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HURTS LIKE HELL ♡ MEETING [1/2] - Printable Version

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HURTS LIKE HELL ♡ MEETING [1/2] - ROXANNE R. - 01-03-2021

Roxanne felt herself holding her breath as she rose from where she laid, a sleepless night, she didn't know why it was bothering her so much but she was unable to find sleep those first few nights after discovering that her beloved niece, one she had sworn to protect, couldn't even remember her. Roxanne felt that was her fault... She had been there yet her actions hadn't been quick enough to safe Goldenluxury, she walked out onto the beach glancing over at the moon that was shining down on the ocean. The smell of salt water brushing against her nostrils, she drew closer until the water lapped at her paws and would stand there in silence remembering how many times she had come close to the shore to seek its comfort. She had always found herself here whenever she was troubled, Roxie knew that she had done it so many times. Her chest felt empty in that moment wishing silently that it had been her to lose her memory over Goldie yet it was much too late, she had failed her, Pincher, her family, and now her crew. Now, she was expected to rise and become the new captain. It felt wrong, sure, she had worked her way up to become Quartermaster but she was expecting for Goldie to eventually step down by herself not due to an injury that left her with little to no memories. She grit her teeth as she sat there with both of her ears pressed down flat against her skull "I should've tried harder... I failed everyone... And myself,"

The sound of the ocean was soothing yet her chest still felt heavy, her mismatched gaze glancing down briefly to stare at her own reflection seeing how exhausted she truly was in that moment. She was usually very hypocritical of whenever Roan or Goldie never got sleep yet here she was sitting on the beach feeling the exhaustion making her shoulders and body slouch yet her mind was buzzing with several thoughts. She unsheathed a single claw tracing it over the sand as she tried to distract herself, Roxanne had to figure out what to say or do for her people... There was only so much time that they would be left without a captain. "But I am no captain..." She breathed out with a shake of her cranium, she was never going to be a captain like her brother, Pincher Roux, or like her niece, Goldie, it was impossible... She was not a leader, she followed for the most part but her mind would stray to the day where she had gathered everyone at the beach announcing that they would take Tanglewood back and eventually their own home. What was that then? A spur of blind confidence? She was uncertain and it troubled her more. Roxanne Roux always hid behind her confidence and put up a facade... She knew she was just afraid. Her eyes began to sting slightly as her body trembled lightly "I'm not ready... Why now?" She said quietly to no one in particular as the night remained silent.

She lowered her body to the ground with ears pressed flat against her head, Rox would stare out at the ocean trying to silence the thoughts that made her mind tremble. It didn't take long until the sun began to rise and the Quartermaster still lay on the beach but her eyes were half closed still debating over what she was going to do, she supposed that she would have to hold a meeting after the loss of her niece's memories as a soft breath would escape her slowly parting maw. Although, she didn't wish to hold anything and she had barely gotten much sleep but she figured that it was time to get up and actually do something instead of just sulking around. After all, that's what Pincher and Goldie did whenever they were being weighed down by their own thoughts. She knew that they would've handled this a lot better than her, they would've done things a lot better than her and well, they were overall more successful than her... They had built a name for themselves and Roxanne was always but a mere shadow or that's how she felt for the most part. Sometimes, she wished that she had stayed as a shadow yet she simultaneously had climbed through the ranks and claimed her place.

Sure, the draconic feline had worked for the position and all but... Being captain so soon terrified her and when she had been made the Quartermaster of the Typhoon, she hadn't expected for her own reign to come crawling forward and presenting itself to her. It was troublesome to say the least and it pricked at her tired mind as she dragged her paws along the sand with gaze pointed downwards making her way over to where most of the meetings were held. She would spread her wings as she took flight made her way over to the throne, the draconid queen could feel her throat tightened as she landed on top of it feeling the cool surface of the throne touch her pawpads and made the fur on her spine prickle. Roxanne could feel her body beginning to tremble as she stood there refusing to sit just yet, she could feel her nerves starting to act up and it didn't seem to get anger better as the NPC blew the horn for the meeting calling all of those from the Typhoon to gather.

Her entire body grew tense and before anyone could spot her, she immediately hid behind the throne feeling the trembling of her body becoming worse. She didn't know if it had been the sleep she had barely gotten but it was enough to push her over the edge as her breathing grew quick and heavy, the stinging feeling becoming apparent in her eyes as tears threatened to spill. Roxanne would bring her tail close to her body until her nose touched the fluff, she closed her eyes as a few tears began to slip down her cheeks. I should've never been made Quartermaster... I'm a joke... I can't even sit on the throne... I don't belong there, her shaky jumbled thoughts began to spill and her body began to shake as more tears slipped down her face trying to figure out what she was going to do. She should've backed down when she had the chance yet her confidence had always gotten in the way, if only she had bit down on her tongue and thought about it before saying anything. 

