Beasts of Beyond
LA VIE ⚓ FORMATION/PARTY - Printable Version

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LA VIE ⚓ FORMATION/PARTY - the trash man - 03-17-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family: verdana; line-height: 109%; text-align: left; color: black; padding: 20px;font-size: 12px;"]Energy running through The Typhoon's lands were filled with excitement, caution and paralysing fear. Nautical Mile mates who had spent their entire lives out on sea being land-bound and having their lives turned inside out, Voodoo House mambas who melded ill with the boisterous and loud mates of the Nautical Mile feeling out of place and fearful. Two opposing forced with views on life so vastly different that it should be like pushing two negative magnets together - but somehow the opposing forces were going to make the most of it. Get along. It would provide such an arduous task, yes, but the potential payoff was enough to send waves of excited shivers throughout the amalgamated Typhoon.

Daphne could feel it; he could feel the fears of his own people and could vaguely recognise the homesick Nautical Mile member's grief, but he could also feel their budding excitement. Daphne desired to amplify these small pocket of elation with the help of a warm event. After speaking with his brother, his co-leader, the twins had come to the decision that a party was in due order and would provide ample opportunity for the two foreign groups to interact amiably. Which still felt so odd; to think that he was leading alongside this brother who had been so unknown for the whole time the pair had been growing up. Were they in any ways similar? They looked not too different from one another, but from all Daphne had seen Pincher was brash and abrasive - things Daphne had been taught to abhor. So many surface traits were out of the question, but Daphne was eager to unearth another side to his brother.

Drinks would be provided, their sloshing noises audible from a mile away from the beach's party-grounds. Music was blasted and drowned out all sounds of the sea to fill the party-goer's minds with only that of what they were experiencing in their new home. Food was amazing; lines of all kinds of piratical hearty meals and extended all the way to the more traditional island foods of sweet crepes and various kinds of cheese. Even the hungriest of beasts could not devour all that was offered to him. And in the sight of all that had been set up for the two anxious groups Daphne felt at ease knowing that he and Pincher had done all that they could to try and make their people feel as welcome as possible.

Would it be enough?

Making his way down towards the soft pristine sand of Typhoon's beach came the Snow Bengal, his milky coloured eyes scanning over all those who had come to join the event with a pleased expression. Stepping up to the head of the event, hoping that Pincher would care to join his brother, Daphne drew in a shaky breath as everything he had achieved stood before him; unification. This was for the best - as much as Daphne let doubts plague his naive mind, this was for the best. The gods should look down on him with contentment. "Welcome! Nautical Mile, Voodoo House! We are gathered under the moon's motherly light to celebrate our newfound unification and the start of our budding relationship under one name; 'The Typhoon'." Pausing to take a breather, Daphne took his breaths long and slowly to ease his nerves at addressing the Nautical Mile mates. "Now eat, drink and be merry! La vie est belle!"

Re: LA VIE ⚓ FORMATION/PARTY - Verdigris - 03-20-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]In the few days that he had spent on the island so far, Papercutter had observed the various members of the two houses, but had yet to identify himself with either one. The Nautical Mile crewmates were aggressive and ready for a fight, which would fit perfectly, but they were also more used to being at sea. He considered himself to be fairly adaptable, but he wasn't sure how being on the water all day would affect him. He didn't even know if he would get seasick, which, he thought, was vital to factor in when making plans.

  The Voodoo House, on the other hand, was more passive, but there seemed to be a killer instinct hiding underneath the surface in most of their members. He knew next to nothing about the occult, or really anything that could be called voodoo, but the members were land-dwelling, and knew how to deal with their enemies. Both of the houses had their pros and cons, and he wasn't sure which one had more of the former than they did of the latter.

  Thus, the jackal remained at the back, gnawing absentmindedly at a crab leg and gently pressing one paw against his right ear in an attempt to shield it from the soundwaves. Hopefully it would heal sooner rather than later; while it had never been of any use to him and wouldn't become useful anytime soon, the sooner it healed, the sooner he wouldn't have to deal with the pain, or with preventing an infection.

  Overhearing Daphne's call with his good ear, Papercutter lifted his head and listened in to the bengal's speech. "Hear, hear," he mumbled halfheartedly through a mouthful of scarlet crab shell. In time, he would find it in him again to be enthusiastic about the Typhoon and its members. For now, he was focused on getting through the night without accidentally aggravating his ear injury again.

