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Cold Snap's Faking Me Out [MEETING 1/14] - Printable Version

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Cold Snap's Faking Me Out [MEETING 1/14] - ninazu - 01-14-2021

Ninazu called her first meeting on the frozen river, nestled in the ravine before the freshwater met the ocean’s salt. The Leviathan’s Trench lay before them, down beneath the frozen waterfall, as though the gushing river’d frozen in time. Like the ice, the Kingpin felt herself suspended between eras, and the meeting place fit her mood.

A frown graced the snow leopard’s muzzle as she looked to the gathering crowd.

“As you all know, Stryker is dead. If this is the first time you’re hearing of this, then I suggest you clean your ears, and keep a better eye out for funerals and other important happenings.” Her four ears flicked back momentarily, and she searched for her children in the crowd.

“With his death, winter is upon us. The ice and snow will cover the mountains, protect us, while the other groups burn themselves out with fresh hatred. When the spring thaw comes, we’ll be back to our ways of raiding and plundering resources. But, for now, we should focus on fortifying our home—the other groups will attack us, I’m sure, despite how stupid invading our mountains in the dead of winter is.”

Ninazu licked her muzzle. “But we are not friendless. Brymstone, Dragon King from the Iron Forged, visited us with two wagons bursting with gifts and an alliance offer. Thus, we’re now allies—expect to be invited to the Iron Forged for a feast on their active volcanic islands. We will hold… a snowy event for them, in return.”

“Now, for the news bits. Argus is demoted, as they vanished, but they’re free to earn their position back if they return. Sojourn is hosting tasks—make sure to grab one, since there’s plenty to be done around the new territory. Caesar Cipher has also been caught stealing from me; he’s awaiting his execution at my leisure.” Ninazu shook her head; she hated that her friend disappeared, but she would enjoy ripping Caesar apart.

The snow leopard flicked her tail, glancing amongst the faces on the crowd for the joiners she’d tallied. “We also have many new faces! Welcome, Bullitt Sky, Eleanor, Byriath, Gremlin, Crimson, Mordred, Morbi, and—a returning face—Kuragori.” The Kingpin motioned to the stack of elk and bear pelts by her paw, as she added, “If any of you have yet to receive furs, you may come up and grab one. Don’t want any of you to freeze your first night.”

“Stay tuned for further information, such as rank changes—and a promotion or two.”

- Many of the lakes, rivers, and waterfalls have frozen over! There’s plenty of snow to play in and create temporary ice homes out of.
- Stryker is dead, and Ninazu held a funeral for him.
- Sojourn is hosting tasks and ooc prompts
- CotC is allies with the Iron Forged, after their leader, Brymstone, paid Ninazu a visit with herbal gifts
- Caesar is to be executed and exiled
- Argus is demoted
- We have a slew of new members! [member=17435]Bullitt Sky[/member] , [member=17460]eleanor![/member] , [member=17479]Byriath[/member] , [member=17171]GREMLIN F.[/member] , [member=16644]KURAGORI[/member] , [member=17087]Mordred Naughtlus[/member] , [member=16875]morbidkit[/member] , and [member=16748]Crimson[/member]

Re: Cold Snap's Faking Me Out [MEETING 1/14] - APOSTLE - 01-15-2021

The behemoth saber-tooth lion was the first to appear at his mother's call, emerald optics lined with topaz yellow diverting to lay upon the snow leopard's visage. His jaw clenched as thoughts of bright orange flame and ashes left in her wake happened upon his mind, his countenance physically darkening.

The mention of his father's death drew a deep growl from within his chest, his brows drawing together. The flickering flames in his head turned to roaring fire, bright blue and angry. These flames didn't leave ash, they melted metal. There was a very, very big difference.

He puffed on his pipe, sucking in his cheeks as he got up to move closer to his mother, a shield in the way of those who could be out to hurt her. He didn't much care for the rest of the announcements, though his sisters name registered in his head; it ultimately did nothing to calm the raging storm inside him, however.

He would not be quick to forget Chaz and his treachery. Maybe Chaz hadn't killed his father, but he had planned to. And if he was all that stood between the very same fate for his mother, then so be it. He was all she had.

