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THE DISTANT SHORE ♡ typhoon visitors - Printable Version

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THE DISTANT SHORE ♡ typhoon visitors - ROXANNE R. - 01-15-2021

Roxanne decided that she should probably go see what Palm Glades was up to, she was observant of them during the monthly meeting and even if she should be visiting her ally, she had postponed the visit for now... Even if she was planning to visit Aurum and see how Tanglewood was faring. The draconid Captain had decided to bring a few of her crewmates along with her and of course, it was only a few not enough to actually start a fight but just to get a feeling of some security. The last time the Captain had gotten captured was when she had been a Quartermaster delivering gifts to their allies and neutral groups, a soft sigh would leave her maw with her fluffy tail lashing behind her. She didn't enjoy politics but... If she wanted the Typhoon to benefit and not have to worry about the small groups that were forming only to take sides with the Coalition, well, she needed her own source of allies. Tanglewood only did just enough but now that the Elysium was gone, she no longer had a neutral group to rely on and even with the truce formed between the Typhoon and the Pitt. Roxanne didn't want to miss out in acquiring an ally. She could forgive Palm Glades if they accepted her offer and if they didn't... Well, she would leave them along unless they bothered her group like the Iron Forged.

Arriving at the border, the Captain was picking away at a bit of meat that was stuck in her teeth with a claw only to let the head of a big cat roll in front of her before stopping it with her paw. Palm Glades didn't need to worry about it, Roxanne had just gotten lunch and rid of a Coalition spy, her forked tongue would swipe across her teeth and maw only to sit down with her small party of crewmates. "Captain Roxanne..." She would call out with a twitch of her whiskers before continuing with a slow nod "I'd like to speak with Rhinestonestar if possible." She had to remain polite given how this wasn't her land, a soft snort leaving her as the decapitated head laid under her small, petite paw reminding her of the lions head that bung on the gates of her home. A soft giggle would leave her maw, she was the cannibal queen for a reason and everyone would know of her presence. All eyes on her.

Re: THE DISTANT SHORE ♡ typhoon visitors - SirDio - 01-15-2021

Magnolia Mirrian was not a politics gal. She avoided talking about group politics, even when her old group talked about who they would rush from. But she loved journeys and exploration. So when she was given the chance to look at other groups, she accepted without hesitation.

Stopping behind Roxanne at the border, she wondered aloud, "Wonder if the people of this place are all that Xhocoatl cracks them up to be." her words were hushed but unwhispered. She stared past the border, adjusting her hat slightly. The head didn't faze her - Stryker's own ugly mug sat upon the gates. She looked to her side, where a flask of what should be water was affixed to her. Whether it was water or not was up to her, and she decided to keep it as water - what good was she if she was a little tipsy or drunk during these trips.


Re: THE DISTANT SHORE ♡ typhoon visitors - Simon F.M. - 01-15-2021

Diya had been excited when Roxanne had proposed the trip to The Palm Glades, grateful they would get to spend time together. They hadn't really gotten any time together alone recently, not with everything going on. And, it seem that trend wasn't ending today. She had flicked an ear in annoyance when Roxanne spoke of the others coming but hadn't fault it, she would just set up something for just the two of them later.

She settled next to Roxanne, looking down at the Captain for a moment before chuckling. "Hopefully they don't immediately take the head as a threat, not that they would be an issue," mused the Privateer, shaking her head. She turned to look at Magnolia, offering the other a smile. "Haven't visited the place myself but, Lovepaw spoke highly of it," she mused, offering another smile before turning back to face the border. Surely someone would show soon.

