Beasts of Beyond
Horns of the devil - O; Feral Deinonychus - Printable Version

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Horns of the devil - O; Feral Deinonychus - Ares - 01-17-2021

Muscle to muscle, and toe to toe
The fear has gripped me, but here I go
Ares let out a yell, throwing the sheath of the sword across the room, taking satisfaction in hearing something break. It wasn't enough. Grabbing a vase from a nightstand, she threw that as well, watching it shatter. She let out another yell, swinging her claws at a piece of furniture. [color=#98c3e1]"God damnit! What is wrong with me!?" She screamed, gripping at her horns tightly and shaking her head violently. Why had she become so angry, so protective over that sword? Even when Aurum scolded her she yelled back, threatened them with harm. She understood his anger but she didn't understand her own.

She opened her mouth to scream again, but a strangled cry left it and she fell in a violent convulsion. Body warped and twisted and changed, dinosaurid body taking shape with horns and wings, deadly claws that lashed out and scored across wooden walls and tore up furniture as though a razor's edge. Sharp teeth that snapped at the air while she screamed as though a rabid animal, Feathers that appeared night black and scales that were a crimson mosaic of reds and blacks.

Yellow eyes peered from the deinonychus' skull, taking in the carnage and deeming more, demanding more. She raked her claws across as many surfaces as possible, tearing up paper sketches and scoring claw marks into the sheath of the sword. Sword. She let her gaze travel before she looked at the sword and she reached over to touch it, before shoving it away and hiding it under carnage and debris.

Anguished the scream that left her as pain sang in her head, something crying out within her to stop, but she stomped on the floor and the pain ceased. Now to escape. She rammed herself against the door, over and over, demanding it budge but feeling nothing happen. Still the beast tried until suddenly it gave way and she fell outside in a flurry of feathers. Tanglers yelled out but that fueled the primal hunger as she screamed back at them.


Re: Horns of the devil - O; Feral Deinonychus - wormwood. - 01-19-2021

Re: Horns of the devil - O; Feral Deinonychus - Ares - 01-19-2021

Muscle to muscle, and toe to toe
The fear has gripped me, but here I go
The animalistic haze the beast was in was only made worse with the name Aurum screamed, for a moment the beast locked eyes onto him and stared, a familiar ache in the dinosaur's heart. Don't hurt him! He was right to keep me away from the sword- keep us away from it! The staring was cut short when she felt the earth beneath her feet shift and drag her down. The anger within her only grew and she pulled one foot up, planted it on solid ground, and hoisted her other foot up, freeing herself from the trap. Now the beast was mad.

A growl surged from her throat as she slowly advanced, hook claws tapping the ground in a rhythmic fashion. Don't hurt him! She crept closer. Before she could lunge, though, she reared her head back in a screech, claws reaching over her head and grasping her horns, shaking herself wildly. She stepped back several feet, wings falling down to her sides and hanging limply as the beast tried to look at Aurum only to feel the pain again that forced her head down and a pained snarl to reach the air. Something, no, someone wanted Aurum safe. Someone who was young, who was taken in by tanglewood, by Aurum. Someone who grew close to the group, then shied away, then snarled at him for refusing the sword. The Sword.

She turned to face the house, but bared her teeth and shook her head. [color=#98c3e1]"No.. No.. No." She strained, stepping back even further, wings folding in by her sides. A whimper left her and she looked toward the edge of town. She could run. She could flee, get the sword some other time. Avoid the anger and fury of Aurum only to face it another day. But she hissed and turned back to face him, splaying out her arms and displaying the black feathers she bore, though she seemed less enthusiastic about facing off against him.


Re: Horns of the devil - O; Feral Deinonychus - rhosmari - 01-19-2021

Coming into the camp she had been hard at work practicing her elemental. Fire mane shifting and twisting from the heat of using her powers. Burning brighter and hotter, the flame on the end of her tail was the same. It was tiring to continuously use her powers but she didn't want to be afraid of them, nor the flaming giant serpents that she seemed to be able to manifest. The woman was making her way toward the home that she shared with Arrow, knowing she was just going to tuck herself away into a corner for the remainder of the day when she heard the large banging sounds. Her paws became stuck, glued in place as she turned her head and watched a door. The wood bulging and bulging after ever strike against it till the wood seemed to explode outward and splinters flew into the air. Her eyes widened at the thing that came running out of Ares' home and her fur lifted along her spine at the danger of the feralistic beast. Where was Ares? Where was her daughter? At first she did not think that this dinosaur, one that looked like Tide but slightly different, was her daughter. But when Aurum roared out and called her name her eyes widened suddenly. The pale warrior would turn to look at the behemoth. ''A-Ares....'' She was so confused. This creature could not be her small daughter.

There was no way that she could accept something like this. Ares was no screaming rampaging beast, she was sound, strong. Her eyes brimmed with tears and she took another step toward the threatening creature. Her tail curled gently against her own body as her rounded ears pulled back against her skull, white figure stark against the backdrop of the swamp town. ''What...what happened to her? Ares, she must come back to us. She is loved here, she is needed here. Not this angry creature. Please....bring her baby girl back.'' She rose her voice up as she spoke, almost yelling her pain toward the creature. Because no matter what, no matter if she was seen as a fraud, a fake, she would always love the child that she had found within the swamps.

