Beasts of Beyond
Bet You're Lookin' For Somethin' New / Joining - Printable Version

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Bet You're Lookin' For Somethin' New / Joining - SirDio - 01-10-2021

For at least a month the drake had been digging. Nonstop digging. Something he was used to, yes, but that didn't mean he liked it. So when he breached the sand to breath, he was pretty happy to see that he was in a different desert. Wasn't happy about it being cold during the day, though. As he climbed out from his hole, he pulled his cape closer to his body, barbs shuddering and making a rattling sound. "Is this hell? I have never seen a desert that's cold during the day, holy shit."

He made a rough hiss as he prodded at a pile of melting snow, taking his silver eyes off the sands and to the horizons, trying to find someone. "Hello? Anyone here?"

Re: Bet You're Lookin' For Somethin' New / Joining - SAINTKIT. - 01-11-2021

Someone new. Saintkit had to admit that he wasn't such a big fan of new people, these days. He had been when it had just been him, traveling with his mother and father, but now? Now, he had begun to grow protective of The Pitt, seeing the group as the only family he had left. He had to be cautious about who he trusted, considering he had lost the last family he truly had – ultimately, their deaths had been his fault, no matter what others said about it. He was certainly cautious when that newcomer just happened to be a large and strange beast, looking to be some kind of mutated reptile with an irritated look on his face. Immediately, the child wanted to hiss at Tarlone to get away. He resisted that urge, at least for the moment.

Short steps brought the boy over to where Tarlone was, the orange colored feline actively having to suppress the urge to shiver in front of him. Although the worst of the storm had passed, Saint still wasn't particularly pleased with the snow and chill that still remained. This was somewhat reflected in his tone, purple gaze narrowed as he questioned Tarlone, "Who are you? These are Pitt lands, you know. So if you're here to cause trouble, you might as well just turn around and go back to wherever you came from! Cause I know that Gael and Aine won't let you do anything that causes us problems." It was bad enough to heard about what Vale had done to the temple with the assistance of the Coalition – Saintkit didn't want to welcome in any more troublemakers.

Re: Bet You're Lookin' For Somethin' New / Joining - gael - 01-11-2021

The aforementioned vulpine was next to approach, quietly following Saintkit with his observant gaze locked on the newcomer.  If the chill bothered him, the Ardent made no show of it -- indifferent to the cool air and melting snow lingering atop the once baking sand.

His head inclined lightly towards the drake; as Saintkit already posed the important questions, the faerie would remain silent, continuing to analyze the stranger.
"I AM A STONE" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / ardent / lamby

Re: Bet You're Lookin' For Somethin' New / Joining - SirDio - 01-11-2021

Tarlone turned his gaze to Saintkit, a baffled grunt coming from him. "Woah, calm down, kid. I don't wanna catch smoke." He stepped back, cautious of his barbs that had begun to rattle gently. He turned to face Gael, suspecting he was a high-ranking official or something of that effect. "As I said, I don't want no smoke. I didn't know that anyone lived here and I'm hardly the type of soldier that would cause trouble."

"My name is Tarlone - I had just recently gone AWOL from my old home since it wasn't holding me up well." He dipped his head gently, moving his cape a bit. "You called this desert 'Pitt Lands', right kid? I'm assuming that the name 'Pitt' is referring to a group?"

Re: Bet You're Lookin' For Somethin' New / Joining - Kian. - 01-11-2021

Kian Ó Faoláin
The Irishman was humming an old favorite sea shanty of his as he caught up with Gael and Saintkit, his usually jolly grin in place.  The small wildcat couldn't help but like the kid's fire, chuckling quietly as Tarlone backed up.

As he called himself a soldier too, Kian settled into a brief contemplative silence.  The faerie had always been a soldier -- although most knew him as a pirate now.  "No good treatin' your soldiers unwell," he muttered, throwing a glance at Gael.  A soldier he might be, but he only followed commanders he believed in -- his cousin among them.

"This desert 'an the jungle belong to the Pitt.  Sort of a roughed up band of outcasts if you're interested." He added with a wink, tail twitching.  Extra paws were always nice after all but Kian couldn't help but feel more for a soldier needing a better home.
We'll all be returning, if we sail together

Re: Bet You're Lookin' For Somethin' New / Joining - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 01-11-2021

[glow=white,1,400]WHAT PART OF LIVING SAYS YOU GOTTA DIE ?。+゚.[/glow]
Dante hadn't been here for the blizzard, but that didn't mean that it didn't irritate him that he would have to deal with this winter wonderland bullshit. He hated the cold; with his shark genes, his motivation and body temperature often was based around his surroundings. Not completely, of course, but enough to make Dante want to be more lazier than normal.

But the hybrid forced himself to move along, smoke coming out of the cigarette that hung from his mouth. He caught up with the rest of the group, narrowing his eyes at the stranger. "Gael has good reason to be suspicious of others." Dante grunted in response to Kian, figuring he might as well comment on Gael's gaze that was latched onto Tarlone as well.

"So are you gonna stay or what, pal?" Dante spoke towards Tarlone now, his voice coming in a gruff snarl. "We ain't got all day."[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: Bet You're Lookin' For Somethin' New / Joining - SAINTKIT. - 01-14-2021

Saintkit couldn't help the burst of pride that warmed his chest as Tarlone let out a grunt, taking the noise as a sign of fear, rather than bafflement. Thankfully, it didn't seem as though the other was actually here to cause trouble, or the small feline would've clawed his ears off thoroughly – or whatever Tarlone's equivalent was. The boy then gave a stiff nod in response to Tarlone's question, remaining silent as Kian explained what The Pitt actually was. Once Dante was done questioning the newcomer, Saint was eager to jump in, taking a step forward and saying firmly, "You should join! Gael treats all of us really well, and you wouldn't feel like you weren't getting support. But we're a family around here, so I wouldn't recommend running off!" At least, that was the way that the orange cream colored kitten saw things. Others would, of course, look at The Pitt with their own perspectives – maybe more like an army, rather than a family.

Re: Bet You're Lookin' For Somethin' New / Joining - SirDio - 01-14-2021

Tarlone nodded to Kian, but gave a slight sneer to Dante, hardly visible to anyone. But he turned his attention to Saintkit, a smile lifting his lips and revealing the tiniest hint of fangs. "You've definitely got spunk, kid. If Gael allows my stay, I have no problem joining. Maybe it could be my family." He ended his words with a slight glance to Gael and a gentle chuckle. Family? Hardly. But it was possible that this bastard could find someone to see as family within the Pitt. Well, you can only hope.

Re: Bet You're Lookin' For Somethin' New / Joining - gael - 01-14-2021

The vulpine remained quiet, inclining his head thoughtfully at the words spoken by both Tarlone and his clanmates.  A soldier gone AWOL -- some may see that as reason to feel distrust, but the faerie felt his cousin's meaningful glance.  They knew a thing or two about soldiers and Gael saw no signs of deceit in the drake.

After a moment, he nodded -- feeling satisfied with Tarlone's answers and demeanor for the time.  "Very well."

"Welcome to the Pitt, Tarlone."
"I AM A STONE" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / ardent / lamby

Re: Bet You're Lookin' For Somethin' New / Joining - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 01-15-2021

[glow=white,1,400]WHAT PART OF LIVING SAYS YOU GOTTA DIE ?。+゚.[/glow]
A family? Ha, The Pitt was almost like a family, weren't they? To Dante, they were both his family and his fellow soldiers. "Well, then, welcome, Tarlone." Dante huffed, though that wasn't due to any sort of dislike or hate towards Tarlone. "M'name's Dante Northwest."[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]