Re: THE DISTANT SHORE ♡ typhoon visitors - RHINESTONE. - 01-16-2021

Truthfully, Rhinestone tended to view The Typhoon in a neutral, if not positive, light. After all, before any of the Coalition business had gone down, Rosemary had always been willing to help them, not to mention Lovekit's little impromptu visit. It had immediately endeared the serval to the other group, even if he only spoke directly to Goldenluxury once. Even when everything with the Coalition had happened, Rhine hadn't been trying to act maliciously towards The Typhoon. He merely wanted to keep his own group alive and well, and the Coalition was seemingly the only way to do so. In the initial raid, he had even told his immunes not to put up a real fight, instead just putting on enough of a show to make the Coalition think that they were loyal. Unfortunately, he could certainly understand why The Typhoon would be upset, and he had even been considering visiting them, once the dust settled a bit more. However, it seemed as though they had decided to make the first move. Not that the legate minded that – aside from the head that they had brought with them.

As Rhinestonestar moved over to the border, his nose immediately wrinkled at the sight and smell of the head at Roxanne's paws, but it was less because of the goriness of it. Instead, he merely hated the scent of the Coalition that clung to it, reminding him far too much of the days of their frequent trespassing, and the show they had made of themselves at the monthly meeting. He voice this, his tone a light grumble as he eyed the head, "I think I could go the rest of my life without smelling that scent again..." He then turned his black gaze upwards, inspecting the three that were present. Roxanne, Magnolia, and Diya. As far as Rhine was concerned, Roxie was the only one that he recognized, but he offered the other pair nods of their own, trying to be polite. Thankfully, he didn't seem to need to worry about this being an invasion party, unless they were just here to be the distraction. Choosing to offer The Typhoon a bit of trust, he simply focused on the newly named captain, questioning softly, "Hello there, Captain Roxanne. I wasn't expecting to see you so soon after the monthly meeting... what can I do for you?" His politeness may have seemed false to others, but it really wasn't. Like before, he still held no ill will towards The Typhoon, just wanting the other group to be able to survive as well.
[Image: jGD2qw5.gif]
tags + roleplayed by stilly + the palm glades

Re: THE DISTANT SHORE ♡ typhoon visitors - Grimm - 01-16-2021

[div style="margin: auto; max-width: 475px; padding: 5%; min-height: 20px; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; text-align: justify; line-height: 17px;"]The tally of those that had sought audience with their Legate had begun to thin, an expected but rather tiresome consequence of events that had occurred only a short time prior, still rigid the watch over perimeter, however. Too numerous the sights of dangerous predators that deemed their population an easy source of food, held habit ingrained as the death toll increased. Poor the one that had taken the task upon himself, a child in all but name now, uncomfortable his posture as he walked along the accumulated golden grains.

Straight his legs, held in manner that permitted an aching pressure to grow in his shoulders, strained muscle not accustomed to such method of motion. Alike the agony of jaws, tight the hold, together teeth clenched and frown drawn about pale lips, the irregular twitch of cheek ruining the illusion. Simply being himself also did such, miniscule even now as the halfway mark closed, awaited now only the announcement he was elevated beyond a tirone. Undeterred was Foam by any such issue that presented itself, continuing his progression until the breeze saw fit to draw a somewhat familiar scent towards him.

"Love…" Unbidden name fell, crooked the grin blooming along silver and ivory countenance, traded his stiff posture for a more natural gait, clumsy as it was with the pain intensifying and weighed down beneath a patchwork cloak. Disappointed flooded him when distance closed enough to register who was among the visitors, none familiar. Brief the shift of vision, settling upon  the grisly trophy held beneath a diminutive paw, ignored without comment, too much had he seen of the dead to grow uncomfortable.

Intercepted his progress, well accustomed had he grown, at times still disconnected the strangely hued serval from the man he deemed his parental figure in the past. Once more schooled into a mask of faux neutrality his features, corners of his lips weighed down as he spoke, words likely not wished for as brushed aside the purpose behind their visit. "Where is Lovekit." Unbeknownst to Foam alike was his own transition, though not entirely understood the whole secondary part of a name that would do well as a singular, pout forming as ears flattened, hope brimming with pale green eyes that flicked between each. They bore the same scent, that close to their own yet distinct the lack of pine, imbedded within them all the forest bordering their shore, a tang to them that was almost masked beneath the reeking head.

