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BRACE YOURSELVES // joining - Printable Version

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BRACE YOURSELVES // joining - CAESAR CIPHER. - 01-10-2021

[glow=black,1,400]I MOVE IN ALL DIRECTIONS, I DON'T NEED ANY PROTECTION !。+゚.[/glow]
With yet another body dying, Caesar had been forced into hiding for a few days until he was able to find another suitable savannah body to possess. He found himself on unfamiliar territory; with some exploring around, it wasn't hard to figure out that he was near the border of yet another new group. This wasn't exactly news; new groups usually formed often under the radar. But there was one group in particular that Caesar seemed to recall: The Palm Glades.

They allied themselves with the Coalition, but Caesar couldn't recall ever really meeting any of them. Which is good, he won't have to mention that he was exiled from the Coalition, cause that would definitely not go over well.

It wasn't hard to tell that he had wandered a bit too far into the Palm Glades's territory, judging by the scents around, so Caesar decided to settle down and relax in the sun - figuring that someone would be around sooner or later.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: BRACE YOURSELVES // joining - SirDio - 01-10-2021

It was so quiet now in the Glades, especially since they called off the Alliance with the Coalition. No rabid wolves, no big fuckin' reptiles, nothing. The leopard and Burmese hybrid thought it would always be quiet, but when she caught scent of a stranger, she felt her heart drop slightly. God damnit. She followed the scent until she spotted Caesar.

"Sorry to intrude on your little resting, but I hope you've realized you're on group territory. It's more customary to wait at the border, not travel inland." She boomed from her hiding spot, revealing her piebald self. Blue eyes looked to him, half-lidded but surely analyzing to see if he was deemed a threat. "What brings you here, anyway." Inquiry paired with a flick of her paw, which was quickly brought back to the ground.

Re: BRACE YOURSELVES // joining - rhosmari - 01-10-2021

"Mom?" The voice came forth inquisitively as the youth came forth after the piebald woman. He had not been a party to the things that had happened between the Coalition and the Palm Glades. Most would be news to him as he had washed ashore here after all of those matters had happened. But this was a trespasser and an unknown one at that so the maned wolf would keep his guard up. His eyes of golden blue locked on the savannah and he came to stand beside the woman he saw as a mother figure,  sticking close but also trying to appear as something on his own. His snow grey dipped tails twitched slightly as he held himself up. But there was an unsettling feeling in his stomach, almost like he was sick. Maybe he needed to eat something or hydrate. After all it had been a while since he had eaten or had some water since coming back to life. So he would do that when this whole encounter was over with. "You got a name too? I'm Sorbet...nice to meet you."
[Image: lnnqViN.gif]
How, how much to light up my star again and rewire all my thoughts? Oh baby, won't you remind me what I am? And break, break my little cold heart. I'm living someone else's life. Suppressing who I was inside. I don't know if I can be alone again. I don't know if I can sleep alone again.

%u2014 Sorbet Monroe Roux

Re: BRACE YOURSELVES // joining - RHINESTONE. - 01-11-2021

Honestly, even if Caesar was upfront about his exile from the Coalition, he probably wouldn't have been immediately turned away. After all, the Coalition were now enemies of the Palm Glades, and although Rhine would certainly be intrigued to hear what got Caesar exiled, he could see it being anything. With Ninazu now in charge, he wouldn't be surprised if she was exiling people just for vaguely disagreeing with her – she certainly seemed to be the type. Luckily for Caesar, though, Rhinestone wouldn't have any such questions on his mind as he approached. Instead, he was simply curious about why the savannah was here, and whether he was looking to join or not. He certainly seemed as though he had made himself pretty comfortable, so it wouldn't have surprised the serval if that was his intention. Sitting down on the warm sand, the legate let his tail wrap neatly over his own paws, head cocked to one side before he spoke, "She already covered all the important bits, I suppose. Once you're ready to introduce yourself... I'm Rhinestonestar, the legate here. You can call me Rhine, if you intend to stay." If Caesar did intend to stay, Rhinestone certainly wouldn't complain about it. He never complained about new joiners to bolster their ranks.
[Image: jGD2qw5.gif]
tags + roleplayed by stilly + the palm glades

