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Love Lockdown ; Visiting - Printable Version

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Love Lockdown ; Visiting - SirDio - 01-02-2021

With a satchel of gifts for Medusa and herbs for his travels, the hybrid left the turmoil of The Typhoon to fulfill a promise he made to his best friend, a girl who was a sister to him. It didn't take him long even with his patched injuries. Walking into the twisted forest, he heaved a sigh. "I'm almost there, Medusa. Please don't be mad.." He spoke before raising his voice to call out. "I know this was unannounced but I'm here to visit a friend! Her name is Medusa!" He sat down, looking into his satchel at the gifts. A blue shell, a neat piece of yellow sea glass, a few feathers from his most recent addition to his little Typhoon family, and a shark tooth.

"Please don't be mad at me.. Please don't be mad."


Re: Love Lockdown ; Visiting - rhosmari - 01-03-2021

He didn't remember much about the Typhoon anymore. Like these memories were water flowing between fingers. He just couldn't catch them and so he was rather confused but at least not unfriendly when he smelled the scent of them. As he walked toward the other hybrid he kept himself standing solidly, eyes of glowing sea green focused on the shape of the other. They reminded him of Medusa. He breathed in slowly and then out as he finally decided to say something. Anything really. It was bad enough that he was just staring at him. "Yeah, Medusa is here and I'm sure she will get here soon. But what is your name? Are you...kin?" He just had to ask, something just was probably not his business but they seemed to be the same mind of hybrid. Maybe though he had said that she was just a friend. But kin could be friends as well. Carefully the black direwolf and jaguar fish like hybrid would sit down trying to keep up a friendly appearance.
[Image: lnnqViN.gif]
How, how much to light up my star again and rewire all my thoughts? Oh baby, won't you remind me what I am? And break, break my little cold heart. I'm living someone else's life. Suppressing who I was inside. I don't know if I can be alone again. I don't know if I can sleep alone again.

%u2014 Sorbet Monroe Roux

Re: Love Lockdown ; Visiting - RHINESTONE. - 01-04-2021

The Typhoon. Rhinestonestar certainly had mixed feelings about the group, considering their past histories with each other these days. Not that he wanted to make an enemy of them, even following unfortunate incidents with the Coalition. He actually respected their leader, Goldie, greatly – although, unbeknownst to him, she was no longer leader. In addition to that, he knew both Rosemary and Lovepaw within the group, and he didn't want to cause either of them unnecessary anguish. In spite of all of this, the legate couldn't help but be slightly uneasy as he moved out to meet Xhocoatl, padding up beside Sorbet before he took a seat. Medusa had mentioned seeing someone within The Typhoon she apparently cared for, but what if this wasn't the one...? He tried to keep that anxiety from his mind for now, a slightly forced smile curling on his muzzle before he greeted, "Hello there... you say you're Medusa's friend? I believe that she may have mentioned you." Why had he been in the raid, anyways? Was he fighting against them? That would have been fair, but also left Rhine with a sense of unease.
[Image: jGD2qw5.gif]
tags + roleplayed by stilly + the palm glades

Re: Love Lockdown ; Visiting - SirDio - 01-04-2021

His ears flicked upon Sorbet's arrival. "I came to the right place. Her note was.. a tiny bit cryptic." His lip twitched upon the kin question. "As far as we know, we aren't kin. Just really close."

He felt his body stiffen when Rhine arrived. The scent of Palm Glades wasn't new, but he knew they had been in two raids. One agaisnt the Typhoon and one agaisnt the coalition. "Hi. Yes, we knew eachother before we were forced to split ways." he grinned. "Good to know she still cares. My name is Xhocoatl of The Typhoon."


Re: Love Lockdown ; Visiting - SirDio - 01-04-2021

Medusa walked toward the gathered group, unable to see Xhocoatl clearly from her current angle. But his name drifted to her ears and the tired Primus moved quicker. "Don't scare him away, you two." she chuckled. The laugh died in the air as the scene settled.

"Hey, Med. Sorry it took me a while to get here, had to heal my raid scars." The feline hybrid chided, his ears angled back. Medusa sucked air through her teeth and ran at him, a surprising feat considering her legs. Xhocoatl presented his chest and midsection, front paws in the air for a hug.

Medusa slammed into him, knocking him over while she stood resolute before him. Gold and silver eyes stared at him in disbelief. "What? You think I'm a ghost??"

"That's for throwing yourself into the fight you dumbass."

Re: Love Lockdown ; Visiting - Grimm - 01-06-2021

[div style="margin: auto; max-width: 475px; padding: 5%; min-height: 20px; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; text-align: justify; line-height: 17px;"]A sporadically common occurrence had grown the visitations conducted by those located upon the western shore, differing the causation for each. By no means may he derive surprise from another that deemed the supposedly arbitrary perimeter no hurdle, crossed without aid of secondary thought, all he bore a fleeting curiosity. Still present his limitations, needless orders he was liable to break when suited was his mood for such, discarded as sand fell away, loose and slightly damp the soil it was exchanged for. The voices that which diverted once directionless wandering, simply warmer beneath the twisted canopy the boughs held aloft, slight the cant of head as he briefly stopped. High the chance one may speak of his expedition, or one in power may be present to give the necessary scolding for such, for a moment his lip chewed upon in thought.

Ease allowed the thought to be discarded, forth drawn once more. Perplexing the scene Foam found himself a bystander of, brow creasing as a corner of his mouth arose. The reception of both Sorbet and Rhine held a more innocent bent, if somewhat tense on the part of Legate for rather good reasons, differing into an extreme Medusa. Closer did tirone creep, about her peering.

The laughter bubbled forth before he may halt it, a short little giggle begun with a surprised snort, ended as paws smacked home across his muzzle. Yet still it seeped through, eyes crinkled in apparent mirth, paws moved only to make a rather ridiculous comment. "You look like a banana."

Re: Love Lockdown ; Visiting - RHINESTONE. - 01-07-2021

Slowly, the tension in Rhinestone seemed to slip away, his shoulders slumping and a soft breath leaving the legate as Medusa approached. It was immediately obvious that his primus truly was fond of Xhocoatl, and if she trusted the other, then that was good enough for him. Tail slowly flicking behind him, the serval was quick to speak to Xho in a vaguely reprimanding tone, although it also had a lilt of humor, "She really was quite worried about you. I hope that you don't make a habit of throwing yourself into fights that you can't win." That wasn't to say that the Coalition was impossible to win against – that had been proven to be false pretty handily as of late. Rather, the odds back then had been tilted in the Coalition's favor, and it was never a good idea to throw one's self into a battle like that. Hell, Rhine had only been there out of obligation, and he hadn't actually made a single effort to try and fight.

The legate then spoke with slightly more sympathy, a faint smile tugging at the edges of his muzzle as he reassured, "Since Medusa seems to trust you... you're free to stay and visit for as long as you please. At least, until the two of you get caught up and Medusa is sick of you. Although, I can't promise that you won't get dragged into a bit of manual labor. Everybody helps out around here." He had no problem with the other staying as a temporary guest, especially since Xhocoatl didn't really seem the type for violence. Rhine then turned upon hearing Foamkit, his eyes widening for a moment before he began to chuckle at the boy's words. Shaking his head from side to side, the serval gave a rumbling purr of laughter, "Ah... he does, doesn't he, Foam?" He was glad to see Foamkit in good spirits, considering recent events had prompted everyone's mood up and down.
[Image: jGD2qw5.gif]
tags + roleplayed by stilly + the palm glades