Re: THE DISTANT SHORE ♡ typhoon visitors - rhosmari - 01-16-2021

Most of the troubles and worries that plagued these groups was unknown to him. The cusping young adult had not been present when all of this viciousness had taken place. Didn't think that it was as bad as they said but the stories that were told gave him pause to believe that it had gotten as bad as they said it had. Still as he walked with an odd elegance on stilt like legs the smell of death that circled made his maw scrunch of in disgust. Seeing the head made his stomach lurch a little and it was slightly appalled that they seemed just okay and fine with bringing this to the border. Death should never be taken so lightly and he knew that from personal experience. He might not have had the chance to come back at all. He would just be that lion. The kitsune like creature stood off to the back as he had nothing to say to them. Nothing really to note of the situation. They were here to speak to Rhinestonestar and unlike Foampaw he didn't dare to intrude upon the conversation. Instead the snow grey tails wrapped around him and his golden blue orbs focused on the scene ready to be observant. Seen not heard.
[Image: lnnqViN.gif]
How, how much to light up my star again and rewire all my thoughts? Oh baby, won't you remind me what I am? And break, break my little cold heart. I'm living someone else's life. Suppressing who I was inside. I don't know if I can be alone again. I don't know if I can sleep alone again.

%u2014 Sorbet Monroe Roux

Re: THE DISTANT SHORE ♡ typhoon visitors - CAESAR CIPHER. - 01-17-2021

[glow=black,1,400]I MOVE IN ALL DIRECTIONS, I DON'T NEED ANY PROTECTION !。+゚.[/glow]
Captain Roxanne? Caesar's body tensed as he heard a familiar voice, taking a moment to hear what the group's visitor was saying. Shit, Roxanne was leader now? Figures. Gotta keep power in the family, right? Caesar snorted to himself at that thought, mostly amused at his own 'joke'. Goldenluxury wasn't ever fit to be Captain, in his opinion, but Roxanne on the other hand? Eh, he could see her being a good Captain, despite their differences.

That being said, Caesar still wasn't too fond of the draconic feline. "Well, well. It's been far too long, Roxanne." The demon cooed as he came closer to the group that was slowly forming. He saw Diya, of course, but choose not to pay much attention to her. He was curious as to why The Typhoon was here, even if the urge to tear into both of their pelts was burning within him. But alas, Rhinestone was here and as such, the savannah would behave himself.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: THE DISTANT SHORE ♡ typhoon visitors - Simon F.M. - 01-17-2021

She wouldn't speak as the leader approached, seeing as how he was speaking to her fiancee. She would leave the politics to her, for now, unless it was needed she stepped in. She would greet him with a nod and confused smile, head tilting as she flicked an ear. His unnatural fur and black pitt for eyes struck a memory within, one from right after her return. A face she recognized but hadn't grown attached to. "You resided in Elysium many moths ago, didn't you? You knew my Uncle Cooper," she said, a sad expression flickering before she shoved it under a mask of politeness.

As a child approached she tilted her head to look down towards them, a hum leaving her. At their mention of Lovekit, now Lovepaw(or Lovefool if you asked Roxanne), she smiled kindly. "He didn't make the trip with us but, if you'd like me to pass a message, I can? What is your name, Jeune?" she asked, eyes glancing towards Sorbet as they approached. She greeted them with a smile and a nod, attention remaining on Foam until someone she'd hoped never to see approach, one that haunted her memory from before the gap.

As neon pelt came into view, a memory arose, comments past rising in her mind as a snarl flickered onto her maw. It was quickly stifled, replaced by a canine-baring smile. She lowered her head, muzzle beside her lover's ear. "If that's the sorts they keep around, I'm not so sure on an alliance," she murmured. She lifted her head to bore holes into Ceaser, politeness a thick mask over her expression. Did he even remember their encounter, or was she just one of too many aggrivances.

