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chaos and the stampede - open; return from Typhoon + a surprise - Printable Version

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chaos and the stampede - open; return from Typhoon + a surprise - rhosmari - 01-04-2021

It felt good to have victory underneath his paws. Their paws. Everyone has done their part and frankly he also had Vale to thank. Without them knowing about the travesty that was befalling the Typhoon they would have never had the chance. As the ships came into port the Dragon felt jolly. The belly of their ships filled with the goods they had stolen from the Typhoon and frankly he was hoping to do more like this. Stealing and pillaging was their namesake after all. What they did best, rather under the cover of night or taking when their enemies were distracted by other affairs. The ships creaked and groaned with his steps as he disembarked from them, other Ironfolk beginning to unload the many bags and sacks that had been taken. If only they had an Alchemist. Then they could really get the full use out of these herbs. But he supposed what knowledge they had that it would do. Clearing his throat a bit he turned to look at everyone as they worked before lightly thumping his skeletal scorpion tail against the ground for attention.

"Ironfolk! We claim a nice victory today. We stole from the Typhoon during their little rebellion and rather they won or not they will surely be hurt. With their herbs ransacked I'm sure it will take them much longer to recover. Too bad for them. Now we can put all of this to good use for ourselves. I commend everyone that partook in the pillaging!" A roaring chorus sounded out for their victory and playful shouts as the skeletal faced King turned away. As a bag was light dropped on the ground he walked over to it, tilting his head as he nudged it here and there. Eerie purple blue eye orbs grew curious as he stared before he slowly opened the bag and well shit. If his eyes could have widened he would have surely done so. There was a child in this bag and the beast snickered a little in mere surprise. "Well, what do we have here?"

Re: chaos and the stampede - open; return from Typhoon + a surprise - SirDio - 01-04-2021

The Jaglioness wasn't there to attend the raid since she was doing some metal work for some other Ironfolk. But by god was she going to be there for the return ships. She helped direct things toward the storage before turning her attention to Brymstone. Immediately after his speech did she join in the raucous cheering, claiming that drinks would be on her or that a party should be held.

She left the cheering to find Brym, hoping to talk with him over the raid and what was planned for future ones, and then she saw what he was looking at. "Oh my goodness, issat a kid? What a cute little fella!" She raised her voice for a moment, but lowered it back to a mellow volume.

OF CANDY, AND JAM, AND ICE CREAM! [color=#ac778f]"Dead Speaking"

Re: chaos and the stampede - open; return from Typhoon + a surprise - VALE - 01-05-2021

graphic gore ★ genderfluid ★ 3 eyed crow
Perched on Brymstone’s shoulder, the little crow chittered nonsense birdsong to verself. Personally proud of the raid, Vale considered this more than enough success to balance out the unorthodox landing from vis joining. No doubt the Ironfolk would continue grumbling about ver interrupting a serene afternoon in the hot springs, but ve brought them an abundance of medicine, hadn’t ve?

“Thank you, thank you,” Vale cawed, mock-bowing with one wing folded in front of vis chest as the cheers roared. Ve tippy-tapped on Brymstone’s shoulder, readying for takeoff, fully prepared to nope the fuck out now that the hard work of carrying and storing the stolen supplies began.

However, the little face in the bag caught the crow’s eyes, and the black blight squinted, blinked rapidly, leaning forward. Ve hopped up Brymstone’s neck to stand on the Dragon King’s forehead, head tilting left and right to appraise the horned kitten. “Ah, shit. A fucking stowaway? Someone pinch me, because everything was going so well! Goddammit.”

Re: chaos and the stampede - open; return from Typhoon + a surprise - SirDio - 01-07-2021

The black dragon landed before the ships, a gold necklace clutched in her talons. A meek prize from the temple, but a prize nonetheless. She heard no particular cheers for herself and that meant nothing - she only did what she was told, what was expected of her. Bringing the gold necklace over her head and around her neck, she turned to face Brym, then realized what he, Dead, and Vale were looking at. Her gruesome face contorted into a snarl.

"You've got to be joking." She hissed, leaning over the group for a split moment before pulling away, a red flame licking her lips. "This is ridiculous, did no one think to check the bags before we left?" she grumbled, walking away from the group. "I am in serious need of tea.."
Chernabog 'Cherna' - Ironfolk - Iron Forged - Female
[sup]template made by tikki[/sup]

Re: chaos and the stampede - open; return from Typhoon + a surprise - trojan g. - 01-11-2021

[align=left]love, i don't like to see so much pain *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
When Torsten had been at the raid trying to help to make sure all the herbs didn't get stolen, he hadn't thought that he would eventually be picked up and flown off to a different place. So when that actually happened, he almost freaked out, almost screamed, but he knew he had to stay quiet. Tucking his wings into his sides, the small boy would curl in on himself to try and make sure he took up the least amount of space as possible while they flew, tried to make sure he didn't move too much and make it obvious he was in there.

When his bag had been set down, he had relaxed his muscles a little bit, ready to try and run once the bag was open. But what he saw instead was himself freezing in place, listening to those around him as ears pinned to his head and eyes widened. He wasn't a fighter, had never been in a fight before, and just wanted to cry and shout for his mothers.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  so much wasted and this moment keeps slipping away

Re: chaos and the stampede - open; return from Typhoon + a surprise - VALE - 01-11-2021

graphic gore ★ genderfluid ★ 3 eyed crow
Vale leaned forward, attempted to peck the boy’s horns, and chittered. “Hey. You! The fuck are you doing in my supplies?” Vale snapped. The crow, jumping up and down on Brymstone’s head, beat vis wings against the air.

“At least say something! What’s your name, who’re your parents? You know, reasons why I shouldn’t just eat you because, holy fuck, I don’t want to deal with this bullshit.” Vale chittered louder, incomprehensible, until the crow shouted, “For fuck’s sake, isn’t there one fucking place in this entire world I can chillax without a goddamn annoying child getting under my fucking claws?! They ruin everything!”

Vale scoffed, shook vis head out, and hissed. “I call it! I’m not on babysitting duty! Fuck that shit! You try handing this thing to me and I’ll yeet the wet diaper into the fucking volcano!”

Re: chaos and the stampede - open; return from Typhoon + a surprise - trojan g. - 01-12-2021

[align=left]love, i don't like to see so much pain *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Torsten didn't know what to say, his mouth felt stuck in place as Vale spoke, shying away from the other in an attempt to try and get away as far as possible - which wasn't very far all things considering. He was scared, the thought of being eaten not something he had wanted to cross his mind on that day. "My name's Torsten," He would start, beginning to answer the questions that had been put forth, "My moms are Diya and Roxanne, and madre is the captain, so she'll get you if you hurt me!" He could only hope that would intimidate someone here, enough to take him home maybe?

Listening to the rest of the words spoken by the other, he began to shake a little bit, "Please don't eat me or throw me in a volcano... I just wanna go home." He shouldn't have tried to be a hero.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  so much wasted and this moment keeps slipping away