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clearing a mind - open; tangler - Printable Version

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clearing a mind - open; tangler - rhosmari - 01-14-2021

Stepping paw out of the swamp was an experience for her and she wanted to see what else there was about this island. Truthfully she didn't know much about any of the groups and she didn't know if she could trust many of them. Palm Glades was one of those groups that she already had a very bad first impression one and because of her tribal upbringing she did not and wouldn't trust them. Not with anyone that lived within the swamps, they were traitors to her people after all. They used and watched their abuse. To her there was nothing to talk about. But now that she was able to get out and about she decided to visit one of the current groups that lived and breathed as neighbors. It took her along time to get to the place that she had been directed to. Paws not used to rough desert sands, she sniffed the air and realized how cold it was. There was snow here which was odd and she tilted her head a bit as she debated over that. Normally deserts were hot and heated she had grown up in plains and deserts. Harsh and humid jungles. Her people were sharp. But this seemed like the opposite and she wiggled her bone pierced nose lightly as she picked up the smell of the Pitt.

This must be their border and she knew the rules, or at least she knew them well enough now to not trespass on their lands. So she took a seat where she was, pulling her pierced ears forward and taking in the surrounding area. It was open and so she knew it would be easy to spot her, the lioness sitting alone at their border. Her head tilted a bit as she allowed her bright blue gaze to wander to the sky, curling her flame tipped tail around her paws. It was getting late and her paws pressed a bit more against the sands, shifting her weight slightly. ''Hello, she has come to say hello to the Pitt. This one is Elsweyr from Tanglewood, she is known as the Shadow Regent from there.''

Re: clearing a mind - open; tangler - Kian. - 01-14-2021

Kian Ó Faoláin
Hey, ho, below, below.  Stowing sugar in the hold below... The Irishman hummed softly as he trotted along the edges of the desert, running a quick patrol.  The scent of Tanglewood was enough to make him pause in confusion, sea-green eyes flashing to the border.

The rusty-spotted cat waved his tail quickly before bounding over.  "Hey there," the pirate grinned jovially.  He had no qualms with the swamp, coming from the Typhoon, but he thought friendly visits were unusual to the Pitt.  "I'm no expert, but I don't think we get Tanglewood visitors 'ere very often.  M'name's Kian, is there anything I can help you with Miss Elsyweyr?"
We'll all be returning, if we sail together

Re: clearing a mind - open; tangler - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 01-15-2021

[glow=white,1,400]WHAT PART OF LIVING SAYS YOU GOTTA DIE ?。+゚.[/glow]
If Dante hadn't received word that Gael had said to be vigilant and not to attack everyone on site, unless said visitor was being aggressive or was clearly a threat, he probably would have tried to attack the Tanglewood visitor. Not to mention, he had heard that Tanglewood had said they were neutral with The Pitt for the time being. Dante puffed out smoke from his cigarette as he approached The Pitt's visitor. "You speak funny." He commented with a snort. Figuring he might as well introduce himself since Kian did (and asked what Elsweyr was there for), he quickly added, "Name's Dante."[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: clearing a mind - open; tangler - j a c k . - 01-15-2021

Re: clearing a mind - open; tangler - SAINTKIT. - 01-16-2021

Tanglewood. Vaguely, Saintkit could remember his parents talking about the swamp dwelling group once or twice. They had generally tried to keep him educated on the major groups, just so that he would know enough to keep himself safe. However, aside from knowing what they were called and where they lived, the orange pelted child didn't really know who they were. By extension, he had little idea of who Elsweyr was, either. However, she didn't seem as though she was here to hurt them, if her general body language was anything to go by. Besides, if she tried to do anything, Saintkit knew she wouldn't get very far. Not with Kian, Dante, and now Jack all gathered around – and himself, of course. He fully intended to protect The Pitt as passionately as he possibly could, even if he was a bit small for that, yet. In spite of this, he tried to make himself look bigger as he padded over, his orange cream colored fur spiked up in uneven tufts as he came to settle beside Dante. The other had initially been a bit rude to him, but Saint found that he appreciated the other's relaxed attitude as well.

The Tanglewood deputy's appearance did cause Saint to pause, his head tilting to one side as he looked her over. There were some pretty interesting creatures in The Pitt as well, but her flame tipped tail and generally fiery appearance fascinated the young boy. Everyone around him was already going through the process of introducing themselves, but he found words tumbling forth from his mouth before he properly processed them, "Your fur is really cool... is everyone in Tanglewood all fiery like you? Cause if they are, we should definitely make sure they're on our side!" His last words were directed at Jack rather than Elsweyr, his tail held high in excitement. However, that excitement quickly turned to embarrassment when he realized he hadn't actually said his name at all – he had just rambled a bit. Ignoring the heat in his face, the kitten shifted his paws a little before speaking, "Oh, and... my name is Saintkit, by the way." There, that was much better.

Re: clearing a mind - open; tangler - aine. - 01-16-2021

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2e8b57; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]HOW DO YOU RUN FROM Y[color=#5d8e93]OUR OWN MIND?
Tanglewood.  It was easier now... But the petite deer-fox could never quite shake the wariness, the spike of alarm, whenever she caught their scent in the air.  Her hazel hues flickered, wings shuffling at her sides.  She can't help the frown, even as Saintkit spoke with excitement.  Fire.

"No." Her voice was quiet, but resolute.  Fueled by the pain fire has brought to her life.  That Tanglers carrying fire brought to her life.  Make sure they were... No.  She didn't care.  Neutrality was not friendship.  Never.

She wouldn't trust them.  Couldn't.  Wouldn't.  Especially with Aurum... It was too much.  Some of her clanmates might feel safe... Because of family or friends, but it would never be that way for her.  Never.