Re: LA VIE ⚓ FORMATION/PARTY - The Tombs - 03-21-2018

Surely an event such as the formation of a new power was deserving of a bit of merrymaking. The Siberian tiger arrived, a lazy, faint smile upon his maw as he drank in his surroundings—music drowning the soft sloshes of the sea, different animals roaming the grounds and interacting. Some were acquainting themselves with others; the rest were either grabbing a bite to eat at the sprawling selections available, or merely letting the scene sink in as he was. Yes, this would be an occasion to remember and celebrate with the greatest honor. This was history being made: the history of a united Typhoon, the history of the world around them. And being a part of this valiant, daring, warbound group from its roots was deserving of a feast in his eyes.

"Ни пуха, ни пера," Iosef murmured softly, desiring the greatest of fortune for this newly-founded Clan. This was going to be his home for an indefinite amount of time. And perhaps, if he played his cards right, this would be his to look after. But that was something only time would tell. This was a time for merrymaking, partying, living life! Politics and the hierarchy would not be his concern for tonight. Almost instinctly the tiger made his way to the beverage table, pouring himself a bit of rum and slowly indulging the drink as his icy blue gaze swept the area once more. Perhaps he could find some friends here, a face he could call familiar.
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The sea was unforgiving at the best of times, a beast of it's very own. Yet land was stable, it was with two volatile groups coming together that the beast found herself welcomed. Large wings folded neatly over her back, red eyes watching the flame-lit place with curiosity. Hesitance settled deep into her bones and yet it was on everyone's faces. Two sides coming together to make a clan. Argus had been surprised that the settlement was so... new.

Mile crewmates were already starting an uproar, signing along with sounds of music and creating drunken songs to be written down by historians of a later date. They were aggressive and loud, boisterous, and the voodoo crew was keeping mostly to themselves. Settling down and letting the music wash over them, chatting lazily. But slowly, the crews combined. People chatting, mingling. She felt her own hesitance drain.

She gathered herself a drink, sour ale too pungent for newcomers- it earned her an amused chuckle and a challenging glint. She didn't move to settle with one group or by the sides, and instead spotted iosef and sat down next to them, a light smile settling over their features as the shadows of the fire danced across their features. Pale red eyes mirthful and amusement. "How was the sea for you?"

Re: LA VIE ⚓ FORMATION/PARTY - ghostpact - 03-26-2018

Cheer didn't take much time to sweep into the crowd of the party. He loved the sea and everything about the adventuring he did aboard, but he could appreciate the solid ground just as much. The lion was loud with a wide smile plastered on his face, dancing from one spot to the next before spotting a jackal that didn't appear to immediately take to finding someone to hang with. He could change that! He rather enjoyed making all kinds of friends and spreading the positivity. It was the main reason he chose the name he carried when discovering his new life. "Hello! His voice was not something might except when first looking at him, but the high pitch also oddly fit him well once heard. He didn't appear to notice Papercutter's situation other than him being at the back with no one to talk to. "What's your name? I'm Cheer!"
code by spacexual

Re: LA VIE ⚓ FORMATION/PARTY - The Tombs - 04-01-2018

In the midst of the bustle of the lively party, he could feel himself growing almost lonely without having some kind of companion. Usually he found it easy to make acquaintances, but here it was a little different. There was absolutely no one he found even remotely familiar, so he couldn't rely on any friends to make, well, more friends. So the tiger had stood alone, watching the content scene unfold as the drunken ballads erupting from the maws of many grew louder and louder, and he flicked a curved ear at the ever-so-amusing racket.

Iosef considered himself rescued when a figure seemed to approach him, offering him a simple inquiry, perhaps to ignite a little conversation. Well, this would be better than watching his crewmates getting drunk off their asses while sulking around sober and alone. "It's been alright for someone who's lived in winter wonderlands before," the feline replied with a soft chuckle, a faint, somewhat friendly smile stretching across his features for the other. "Ah, it could be worse, and I'm getting the hang of seafaring, I think. And you? Have you been doing well?" His once-pale features began to shift into shades of light orange, cream and yellow as the gracefully dancing flames illuminated his snow-white pelt, painting his canvas with different warm shades. Alas, his eyes remained the same: a very vibrant, shimmering light blue that seemed to juxtapose the varying warm colors reflecting from his pelt.
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