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A Trouble Kid | Joining | - Printable Version

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A Trouble Kid | Joining | - Alistar Sky - 01-12-2021

Alistar Sky | 3 months

Alistar Sky, a young jaguar didn't have any family or any place to call home. She was a bit of a troublemaker herself. She had wonder off in a random direction hoping to end up in near the Iron Forged territory. She didn't really care if anything happened to her since se didn't have anyone who cared about her and in someways she didn't mind that at all. She continued on a little longer. She had been traveling for a few days.

After a while of walking the young jaguar sat down. She was tired and she wanted to sleep and rest, but she knew that was a bad idea, knowing that who's ever territory she was in wouldn't be happy to find a random person there. So instead she looked at the sky for a moment not really excepting anyone to come around. She eventually laid down and was close to closing her eyes and falling asleep. "It was a bad idea to travel with no rest. Alistar said to herself before closing her eyes.

Re: A Trouble Kid | Joining | - SirDio - 01-12-2021

Terron had not wandered into Iron Forged, but rather had been brought in by Brymstone some months back. Since then the Dragon King had been a father figure to them, someone they loved and adored. But he didn't really forget the harsh life of being a lone pup, even though it was only a few days after his family had vanished.

Walking along the territory wasn't a usual thing that Terron did, having been stuck within the confines of Ore Mountain for a good while. But walking the wastes, he spotted the small Jaguar cub, sleeping soundly. "Oh dear." He walked over, gentle voice hardening quickly as he prodded her side. "It is not safe to sleep here. Get up."
"I'm only here for him." —-- Terron / Iron Forged / misc. / Astral

Re: A Trouble Kid | Joining | - Alistar Sky - 01-12-2021

Alistar Sky | 3 months

Alistar had heard someone and opened her sleepy eyes. She was still laying down, but looked at Terron. "Who are you?" She asked softly as she sat up. She knew it was a bad idea to sleep, but she was tired and needed to rest. She watched Terron closely now.

Alistar knew that someone would be by and she guessed she got lucky that it was someone nice of enough to walk her. "Are you from the Iron Forged?" Alistar asked curious if she had ended up in the territory that she wanted to be in. She still watched Terron not sure what else to say or ask, especially since she was introducing herself until he had answer her.

Re: A Trouble Kid | Joining | - SirDio - 01-12-2021

The pitbull pup simply grunted when she looked at him, wings folding at his sides. "Terron Culle." He sighed, looking around warily.

"Yes, you're on Iron Forged territory, now come on." He nudged her again. "It's not safe here."
"I'm only here for him." —-- Terron / Iron Forged / misc. / Astral

Re: A Trouble Kid | Joining | - Alistar Sky - 01-12-2021

Alistar Sky | 3 months

Alistar got after Terron answered her. She looked at him. ”Good.” She said before walking over to Terron. Serval days of travel had proven to more then she could handle, especially after escaping from being killed by her father.

Alistar looked at Terron. ”I’m Alistar Sky.” Alistar said finally introducing herself. She found it a bit odd that there was only one there.

Re: A Trouble Kid | Joining | - rhosmari - 01-22-2021

''Son?'' He spoke up as he walked through the foliage, walking and pushing large thorns out of his path. He knew that he had heard his son's voice here not too long ago and he needed to make sure that he was safe. The wilds of the Iron Forged were not something to be taken lightly. Even he knew this considering how he had nearly been eaten by a dragon when he was younger. Running for one's life definitely left an impression. As he pushed through the foliage his orbs landed upon the figure of his son and then trailed over to the jaguar who was also near his child. If his eyes could have narrowed they would have but he was only testing the waters here. ''I see. Well then, who might you be? I'm sure that my son has told you where you are currently trespassing. Although you seem young. I'm Brymstone, the Dragon King here.'' He was trying to appear friendly though it was a hard thing to do considering how he looked. Still he lowered his head a bit and pulled his ears forward and slightly to the side.

Re: A Trouble Kid | Joining | - Alistar Sky - 01-23-2021

Alistar Sky | 3 months

Alistar looked up hearing someone else. She looked at Brymstone. She was a little afraid of him, but she need a place to stay. "I'm Alistar and I'm looking for a place to stay." She said not mentioning the fact that she had recently escaped being killed by her father. She still looked at Brymstone.

Alistar had sat back down. She was still tired, and she looked at both Brymstone and Terron. "My father tried killing me, so I ran off." Alistar said not saying anything else. She knew they would ask as to why she was there, but she didn't think she could talk about what she saw.