Beasts of Beyond
PULLING ME UNDER | open - Printable Version

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Every. Waking. Moment.

Cory could feel it in his bones. In fact, Cory was so aware he COULD feel his bones. The disgust riling up in his throat at this had him groaning with agony. Something wasn't right about him being here, and he was powerless to do anything besides down another bottle. And, considering his size, one bottle was never enough. It went one, two, three, and then straight to fifteen if the amount he had allowed such things. Huffing a small puff of air through his nose after every bottle and a lack of change, it was routine. Maybe that's the true reason why people didn't see him often. Who knew?

Right now, he was sitting outside his door, clamoring bottles together and scooting them closer to his form. He wasn't drunk, but he was feeling some of the effects. Hopefully nobody would bother him, and he could reminisce in peace.
code by spacexual

Re: PULLING ME UNDER | open - Simon F.M. - 01-11-2021

The privateer laid eyes on the wyvern, on the bottles he corded near him, and sighed. They hadn't met, she hadn't a name to place with his scaled face. She didn't allow that to bother her, knowing she could get that soon enough. Her thickly furred tail flicked lazily behind her as she approached. Her paws pushed through the sand, propelling her forwards until they met the wood of his porch. She settled beside him, eyeing the bottles once before looking out to the ocean as waves thundered against the beach. "Haven't seen you around before. My name's Diya, what's yours?" she asked softly, gaze unmoving as seagulls squawked overhead.

Re: PULLING ME UNDER | open - Grimm - 01-11-2021

[div style="margin: auto; max-width: 475px; padding: 5%; min-height: 20px; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; text-align: justify; line-height: 17px;"]Too little allowed to transpire within a frame that bore too meagre a capacity, taunt each thread, pulled to the edge and further. There would be no snap, the catharsis taken and lacking hint once more may it be found, simply suspended the tense moment hung upon a single integral figure.

Cause for disruption was not brought about by the reptilian occupation that perched beyond the confinements of his abode with only his chosen poison for company, rather it was the impromptu visitor, her voice at such volume the wind snatched her words away, enough the sound. Safe harbour had she grown, a port she knew welcomed her when the world grew as turbulent as the waves ringing the archipelago, hesitation left her stalling some distance from both. For all Diya meant the other, the recipient of her soft murmur, was an unknown.

Brief the combat between warring desire, victor the more inclined to her own gratification, closer stepping though languid her pace. "I'm sorry to intrude." Lie fell easy as adorned her lips by a gentle smile, attention diverting as the strong smell attached to both draconic individual and the bottles before him became apparent. "Drinking all of that surely isn't good for you." Concern seeped through her voice, back ears pressing as her eyes lifted, settling rather far from intended mark but correction would do little.

Re: PULLING ME UNDER | open - ROXANNE R. - 01-11-2021

Roxanne hardly ever drank, she didn't really like it even if it did help in numbing the emotional pain or just a poor excuse to forget things. Michael had invited her before to the tavern plenty of times for drinking but, Roxie could never really get into it and even now, her alcoholic beverages were limited or small to say the least. The Captain had been cleaning her home from dust and thoughts weighed on her shoulders, she didn't know if it would be appropriate to ever move into the captains quarters even if... well, she was the captain of the Typhoon though she did have the ides of making sure that things were clean and tidy at the very least. These thoughts kept her busy until she made out the figures of both Eulia and Diya in the distance... Along with some wyvern of sorts.

A huff would leave her, the draconic feline already making her way over and brushing up against Diya though her mismatched gaze would travel over the bottles only ro say with a quiet snort "Well, good to see that someone can hold their alcohol." There was a brief pause before she decided to introduce herself not certain if she had already met Corrupttimelines aside from announcing his name during the meeting "Roxanne Roux but feel free to call me... Roxie or whatever floats your boat."


Great. More fucking strangers.

