deny that he was exhausted. The pain of his earlier injuries was returning once again, and he barely managed to make a rather graceless landing near the large bell that was usually used to signal joiners. He turned and nudged Aveline with his nose to make her aware that they were home, before he turned and shoved his claws against the bell, letting it ring out rhythmically. Thankfully, it wasn't long until he heard approaching footsteps. Not so thankfully, the exhaustion really was getting to him. It was only a few minutes before the Eastern dragon slumped forward, his chin connecting with the ground as his legs gave out. He laid on the ground momentarily before his form began to shift, and shrink, eventually becoming the small draconic feline form that he was more used to. Of course, he still looked a bit different, given the bandaged up sides of his legs, and the fact that half of one of his horns was missing.

As much as Roan just wanted to close his eyes and sleep right there, he still managed to muster up enough energy to mumble-shout, a soft sigh leaving his throat, "I'm home! I brought... brought Aveline back with me, too..." He wished he could've brought Torsten back as well, but he hadn't been able to spot the other through the chaos before he was already on his way home. He could only hope that the raid party had already brought him back before he and Aveline arrived back.

Re: INSPIRATION GETTING HARD TO FAKE IT ☆ return from capture - bubblegum - 01-20-2021

DEAR FRIEND as you know,  your flowers are withering
your mother's gone insane, your leaves have drifted away.
    but the clouds are clearing up
        and i've come reveling, burning incandescently,
                                              like a bastard on the burning sea.

The same could be said for both, in terms of how eventful their week was. Both not so ideal, either. Though the tigress' was much less...exciting, to say the least. Which would probably be good news to the soothsayer, given an exciting week for someone recovering from a severe concussion did not sound like the best way to heal. The exact events that unfolded, however, were less than ideal, and not the greatest signs. At least, not to the female, with her limited medical knowledge. She'd been laying low - completely inactive the day after her seizure, not necessarily because she wanted to be, but simply because she wished to not have any other problems arise, and resting seemed like the best way to avoid such a thing. Laying around still didn't really help how she felt, though. An anxiety was beginning to spread throughout the big cat. One that'd begun the moment she woke up, but was only made worse by recent occurrences, and beginning to become more apparent, when watching the female.

It'd been a few days now, and she had spent most of those days simply staring at nothing in particular. If others had tried to converse with her, she would reply, but the answers would be half-hearted. A shift had occurred within Goldie since her incident, and she wasn't quite so sure how to explain it. There wasn't much she could say about it, but that only made her feel worse, too. She couldn't even articulate what her problem was.

At the beginning of it all, when Roan had first gone missing, the former captain had tried to be useful - go out and gather herbs. That way, if the supplies were all stocked up, Roan could simply rest when he got home, have less to worry about. And that was something she thought was good, and she still stood by that. It'd been productive, and she'd liked the feeling of getting something done, being useful, helping others instead of requiring everyone's help herself. But it had only lasted a day, and Roan had been missing longer than those couple of days. Where her paws had took her, it was her own fault, even if she'd not been completely aware that such a thing would happen. And so, afterwards, she'd only lay in bed, move around to get water, food, and stretch, but remain within the temple, stay out of the way. It was today that she'd finally be seen once more.

She was still nervous about being up and moving, but it felt better than simply laying with her thoughts, staring at the walls. And she determined the walk would be extremely short. Go one way for no longer than ten minutes, and then take herself back to the temple, do nothing else for the rest of the day. That seemed fair, and the beach air felt nice her in lungs. The ringing of the gate's bell would catch her attention, and she would instinctively move towards it, before pausing, thinking that it may not be a good idea for her to go there. Anyone could be there, and if she was to approach alone that would be dangerous and potentially cause more trouble. However, the voice that followed would quickly change her mind, the female's ears perking and paws immediately taking her to the felines.

Her head is held low as she grows closer, pawsteps cautious, relief filling her gaze as she sees her cousin. "Roan," she'd call out before she fully arrived, shaking voice cracking. She seems to be tempted to say something else following it, but ultimately changes her mind, looking over the two. "You...let's get you two t' a bed." They needed rest. "We stocked up the herb supplies a couple days ago, so don' worry 'bout that. We can talk 'bout everythin' else later."

Re: INSPIRATION GETTING HARD TO FAKE IT ☆ return from capture - kinglykingstone - 01-20-2021

Do you walk in the meadow of spring?
Do you talk to the animals?

Aveline had spent part of the flight crying, the other in stunned exhausted silence. The ride had been nauseating, being carried that high through the air. She was grateful to return to the ground, bumping her head against the dragon and wincing as the bell ran out. She watched as he slumped forward and let out a pitiful mew, slowly trudging towards him and curling against his leg. She wouldn't react with more than an ear flick, eyes squeezed shut as she sat there, burnt out. 

//sorry its short, low muse