Re: THE DISTANT SHORE ♡ typhoon visitors - ROXANNE R. - 01-19-2021

With her forked tongue swiping across her lips once more to get the blood off of her jaws, Roxanne would glance over to Magnolia who began to mention Xhocoatl and how he spoke so highly of the group, she would snort quietly "They can definitely hold their ground, I'll give them that and it'd be a shame if they aren't as good as Xho makes them out to be." Her whiskers would twitch lightly as she dug her pink claws into the Coalition creature's skull only to feel her ear tips flicking slightly, she would turn her mismatched gaze over to Diya only to feel a snort leave her "I'm doing them a favor catching the lurking snake that was here." Her pupils would narrow slowly when her fiancee had mentioned Lovefool, the captain managed to stifle a growl as she stood there averting her gaze with a shake of her cranium "That's Lovefool, Diya."

Before she could say anything else though, the Palm Glade members would begin to arrive and Roxanne had a disinterested expression until Rhinestonestar crept forward and she noticed the way he glanced over the head only to wince. She didn't seem to mind it at all as she would nod slowly greet in response "Rhinestonestar." Her ears would swivel forward deciding that she might as well get to the bottom of why she was here "I didn't think I'd be here either but it's a good thing that I am... For I have a proposition-" She was interrupted before Rox would utter another word as Foampaw made his way over, a subtle frown on her maw hearing Lovefool being brought up again. She had been cruel in her punishment to the child but it had been nothing in comparison to other punishments that were usually handed out.

Lovefool would just have to deal with his name until Roxanne stopped being angry about what the boy had done. "Yes, Lovefool is currently at home with his mother." She decided to say her mismatched gaze unwavering from the apprentice that stood in front of her, Roxanne would turn to Rhinestonestar once more until a familiar voice would brush against her ears and Diya murmured in her ear. The captain rose to her paws with gaze shifting over to the one who had spoken out, well, that was someone she was not expecting to see for a long while. Caesar Cipher. A snort left her as a shit eating grin appeared on her face "Well, if it ain't Eyesore McGee. I thought I'd never have my eyes in pain seeing you again, shitstain." How amusing. So, Caesar was staying with the group she was trying to form an alliance with? For shame.

Clicking her claws thoughtfully over the decapitated head, her eyes fixated themselves onto Rhinestonestar as she spoke "Ah, you're a reasonable and smart man. I suggest you get rid of this guy before he causes any shit from within, he's a homewrecker you see. An overdramatic bitch if you will." There was a pause as she let that sink in "You see... This guy right here is exiled from most of the groups and especially the Typhoon, he is a backstabbing bastard. I tell you now from experience, it'll make things a lot easier for your group, I assure you. Leader to leader y'know," The draconic feline tapped at her chin thoughtfully for a moment as she continued with a light shake of her head "But without further interruptions, I hope-" Her eyes scanned over the small group gathered.

"I would like to purpose an alliance between the Typhoon and Palm Glades," The captain said with a curt nod of her head and lifted her paw to shake some sand from between her toes, she let that sink in before continuing to speak with a soft purr leaving her "You'd make a great ally from what I've seen and despite what has happened between our groups, you simply want to do the same as I do for my own crew... Ensure it's survival. The Typhoon will aid you whenever you seek assistance, we'll invite you to fun little events, trading amongst the both of our groups. We will be a good ally to you just as you would for us, that's if you accept, of course." Now, she would fall silent with her tail lashing to the sides for a moment only to curl her tail around her forepaws.

Re: THE DISTANT SHORE ♡ typhoon visitors - METEOR - 01-21-2021

Quasar looked askance at Caesar as he stepped lightly behind the newcomer, his three tails lashing rhythmically behind him. The centurion looked at Captain Roxanne and her entourage, squinting, and looked back at the yellowish feline; based on Caesar’s reactions, the guy really didn’t like Roxanne, even before she dropped that bomb.

“Uh, Cap’n, you mind saying what the hell this dude did?” Quasar asked, turning his head towards Roxanne dead on. He wasn’t going to put stock in random ass accusations without hearing them through, after all, and she’d been so vague, he had to wonder why she didn’t just spit out the dude’s crimes if he was actually that bad.