Beasts of Beyond
WHEN THERE'S SUPPLY YOU STILL DEMAND // return - Printable Version

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[glow=white,1,400]LIKE WE FORGET WHO WE CAN TRUST !。+゚.[/glow]
Vayne had gone missing a while ago, unsurprisingly around the same time as her mother. Ironic as it may seen, Aphra seemed to have only taken Vayne with her, and left the other kittens to fend for themselves; Vayne had no idea what was going on or why she was being taken away from her littermates, but of course she couldn't really fight Aphra when her mother was carrying her off by the scruff.

It had been, what, four months since then? Vayne still remembered The Typhoon and the very little memories she made there so one day, when Aphra went off somewhere, the Bengal-Ragdoll kitten took off in the direction she believed The Typhoon was. By the time she reached the familiar sights of the ocean and the docks, the kitten was exhausted and starving. Aphra had kept her farther away from the group than she thought and it had taken weeks for the Cipher spawn to reach her birthplace; her mother never taught her how to hunt, so of course she wouldn't know how to take care of herself properly. Instincts could only get you so far, no?

Vayne collapsed onto the dock, by the gates that marked her home, her breath coming in gasps as she tried to tell herself to relax. I'm home...[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: WHEN THERE'S SUPPLY YOU STILL DEMAND // return - roan ; - 12-29-2020

Vayne was a Cipher, and usually that would mean that Roan would hate her on principle. However, Vayne was only a child, and the soothsayer hated her mother far more than he could ever hate Vayne, who seemingly only wanted to make those around her happy. So, when she had ended up disappearing entirely, the draconic feline had actually been pretty worried about her. Unfortunately, he hadn't exactly had a lot of time to ponder on where she could have gone, or where she could've been taken. When the shit had finally hit the fan regarding the Coalition, Roan had been forced to channel all of his efforts into making sure that everybody else was alright. Injuries were a constant worry when they had been taken over, so the soothsayer had once again been kept busy, his eyes dark and tired as he kept moving forward, no matter what. Others might have been upset by his blunt and grumpy nature, but he had little interest in correcting it, at least not until he had a chance to get some proper rest.

Of course, it didn't seem as though he was the only one who needed rest at the moment. Not only rest, but food and perhaps some medicine as well. Roan had been out looking for herbs when he spotted Vayne's collapsed form on the dock, his eyes widening and a shout leaving him. He sped up until he was stood next to Vayne, nosing at her shoulder and speaking urgently, "Vayne? Vayne, are you alright...? Shit, you look awful. You need some food..." He twisted around to search through his own satchel, his teeth eventually closing in on emergency pieces of prey that he had started to keep with him. In this case, he pulled out a small bird, placing it in front of Vayne and muttering, "How did you even end up like this...? Did the Coalition take you?" The Coalition was just his first guess, but Aphra wasn't far down the list of culprits that could've taken Vayne away. It was a shame that he had once considered her to be a friend – and then she had stomped on all of that in one fell swoop.


[td][div style="background:url(; font-family: arial; background-size: cover; background-position: center; min-width: 200px; min-height: 450px;"]
Rosemary trotted to the docks, squinting to try and make out Roan and the little shape next to him. “Roan, what—” She blinked, sped up, and took a deep breath. Vayne?”

The ocelot, biting her lower lip as she saw Vayne’s condition, slowed down and sat next to the soothsayer and young beta. The snowshoe-bengal cat looked in terrible shape, and it was obvious the girl needed food and rest. “Are you thirsty or injured?” she added after Roan, right ear flicking.
peace comes at dawn, but yours comes at night


[glow=white,1,400]LIKE WE FORGET WHO WE CAN TRUST !。+゚.[/glow]
The Ciphers were a cursed family, it seemed; at least, everywhere she seemed to go and mentioned her surnames, people tended to change their expressions quite quickly. Hell, Vayne's mother even taught her and her siblings at a very young age to avoid the Roux family, claiming that they were out to get her and her littermates killed. Of course, most of the Rouxes seemed to act quite the opposite but Vayne knew that if she went against her mother's orders, there would be punishment.

But Aphra wasn't around right now, was she? The warm scent of prey hit Vayne's scents and her ears perked up at the sight of the bird that Roan placed down. Vayne quickly ate at her food, completely disregarding her manners; she would probably get a bellyache later but gods, she was hungry. Vayne blinked at Roan, confusion in her gaze as the Soothslayer mentioned a group she never reach of. "N-no?" She squeaked out in response to his question, soon explaining what happened: "Mother took me somewhere. She said it was important that we left for a while, but I don't really know why." Was it to shelter her more?

