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cloudwalker [★] gael's birthday - Printable Version

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cloudwalker [★] gael's birthday - aine. - 01-13-2021

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2e8b57; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]HOW DO YOU RUN FROM Y[color=#5d8e93]OUR OWN MIND?
[ just... uh pretend it's le 12 ^^ ]

Sometimes, the days grew jumbled.  Confused.  Even with the handpainted calendars.  They could blend together entirely.  Drifting by into hazy memories.  She lost many in the haze after Trygve left.  The vacantness in her mind seemed to expand and swallow her whole.  Dark clouds lingering in her mind.  The fear, anxieties and doubt.

Things were better now.  Trygve was alive.  Safe.  The desert was colder, but it was better.  Her family was here.  Even cousins like Kian, adding to the number.  Even expanding, with those they had taken in.  Saintkit.  Kold, who now saw Aine's father as hers, too.

She should be better.  She felt... Fuzzier sometimes.  When Trygve looked at her.  Warm in her cheeks.  A fever she might jokingly say.  But the dark clouds had not been chased away.  Not yet.  Because they had always been there.  Lurking.  Reminding her to stay wary.  Frightful of the future's uncertainties.

But Aine would breathe.  Four... Seven... Eight... Hazel hues trying to burn bright.  Stubborn.  For she had people to take care of.  She didn't know how to escape the storm but she would keep walking through it for as long as she could.

And the days may have gotten hazy, but she knew the twelfth of January.  A special day.  Had scrambled off early in the morning.  Before the sun even peeked over the horizon  To the planters she kept safe from the cold front.  To a place she could focus.  And breathe some life into her flowers.  Bright and colorful.

Mortar and pestle next.  Only to find hooves were rather decent pestles, turning the petals into the fine powder she needed.  Only the beginning of something she hoped would be nice.

Freshly made water colors.

A few hours later and gift carefully contained, the petite deer-fox set off from her workplace within the white temple to the central marketplace.  Uncertain.  Teeth catching the inside of her cheek.  She glanced up at the sky, wings shuffling idly at her sides.  Was he still on his daily patrol?


Re: cloudwalker [★] gael's birthday - SAINTKIT. - 01-14-2021

Saint had been in The Pitt for a little while now – a month or so, if his memory proved him right. Of course, he could've been wrong, considering how rattled he had been when he had first joined. Regardless, the boy liked to think that he was gradually settling in, and becoming used to thinking of The Pitt as home. Not only that, but he had begun to think of some within the group as family. Aine was like a mother to him – her soft words and patient nature naturally fit her into the role, and caused the child to often be stumbling after her paws. This meant that Gael was slotted into the grandfather role, one that the orange cream colored feline looked up to a great deal. The older fox was similarly patient, and seemed as though he constantly had something on his mind – some plan that he was ready to execute. Saintkit was desperate to feel that way, since it would mean that he would have some sort of direction, something he had been severely lacking since the death of his parents. For now, he had found that sense of direction in The Pitt, and caring for and "protecting" his family, although it was doubtful that he could do too much actual protecting at the moment.

If the boy had known that Gael's birthday was approaching, he would've been eager to craft or find some sort of gift for the vulpine. Alas, he didn't have any knowledge yet of Gael or Aine's birthday. Or Trygve's, for that matter, but Saint was still pondering how he felt about that particular puzzle piece. It was because of this unaware nature that Saintkit found himself curious about what Aine was doing, purple eyes lighting up as he spotted her within the central marketplace. He was quick to make his way over, carefully slipping between the legs of various customers all around, milling about the usually crowded central area. Once he was near, he let out a cheerful little hum to announce his presence, head cocked to one side as he questioned his mother figure, "Hi, Aine! I wasn't expecting to see you out here in the marketplace. I didn't think you liked big crowds... what have you got with you?" His curiosity immediately zoned in on the tucked away gift, wondering what it could be, and who it was for.

Re: cloudwalker [★] gael's birthday - Kold - 01-14-2021

How long did you think we could make it?
How far did you think we could take it?
We couldn't be bothered,
We didn't have time
To think
So far

Kold had become attached to the small cluster of Pittians she was welcomed in by. Gael, Aine, and Trygve. For them, she would die and kill and maim. It was a primal fury that hid itself but she knew it was there. But she was gentle now, hiding this fury proved easy for now. Carefree, she spotted Aine and Saintkit, who would essentially be her nephew, and walked up to them with a glowing smile. "What's this about? Saint is right, I too thought you didn't like the crowds of the marketplace." She said lightly, almost jovially. She sat down next to Aine, spotting the gift and tilting her head.


