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YOU WERE JUST A FOOL || MONTHLY TASKS - Simon F.M. - 01-15-2021

Diya looked over the carnage that littered the beaches, the remnants of a raid she wished she could shove with the rest of her missing memories. That simply wasn't an option though, it had happened and she needed to get things back in order. Her soon to be wife had taken up leading, everyone was hard at work. But, with no set tasks, things were getting done a bit at random. They needed some organization, and Diya could do that.

Settled in front of the Tavern, the pale-colored feline would set her list of tasks that needed to be done in front of her. She had a few names scribbled down but, mainly she would be assigning the tasks on the spot. "Gather around, Crewmates! I've got tasks to hand out!" the Privateer called out, paws cupped around her maw to project her voice.

Re: YOU WERE JUST A FOOL || MONTHLY TASKS - michael t. - 01-16-2021

Tasks. Michael couldn't properly remember the last time they had them, but to have them now did make sense. There was a lot of cleanup to do after the raid, and Rox had enough on her shoulders as of late. It took only a few moments before the bobcat made his way over, smiling calmly at Diya as he came to settle nearby. He was always glad to see her, even if she seemed more and more exhausted as of late – that too was natural, given recent events. Attempting to lift her spirits, the dealer spoke in a calm and warm purr, his tuft of a tail flicking behind him, "You got anything for me, Diya? Better be something that utilizes my unique talents." His muzzle then quirked up into a faint smile, making it clear that he was joking. He'd honestly accept any task he was given, if he could help out properly.

Re: YOU WERE JUST A FOOL || MONTHLY TASKS - Keona. - 01-16-2021

Keona Ní Faoláin — the blind dealer
[div style="width: 490px; font-size: 9pt; line-height: .1.1; color: #386bab; text-align: justify; font-family: palatino; margin-bottom: 5px; margin-top: 2px;"][i]Idir brí is idir muir, Tá mé i dtiúin
The tiny dealer kept her paws busy.  Idleness never sat with her well.  Even off-time, she kept her mind busy, stimulated by the books she read.  Always keeping her paws on the move.  She wanted to be productive.  Had to be some use.

Hearing the call for the tasks, the petite wildcat soon trotted over, unsurprised to sense Natyli scrambling after her.  Eager as always.  She offered Diya a short dip of her head in request, pale hues set.  If there was work to do, she wanted to help.

Natyli grinned up at Diya as well, mitch-matched hues bright.  "What can I help with?"
come and fly away with me!
[align=right]Natyli Roux — the chimera


[glow=white,1,400]LIKE WE FORGET WHO WE CAN TRUST !。+゚.[/glow]
Would Aphra want her to be doing tasks? Surely she would, given that she was no longer a Minnow. "Can I have one, Diya?" Vayne asked as she came over, looking up at the larger feline.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: YOU WERE JUST A FOOL || MONTHLY TASKS - planecrash. - 01-17-2021

Tasks! Oh how Plane remembered These and how amusing the results of some of them could go, depending on what was given to who on any given gathering.While yes, they were a bit caught off guard due to the all too recent raid, this was exactly what the clan needed to ease a little stress off the group as a whole now.

The still shriveled up tom carefully made his way towards the group with a smile, looking hesitantly towards Diya as he cleared his throat. “Um, yes! I would like to help out with tasks as well!

Re: YOU WERE JUST A FOOL || MONTHLY TASKS - bubblegum - 01-17-2021

DEAR FRIEND as you know,  your flowers are withering
your mother's gone insane, your leaves have drifted away.
    but the clouds are clearing up
        and i've come reveling, burning incandescently,
                                              like a bastard on the burning sea.

While the tigress certainly needed no help finding ways to spend her days, the call of Diya's voice certainly intrigued her. She was assigning tasks for her crewmates to do, something they could accomplish for the betterment of everyone. The tigress figured she may as well participate, even if she already had a few ideas over what she could do to spend time. Whatever ideas Diya had could be just as helpful, so the tigress would approach the scene, ears perked forward. "I'd like one, please," she'd request after Plane spoke up, offering a simple nod. She'd only hope the other wouldn't assign her something like, "lay around all day" or something like that.

Re: YOU WERE JUST A FOOL || MONTHLY TASKS - Simon F.M. - 01-18-2021

As Michael approached her ears perked up, giving the bobcat a smile. She would chuckle as he spoke, tilting her head as she thought. "Well, I don't need anyone to shovel sh-" Vayne's approach made her falter, searching for a more appropriate word quickly. Finding none at the moment she shook her and chuckled. "Michael, do you think you could gather up some of the Blackjack Rats and host a game? Something fun to help everyone have a good time!"

Her attention would then officially settle on the others, thinking over her options. She looked at the other dealer, then back at Michael, gears turning in her head. "Keona, if you want, you could help Michael, or maybe you could gather up members to visit out allies. I want to give gifts to those who helped us, especially Tanglewood."

She would turn to Nat, an idea already in mind for the winged Roux. "Nat, could you do me the favor of flying over the territory, marking down any places with large amounts of damage? I want to start on repairs soon and that would be a massive help."

Her attention shifted to Vayne, wondering what a good task for the apprentice aged child would be. She didn't want to assign some big manual labor, though maybe some would help. "THe raids did damage to the beaches, why don't you start gathering some of the smaller debris, maybe grab some larger crewmates to help you? Don't wear yourself out though, mind your limits!"

She looked at Planecrash as he approached, noting how she hardly knew him. There had been a rising trend of new faces recently, and that simply wouldn't do. A group who knew each other worked better together. "Planecrash, why don't you hold a meet and greet of some kind. There's been a lot of new faces recently, it would be a good idea for the old and new to mingle." He was still recovering from the state he'd been in when he arrived so, that should keep him from making his health worse.

She looked to Goldenluxury as she approaches, resisting the urge to insist the former captain rested. She'd been doing plenty of that recently, something to do might do her some good. "Goldie, I'd like if you'd head to the tavern and started planning out some a feast would be nice, maybe see if you enjoy cooking!" It felt weird to order around the tigress but, she'd adjust eventually.

Re: YOU WERE JUST A FOOL || MONTHLY TASKS - salem - 01-18-2021

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: georgia; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]SALEM | Dark, vine-wrapped paws quickly bounded over the sand -- quietly answering the call.  He lingered besides Keona a moment, seeking comfort in her presence among the growing crowd, dark eyes on Diya as she issued out tasks.  Being helpful sounded nice to the wildcat, paws pushing into the sand as he raised his quiet voice in willingness.  "I'd like to help."


The Captain would walk over with both of her ears perked forward and she had been busy to say the least, her mind filled with several thoughts buzzing in her head as a soft sigh would leave her jaw happy to see that Diya was helping around. Some order within the past havoc that had occurred over the last few days, Roxanne twitched her whiskers lightly before speaking with a smile on her maw "I'd love to get a task, lovely." A soft purr leaving her maw as she stood next to Michael as her fluffy tail lashed to the sides lightly.

Re: YOU WERE JUST A FOOL || MONTHLY TASKS - brandykit - 01-22-2021

Brandy was there, bounding up a tiny bit. He was still covered in dust head to toe from his hut. "Task, please." He said towards Diya.