The small draconic feline pulled her tail closer continuing to hug it as several memories began to drip from her mind, she was overwhelmed and not even Diya was here to comfort her. She shouldn't have come here at all. "I can't do it... I can't do it, Pincher... I don't know how you did it but I just can't... I'm not like you or Goldie..." She sobbed underneath her breath, Rox would open her eyes slowly trying to think of something that would bring her comfort. Anything at this point. She tried to dig throughout her mind and eventually, a few memories were enough to provide her a brief anchor until she was able to collect herself. The tsunami, she had managed to survive that even if she had lost her wings that day... Roxie had still came back home. The meteor shower... How ugly it had been but she had managed to live throughout that... Surely, if she had lived well... Then it meant whoever was up there had different plans for her. Or it had been shitty luck in all those moments but... She was still here.

And even now, after the final raid against the Coalition of the Condemned; Roxanne Roux had lived. The draconic feline had managed to let out a shaky breath as her back leaned against the throne, she lifted a paw up to start wiping away the tears with a soft sniffle leaving her. She would never be Goldenluxury Roux or Pincher Roux, the draconic feline knew this and that was fine... She rose to her paws slowly taking a deep breath and did her best to wipe away the tears from her eyes. She could do this. The Typhoon depended on her now, her crew, family, and Goldie were all waiting on her. With a flap of her wings, she stood on the top of the throne before hopping down until she sat in it. Jeez, was it always this big? Clearing her throat, the Quarterma- no, the Captain would call out in a clear voice "Rise and shine, shitheads. It's time for a meeting and it's being held by yours truly." Once more, she could feel her confidence returning as a shit eating grin presented itself onto her maw. Y'know a girl can get used to this, she thought at last.

tldr: basically, some development for roxie since she didn't feel like she was suited to be captain and eventually, she came to her senses knowing that her crew/family needs her to be strong right now even with the loss of goldie. she has only started the meeting but has yet to make any announcements :0)

Re: HURTS LIKE HELL ♡ MEETING [1/2] - Keona. - 01-03-2021

keona sibéal ní faoláin.
the typhoon.
the blind dealer.
[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2a4971; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 2px;"]Idir brí is idir muir, Tá mé i dtiúin
The tiny dealer maintained a decent façade.  Steady.  Calm.  Business.  She didn't know what else to do.  They needed it.  And she owed it to her captain.  She could be steady.  She could stay steady.  Even if a storm brewed in her mind.  Bitter with guilt of her failure on Tanglewood's borders.  Succeeded in sounding the alarm but... Maybe she could have done better.  Bitter and feeling small.

She'd always been small.  Good for the discreet things.  Not good for protecting.  For saving anyone.  But her crewmates could count on her for being steady.  Rarely letting her emotions bubble too close to the surface.  The quiet dealer.

It hits a little harder, when Roxanne's voice calls.  But it's important.  It's good.  The Typhoon needed a captain.  And Keona raises her chin, pale hues steady as she follows the sound of the former quartermaster's voice.  She'd always been there to give Goldie support.  She'd do the same for Roxie now.

Her tail curls neatly over her paws as she sits, head dipping in a reassuring nod.  Roxie could do this.  She believed in her.  And she wasn't alone.  She wouldn't have to do this alone.  They would be okay.

Re: HURTS LIKE HELL ♡ MEETING [1/2] - michael t. - 01-03-2021

It was odd. On some level, Michael had always known that Roxie would end up calling meetings someday. He had always known that she would end up being the big bad captain. After all, she had been destined to it from the moment Goldie had proclaimed her as her quartermaster. In spite of this, the bobcat still found his stomach doing an odd flip flop as he heard his sister's voice echoing out, telling them all to gather around for a meeting. Even with how upset he was over everything that had happened to Goldie, he couldn't deny that he was glad for Rox. She was his sister, after all, and he was proud of her. He was stunned by how far she had gotten, and incredibly happy about it. Even as he knew that most of the group was reeling over what had happened to their former captain... they still had reason to be glad for Roxie. So, as he came to a seat in the crowd, he raised his voice a bit, calling up to her, "You look good up there, Rox!" He then settled in, smirking as his small tail twitched behind him.


Meanwhile, Roan had rather... mixed feelings on his mama now being their defacto captain. He was obviously glad and proud for how far she had come, but... he couldn't help but be worried, too. She had already been stressed out when she had been quartermaster, and considering how much he had been falling apart lately... he just hoped he'd be able to help properly, if she needed it. Despite all of this, the soothsayer did want to show his support for his mama, knowing that things were definitely hard for her at the moment. Even though the medic wasn't as loud or outspoken as his uncle, he still offered Roxie a kind smile as he came to a seat nearby, nodding to her as well. He just wanted her to know that everyone was in her corner.



it had been quite awhile since cory had encountered the drastic coast of death. however, the dragon couldn’t bring himself to offer a sliver of sympathy towards his newfound colleagues. he wanted to be sad, to mope and pout, but there was no such inclination there. it was as if he had encountered such distress before, tucked deeply into the corners of his brain. these memories were just out of reach. too far, he couldn’t cling on to them. inwardly, cory hated it. the spite that crept up his throat at seeing others could feel much moreso than himself made disgust consume him.

yet he was here. beckoned at being called a shithead. the dragon scoffed, lowering his cranium and choosing to remain silent. in his days, although there were few he could remember, he knew he would’ve bashed some skulls together at that comment.
code by spacexual

Re: HURTS LIKE HELL ♡ MEETING [1/2] - trojan g. - 01-03-2021

[align=left]love, i don't like to see so much pain *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Confusion had settled firmly in the child's mind in the past few days. He hadn't fully understood what had been going on with the raid, with the takeover from the Coalition. He was so young, it all was just day by day things, things that he didn't have any thought to. But when Goldie had decided that they were going to fight back, that they were going to take back their home from the Coalition, he had began to understand, just a little bit, about what was going on. He was getting to that age anyway, the age of understanding. He would never fully understand why things happened - no one ever truly did - but he had begun to notice things make sense a little more each day.