Rosemary was next to approach and Vayne recongized the strange, four-eyed feline from their very brief interactions. Every time she was around, something always seemed to happen with Aphra and Vayne was, admittedly, slightly uncomfortable with her around. Is she gonna do something to me? The Cipher kitten pondered the thought and then realized, her previous interactions with Rosemary (while not extreme), she never seemed to really say or do anything to harm her and her littermates. Maybe it was only a coinsidence that Aphra seemed to get bad luck around the ocelot.

"I'm thirsty," Vayne admitted with a small nod. "But no injuries." That she knew of, anyway; sure, her limbs were sore from all the running she did, but was she in any pain or bleeding anywhere? Nope.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: WHEN THERE'S SUPPLY YOU STILL DEMAND // return - Grimm - 01-01-2021

[div style="margin: auto; background-image: linear-gradient(to top left, #af6159 50%, #d69374 50%); max-width: 475px; height: auto; padding: 2%; border: 1px #1d1d1d solid;"][div style="margin: auto; background-color: #1d1d1d; max-width: 475px; color: #fefefe; padding: 5%; min-height: 20px; border: 2px #1d1d1d solid; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; text-align: justify; line-height: 17px;"]Rather apt the descriptor of cursed in regards to the particular family unfortunate child was apart of for no reason her own, origin easily located. Known by the few instances proximity permitted her observation Vayne was little more than a stranger, a child known by name yet avoided for apparent reasons. Her own the fault, the remarks she had been present to witness from rather distasteful mother enough to cause disfavour to grow where daughter was concerned. Vayne was not her mother, however, as Eulia was not her father, the sin the parent conducted incapable of such transfer.

Familiar the shore, thus from it had she turned during her daily walk, trying once more to familiarise herself with the land after her impromptu disappearance, dense foliage pressing close. Slow their fall, parting about twisting paths and open land of irregular size, one such trail followed loosely. Her momentum drew to an uneasy halt as voices arose, beneath the constant sound of the waves grown louder as the edge grew closer almost swallowing them, strained ears that swivelled forward.

"Roan…?" Concern seeped through gentle tone, arising in a questioning lilt as end graced lips crowned by a deepening frown. Brief her thought of turning back, over shoulder looking before refocusing in front. Too long had she run, hid as though still was she a scared child, no longer was that an option. Closer did Eulia tread, the scene upon which she came odd, mouth opening though no words came forth.

One need be entirely senseless, or possibly ignorant, to not have made note of the lack of children, her infrequent visits beyond her home enough to allow her the knowledge. The cause she had not pondered, though that Vayne offered left a bad taste within her mouth, the notion Aphra had grown spiteful enough to a degree to take her daughter from safety poorly fitting in her mind. "Why would she do something like this." Unbidden the words tumbled forth, apparent she spoke not of the child that ravenously ate. Questions swirled about her mind, held her tongue for the moment, however, it would do no good to overwhelm the child when she had just returned. Rather silent fell Eulia, awaiting direction or otherwise further information.

Re: WHEN THERE'S SUPPLY YOU STILL DEMAND // return - roan ; - 01-01-2021

Anger. It bubbled and burned within Roan's stomach, and he wished that Aphra was around just so he could rip her limb from limb for what she had done. He was a medic, made to heal and help others, but in the case of Aphra... he felt as though he could turn his back on what he had always sworn to do. Despite this, he knew that he couldn't lose his cool right now. Vayne didn't deserve to have to worry about his anger, and she didn't deserve to have to worry about her mother's reputation following her around. With a low grumble leaving his throat, Roan found himself muttering sharply, "Of course it was Aphra... never should've let her watch a fucking child. Not even her own..." His jaw was clenched, and he knew that he needed to get away, just for a moment. Shaking his head, he spoke softly to Vayne, "I'll... I'll be back. I'll get you water. Stay here." He then turned, steps quick and wings opening as he headed off, back towards the temple.

After a couple of minutes, the soothsayer returned, a small container of water clenched carefully in his jaws as he landed nearby. Placing the tray in front of Vayne, he said reassuringly, "Well... you're back, and we're gonna take care of you, alright Vayne? Here, drink as much as you need..." The sound of Eulia's voice echoed throughout his head, and he found himself tensing once again, anger flooding him. However, the anger wasn't as a result of Eulia herself. Rather, her question was just opening the floodgates for Roan's anger towards Aphra. Turning towards his little sister, the medic shifted his wings upon his back, fur unevenly spiked up and voice harsh as he responded, "She did it because she's selfish. She thinks that just because she fucked up and made everyone here hate her, she needs to drag her kids down with her. It's just another reason why she shouldn't be allowed to step foot back in this territory." After his little rant, Roan found himself sighing, his breath heavy as his tail flicked and lashed behind him. He took a step back, closing his eyes and trying to even himself out once again.


