Beasts of Beyond
( there was something — gardening ) - Printable Version

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( there was something — gardening ) - Grimm - 12-30-2020

[div style="margin: auto; background-image: linear-gradient(to top left, #af6159 50%, #d69374 50%); max-width: 475px; height: auto; padding: 2%; border: 1px #1d1d1d solid;"][div style="margin: auto; background-color: #1d1d1d; max-width: 475px; color: #fefefe; padding: 5%; min-height: 20px; border: 2px #1d1d1d solid; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; text-align: justify; line-height: 17px;"]Too long her absence, unintended as beginning and conclusion had been, evident the change conducted during. Minor felt such trivial thing, the small plot once tended with care grown wild once more, overrun beneath creeping weeds. High priority repairs, aftermath apparent across archipelago, to such she could not bring herself to assist with, however. Known to her how others spoke when turned her back, a ceaseless thread spun by scorned tongues. Persisted the poor reputation that came before her, numerous weighed beneath grief akin to her own.

Heavy the breath that bypassed the tight press of her lips, too much force used in removal that elft her with only wilted leaves and a broken stem. Through the dense soil her claws worked, entangled roots leaving behind a deep hole. With the rest by her side the mess deposited, smoothed over the earth. Another. Simple the work, pleasant for how it left her muscles to ache, yet free her mind to trace over familiar threads.


Unbidden his name arose among the quiet din, turned pale vision to where temporary pots held various new additions awaiting their time. Withheld everything but a carefully constructed neutrality, a care he offered all, a stranger now as his heart grew stone in his breast. Something within wished to rage against the treatment he deemed suitable, a bridge remade without the effort. Stilled her paws, a quiet hum accompanying their press against the soil. Deserved this, well did Eulia know this, but selfish the heart that wished to pull close those few that remained even as she pushed them back.

Caked with clinging dirt difficult the work of making a new holes at guessed intervals, measured as best she was capable. Over the rims a paw lightly brushed, satisfactory for the intended purpose. In hand taken one of the plants she had bartered for, further slimmed down her possessions, stalks of lavender ringing bright buttercups. Slow the progress, those merely selected for their beauty tended, a smaller assortment avoided. Too soon must she address such, however, medical properties making them an odd fit for a personal garden.

Re: ( there was something — gardening ) - roan ; - 01-01-2021

Vicious. In most cases, Roan's mind was a raging storm, lashing out and spitting venom at anything and anyone else that came into his sight. However, the soothsayer didn't allow his mind alone to run the show. If he did, then his words would be nothing but bile and hatred, spilling out unimpeded as every little slight against him grated against his skin. In spite of everything – in spite of everything that others might think of him – the siamese actually did let his mind and his heart work together. Granted, his heart did take a much smaller role in things, but without it, then he wouldn't have a connection with any of his family. He wouldn't care about Goldie, or mama, or any of his siblings, like... Eulia. It was because of his heart that Roan was unable to truly hate Lu for the fact that she had essentially disappeared from all their lives. He was bitter about things, and silently he found himself occasionally seething over what had happened, but... he didn't hate Eulia. He couldn't. She was family, and even through everything... she would be, until the day he died.

Of course, this still didn't mean that Roan was particularly cheerful when he approached Eulia's garden, pausing as he saw her digging deep new holes into the ground, repairing the damaged land. He considered just walking right on by, without saying so much as boo to his younger sibling in greeting. However, after taking a deep breath inwards, the kedic turned and headed towards the garden, paws sinking lightly into the dirt that was scattered all around. He dug his claws lightly against the ground beneath him, releasing the vice of tension that lingered in his chest before he spoke up, "...Eulia. Do you need some help?" His voice was low and slightly blunt, the soothsayer intentionally schooling his own tone. He couldn't afford to get emotional right now. If he did, then he would end up saying something that he truly regretted, and he'd never be able to mend things after that. Even if he did shove everyone away these days, he didn't want them to be away permanently. Without those around him, deep down, he knew he wouldn't be the medic or person that he was today.

Re: ( there was something — gardening ) - Keona. - 01-03-2021

keona sibéal ní faoláin.
the typhoon.
the blind dealer.
[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2a4971; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 2px;"]Idir brí is idir muir, Tá mé i dtiúin
Plants.  Herbs.  They had never been her strong suit.  Or a passion.  The tiny wildcat could name some by smell.  Knew them, but... She had left it to others to truly master them.  Like her younger half-brother.  And her cousin too, in the desert.

Now the smell of herbs brought them to mind, even if she remained indifferent to the healing profession.  Content to work and manage and deal with information.  She heard Roan's voice.  And the earthy smell of a garden soon hit her after.  The sound of working paws, digging into the dirt.  Not her strong suit but... She had paws too.

"Can I help?" Somehow the brighter sounding one.  Keona was never truly friendly, but ever polite, with her quiet words.  She was conscious of the bitter energy in the air, but didn't speak a word on it.  Didn't press.