"... Why are you here?"  Her hooves dug into the snow and sand, ears flat against her skull.  A repeat question but... Tanglers didn't just come by on friendly visits.  They weren't friends.  Never.

Re: clearing a mind - open; tangler - Kold - 01-16-2021

How long did you think we could make it?
How far did you think we could take it?
We couldn't be bothered,
We didn't have time
To think
So far

While Tanglewood seeked neutrality with the Pitt, Kold's opinions were based on the emotions she and her chosen family felt. So as she walked up beside Aine, watching her expressions, she hardly looked to Elsweyr. She had seen the frown, even heard the quiet 'no' from the deer-fox.

Very slowly she turned her gaze on Eslweyr. If Aine didn't like Tanglewood, maybe Kold wouldn't either. Especially this stranger, this strange lioness. She eyed the flame that swirled on the lioness' tail, refusing to light her own in front of Aine. "Greetings." Her words were distant but not unwelcoming - it was hard to tell what they even were portraying.


Re: clearing a mind - open; tangler - rhosmari - 01-16-2021

There was so many of them and so quickly that she hadn't been able to answer the first animal's question. Her tail twitched nervously as she looked at all of them mind racing through her responses before she focused on the first to come forth. He seemed rather pleasant and she enjoyed the way that he talked. Her pierced ears pulled back slightly as she tried to phrase her words just right. Afterall she didn't come here to make any wrongs here. ''It is nice to meet him. She has come here because she does not know much about the Pitt. She is not from the lands of these groups and so she is attempting to um....make friends.'' To her that was the best way to put it and then she moved on toward the next one that had arrived. He had introduced himself as Dante though his words before that made the woman frown just a bit. The glow and fire of her mane sputtered and twisted, heating up the air just a bit before the flames seemed to calm down a bit. ''She does not talk funny. Her speech is normal.'' Slightly she found offense with that but her mind began to wonder if she did talk funny. No one else had said anything to her about her speech. Her eyes slowly then carried her gaze over to the next that arrived. One whom seemed muted in a sense, tilting her head the flaming lioness would taken note of his name but she did not know what he meant by Imperator.

Lightly her flame tipped tail twisted against the ground before she merely decided to ask what that meant of him. ''She can only guess that he is important. But what does that actually mean?'' There names she was filing away, attempting to memorize them as she went along. Another approached and this one was a smaller child. A bitter pain washed over her as she remembered Ares and Salvia but she tried to keep the expression from her face as she listened to his excited words and inquiry. Humor spread through her gaze as she allowed a soft chuckle to leave her maw. ''She does not know anyone in Tangle that looks like her but she knows her leader has the ability to move fire.'' Earth too if she remembered correctly but she left that out as it wasn't very important to the conversation. As he introduced herself she gave a small nod and a warmer smile. ''This one thinks that it is very nice to meet him. She hopes to meet him again, perhaps during gatherings.'' Maybe if he was not too young to go. This was going well and she was feeling a bit more at ease, a bit relaxed but she felt a shift. Something changed and her body stiffened a bit as someone approached. She didn't look friendly and her paws twisted slightly against the sands. Her tone that she gave upon questioning her made her wonder. But she merely shoved it aside and instead watched the other that came after. ''As she said before she is only here to understand the Pitt. But greetings to the both of them.''

Re: clearing a mind - open; tangler - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 01-17-2021

[glow=white,1,400]WHAT PART OF LIVING SAYS YOU GOTTA DIE ?。+゚.[/glow]
Dante's ears flicked upon seeing the flame that temporarily burst from Elsweyr, mostly amused that she was bothered by such a comment. "She seems to speak in third person or some shit. Not normal." The hybrid clarified, since it was clear that the Tangler did not realize she spoke in such a 'weird' way. "Is your mind fucked or somethin'? Like, do you need help?" Funny, coming from the drug addict.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: clearing a mind - open; tangler - gael - 01-17-2021

The Ardent possessed little care to see Tanglers on the Pitt's border -- they may be withholding neutrality, but that did not wipe away the past.  While he had been pleasantly surprised by Moth's kind demeanor when the medic had came to visit her son, he approached Elsweyr with wariness.

He did not care for the effect fire brought to his daughter, nor thought particularly highly of Tanglers who carried it.  In the end, Elsweyr was not Aurum, and Gael would treat her with courtesy for the time being.

"If you are new to these lands, I suspect you do not know of the history between our groups," the vulpine remarked in neutral tone.  His hazel gaze locked steadily on the Shadow Regent, fairly suspicious on the matter -- Tanglewood's second should know about their political history.

"We are not friends."  A trivial thought, as far as the faerie felt.  "Bad blood runs deep between Tanglewood and the Pitt.  You should not expect to find allies among us."

In the end, Gael knew even few Pittians recalled the damage Tanglewood had inflicted -- the reason why half their jungle stood charred and damaged, the friend Aine watched killed in front of her.  The Ardent was not a forgiving man; Tanglewood would know no warmth from him.

"It is good to be curious of your neighbors however," he added, ear flicking.  "If you are Tanglewood's second, it is important you can lead with the proper knowledge."

Gael inclined his head.  "You must forgive me, but I will be refraining from telling you too much of our group.  As I said, we are no allies of Tanglewood.  I am, however, willing to explain our ranks --" since she had not understood what Jack meant by Imperator -- he felt that kind of information was important for even outsiders to know. 

"I believe your leader is referred to as a Luminary, but here it is Ardent.  My second-in-command is Jack, who we call the Imperator."

"Our leaders in healing and combat are the Fleshweavers and Marauders respectively."  That felt enough to the vulpine, hazel eyes briefly lingering on Aine as he mentioned her rank.

"I hope this information will suffice?"
"I AM A STONE" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / ardent / lamby