Beasts of Beyond
opened my eyes - open; staring - Printable Version

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opened my eyes - open; staring - rhosmari - 01-17-2021

He had been feeling strange the last few days. It was such a vague thing that he thought it would pass. It was almost unnoticeable till it wasn't anymore. He began to feel a strange tumbling in his stomach. Almost like he was falling and at first he assumed he was just hungry and so he tried to eat something. A small rabbit had filled his stomach before when he had been in his other body so he figured the same would go for this one. Yet even after eating he hadn't felt full. It was like he hadn't eaten at all. In fact he almost felt nauseous after eating it and he swallowed thickly, swiping his tongue along his jaws as he walked along the boardwalk. Yet he noticed that people were staring at him as he went by, he didn't realize that he was still licking his jaws and well, watching people. His golden blue orbs were staring at animals as they went by and he swallowed thickly. He was snapped out of his odd behavior when one individual snapped at him.

He jolted and stepped back with a frown on his muzzle. "Sorry, I didn't mean anything by it, honestly." He breathed and they snorted before walking away. A soft groan left the gladiator's throat as he swallowed reflexively. His maw ached,  his stomach twisted, and worse of all his throat felt so parched. Turning away from the boardwalk he made his way toward the beach, taking deep breathes before he sat down. There he just tried to ignore how he felt. But his gaze trailed off and be started to watch a someone else. Eyes intense.
[Image: lnnqViN.gif]
How, how much to light up my star again and rewire all my thoughts? Oh baby, won't you remind me what I am? And break, break my little cold heart. I'm living someone else's life. Suppressing who I was inside. I don't know if I can be alone again. I don't know if I can sleep alone again.

%u2014 Sorbet Monroe Roux

Re: opened my eyes - open; staring - RHINESTONE. - 01-22-2021

If someone had honestly asked Rhinestone whether he noticed Sorbet's odd behavior, the legate would've been forced to say no. Mainly because he hadn't been paying much attention to Sorbet, as of late. He trusted the gladiator to be able to handle himself, and even though the Glades was faring far better than some groups after the whole Coalition thing, there was still business to attend to. So, the serval had just been... busy, really. His attention was on other things, and he didn't notice that Sorbet seemed a little bit off. This was, until it was forcibly brought to his attention by a couple of passersby. Rhine hadn't even been near the boardwalk, instead heading back towards camp with a few bits of prey clamped in his jaws. However, as he moved to put his "prizes" down in prey storage, he heard a couple of people nearby whispering, their voices sharp as they talked about Sorbet acting all weird. That didn't sound like Sorbet, but considering his recent death and return... he had reason to be a bit off.

Concerned, Rhinestonestar had turned away from the prey pile, heaving himself up and out of camp, and towards the boardwalk. It only took a few minutes of walking over the towering wooden structure for him to spot Sorbet, and he was immediately able to figure out what the other's were talking about. As the canine sat on the beach nearby, his gaze seemed distant and intensely focused all at the same time, and it made Rhine feel undeniably unsettled. He wondered if Sorbet even realized what he was doing. Taking a deep breath, the legate then slipped off of the boardwalk, walking over the warm sand until he reached where the other was. He questioned softly, trying not to sound accusatory towards Sorbet or upset him, "Hello, Sorbet... are you feeling alright? You seem a little... different, today." That was one way to put it, he supposed.
[Image: jGD2qw5.gif]
tags + roleplayed by stilly + the palm glades

Re: opened my eyes - open; staring - rhosmari - 01-28-2021

Like a crashing wave he seemed to come back into focus on the world around him. It took him a moment longer to realize that someone was here with him and he turned to stare at Rhinestone for another moment. It was like his mine was having a hard time pulling back from something and he swallowed before closing his eyes and giving a sudden nod of his head. Yeah, he was fine. He had asked that he was sure because well...word did travel around the Glades when things were beginning to get strange But the words didn't leave his muzzle and he needed to say he was fine. Words were believed sometimes and he wanted to believe it himself. He didn't want to think that something was going wrong with him again. ''Y-yeah, I'm just tired I guess. Hungry, but I'll get something to eat later on.'' He honestly didn't want Rhine to worry about him. After all he had already given him a heart attack once before when he had...been killed.

Shaking his head a little he forced a smile onto his muzzle but his ears were twitching. He could hear something, a rushing sound. Like his senses were honing onto just that his rounded pupils turned slowly into vertical slits and his gaze wandered, looking and searching for the sound that he could hear. A sound that sounded like a drum pushing liquid at a regulated pace. His head tilted for a moment before he blinked a couple of times, pulling his ears back against his skull. The hell was wrong with him? '' you hear a rushing noise? It's not the's sluggish but it sounds...'' He stopped there, the maned wolf uncertain of his own thoughts. He must sound crazy.
code by Reggan