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EVERYWHERE I GO // return - Printable Version

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EVERYWHERE I GO // return - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 01-04-2021

[glow=white,1,400]WHAT PART OF LIVING SAYS YOU GOTTA DIE ?。+゚.[/glow]
Okay, so maybe getting wasted and absolutely sent out to the fucking cosmos and then deciding to take a wander in the desert wasn't the best idea. Dante ended up getting himself lost somehow and whenever his mind cleared up, the hybrid found himself in the uncharted territory. Which hey, that's fine; he could use a break from The Pitt anyway. What Dante didn't expect, however, was his "vacation" lasting four months.

Eventually the winged shark-cat grew to miss his associates in The Pitt, specifically Vale, if he were honest, but Gael and the others were chill too. So, Dante made his way back to the place he surprisingly found to call home. "You fuckers better remember me this time!" He bellowed out, waiting at the border just in case some idiot decided to jump him if he crossed over. His tone was light and playful, however, though if nobody recognized him, he probably would be a bit disheartened.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: EVERYWHERE I GO // return - Kold - 01-04-2021

How long did you think we could make it?
How far did you think we could take it?
We couldn't be bothered,
We didn't have time
To think
So far

She hadn't seen Dante in months, but she had been so distant from everyone for a bit that she really didn't notice his absence. With a clearer mind, she had begun to realize that, yeah, Dante wasn't around.

A solo patrol was what led her to hear a familiar voice. Slowly did she approach the hybrid. What did she call him last she saw him? Oh yeah, "Sway-Man. It's been a while - welcome back."


Re: EVERYWHERE I GO // return - gael - 01-04-2021

Gael had possessed his suspicions surrounding Dante's absence.  His demeanor and habits spoke clearly enough.  Following four months, the Ardent felt less sure he'd find his way back however -- yet the hybrid had been gone from the Pitt once before, if memory of his background served correctly.

The vulpine blinked as he joined Kold, hazel eyes quickly analyzing Dante for any signs of concern; more than once, Pittians had returned with more injuries than they had departed with.  It left the Ardent wary, but prepared for the worst.

"Dante.  Are you well?" Better to know preemptively than not at all, but it seemed to Gael he was fine.
"I AM A STONE" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / ardent / lamby

Re: EVERYWHERE I GO // return - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 01-05-2021

[glow=white,1,400]WHAT PART OF LIVING SAYS YOU GOTTA DIE ?。+゚.[/glow]
The first Pittian to greet him was someone he vaguely recongized, but unfortunately didn't know that well. But clearly, she knew him, and had a nickname for him, too. Dante couldn't help but snort at the nickname Kold decided to give him, seemingly not minding it too much. He did sway a lot, didn't he? Oops.

"I'm fine." Dante responded to Gael's question whenever the Ardent spoke, his gaze flickering over to the smaller male. "Just needed a lil' break, y'know? But I do plan on staying this time." He added with a wink to Kold, trying to show her that he heard her welcome. Mmm, hopefully he'll be here for good. Shit happens. "Although, I don't have to do that trial-thingy again, will I, Gael?" God, he hoped not. That shit was awful.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: EVERYWHERE I GO // return - SAINTKIT. - 01-07-2021

Dante wasn't a name that Saintkit had ever heard before, but that wasn't too much of a surprise. After all the child had only joined a couple of weeks ago, and this new mutated stranger had evidently been around long before he had – and then disappeared. Immediately, the boy felt a faint sense of suspicion, his purple eyes narrowed as he came to stand by Gael, half hiding behind the other. At this point, Saint had already begun to see the other as a protector, of sorts. He felt more confident as he questioned, small tail lashing behind him, "You just needed a break...? A break from your home? Why would you need a break from the place that took you in?" Saintkit couldn't help but come off as hostile, already having begun to grow attached to The Pitt, ever since Aine and Gael rescued him.

After a moment, however, the little draconic feline realized that it would be rude to just come up and start criticizing Dante without so much as an introduction. So, remaining in his secure position beside Gael, Saint then introduced himself, "...My name is Saintkit. I got here a couple of weeks ago." He had his doubts that Dante would care, but his parents had always valued proper introductions.