But this did not make sense to him.

Goldie was okay, she was awake, that was all they had been waiting for. For her to wake back up and for her to make an announcement saying they were free from the grasp of the Coalition. But it was Roxanne that was on the throne, and it confused him. She had been on the throne before, yes, when Goldie wasn't around, but she was around now. But she didn't remember, and he didn't understand how she couldn't. Goldie knew her family only days prior, and now she didn't know anyone. It was like she was reset, and he couldn't wrap his brain around it. How could someone forget so many so quickly? It scared him.

Making his way to the first meeting his mother would call as the Captain of the Typhoon, Torsten would prick his ears ready to listen to what she would say. He didn't dare go up to the throne as he had in the past, didn't put himself close to his mother's side. The confusion was too much, and he didn't want to break down.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  so much wasted and this moment keeps slipping away

Re: HURTS LIKE HELL ♡ MEETING [1/2] - Simon F.M. - 01-03-2021

Diya was aware when she awoke that morning that her fiancee wasn't curled in bed with her. Worry had stricken her heart but she had tapped it down, knowing that Roxanne was still processing. She would lay there, occasionally rising to check on their little ones, while she waited for the short feline to return. She was beginning to worry again, beginning to contemplate going after her, when the meeting horn sounded.

Diya went and awoke her children, gathering them up and herding them towards where the meeting would be held. She would settle next to Torsten, Aveline settled next to them as well. Diya would lift her head to look up at Roxanne, a loving smile settling on her maw. She understood the pain that rippled through the Typhoon, she felt it in her own heart, but she also felt pride for her love. "Look at you, sitting all pretty up on that throne, darlin'!"


Frankie had no clue what was going on and, honestly, he didn't really care. He hadn't known Goldie really but, he knew it made his Papa sad. That wasn't okay and he'd been trying hard to fix it. For today though, he had nestled up against his father, waving a small paw excitedly at his aunt. He didn't know why she was up there but it looked cool.


Seabound was... Well, he was there, at least physically. He came at the call of the horn but tucked himself off to the side, laying down and resting his head with it faced away from the crowd. His ears had began pricked up, paying attention but, after a moment they too had drooped. The son of the former captain sat on his own, feeling a crushing grief on his ribs as he awaited the meeting.

Re: HURTS LIKE HELL ♡ MEETING [1/2] - ROSEMARY - 01-03-2021

[td][div style="background:url(; font-family: arial; background-size: cover; background-position: center; min-width: 200px; min-height: 450px;"]
Rosemary dragged her paws through the sand to attend, her jaw clamped like a vice and sleep crusted in her eyes. She sat down on the edge of the group, thinking less on the group’s overall health and Roxie’s leadership and more about the raid, the wounded, and Goldie’s condition. She stared at her paws, imagined them still holding rivers of red blood, and sighed.
peace comes at dawn, but yours comes at night


[glow=white,1,400]LIKE WE FORGET WHO WE CAN TRUST !。+゚.[/glow]
Before her disappearance, Vayne had been to, what... maybe one meeting? Regardless, the tension that was in the air made the kitten nervous and she had her head low as she gathered along with the others. She bit her lip at how tense the air felt around here, wrapping her tail around her as she sat down; in attempt to relax and tell herself that this was normal. Or at the very least, this feeling would pass... If it wasn't all in her head in the first place.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: HURTS LIKE HELL ♡ MEETING [1/2] - COAL - 01-03-2021

[align=center][div style="width: 40%; text-align: justify;"]one of the many reasons he hadn't wanted to join any groups- the meetings. he hated being in large gatherings of people all in one area, it made things easier for the bad guys. what if someone was hiding in the trees, waiting to strike? either way, he'd show up, sit quietly for once because he knew not to speak out of turn around authority. even without saying a word his collar still sent a little jolt through him, making his neck and head twitch for a moment, before everything was calm again- though his hackles stayed raised, his slouching terribly to seem more invisible to the crowd.
☼ tags | updated 1/1:

Re: HURTS LIKE HELL ♡ MEETING [1/2] - riftweaver - 01-03-2021


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"]
Riftweaver had never pictured his life going the way it currently was. Whatever had happened that had taken his memories had warped him in a way, as well. It seemed almost as if pieces of the Roux male's mind were gone. The male plodded up to the meeting, flopping down onto his belly with an audible huff.
