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TO BE IN TOTAL CONTROL ☆ re-introduction - Printable Version

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TO BE IN TOTAL CONTROL ☆ re-introduction - MIDAS. - 01-03-2021

i don't give a motherfuck what you're doing,
i don't give a motherfuck who you're seeing!

Unlike most others who at the moment were returning or re-emerging from their homes after the Coalition's defeat, Midas hadn't really been hiding. Nor did he have any sort of noble and important goal he had been pursuing during his absence, either. Rather, he had simply been a child for the majority of the time that everything had gone to shit. He had been too young to be let out of the house on his own by dad or pops, and while he and Frankie did occasionally sneak out, he found more entertainment within his home. It was hard not to, when his dads were two world class thieves, and they lived in a house full of pet rats and moths. There was more than enough for him to do, and his dad's orders to stay inside had only become more strict once the Coalition had shown up.

Neither he nor Frank had been allowed out after that point, Michael's words a bit manic as he told them that it was for their own safety. Ultimately, their pops had to come over and calm him down a bit to soothe his anxious and ailing mind. After that, Midas had decided that he would follow his dad's instructions for the moment, not wanting to see a similar anxious expression on the bobcat's face ever again. Thankfully, Frankie had seemed mostly in agreement with that, so the two of them at least had each other to keep themselves entertained while they were trapped inside. Not to mention the fact that they were constantly waiting for news, watching every little thing their dad or pops did, listening for any sound of fighting outside. Eventually, it had come again.

It was after that day that their dad came back inside, telling his children that it was once again safe to go out. However, even as he had smiled and reassured them that the Coalition had been fought back, Midas couldn't help but notice how Michael's eyes had a slightly pained look to them. It was obvious that something had gone wrong, if the way that both his dad and pops had then disappeared off, faintly mumbling about heads and Goldie. That didn't spell anything good, especially since the pup knew how much his dad respected their captain.

With everything seemingly fucked, Midas had decided that it was time for him to re-introduce himself to the world. After all, they were no longer taken over, and people were evident saddened because of... whatever had happened to their beloved captain. So, he might as well try to put a smile on their faces, right? Right.

He had waited only a few days before he threw open the front door of his family's house, walking through the sand and towards the main town area, the tavern a shining beacon to guide him along. Once he had deemed that he was close enough for a large group to hear him, Midas announced himself loudly, "Ay there, fuck'eads! I 'eard that we're finally not taken over anymore! So I decided that it was tha proper time ta re-introduce myself to you all! My name is Midas Townley-Phillips, and my dad is a dealer around 'ere. So, ya better be nice ta me." With that, the boy's loud voice then fell silent. Evidently, the coyote pup was happy with his new introduction, and was waiting for others to introduce themselves.

Re: TO BE IN TOTAL CONTROL ☆ re-introduction - Keona. - 01-04-2021

keona sibéal ní faoláin.
the typhoon.
the blind dealer.
[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2a4971; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 2px;"]Idir brí is idir muir, Tá mé i dtiúin
Had she been a child herself, the tiny dealer is not so sure she would've been so content to wait everything out as it went down.  Her father would've insisted of course... She knew he would've.  Even if it was unlikely she would've listened.  Even as a child, she took on responsibility, ranking up to Striker as early as her first beta days.

But she is older, though she knew she still looked so young.  Knows better.  Tried to be more cautious.  Appreciated it enough to feel glad Michael kept his children safe.  They didn't deserve to be caught in the middle of everything.

Her ears twitch idly at the sound of Midas' voice.  Recognizing him easily enough.  Even if she didn't know who the boy was... It was very obvious the relation to Michael.  Following the call, the petite wildcat flicked her tail. "Aloha Midas.  'm Keona; I don't know if we've really met before.  I'm a dealer as well, I work with your father."

Re: TO BE IN TOTAL CONTROL ☆ re-introduction - MIDAS. - 01-07-2021

i don't give a motherfuck what you're doing,
i don't give a motherfuck who you're seeing!