Re: Horns of the devil - O; Feral Deinonychus - S. PENDRAGON - 01-19-2021

Sophiea hadn't been expecting to hear the sound of crashing and banging, it made the fur on her spine rise and immediately rose to her paws. The winged feline rose to her paws without hesitation grabbing the container that held all of her arrows, she opened the window of her attic stepping out onto the roof only to realize what the commotion was. Her screech owl following behind her with a flap of his wings as a small shriek left his beak, the beast was charging towards Aurum and Soph would let out a string of curses before glancing over to Archimedes "Go!" It wasn't long until her avian companion swooped forward aiming to briefly sink his talons into the dinosaur's snout if he managed to get those blows in, Archimedes would screech lifting into the air so Ares didn't reach him. The owl knew that he was a brief distraction, Sophiea stood upon the roof of her home already drawing out a few arrows with her telekinesis. The British woman would draw in a soft breath as her small wings would spread out from her body, a growl leaving her.

Her eyes already locked onto her target, Sophiea would yowl to get the attention of the dinosaur "OI, YOU TWAT!" Without another word, the winged feline would use her wind elementals to launch the arrows forward aiming to shoot them at Ares' legs, she would begin to make her way down from the roof and onto the floor that belonged to Tanglewood as a hiss left her. She would run behind Ares making sure to keep her distance "OVER HERE, YOU OVERGROWN LIZARD!"

Re: Horns of the devil - O; Feral Deinonychus - Ares - 01-19-2021

Muscle to muscle, and toe to toe
The fear has gripped me, but here I go
The beast halted her display as she looked toward Elsweyr, that same nagging voice higher and louder now in her head. Regret flashed in those yellow eyes before she felt talons dig into her snout and she screamed, recoiling away and hiding her face in her own wings before any more damage could be done. Sophiea's voice fell on deaf ears but the arrows that stuck into Are's legs forced her to look, a wild fury and panic set in her eyes. Two wanted her to stand down, one wanted a fight. She didn't turn her body to face Sophiea, confusion set upon her scaled face, twisting into a pained expression as she clutched her horns again. [color=#98c3e1]"Nonnononono.. NO!"

The earth met her face and she fell, a whimpering mess as she pulled arrows from her legs, wings folded around her to hide her body from them. A sob reached the beast's throat but couldn't escape as the anger flared again. Arrows removed from her legs she stood tall again, shaking her head vigorously. Still that crying in her head got louder and louder, pleading for no harm to them. It was almost tearing her apart.


Re: Horns of the devil - O; Feral Deinonychus - wormwood. - 01-20-2021

Re: Horns of the devil - O; Feral Deinonychus - Ares - 01-21-2021

Muscle to muscle, and toe to toe
The fear has gripped me, but here I go
Eyes turned to Aurum as he shifted, panic resurfacing and all anger lost as she was wrapped up. Calm down? She was trying, truly she was trying. But they couldn't see that. They only saw her for what she was - a monster.

That thought made Ares whimper, the whimpering becoming soft cries of a child. The cries got louder as her scales loosened into fur and feathers unraveled, paws replacing deadly claws.

Soon did the beastly form get replaced with that of a scared child, who slipped out of MAMA's grasp and staggered away. Sore legs carried her toward Els out of habit, but as she stopped and lowered her head, wings wrapping around her small form, she said nothing.


Re: Horns of the devil - O; Feral Deinonychus - rhosmari - 01-21-2021

She wanted to scream at them, shout her throat hoarse for the mere fact that they were hurting her. The large beast had not even tried to attack them, it looked confused and angry but hadn't lifted a claw in an attempt to strike back. Her flames were becoming unstable and wild, shivering and shaking as she watched what Soph did and the preventative measures that Aurum did. Her body felt too tense as if the forces would tear her apart and then there was silence as the creature changed and shifted. The little girl that she had come to know slipped out of the beast's grasp and began to wobble towards her before stopping. And that was all the prompting that she needed. The flaming lioness moved forward suddenly and quickly to the child. Ares. Her eyes were that of anger and of malice because she was hurt now. A child hurt by her own. "It's okay. She's okay. This one has her." She spoke quickly and softly,  soothing. She would lower her muzzle and attempt to gently nuzzle Ares. Her tail moving to curl around the child in protection.

A mother on guard despite everything that had happened. She did not care about anger or the past. Things had changed and things would continue to change but not how she felt. She didn't want to let anyone near the small ink and red colored child as she attempted to soothe her. She could see the fatigue in her and she pressed her muzzle on top of her skull lightly. "She needs to rest. She needs Moth for her wounds. She's so sorry this happened to her. Will she talk to Elsweyr when she is ready?" Her back was rigid, a barrier as she loomed over Ares protectively.

Re: Horns of the devil - O; Feral Deinonychus - Ares - 01-21-2021

Muscle to muscle, and toe to toe
The fear has gripped me, but here I go
As Elsweyr's presence became known to Ares, the child relaxed a bit. Wings dropped to her sides and she pressed her forehead against the lioness, the only one who hadn't attacked her, the only one who didn't see her as a monster. A monster. What Ares truly was, and still this lioness loved her.

Her eyes squeezed shut and she gritted her teeth, nodding quietly to Els' words. Ares didn't spare a glance to Sophiea or Aurum - to her, they only thought she was a monster. An angry thing, erratic and untame. Elsweyr thought different, she was sure. Then the kitten trembled with fear.
