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HAVE SOME FUN [ joining ] - Printable Version

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HAVE SOME FUN [ joining ] - COAL - 01-02-2021

[align=center][div style="width: 40%; text-align: justify;"]he'd never seen the point in settling in one place. the world held so many possibilities to sit still for too long, especially not in one of those groups. they all had too many rules, too much order- coal thrived in chaos and destruction, just because that's what he grew up in. his father caused fires, his mother tore out the throats of anyone who dared to look in his direction with a malicious gaze, among many other things, and it's just what he was taught.

be worse than the bad, more helpful than the good. it was a strange saying, but it was his father's motto- one that he had yet to really figure out yet because his father had many different mottos that didn't make sense.. like "don't eat cheese on a tuesday, which his father repeated like it was his favourite bible verse.. didn't make much sense, but coal still lived by it, never ate cheese on a tuesday.

anyways, groups were the exact opposite to what he was used to, but he was tired of walking the world, and he wanted to rest for a while. he'd been captured by raiders, enslaved (note the shock collar still around his neck), burnt and torn to bits, he felt he deserved a rest. he'd tried to find a group that would accept his chaos but there seemed to be this whole ordeal going on that he didn't give two shits about and had just settled on one: the typhoon.

he settled onto a boulder, brown eyes staring upwards at the tree line, where green met the blue that slowly dulled with storm clouds that gathered and swirled over head. "huh.. when was the last time it actually rained, do you think? i don't know coal, what do you think? well, i wouldn't be asking myself if i know." he knew fully well that he was talking to himself- he just didn't like not getting an answer, so why not answer the question for himself? "think anyone will come around quickly? don't know, but i would hate to get caught in that!"

god, he was lonely.
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Re: HAVE SOME FUN [ joining ] - Keona. - 01-02-2021

keona sibéal ní faoláin.
the typhoon.
the blind dealer.
[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2a4971; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 2px;"]Idir brí is idir muir, Tá mé i dtiúin
Quiet natured.  Independent.  The tiny dealer preferred to keep her thoughts to herself.  But she didn't mind having a crew.  Family.  Friends.  It was important.  But she still kept to herself often... Leaving her ears twitching in confusion at a voice distinctly talking to... Themself.

Seas.  Well, sometimes an answer was nice, she supposed.  Quietly, her soft paws followed the sound, pale hues lifting upwards.  If nothing else, the stranger's little self dialogue offered her the noise to follow. 

"Aloha," she offered politely.  She could not see the clouds, but she felt the charged air.  Taste it.  It wouldn't be nice to be caught in a storm, he was right.  "'m Keona, a Dealer of the Typhoon.  Can I help you?"

Re: HAVE SOME FUN [ joining ] - bubblegum - 01-02-2021

DEAR FRIEND as you know,  your flowers are withering
your mother's gone insane, your leaves have drifted away.
    but the clouds are clearing up
        and i've come reveling, burning incandescently,
                                              like a bastard on the burning sea.

Similarly to Keona, the female had been spending her own time mostly by herself. She wished to relearn what was claimed to be her birth home - she'd no reason to doubt it wasn't, there was a certain feeling she had whenever she stepped on the beach. It was impossible to describe, really, but one would know if they'd been with the pirates for long enough, even if she was not completely aware of that. The female simply made her way the best she could, slowly and at a relaxed pace. She didn't mind the oncoming stormclouds - rain was good for everyone, and she took it simply as a sign of the Gods reaching out to all. It was a solace in these times, and she would continue to listen for them.

In the meantime, however, there was another noise to be heard. Someone speaking to himself. "Well, if I had t' guess, 'd say, not that long ago, given we're on a tropical island." The female would butt in with a light joke, looking over to the stranger on the boulder. She wondered why he chose to lay himself on one instead of just waiting at the gate, like she'd seen others do, and been told was customary. Keona had already asked what was necessary, so she'd simply stand by the smaller feline, waiting quietly for a response.

Re: HAVE SOME FUN [ joining ] - COAL - 01-02-2021

[align=center][div style="width: 40%; text-align: justify;"]the one that approached him first was.. small, to say the least. she would look bitesized if he were a dragon or a lion, maybe even a very large dog, but he wasn't any of those things, and she wasn't quite bite sized to him. looking to the clouds, then back to the tiny one that was there with him. did the storm somehow summon her? or was this a joke? maybe it wasn't, because she very politely introduced herself, and asked what he needed. "wow, you're a tiny little thing, aren't you! hot damn!" he blurted, sharp teeth baring in a wide grin the was too big for his face. "i'm coal, don't mind the talking to myself, i fill silence and such.. i guess i'm here to join, even though it's kind of against my nature and all to live with so many rules, but i'll live!"

he laughed, as if he'd just told a joke, just as another person wandered to their little gathering. oh, this was so many people, already, even if it was just the three of them sat here. she made some remark about how the island was tropical, and he had no clue what set apart something tropical and something not tropical.. he was never taught these things, and he didn't know how to read, so how would he. "so does it rain a lot then? i don't know what you mean by tropical, really, but if it rains a lot that just means you'll never have a drought, right? good tidings for all and all that!"
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Re: HAVE SOME FUN [ joining ] - roan ; - 01-02-2021

Just a day or so ago, Roan had been in what some might have thought of as his most vulnerable state in the entirety of his life. He had been pained and exhausted, overjoyed by Goldie waking up only to become devastated when he had realized she no longer remembered him. Needless to say, he wasn't doing particularly well right now. Nevertheless, nobody could really call the soothsayer vulnerable at the moment. Instead, he was even more hostile than usual, lashing out at anything and anyone that wasn't a patient of his. Goldie was the exception, obviously, but her presence also proved to bring him nothing but pain, his heart consistently aching every time he went in or out of the temple.

It was even harder when she decided to leave the temple, even if he knew why she was doing it. She was trying to regain all that she had lost, relearn about the place they all called home... still, he wished that she would rest a little while longer. Being in a coma for a few days didn't really count, at least in his eyes. He voiced this as he approached where Keona and Goldie were, tone tired, "You should be resting, you know. No telling what kind of people could be out here..." Coalition members, intent on getting revenge for their leader. Iron Forged bastards, trying to steal something else... it wasn't safe.

Turning his attention to the person who had showed up, Roan found himself pausing. His wings shifted along his spine, ears flattening as Coal began to babble on about rain, of all things. The medic wasn't able to hold himself back as he grumbled, eyes narrowing slightly, "You talk like you're constantly having some kind of stroke." His voice was dry, and cold, and he immediately moved on to introductions, wanting to get back to the temple as soon as possible, "My name is Roan Ó Foaláin-Roux. I'm the soothsayer, one of the healers here in The Typhoon. If you sustain some kind of injury or want to bring me coffee, you can feel free to come see me. Otherwise, I'm not interested." Perhaps if he had been in a slightly better mental state, the siamese would've at least made an attempt to be friendly. However, as things were, he had no interest in sugarcoating how he dealt with things.