The first one to come and greet him was someone... really tiny. Keona's approach caused Midas's head to snap up, his eyes widening and his head tilting to one side. She talked all proper, like an adult, and claimed that she was a dealer, but... hell, she was smaller than him. As much as the pup liked to believe he was big and scary, he was constantly reminded of how young he really still was, so to see someone smaller than him who seemed so much older was certainly a shock, to say the least.

He was quick to voice this, heavily accented voice amused as he spoke up, "Wow! Yer Keona? M'dad 'as told me about you before, but he never mentioned that you were so tiny! Y'got some kinda defect or somethin'?" Internally, the coyote knew that such a question was probably rude to ask. In spite of this, he couldn't help the words pouring forth from his muzzle, no matter how crude they were. Perhaps he'd learn to hold his tongue a bit better once he was older. Tapping a paw thoughtfully against his own muzzle, Midas then questioned, "So yer the other dealer, huh? I bet bein' all tiny really comes in 'andy when yer spying on other groups, right?" When the young canine thought about the divisions and dealers, he couldn't imagine anything more exciting than infiltrating other groups. Getting to see them from the inside without them even knowing you were there – although he was fairly sure he'd never be too good at it.

Re: TO BE IN TOTAL CONTROL ☆ re-introduction - bubblegum - 01-09-2021

DEAR FRIEND as you know,  your flowers are withering
your mother's gone insane, your leaves have drifted away.
    but the clouds are clearing up
        and i've come reveling, burning incandescently,
                                              like a bastard on the burning sea.

Goldie herself had children, and though she could not recall how many, how they were raised, or who she'd had them with, she found herself wanting to know more, desperately. She wanted to know who they were, she wanted to know how she could breach the gap that'd formed again. But the answer was lost, just as her memory, and her head could only focus for so long before being overwhelmed. Perhaps in time, she could now once again, what it was like. The feeling that these individuals were important, brought her indescribable joy was undeniable within her, but for now she was stuck with the reintroductions, the encouraging, the grieving, and everything in between. To have everyone else know who she was, but not know herself, was a strange feeling. She only wished she would not disappoint them, whenever she could figure it all out.

When she finds herself coming across a child she doesn't recognize, she feels a slight relief, in that there were not so many expectations that she'd need to meet, in that she wouldn't disappoint someone who'd known her all their life. And the three-legged tigress would hold perked ears forward as she stepped closer, blinking at the loud child - Midas. Keona would introduce herself, and his response would cause her eyes to widen slightly, tail twitching. "Thas' not very polite," she'd state softly to him, referring to him asking if Keona had a defect. Though the rest of his words seemed fine to the female, so she'd be quiet until he finished. "Hello Midas, 'm Goldenluxury Roux, or Goldie. Is' nice t' meet you." Hopefully they hadn't met before, but she had a feeling they didn't.

Re: TO BE IN TOTAL CONTROL ☆ re-introduction - salem - 01-12-2021

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: georgia; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]SALEM | Wrapped in green vines, dark paws trotted quietly towards Midas' voice -- dark eyes flickering with a soft wariness.  Antisocial in nature, the small wildcat preferred avoiding impromptu gatherings when he could.  Midas' manner of speech particularly dissuaded him, brows creasing as he settled besides Keona and Goldie.

He was barely a head taller than Keona himself; kodkods and rusty spotted cats were both very small species of wildcat.  It was not a matter he considered often however -- accustomed to both his and Keona's petite statures, and rarely found judgement among their crewmates on the matter.

Consequently, the melanistic feline could not help but frown.  "It's not a defect --" his tail lashed once to the side, voice a tad sharper than he often spoke with.  "Keona's a rusty spotted cat; they're small."