Re: Cold Snap's Faking Me Out [MEETING 1/14] - Byriath - 01-15-2021

Only thing they fear is YOU -

The lost god rumbled where he sat, listening with narrowing interest. Pulling his cloak closer to his body, Byriath let his thoughts wander for a moment. He found himself a group mere moments after he woke in the snow. His old friends were not here. Cry and Aero were not here, they still lived in their realm, where All-Destroyer ruled with a loving hand.

He found himself a group and nothing would tear him from it. He would protect it.

[align=center]"Speech" 'Telepathy'

Re: Cold Snap's Faking Me Out [MEETING 1/14] - SirDio - 01-15-2021

The Ice Demon simply walked up, taking a side glance to the statue that was Byriath. Then Brutei felt his heart sink with Argus' demotion. He hadn't seen the dragon in a while, so he was growing concerned. He sat down, tail coiling around his body and scarf wrapped tightly around his neck.

Re: Cold Snap's Faking Me Out [MEETING 1/14] - rhosmari - 01-15-2021

Stepping forth like a malicious ice wraith the woman came to the meeting. She said nothing to anyone that was there. She merely found herself a spot among the rabble and seated herself. But all could tell there was a dangerous aura about her. One that could easily turn on them. Her eyes here hooded, heavy in their gaze and she didn't make any changes in expression when it came to the mention of her father's death. No, but the temperature around her seemed to get colder, cold air visibile and dripping off her body in flowing waves. If their stupid enemies wanted to come and attack them then they should be ready to die. There was news about new allies and volcanic islands. Sounded like a peachy place. She merely rolled her eyes as demotions were handed out. She didn't much care about whoever this Argus had been.

The fact that that little yellow beast was a traitor didn't surprise her and she waited for his execution with mild delight. Things moved on, her name was spoken and she gave a nod. New faces, some she had met were mentioned and she would continue to wait for the rest of the meeting. Claws stripping into the snow. She needed to take a few furs and get to work on making her home so that she didn't have to freeze her ass off.

Re: Cold Snap's Faking Me Out [MEETING 1/14] - trojan g. - 01-15-2021

[align=center][div style="max-width: 450px;font-family: timesnewroman; text-size: 9pt;text-align: justify;"]text "speech"

There were many things that were said that Ellie didn't really care about. Having joined so soon before the meeting was made, she didn't know Stryker, so wasn't sure if she'd even show up to the funeral that would happen for the former kingpen, not to mention she didn't know most of the names of those that were new and joining the group. In fact she had only recognized two of them, herself and Gremlin, but she could only hope that she'd eventually get to know the names of the others around here after a while.

They had allies, that was good. She knew what it was like being alone, and even if they had their own group to protect themselves and to help those within, and ally was good, for it meant one whole other entity there to help them if things got to hard to handle. A demotion, an execution, things Ellie wasn't too interested in. She'd seen enough death so far in her short span of a life and didn't want to see more so soon, even if she had no clue who the one dying was. When furs were mentioned, the female would quickly stand up, excitement rising in her as she pad forward, eyes sweeping over the various furs before her, before her eyes landed on a white one, one to match her white fur. A polar bear fur that was, at the moment, much too big for her, but she knew she'd eventually grow into it. Quickly latching onto the fur, she would move it back to where her spot was, wrapping herself in the large thing before looking back up to Ninazu while she waited for the meeting to continue.

Re: Cold Snap's Faking Me Out [MEETING 1/14] - Bullitt Sky - 01-18-2021

Bullitt Sky | 3 years

Bullitt had been near by when the meeting was called. So of course he joined. Since he had joined he had stayed rather quiet which was very unusual for him. He listened as Ninazu was talking. While he was listening, he didn't really pay attention when she had mention that someone was to be executed. But when the mention of fur was brought up, Bullitt looked up before making his way over to get a fur.

Once up there he spotted a black one and grabbed it before returning to his spot. He didn't look at anyone, but he did look straight ahead of him and once he got back to his spot, he sat down and wrapped the fur around him before listening once more.