Re: cloudwalker [★] gael's birthday - Kian. - 01-14-2021

Kian Ó Faoláin
The Irishman had a feeling he knew exactly what brought his cousin's daughter out to the central marketplace.  Over a thousand years and one might think birthdays were easy to keep track of, but the pirate barely managed -- time so swiftly past sometimes.  He did try however, even double-checking dates until he felt confident he had them correct.

The small wildcat wore his usual jovial grin as he bounded over, staying a few paces away from the trio -- reluctant to press into Aine's space more than necessary.  As Saintkit and Kold expressed their confusion, epiphany smacked the pirate in the face.  Ah.  "Feck."

"Sorry kiddos," he added hastily, before sighing in exasperation -- great seas, he should have figured his cousin wouldn't have said anything.  "I imagine she's got a birthday present there for Gael."

"I hid a few new books in your house myself," he admitted in a conspiratory tone.  He never knew what to give Gael, if he was honest, but he figured new reading material would not be unappreciated.  "Though I should've guessed he wasn't an open book 'bout the date, huh?"
We'll all be returning, if we sail together

Re: cloudwalker [★] gael's birthday - gael - 01-18-2021

The marketplace happened to be the last place the vulpine expected to find his entire family gathered -- both blood and adopted.  Only Trygve appeared to be missing, although the Ardent saw that as a hopeful sign he was resting in the white temple.

His brows creased in thorough confusion.  His morning patrol over, the vulpine heaved a breath and padded over to the group -- bemused gaze scanning over them analytically.  Aine had something with her and Kian seemed to be scheming or sharing a secret.  An unusual combination.

"What's this then?" The faerie inquired, truly at a loss -- he could not recall stumbling on a meeting like this in the middle of the marketplace before.  It was entirely out of character for Aine in particular.

Of course he possessed an awareness of the time; January marked another year past, but the exact date eluded him.  He only bothered with the birthdays of others, rather than himself, after all -- disinterested in celebration.  Consequently, he regarded the group with complete obliviousness to the occasion.
"I AM A STONE" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / ardent / lamby

Re: cloudwalker [★] gael's birthday - SAINTKIT. - 01-20-2021

Birthday? It was Gael's birthday? The explanation from Kian caused excitement to spread all throughout Saintkit, his ears perking up and his whiskers twitching. Frantically, the kitten turned towards Gael once he had appeared, practically shouting as he moved towards him, "Gael! I'm so sorry I didn't get you anything for your birthday! I didn't know that it was around this time of year..." Of course, there was little reason for Saint to feel too bad, considering he hadn't known Aine and Gael for that long in the grand scheme of things. Still, he wished that he had known so that he could've tried to find the vulpine something.

Although, honestly, the boy was rather unsure of what the ardent would actually want. The other wasn't exactly an open book about hobbies, and he didn't seem big on extravagant gifts. Perhaps he could've just made him a card? Unfortunately, it seemed as though he would have to make something for Gael after the actual date of his birthday, if Kian's info was to be trusted. It made the kit feel bad, but at least that meant he had some extra time to prepare something extra special... once he figured out what the other would want.

Re: cloudwalker [★] gael's birthday - aine. - 01-20-2021

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2e8b57; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]HOW DO YOU RUN FROM Y[color=#5d8e93]OUR OWN MIND?
"Salut!" She beamed, smiling sheepishly.  They were right.  She didn't particularly care for the marketplace.  It was familiar to her.  But busy often.  Crowded.  "I made paints for d..." Oh.

Oh no.  Her father wouldn't have brought it up.  Of course not.  He didn't get excited about things like birthdays...  Aine's ears flicked back as her head slumped down.  Guilty.  Hazel hues danced up as Kian spoke, thankful for her cousin, but frustrated with herself.  She should have said something days ago... "Désolée."

She slowly perked back up, as her father made his appearance.  Looking confused, like the others had.  Aine smiled again.  Brighter than she truly felt, but still happy.  Excited.  She still had a present to give.  Even if she felt bad for forgetting to share the date.

"Da.  Joyeux anniversaire!" She pushed the packaged paints forward gently. "I-I made you fresh water colors to paint with."