Beasts of Beyond
Writers keep writing what they write - Singing + bonfire - Printable Version

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Writers keep writing what they write - Singing + bonfire - SirDio - 01-02-2021

The night held no solace for the pained hybrid. Night after night would Stheno visit her in her dreams, torturing her with visions of death and loss. Of burning beach and camp, of bodies strewn about the lands with her in the middle, Stheno by her side. So instead of sleeping she stayed up, usually wandering the forest, or in this case, setting small bonfires on the beach, some distance from camp.

Logs and sticks and twigs lay in a large pile. Medusa's paw was lit in a brilliant white flame that she pressed against the logs and urged it to burn, releasing her paw and hold of the flames that licked and grew and smoldered and became a beautiful masterpiece. She sat before it, bathing in the heat, basking in the tremor of the air as the fire was fueled. Deep breath of dry air was taken in, and she sang into the fire, to Stheno and all she had caused.

"All the writers keep writing what they write
Somewhere another pretty vein just dies
I've got the scars from tomorrow and I wish you could see
That you’re the antidote to everything except for me, me

A constellation of tears on your lashes
Burn everything you love, then burn the ashes
In the end everything collides
My childhood spat back out the monster that you see"

Her singing became a yell over the fire, for she was far enough from camp that no one would be able to hear unless their hearing was good.

"My songs know what you did in the dark

So light 'em up, up, up
Light 'em up, up, up
Light 'em up, up, up
I'm on fire

So light 'em up, up, up
Light 'em up, up, up
Light 'em up, up, up
I'm on fire!"

Re: Writers keep writing what they write - Singing + bonfire - RHINESTONE. - 01-04-2021

As of late, Rhinestone had found himself growing more and more worried over how Medusa was doing. She claimed that she was alright, brushing off his concerns and the concerns of others, particularly when they were asking about her nightmares. The serval didn't want to push too hard, knowing that doing so could eventually end up just doing the opposite, and causing her to retreat even further into a shell. So, instead of shoving his nose into her business, Rhine had opted to watch from afar, keeping an eye on his primus as she went about her daily life. Luckily, he didn't even look suspicious while doing so, considering it was his job as leader to keep an eye on things, anyways. It was because of his watchful habits that he had noticed Medusa moving out of camp during the night, the front half of his lanky form sticking out of his den when he caught sight of her. He had been trying to get some sleep, enjoying the cool night air as he rested his chin on top of his paws. As he watched her leave, he found a frown of concern coming onto his dark muzzle, and it wasn't long before he got up to follow.

Eventually, Rhinestonestar found his way out to the beach, having to squint a bit in order to properly see what Medusa was doing. His poor eyesight didn't do so well in the dark, and although the fire helped slightly, it also proved to make things worse. The edges of everything began to blur, and the legate just prayed that he didn't go walking straight into the hybrid as he approached. Thankfully, her singing proved to be a boon, since it certainly gave him a point of reference for where she was. After a moment of stumbling around slightly blindly, the serval eventually managed to sit down on the side of the fire opposite Medusa, glancing down at his paws as her singing evolved into outright yelling. Once she had grown silent once again, he finally felt comfortable speaking up, although his voice was slightly unsure, "That was certainly something, Medusa. Where's the song from...?" He didn't know how the song related to her life, but he had a feeling it wasn't in an overwhelmingly positive way.
[Image: jGD2qw5.gif]
tags + roleplayed by stilly + the palm glades

Re: Writers keep writing what they write - Singing + bonfire - Onyxdreams - 01-12-2021

~ ☼ Sat just at the entrance to the nursery, Onyxkit gazed through the darkness of the night, the world lit only by the moon overhead. It wouldn't be the first time that she had stayed up a little later than the rest of the Tirones, though it most certainly wasn't something she did often, usually she was the one who slept the most, but there were a few nights where she had just felt tonight. Her collection...she didn't feel like messing around with any of it, as she often did on nights like these, it just hadn't held the same allure it usually did, so, she had snuck past everyone as quietly as she could, right to the exit. She hadn't planned on going outside, not at first, the nights were too cold, but that changed when her sweeping gaze caught movement.

A familiar shape, with a long tail, heading out from the camp, and then, not long after, another, familiar form, moving from the Legate's den to follow the first out into the night. Mama, and papa....where were they going? It wasn't strange to see others from the the Glades leave in the middle of the night for various things, but seeing both her parental figures leave, one after the other, it left her curious. Maybe that curiosity, that burning desire to know what they were doing, where they were going, was what drove her to follow along right behind them, tongue flicking to catch the trail they left behind to their destination. It was cold, not overbearingly so, like when it had snowed, but still cold enough to leave her feeling uncomfortable as the chill slowly pulled away her strength. It was already the furthest she had been out of camp by herself, and she was starting to wonder if it was too far, if she should turn back, when she caught sight of that glow

Fire, a big, big fire, bigger than any fire she had ever seen before, the taste of burning wood and smoke reaching her from across the sands. More importantly though, fires were warm, this fire was warm, and that warmth was something she craved. Onyx was quick to bound straight over to the center of the orange glow, sliding across the sands to a stop not far away from where her papa had seated himself, a content hum building in her throat as she felt the fire warm her chilled scales. Her papa was really quiet, but her mama...her mama was shouting something, really loud too, about light and...being on fire? Oh, a song, it was a song! A really weird song, way weirder and shoutier then the songs the Signifiers sometimes sang, but it definitely sounded a lot like a song! "Really loud, n' shouty!" the kit commented, humming the song a bit softer to herself as she did, oblivious to the fact that she was quite a long ways from camp, standing right next to her papa, and probably in a bit of trouble for it