[glow=white,1,400]LIKE WE FORGET WHO WE CAN TRUST !。+゚.[/glow]
There was something rather unnerving about the way Roan was silent at first, then his voice coming in a low grumble whenever he spoke. The fur on Vayne's neck fluffed up unconsciously, biting her lip slightly at the way Roan's jaw clenched; it reminded her briefly of how Aphra got before she started yelling. In contrast to her mother, though, Roan was able to control his anger and spoke in a softer tone when he addressed Vayne. She blinked as he went off to go fetch her something to drink, leaving her with Eulia and Rosemary.

Vayne opened her mouth to respond to Eulia's question, before Roan interjected with his, admittedly truthful, response. "I-I don't think she meant it like that," The kitten tried to defend Aphra, partially due to naïve ignorance and not knowing any better. It was true that Vayne pondered why she was the only one out of the litter that Aphra took, and her mother told her that it was hard carrying three children at once and she planned on going to go get the others. She avoided the question whenever Vayne asked why they had to leave, only stating that they "had to" and Vayne eventually just accepted that answer, even if it made her uneasy.

It wasn't hard to notice how everyone hated Aphra though, even if the stark feline often tried to make it that she was the victim and not at fault for how others treated her. Still, Vayne believed that her mother was a good person and everyone just had their ideas set in mind about her that wouldn't go away, no matter how hard she tried. "Maybe she just wanted to get away for a while," The kitten mumbled, trying to not flare anyone else's anger, before she finally decided to take a drink from the container that Roan provided.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]


[td][div style="background:url(; font-family: arial; background-size: cover; background-position: center; min-width: 200px; min-height: 450px;"]
Rosemary’s eyes flicked between the three various felines, and she sighed into the back of a paw. The witch had no intention of answering Eulia’s question, not with Vayne here and freshly escaped, and she visibly winced when Roan’s tone shifted. She didn’t need to look at Vayne to know the child was bothered by his emotional shift.

Her left eyes squinted in agitation at him, only for a second, and she shook her head as she attempted to flick her forked tail soothingly over his wings. “Vayne has enough of her own emotions to sort out about her mother.” Her four eyes locked on him, staring at both of his eyes simultaneously in eerily unnatural eye contact. “She doesn’t need anyone else’s opinions muddling those treacherous waters.”

The ocelot looked back at Vayne, smiling reassuringly, as she spoke gently. “It’s alright. You don’t need to justify anyone else’s actions. What matters is that you wanted to come to the Typhoon, and you succeeded. As long as you wish to stay, you are more than welcome on these islands.”

She squinted, thinking briefly about logistics and more mundane matters like beds, before she added, “While you’re settling back into your old home—or settling into a new one—do you have a place to stay tonight? If you’re feeling woozy after the long journey, resting in the temple might do you good.”
peace comes at dawn, but yours comes at night



That was all the towering wyvern could feel like anymore. He felt like a stranger, like he didn’t belong here. Maybe he didn’t belong here, but he didn’t know where he truly belonged. Cory was eight years old, far past ripe. Nobody here was remotely as old as he was, at least, not that he knew of. Not to mention, every person present were unknown to him. He found himself staring upon them with blatant confusion every single time he wandered through the camp, often times not even remembering who they were after meeting them once. Maybe because there was no visible impression made upon him? Who knew. All Cory knew was that he was a stranger to all of them.

And this? This was a stranger to him.

The heavily guarded male would stare upon the kitten’s petite form, listening to the bickering coos emitted from those around. So, this child had a shit childhood? Cory could relate. His own mother had abandoned him. A gruff swallow was all he could manage for the moment, before the inner medic crept out.

Is she dehydrated? Malnourished?” he asked, having not noticed the water brought forth. Was this...worry trickling from him? Perhaps.
code by spacexual


[glow=white,1,400]LIKE WE FORGET WHO WE CAN TRUST !。+゚.[/glow]
"You don't need to justify anyone else's actions."

Why did that statement sound false? Rosemary meant well with her words, but Vayne couldn't help but disagree with it; Aphra was an okay mother. Sure, she had her faults, but she was far too young at the moment to really realize how bad Aphra was. Vayne was only a child; of course she would think that Aphra did no wrong, or wasn't doing things to piss everyone off. What was true about Rosemary's words, however, was the fact that she came here on her own free will - and that made her feel a bit proud of herself. She was only seven months old, and she found her home on her own! Isn't that impressive? Would Mother be impressed if she were still here?

Something large in the distance was coming towards the group and Vayne watched with wide eyes as Corrupttimelines came over, too distracted to hear Rosemary's question about where she was staying for the night. Her fur fluffed out subconsciously, a little spooked by seeing such a massive creature. "I'm... I'm okay, I think."[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]