The snide scaled figurine would slide the bottles to the side, little anchoring their weightless concoctions to the floor. His body would straighten a tad, just enough to where he could be adequately admired. From his neck dangled a rather old and now tattered scarf, hues similar to his own draped along him. The sting of a sweet poison trembled and fell past his lips with each heave as he maneuvered his body to bask more in the waning sunlight. With this, his glimmering gaze would befall the first to approach. Soft words pitter-pattered past her maw and into his ears, with it an explanation.

Diya. She was very small proportionally to the large dragon. Her body was draped with intricate markings unlike his own faded colors. The way she presented herself was much neater as well, and it appeared her intentions on waltzing upon his day-drinking were innocent. However, after his long-lasted time in the rogue lands, he found himself trusting very little. How could he? His whole life was scattered with lies and abandonment, some small and some large. Therefore, he had to bite his tongue to avoid lashing a nasty drawl towards her to usher the small female away. No, he couldn't afford to jeopardize his chance at having a home. He had to behave. Be kind.

"Corrupttimelines. People used to call me Cory."

Ah, see, wasn't that easy?

That one was simple for him, an introduction with minimal effort from the barely tipsy man. However, the next one to approach wasn't as welcomed. Eulia's way of a first impression did not appease the large beast, his eyes taught and narrowed upon her as he tucked in his smaller set of wings. A soft snarl slipped past weary lips as he grumbled, turning his nose up from her. Telling him how much he should drink? Proposterious. Apparently, she didn't understand just how big his stature was and the amount of alcohol it took for him to feel a damn thing. Or...not feel a damn thing. Either way, he took this as disrespect. "I have to drink more to feel something. Take your concern to someone who cares," he told her simply, shifting his shoulders in a shrug.

Now for the leader.

Roxanne. It was an elegant name, and the female appeared to possess some dragonic features herself. Not that he minded it, but it was very evident that she knew Diya from the brush against her pelt. Good, the one I don't already despise, he thought, his gaze trailing amongst the duo. Were they a couple? Or was there something he was missing? Family? Cory couldn't really tell, considering he couldn't even remember his own family or what love really felt like. Actually, Cory hadn't felt much in a long time. It was like he was a stone lost in time, or an alien from another planet. All these people and their ideas were foreign to him, and he wasn't sure if he wanted to even make a halfhearted effort to get to know them. While knowing Roxanne and her intentions could be beneficial to his living here in the future, he wasn't sure if it was a step he wanted to take. After all, what if he just forgot who she was after meeting her? It seemed he had done that a lot.

Getting lost in your thoughts isn't helping this interaction end.

The male would cast his glance amongst the leader in particular now, dipping his head in a sort of respectful manner. With this, he allowed his signature smile to sneak upon his face, and his guard to wither into nothingness. "Pleasure. I'll stick with Roxanne for now," he told her, choosing to ignore the rather offhand comment on his drinking. Lord, was it really that much to them? He thought this should appear standard for his size and age. A gruff cough passed his lips as he sat, nodding his head off towards the water that lie within some form of view.

"What do you guys do here? For fun?" he finally asked, figuring he should entertain his guests.
code by spacexual

Re: PULLING ME UNDER | open - Keona. - 01-12-2021

keona sibéal ní faoláin.
the typhoon.
the blind dealer.
[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2a4971; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 2px;"]Idir brí is idir muir, Tá mé i dtiúin
Tiny paws carried the petite wildcat.  Hardly intent on surprise gatherings.  Her ears perked idly as a number of voices went by.  The smell of alcohol in the air.  She twitched her tail, pale sea-green hues following the sound of the one who seemed to be the center of attention.

Seemed like a crewmate.  Had they met before?  If so she still needed to catch his name again, humming softly in acknowledgement.  She'd rather be reading than chatting about... What... Fun?  A sigh began to build in her chest.  Such idle chat...

"Do you 'ave anythin' you like to do?" Keona opted to ask quietly, thoughts still lingering on the braille copy of the Princess Bride she had left within the Sky Parlor.  Perhaps he was being polite by asking, but she still found such a question somewhat pointless... If he wanted to do something, he ought to do something he likes too. 

