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Oom Pah Pah! - Candy "raid" - Printable Version

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Oom Pah Pah! - Candy "raid" - SirDio - 01-16-2021

The sun lay high in the sky, bearing down on the the boardwalk. Slowly the dull purple racoon sneaked in the shadows with an empty bag in her tiny paws. Who knew that one of the first things she would do as an immune would be a raid on the Boardwalk for candy? Well, she did, of course.

As she climbed into the window of one of the houses, she was quite surprised to see and sense that no one was there. And even more surprised to smell candy. Tracking the scent to a trunk, she opened it up to find a small bounty, like five suckers. Well, a bounty is a bounty! Quickly scooping the candy up into the bag she went into the next room, finding a little more candy. Deciding that she shouldn't be in for too long, she went to find a window to escape from.

Climbing out of a window and landing on the boardwalk itself, she looked in her bag and smiled at her bounty. 5 suckers,  a piece of chocolate, and three jaw breakers. She went to the next house, did the same thing, and climbed back out with even more candy. More jawbreakers and chocolate. While she was climbing into the next house's window, she froze at the sound of someone walking up and the scent of Palm Glades. Turning to whoever was behind her, she let out a quiet word.


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Re: Oom Pah Pah! - Candy "raid" - Onyxdreams - 01-21-2021

~ ☼ When it came to cool things to add to her collection, the place everyone called the 'board walk' was far and away the place to find cool stuff. That shiny, spikey, and crinkly ball, the super shiny rock, and even that weird, colorful rectangle, they had all come from this place, from some of the empty homes that she had explored there. It was one of the only places outside of camp that Onyx ever really went to, or stuck around in for very long, as a good deal of the buildings there were still decently insulated, or, sometimes, if she was lucky, even had blankets! Really, what wasn't there to like about this place, it had that cool glow-y stone house, the really, really big wheel, tons and tons of neat stuff that no one wanted, it was great!

Pulling a sack along beside herself, laden with some of the loot she had collected, the hybrid had been about to call it a day and head back home to more properly inspect some of the things she had collected, when a thump met her ears. Head swiveling towards the noise, fearing just what she might find there for a second, she was relieved when her crimson eyes locked onto a purple creature, someone she sort of recognized. She didn't really know her name, or anything about her, other than the fact that she was a purple Her eyes did widen however, when she noticed what the Immune was carrying, a bag, a little bit like the sack that she was carrying around, she was collecting things too!

Happy at the thought of having found someone who shares her hobby, Onyx made her way across the boardwalk towards her fellow looter, making no attempt to quiet her pawsteps, or the soft dragging of her own bag beside her. "Hello!" she enthusiastically responded back as the purple racoon (Definitely a racoon) turned to face her. "Find anything nice?" There was plenty to go around, after all, she had already collected more things here than she really knew what to do with, but with her recent transfer from the nursery to a small den of her own she had more than enough space to store her now much larger collection!

Re: Oom Pah Pah! - Candy "raid" - RHINESTONE. - 01-22-2021

In any other scenario, Rhinestone probably wouldn't have cared much about what Mezrith was doing. After all, the legate himself didn't have much of a sweet tooth, so it wasn't as if he would be missing the various sweets all that much. Plus, he still remained within camp the majority of the time, so he didn't even really notice what was going on within the boardwalk unless someone came rushing up to him. Unfortunately, there was one small hitch in what Mezrith was doing, and that was the fact that she was entering houses. While some of the Glades still remained in their dens dotted around their sand camp, some had taken to living within the homes on the boardwalk, and Rhine couldn't blame them. Some of them were quite sturdy and cozy, and he was sure he could make a nice home out of one, if he just wasn't so attached to his own den. However, this also meant that those homes were where people kept their things, and while the serval didn't have the biggest sweet tooth, there were some within the group that liked their sweets. Liked them, and didn't want them snatched away from them while they were out, or sleeping.

It was mostly by random chance that Rhine happened to be on the boardwalk that day, having been checking in on the various members that lived there. Everything had been going well until he greeted one with what looked to be a sour expression on their face, explaining to him that they had some food stolen from their home. That had obviously put a frown on his muzzle, and he had started to go searching for the culprit, his short tail flicking behind him in irritation. When he eventually came across both Mezrith and Onyxpaw, it wasn't hard to see who the perpetrator had been, considering she was halfway up and into the next window. With a heavy sigh, Rhinestone's ears pulled back, pressing against his skull as he moved over. He touched his nose lightly to his daughter's head before he spoke to Mezrith, a displeased huff of air leaving him, "Mezrith... normally I wouldn't care about you going on a candy collection spree, but I've been getting some complaints. You do know that people actually live in these buildings, right?" There was always the chance that she actually hadn't, and had simply seen the boardwalk as an abandoned extension of the territory. In that case, he'd be a bit more lenient.
[Image: jGD2qw5.gif]
tags + roleplayed by stilly + the palm glades

Re: Oom Pah Pah! - Candy "raid" - SirDio - 01-22-2021

The racoon looked at Onyx, a single second of relief coming from the demon before she saw Rhine. [color=#765a90]"Oh no - I'm in the boots now, aren't I." She dropped the bag onto the boardwalk below and clambered out of the window, ears angled toward Rhine as he spoke. A pout displayed itself on her face. [color=#765a90]"In all honesty, I have two things to say - one, i figured some of these houses had people living in them, and I've been avoiding most of those. Two, if they have complaints, I'm not that hard to find. I'm one of the many sore thumbs of the group."

She stretched and used that stretching to shift back into her main form. Flicking some of her 'mane' out of her face, she smiled. [color=#765a90]"I am sorry, though. Truly - I try not to steal candy but I tend to get a craving for it and I'm too chaotic good to try and raid another group for sweets."

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