Re: Cold Snap's Faking Me Out [MEETING 1/14] - Crimson - 01-18-2021

Crimson | 1 year
Brown Tabby Cat | Coalition of the Comdemned
[div style="background-image:url(; background-size: cover; background-position: center; height: 165px; width: 165px; clip-path: polygon(50% 0%, 100% 50%, 50% 100%, 0% 50%); margin-top: -103px; margin-left: 11%;"]

Crimson heard the call for a meeting and decided to see what was going on. The tabby cat sat towards the back of the group. He listened as Ninazu had mention something about the last Kingpin being killed and something about someone that was about to be killed. Crimson just listen and happy to hear when Ninazu said something about fur. Of course he went up there and find a brown one that he took back to his spot with him after putting it on. He was happy not to be cold anyone. Once back to where he was he listened on.

Crimson seemed excited to hear that they still had an ally and couldn't wait to get to know them as he has gotten to know some here. He sat quietly wondering what else was going to be said.

Re: Cold Snap's Faking Me Out [MEETING 1/14] - ninazu - 01-20-2021

Ninazu nodded to Eleanor, Crimson, and Bullit as they each picked their choice from the pile. She didn’t want to deal with burning their frozen corpses; what a hassle, and what a waste of talent.

The kingpin raised her chin, looking to the overcast sky for a long moment. Stryker’s funeral was done—yet she still ached for him. The icy cold in her chest hadn’t thawed since her resurrection, but it’d grown every day since his death. But she couldn’t stew on her emotional issues; she needed to keep the Coalition together and begin plotting their revenge.

Her glowing eyes scanned the crowd. “Shoutous. Kuragori, Gremlin, Sojourn, Brutei, and Mordred. All of you have contributed well to the Coalition. In addition, Timbre and Diego, your efforts in our raids haven’t gone unnoticed.” She flicked an ear and chuckled; who would’ve thought Diego would get a shoutout for effort?

“I’m introducing a new rank: warmonger. While we have Brutei here for social matters and the gurus for healing… well, we obviously should reward those who fight the most viciously, hm?” The vibrant snow leopard’s pupilless gaze drifted to her only daughter, a fiend on the battlefield and firebrand. “Sojourn and Mordred, you are our first warmongers. Congratulations.”

“Though nothing has been finalized, I am negotiating with the Frostblown for a… mutually beneficial arrangement. If you see any Frostblown merchants around, especially their leader, do not attack them.

“However, everyone besides them or the Iron Forged? Fair game. Skin any Typhooner, Tangler, or Pittian you see sniffing around. And if the bastard’s one of those Palm Glades traitors? Put on an execution show. Make sure to invite me. I need the entertainment.”

Her fluffy tail flicked, and she waved a paw dismissively through the air. “Meeting dismissed. If anyone has questions or concerns, see me now or tonight.”

- Shoutouts to [member=16644]KURAGORI[/member] , [member=17171]GREMLIN F.[/member] , [member=16709]SOJOURN[/member] , [member=16137]Brutei Tsune[/member] , and [member=17087]Mordred Naughtlus[/member] . Also, good work in the raids, [member=16864]TIMBRE.[/member] and [member=16858]DIEGO[/member] 
- [member=16709]SOJOURN[/member] and [member=17087]Mordred Naughtlus[/member] are promoted to warmonger ! congrats c:
- Frostblown are not to be attacked. Ninazu and Balaal are working out an alliance.
- Anyone not a member of Frostblown or Iron Forged are to be attacked on sight.

Re: Cold Snap's Faking Me Out [MEETING 1/14] - rhosmari - 01-24-2021

Slowly her serpent tongue slipped from her jaws, the dark blue muscle sliding across her muzzle as she listened to what her mother had to say. She was rather disinterested in the shootouts. She knew what her role was and what it meant to live in the Coalition. She was a war machine bred for the purpose of destroying their enemies, nothing more. When the announcement of promotions and a new rank was called out the woman gave a light nod of her head. She felt like she had done enough to be a warmonger without the power that came with it. But still she took it with grace. Merely understanding that she had more power in the group. She was above others. Although shouldn't she be? A snort left her jaws when the talk of more allies came forth, hopefully they would be useful. But she was pleased to hear that they could do what they wanted with their fucking beasts that thought they were better. Especially those Palm Glades maggots. She hoped they tried it here. Where she could feel the very ice and snow breathing upon the lands. It would become their tombs if they dared make a move. "I got it..." She finally allowed herself to drawl out as she dipped her head a bit.