"'m Keona, by the way.  Aloha."

Re: PULLING ME UNDER | open - michael t. - 01-13-2021

"Well, we certainly don't go snapping at people who are just trying to show us some concern. You know, for fun." Michael's words were sharp as he approached, mismatched blue gaze narrowed as he settled himself beside Eulia. Despite her not being so much of a little one anymore, the dealer still didn't appreciate Cory's tone when responding to his sweet niece. It was clear that she was just trying to show some genuine concern, and yet Cory had decided to be an asshole about it. Michael was one of the few people who already knew Corrupttimelines at this point – having been at the other male's joining – but he hadn't exactly picked up on douchebag vibes, then. Maybe he just hadn't been perceptive enough to see it, or maybe the wyvern had just been hiding his more prickly side when he had first joined. Either way, The Typhoon tended to be a fairly tightknit group, and the dealer knew that. If Cory wanted to start picking fights or snarking at people – especially those as sweet and caring as Eulia – then he was certainly going to get some sharpness in response. Michael wasn't afraid to be the one to dole out that sharpness, despite the massive size difference between the two of them.

The sight of the bottles didn't exactly thrill the bobcat, either. He knew what it was like to have a drinking problem – had struggled with one for the majority of his life, in fact. He had only managed to "shake" it once he had gotten pregnant, and that was only because he was unwilling to risk the health of his children just for a drink. Once he had given birth to his wonderful pups, however, he hadn't had much of a desire to go back to the stuff. At that point he had been so busy with marriage, children, and his rank that the thought of getting even a little drunk tended to make him nauseous. Nowadays, he only had the occasional drink for celebration, or if he was hanging around with other people. He was glad to have kicked the habit, and he was fairly sure that Roxanne had been glad for it too, considering it meant he was no longer dragging her to the tavern. Now, to see someone else struggling with a similar problem... it filled Michael with a sense of unease. He wanted to help out, but he truthfully wasn't sure how. It wasn't as if he could just tell Cory to go off and get pregnant, but perhaps there were other things that the wyvern could do, in order to occupy himself.

Taking a deep breath inward – in order to settle both his fur and his mood – Michael then muttered, head tilting to one side, "As for what we do actually do in order to keep ourselves occupied... well, it really depends on who you are. Some like swimming, some people like going out sailing on our boats... some people enjoy gambling out in the tavern. Personally, I like playing little games with other crewmates, like cards. Or spending time with my pets. That's only when I'm not doing some kind of work, though." In the back of his mind, Michael wondered if Cory had chosen a proper division yet. If he did, then maybe he could be assigned some tasks to do in order to help out The Typhoon as a whole. It wasn't exactly the peak idea of fun, but at least it would probably keep the other's claws occupied, and away from a bottle. Or maybe Michael could just ask Roxanne to assign the other some tasks, given her power within the group nowadays. Although, something told the bobcat that she wouldn't be too fond of that plan, considering it would involve taking time out of her already busy day to just assign tasks to one crewmate in particular.


Geez, people enjoyed their gatherings here. Cory couldn’t say the same, he remembered a clear disdain in his mind having this much attention placed upon his shoulders. However, it was nothing new. The wyvern would arch himself up a little better, eyeing down below at a soul he immediately marked as fragile. From his height, her age wasn’t certain, but she definitely was younger than he. “Drink. I...guess I like gardening too,” he told her calmly, mere moments before Michael arrived.

Finally, a famili- oh joy. He had irritated the former.

He must’ve known the one he had brushed off earlier. Not that Cory cared for other’s opinions on himself. Huffing a soft breath through his nose, he nodded quietly and listened. Michael? Playing cards? For some reason, and it may have been lack of knowledge into the former’s life, Cory couldn’t see it. However, he had no choice but to take this statement as true.

Mm, not much of that appeals to me. Sailing....perhaps.
code by spacexual