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TAKE YOUR AIM | daily task, iron forged member - Printable Version

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TAKE YOUR AIM | daily task, iron forged member - Lokisaurus - 01-09-2021

renlys stormbringer . male . the iron forged . member
ooc: doing an iron forged daily task, not available for capture!

Renlys had never been much of a harbinger.  He had always been a lord commander, the right hand of royalty, but never a prankster.  He felt more like an attack dog with the Ironfolk and though that was not really an awful thing to be, it was very different compared to the life he lived with Summer or his cousin-king before her.

And so this is how he found himself flying towards the islands the Typhoon called home with a few unhatched, rotten dragon eggs in a pouch around the base of his neck.  His last brood had proven unsuccessful with no viable eggs to call potential children.  Now they were little more than yucky egg-bombs.

Now directly above a few individuals on the biggest island, Renlys took one rotten egg from his pouch and dropped it, hoping it would land on one of the heads of those below.

Re: TAKE YOUR AIM | daily task, iron forged member - bubblegum - 01-09-2021

DEAR FRIEND as you know,  your flowers are withering
your mother's gone insane, your leaves have drifted away.
    but the clouds are clearing up
        and i've come reveling, burning incandescently,
                                              like a bastard on the burning sea.

After everything, the female was only vaguely aware of the politics she'd use to run. She knew there was more out there - some better than others. Tanglewood was their friend, Coalition was an enemy, and the Iron Forged had stolen from them. However, her knowledge of them did not extend past this. Whatever she'd known before was lost to the sea, and the best she could do for now was take in everything she could. And so, when the female had been out for a short walk, she'd not been expecting the "attack" on their archipelago. She would suppose later this, in part, is what Roan had warned her about when he'd advised against going out of the temple alone. Maybe not this specifically, though. Her movement stops in its tracks as an egg falls down in front of her, splashing onto her fur. She blinks, staring at it in a silent shock for a moment. It was lucky that it didn't fall on her head - it would likely cause the already heavily concussed female to have a...not so great reaction.

Still, she wasn't exactly pleased about the mess that was now on her chest. "What the fuck?" is all she could muster up in response to it, taking a few steps back as she looks upwards. A dragon she doesn't recognize, flying above their island. "Oi, what are you doin'?" she'd call out loudly towards the stranger, wincing slightly from the action. She looks back down towards the ground in front of her, moving herself away from the landing zone and shaking herself off, though she'd need a proper wash in order to get the bits off of her.

Re: TAKE YOUR AIM | daily task, iron forged member - ROXANNE R. - 01-11-2021

She was still settling into her position but she knew that would take time so she did her best not to to push herself, she had to make sure that everyone was safe and everything was running smoothly just as Goldie had done when her niece had been the captain of the Typhoon. She had intentions of visiting her but realized that she was not in the temple so, Roxanne would look to the beaches trying to see if she could spot her. Eventually, her mismatched gaze would lock onto the form of the tigress about to call out to her when she realized something plummeting in the former captain's direction "GOLDIE!" But she moved too slow though thankfully the egg hadn't hit her child on the head, she immediately looked up to see a draconic beast was the bastard who was throwing the eggs.

She would run up to Goldenluxury feeling the fur on her body begin to puff up with hostility. Her snout wrinkling at the smell of rotten egg but it didn't take long for the draconic feline to shapeshift into a larger dragon, she would let out a loud hiss before saying to Goldie "Go take cover." With that said, the draconid Captain would lift up into the skies already heading over in the direction of the intruder that had decided to fling his failed child attempts onto the ground below, she lunged forward aiming to rake her claws into [member=17254]Renlys[/member] chest. "Get the fuck out of here before I decide to kill you," the dragoness snarled with lips peeled back to show off her pearly whites.

Re: TAKE YOUR AIM | daily task, iron forged member - roan ; - 01-13-2021

It was a very, very bad idea to mess with The Typhoon at the moment. The entire group was on edge thanks to recent events, and such poorly timed pranks were, needless to say, not going to be appreciated. It seemed as though Renlys was about to find that out, unfortunately for the winged beast far up above. Normally, Roan was a rather non-violent person. He had very little love for violence or battle, considering the fact that he was a medic. It would've been ridiculous to assume that he would embrace such things with open arms. He hated them even more these days, considering he had family members injured all over, with Goldie in a state that he could barely handle these days. He had actually been keeping an eye on Goldie from afar when Renlys's little attack rained down, barely missing her and breaking apart on the ground. Immediately, Roan felt his fur lift in aggravation, blue gaze snapping upward towards the Iron Forged member.

His mama already seem to be giving him a piece of her mind, but Roan wasn't going to let him off the hook, either. With his tail lashing behind him, the siamese dropped his satchel onto the sand, leaping into the air and carrying himself upwards. He was significantly smaller than both his mama and Renlys, but at least he had his wings to gain him some height, flying over to the enemy dragon's side. As he did so, he let out a vicious snarl, his body thrumming with power, "Hey! Shit for brains! I know you don't have anything better to do than harass people, but we don't really need your fucking bullshit right now!" The words that slipped forth from him were filled with venom, and he didn't hesitate after that. He stretched out one of his forelimbs, summoning forth his elementals to try and call down a small bolt of lightning onto [member=17254]Renlys[/member]'s flank and hopefully cause him searing pain. There was always the chance that the other could dodge, especially considering the erratic nature of lightning, but the soothsayer certainly hoped that it connected.

Re: TAKE YOUR AIM | daily task, iron forged member - VAYNE CIPHER-VANTAS. - 01-15-2021

[glow=white,1,400]LIKE WE FORGET WHO WE CAN TRUST !。+゚.[/glow]
The commotion is what made Vayne peep out from her cabin, watching as an unfamiliar dragon threw eggs at her crewmates. Vayne winced as one of them hit Goldenluxury and scrambled the scene. She fluffed her long fur out, standing next to the Captain, peering up at Renlys. "Goldenluxury, who is that?" She asked in a hushed tone before wincing against as a flash of lightning whirled past her and towards Renly. Vayne pressed closer to Goldie, trying to hide from the fight that could potentially break out.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]