Salem breathed out slowly, ears flicking back as he fumbled through a strange mixture of ire and sheepishness -- anger did not come naturally to him.  "I'm Salem," he offered in quieter tone, the vines tightening around his legs uncomfortably.  "Do you want to be a Blackjack Rat like your father, Midas?"

Re: TO BE IN TOTAL CONTROL ☆ re-introduction - Keona. - 01-13-2021

keona sibéal ní faoláin.
the typhoon.
the blind dealer.
[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2a4971; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 2px;"]Idir brí is idir muir, Tá mé i dtiúin
Her pale hues remain passive, patient as she listened to the child reply.  Cold almost, for a time.  When the dealer had been a true child, truly tiny, she had decided she wouldn't let any remarks on her physical stature affect her.  Not outwardly.

Defect.  Never a word she'd describe about her size.  Though it only reflected her innermost concerns and perceptions of herself.  It was no defect to be small as one of a rusty spotted cat.  But it certainly made her wonder.  If someone like her really fit this job.

She twitched her ear.  "I'm afraid my spying tactics are not as cut and dry as that," she remarked.  Vague.  But that came with the line of work... The jobs that Goldie... Keona shook her head idly, only to blink in startled surprise from hearing a rather sharp tone from Salem, following the former captain's soft scolding.

She didn't know if she ought to be irritated... Probably not but...  I don't need anyone defending me.  The petite wildcat thinned her lips, releasing a soft, somewhat agitated hum before acknowledging Salem's question.  "I was a very young beta when I picked."  But Keona hardly believed in a time limit.

Re: TO BE IN TOTAL CONTROL ☆ re-introduction - MIDAS. - 01-14-2021

i don't give a motherfuck what you're doing,
i don't give a motherfuck who you're seeing!

Geez, these guys were prickly, weren't they? Maybe that was why dad had kept him inside for so long. In spite of Salem's awkward and vaguely hostile response, Midas found himself just snorting before he shook his head a bit wildly from side to side. His tone was fond as he spoke, amused by how personally they seemed to take his offhand comment, "Oi, calm down a bit, will ya? I wasn't trying ta insult 'er. Sorry if that was rude, alright? Dad has been trying ta teach me 'proper manners,' but I guess I ain't quite got the hang of it yet." Despite how he had sounded, the young coyote was being genuine when he said it hadn't been meant as an insult. It had just spilled forth from his mouth, mostly motivated by the fact that he had never met a rusty spotted cat before. He only pretty much had experience with the rest of his family, so he only knew a bunch of other coyotes, and his dad, the sole bobcat.

With that out of the way, Midas turned his attention back to Goldie, looking the former captain up and down curiously. In the stark other direction, she sure was big, wasn't she? She looked like she could step on him and leave him squished like a bug. Luckily for her, she would be correct in assuming that he wouldn't have any expectations for her. The only knowledge of her that he had was secondhand from Michael, so he'd have to come up with his own opinions. For now, he just offered her a toothy smile, tail thumping against the ground as he spoke, "Nice ta meetcha too, miss Goldie. My dad's told me a bit about ya, but I wasn't sure I'd ever meet ya thanks t'bein' stuck inside for so long. Yer more intimidating than I imagined." Although, she couldn't be that intimidating to him, considering he was still inspecting things like her tattoos, and bright fur.

Once he was done looking at Goldie's peg leg – and wondering when he could get his own tattoo – the boy was finally able to refocus his attention on Salem, and Keona. What were they asking him about? Oh, right, divisions. The pup let out a bit of a cackle before shaking his head, laughter still bubbling out of him as he explained, "Nah, I don't really think the Blackjack Rats are fer me! I know my dad does some important work, but I ain't really the sneaky type, ya know? I'd much rather be out 'n' fightin'... ya know, like the Grim Rays!" His dad had been sure to give him a basic rundown of the various divisions once he was old enough to understand. Naturally, the combative ball of energy had gravitated towards the Grim Rays, eager to destroy The Typhoon's enemies – even if he was a bit small for that, yet.