Re: BRACE YOURSELVES // joining - CAESAR CIPHER. - 01-11-2021

[glow=black,1,400]I MOVE IN ALL DIRECTIONS, I DON'T NEED ANY PROTECTION !。+゚.[/glow]
The fact that the Palm Glades were no longer allies to the Coalition hadn't yet reached Caesar's ears, but it wasn't like he would really care in the first place; allies were useless to him, both personal and the groups' alliances. Ninazu certainly didn't waste time on kicking Caesar out - the two were at each other's throats all the time, so when she became leader, it was only a matter of time before Caesar tore the wrong string. What pissed Ninazu off so much? Caesar trying to steal the crown that Stryker had taken from Vigenere. In the savannah's mind, that crown was rightfully his. After all, if it weren't for him luring Atbash into the Coalition, there was no way Vigenere would have been caught. Or at least, that's what Caesar kept telling himself.

"Did I trespass?" Caesar had an innocent tone to his voice whenever he responded to Medusa, blinking up at her in a way that was trying to convey Oops, my bad. It was rather interesting to note that these creatures didn't automatically attack an intruder, even if said intruder wasn't aggressive in the first place. That'll be their downfall. Idiots. He thought to himself, before a different voice interrupted. At Sorbet's question, Caesar snorted in response, "Yeah, no shit I've got a name." What kind of a question was that, anyway?

Rhinestonestar was next to approach and Caesar's tail tip flicked at the legate mentioning his rank. "My name's Caesar Cipher. Caesar's just fine though, obviously." He sat up now, trying to make direct eye contact with the leader. Not a challenging glare or anything, he was more or less trying to study Rhine. "I was hoping to stay a while, if you don't mind." Ugh, politeness. It made him sick.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: BRACE YOURSELVES // joining - SirDio - 01-12-2021

She held back a groan to Caesar's innocent words, simply taking a glance at Sorbet, a smile of greeting on her lips. She nodded to Rhine before bringing her gaze back to Caesar. "I am Medusa, Primus of the Palm Glades." Gaze hardened as she stood steady.

"Whether you can stay or not is up to him, if that wasn't obvious." She huffed, but held back more sour words.

Re: BRACE YOURSELVES // joining - RHINESTONE. - 01-16-2021

Caesar certainly did seem to be... unique. Abrasive was another word that sprang to mind, but Rhine was hoping that was just a one time thing. Perhaps the brightly colored feline was just cranky from having been traveling. At least, that's what the legate could hope for, anyways. It was hard not to feel Medusa's obvious wariness towards the other, but the serval always tried his hardest to give everyone at least one chance. After all, if he kicked someone out after hearing the disapproval of one person, then Medusa herself wouldn't have been allowed to stay because of all the rumors. Maybe it was foolish of him to be so stubborn, but he liked to believe that people could change, and that they could grow. He wanted to believe that no one was inherently bad, they were all just trying to look out for themselves. So, he kept his usual even smile on his face as he spoke, the legate briefly pressing against Medusa to try and soothe her, "It's nice to meet you, Caesar. Can't say I've met someone like you before." He didn't really have too much to say about appearances, though, considering his own dark blue appearance, and pitch black eyes.

As he flicked his tail back towards the rest of the Glades's territory, he spoke with a cheerful hum, "The Glades will be glad to welcome you in as a new member. If you need any help with anything, you can feel free to ask me. Or Medusa. We'll try to make things as clear as possible for you." He really did hope that the other got that he should come to Rhine before heading to Medusa. Normally the hybrid was kind and level-headed, but he had a feeling that Caesar would end up beheaded if he bothered Medusa too much.
[Image: jGD2qw5.gif]
tags + roleplayed by stilly + the palm glades

Re: BRACE YOURSELVES // joining - CAESAR CIPHER. - 01-17-2021

[glow=black,1,400]I MOVE IN ALL DIRECTIONS, I DON'T NEED ANY PROTECTION !。+゚.[/glow]
It wasn't hard to tell that Medusa didn't trust him, and quite honestly, she had a reason to - although of course, the demon wouldn't say that out loud. Probably not the best idea to literally tell the leader that he wasn't to be trusted. Caesar was amused by Medusa's unease, though.

"You wanna elaborate what you mean by that?" Caesar responded to Rhinestone's comment regarding his looks, not entirely sure what he was getting at. There were a couple of possibilities there, namely his coat color and his personality, but you never know what someone was getting at without asking. "I'll keep you two in mind if I ever need help, though. Thank you."[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]