Beasts of Beyond
SING WHILE YOU HEAR IT;; open - joining - Printable Version

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SING WHILE YOU HEAR IT;; open - joining - trojan g. - 01-13-2021

[align=center][div style="max-width: 450px;font-family: timesnewroman; text-size: 9pt;text-align: justify;"]text here "speech"

Gentle paw steps led small feet towards the broken islands that once held great mountains, pausing for just a moment. She had thought that if she kept walking towards where she had been told to go, she would have seen the mountains eventually, something she had been promised. She knew the old lady she'd talked to had been crazy, but crazy enough to imagine mountains where there were none? That was a new level of crazy.

Of course, the mutated wolf pup didn't know that there had been mountains close to where she stood only a few weeks ago, standing strong and unmoving. It didn't matter too much to the child though, considering she could see snow from where she stood, the main reason for her moving to somewhere nicer. She'd been on her own for a while, catching and eating bugs and the already dead animals and leftovers from the bigger predators, but eventually her fur started growing thicker, and it started to get too hot where she was. So at the ripe old age of three months old, she'd decided to move on and find a new home, and hopefully find new food along with it.

What she didn't count on was the scent of others near where she was walking, and it caused her to pause once more. "Ist jemand da?" She would speak out, ears pricked as she listened for a moment, "Is anyone there?" Hopefully there would be an answer soon.

Re: SING WHILE YOU HEAR IT;; open - joining - rhosmari - 01-13-2021

Interesting. Light pink eyes followed the figure of a small wolf like child. Wandering alone and out here of all places. It was almost a death sentence and who would leave a child alone like this. Her dark blue forked tongue flicked from her maw, almost tasting the air and the flesh that was before her. Truth be told she would make a nice meal for anyone and she had found her. Although her head pulled up slightly as she heard the child speak. She almost wanted to groan and throw away what little morality she even had left considering she was hungry. The child would be good eating honestly but perhaps there was something to be gained here. Sighing to let her presence be known the huntress would emerge from the snow dusted foliage, disturbing the bushes and letting it fall like powder onto the ground. ''Yeah, there are a few of us here, kid. So tell me what you are doing here exactly.'' The lioness was curious, well, just a little bit and she came to stand before the kid. She didn't have any plans to do anything yet, merely see where this all went.

After all she could be generous, nice. She wasn't having one of her bad days which was good. Tilting her skull lightly, cracked horns seemed to glow slightly as she became a bit more quizzical. ''You are a bit young to be out here all on your own. Lost? Parents didn't want you or something? To be fair that would be a shame and pretty fucking shitty. I'm Sojourn by the way and these lands belong to the Coalition. But if you want we could have room for you.'' Really they had room for anyone now if they were willing to live underneath their laws.

Re: SING WHILE YOU HEAR IT;; open - joining - SirDio - 01-13-2021

Copy cat, tryna cop my manner,
Watch your back when you can't watch mine.
The fur cloaked reptilian caught the scent of a mammal, and though she had grown in behavior and became less hunger-reactive, it still made her mouth water. But as she spotted the child, she simply watched with interest. The last joining member was... not one she was eager to see join. A threat. But Elanor? A mere child.

"Greetings." her voice touched the air as though glass, and she stepped into view, hood pulled away from her head. She took a sparing glance to Sojourn. The girl was hurting. She stopped beside the blue lioness and dipped her horn-crowned head in greeting.


Re: SING WHILE YOU HEAR IT;; open - joining - COSMIIX - 01-13-2021

Grem never seemed to be far when someone new decided to show up, the small leopard cat went along the snow hating every moment of it but there was always something to look forward to. The scent of someone new brushed against his nose and it wasn't long before the tiger skin wearing wildcat would approach the duo biting down on his tongue to avoid saying anything something just yet though his single ear would press flat against his skull hearing Sojourn speak to the pup that was in front of them "Well shit, you must be invited to all the kids parties. You are quite the ray of sunshine, Sojourn." He said in a rather sarcastic manner, he could understand that her father was beheaded and all that jazz but the least she could do is not make the kid who was essentially lost look like some accident that was dropped in a basket at the Coalition's doorway. A snort would leave him as he took a few steps forward, his single eye fixating onto the child and nodding slowly as Mordred spoke. Jeez, after the three strikes dude had died it almost seemed that everyone had a little bit of a stick lodged into their asses, nonetheless, Grem would shrug that off. He might as well introduce himself.

"Hi there, kiddo! The names Gremlin Fax but feel free to call me Grem," As he introduced himself would place a spotted paw on his chest, the kid looked like they had a thick coat but he was worried considering they looked rather young and he knew that baby fat and fur could only do so much in keeping a child warm. "Are ya cold, hungry, and thirsty? I could help ya out if so," Or he would anyways, he could hardly take care of himself without nearly getting himself killed for trying to start shit with the newer people. He was sure if he brought the kid to Kuragori though, the owl griffin would make things a lot easier for the both of them. Child included.

Re: SING WHILE YOU HEAR IT;; open - joining - trojan g. - 01-14-2021

[align=center][div style="max-width: 450px;font-family: timesnewroman; text-size: 9pt;text-align: justify;"]text "speech"

Though she had expected someone to show up, she hadn't expected three, nor had she expected such the big difference in animals. She had seen packs out in the neutral territories before made up of different animals, but she had expected the ones that were well established to be made of the same animal over and over again, like a bunch of lions or tigers, possibly even wolves like herself. She didn't think they'd be able to manage by as they had with such a collection of creatures, and of different sizes too. She was almost just as big as Gremlin at her young age, and he was an adult!

Head turning to each as they spoke, the child would look over them, about toa nswer their questions when the others began to speak as well, and she ultimately decided to answer the questions all at once the best she could. "My name is Eleanor, though I don't like the name too much so I go by Ellie, and I've been on my own a while I guess. My parents died when I was able to walk, but I made my way around by getting help from some others." She didn't like talking about her parents that much, but it seemed to be necessary at this point in time. "I was told there was a mountain here, but I guess the old lady who told me that was wrong. I was looking for somewhere colder to live, and it looks like I found it." She'd offer a smile then, glad that she was able to join the group and hope that her response was enough to get her in.

Turning to Gremlin then - the only to give her his name - she would think for a moment. "Thank you Mr. Grem, I am kinda hungry but I think I can manage for now, I wanna learn about what's here first if that's ok?" She was hungry, yes, but not too much so where she couldn't at least make it back to camp first, or, at least she hoped.