Re: EVERYWHERE I GO // return - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 01-07-2021

[glow=white,1,400]WHAT PART OF LIVING SAYS YOU GOTTA DIE ?。+゚.[/glow]
A small kitten wandered up, commenting on Dante's decision to leave The Pitt. The hybrid huffed in irritation, his torn ear flicking, before he rumbled an answer, "'M not used to large groups, aight?" For fucks sake, he was here at The Pitt's start and was Yes Man's right hand man; of course, that seemed to be lost in history and while Dante was slightly peeved about that, it did mean that people left him alone for the most part. "Shit gets overwhelming." Probably best not to tell the kid he got himself higher than the atmosphere and ended up getting himself lost.

"Name's Dante Northwest." Dante went on in a lighter tone, deciding it was best not to be too harsh to the kid. Even if children made his blood boil. "You likin' it here? It can be pretty tough for kid." Or that's what he liked to say to scare kids off. Didn't work with Trygve though, when that little fucker came here at a young age. Shame.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: EVERYWHERE I GO // return - Kian. - 01-11-2021

Kian Ó Faoláin
The Irishman barked up a quiet laugh as he padded over, whiskers twitching.  Saintkit was a force to be reckoned with it would seem.  The pirate fell beside Gael, curious as he listened to Dante speak.  "He came back," he pointed out in a more jolly tone.

While he understood loyalty could be questionable for those who found it easy to wander, Kian preferred to take an optimistic approach to these things.  Dante didn't seem to be the traitorous type anyhow.  The hybrid didn't seem too bad at all.

"It can be rough if you're not used to all the hubbub."  Though he truly believed that, it was difficult for him to imagine himself being away from others for too long -- he preferred having a friendly company around, but he knew others didn't feel the same as him. 

He shrugged amibly before adding, "name's Kian by the way -- 'm a cousin of Gael's, staying for a while.  It's nice to meet you, Dante, 'an welcome back."
We'll all be returning, if we sail together

Re: EVERYWHERE I GO // return - SAINTKIT. - 01-14-2021

Unfortunately for Dante, any attempt to try and scare Saintkit away from The Pitt would prove to be largely unsuccessful. After all, the boy had already been through what he considered to be one of the most traumatic events in his life – losing his parents. After having gone through that, he wasn't going to be scared away from the first place to feel like home since then, just because of some comment from a stranger. Taking a deep breath inward, the child briefly puffed his cheeks out before speaking, shaking his head from side to side, "I'm alright! I wasn't doing so well when I first got here, but that's because I was... dehydr... dehydrated and starving, I think Aine said. I had been traveling a while. But now this place is home... no matter what." The Pitt, along with those within it that Saint actually knew, was the only family that he actually had left. He had grown attached quickly, but that was because he felt he needed to, in order to keep himself afloat.

Re: EVERYWHERE I GO // return - gael - 01-14-2021

A quiet natured individual, the faerie inclined his head in easy understanding.  He suspected the hybrid's habits may also possess influence, but would not press such a matter -- he had no cause to.  Dante looked well enough.

On the matter of the blooding, the Ardent snorted quietly, shaking his head.  It would not be sensible to send someone who just returned straight into a now-colder desert on their own -- he had Pittians who still remembered his blooded status regardless, Gael included.

"No need for that, I believe once is enough."

He flicked his ear as he fell quiet again, listening as the others spoke -- lips threatening to quirk upwards for Saintkit's defensive and assured demeanor in particular.
"I AM A STONE" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / ardent / lamby

Re: EVERYWHERE I GO // return - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 01-15-2021

[glow=white,1,400]WHAT PART OF LIVING SAYS YOU GOTTA DIE ?。+゚.[/glow]
Dante looked over at Kian and gave the other male a nod to show he heard the other, but Saintkit's response made the hybrid smile. "Ha, I like your spunk, kid." He rumbled. "I think you'll make it here. Not like it matters what I think, huh? You've already decided this is your home, it seems."

Dante was relieved that Gael didn't believe that he needed to do the Blooding again; with this snow, and the fact that he would be a week without his drugs (probably), he wasn't sure if he could survive again. Fuck, that shit was hell. "Good." He went on before he started to walk towards the direction of camp, casting a glance at Kian as he passed. "Nice t' meet you, too."[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]