Beasts of Beyond
Their hearts full of hate / Joining - Printable Version

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Their hearts full of hate / Joining - SirDio - 12-28-2020

She could still sometimes feel the old pains of the fire that took her in her previous life, the chorus of angry men and women still ringing in her ears to this day. Red eyes peered into the forest and swamp mere feet from her paws as she stared across the border. Her ears flicked tiredly and the Smilo-leonberger stepped over into Tanglewood lands. Satchels bumped into one another and the hybrid opened her fanged jaws in a yawn, black tongue sticking out. Closing her maw, she took another look at the land. Eugh. Well, it was better than smolder and ash and smoke.

"Hellooooo? There's a distinct scent border here, so there must be a group, if my past knowledge serves me right? I would like to join, if that isn't too much of me to aaask?" She swayed on her front paws for a moment, feeling a cool breeze on her scars and bare tail. Maybe she could find some way to grow the fur back or something. She did it before, she could definitely do it again.

Re: Their hearts full of hate / Joining - arrow - 12-28-2020

Did her eyes deceive her? Were there more warm bodies yet to replace the empty spaces left behind by earlier residents? Actually, wait, that sounded weird. Scratch that, don't say that, not out loud.

Again, just like before, Arrow had no fucking clue what she was looking at. Common sense decided that a hybrid of sorts was the final answer, after a few minutes of much contemplation until her metaphorical brain cells were fried. Not that such unique combinations were overtly strange or beyond her, albeit simple, comprehension, but every so often there would be a figure who she truly could not figure out what two or more parts made up their form. Whether it be from an animal she had not seen before, or one that was supposedly extinct. In this case, she recognized large dog and something with fangs as big as her head, perhaps bigger. Usually, back in the day, she'd question the newcomers from the intertwining branches above so her small and lanky form would not be in harm's way, considering how much stronger most of Earth's terrifying creatures were than her. But as she was already long dead, and an ethereal form was not something that you could really kick the shit out of, she opted for a new strategy.

"Distinct is an understatement way out here, but you're right about civilization...more or less." Arrow's skinny form weaved in and out between the foliage as if her body would really bear any weight on the plants, some of which easily just passed through her sides. "I'm sure the gang would be just pleased to have a new face around, provided you ain't got anything crazy in those satchels of yours."

Re: Their hearts full of hate / Joining - SirDio - 12-29-2020

Morghana blinked as Arrow came forth, the hybrid's ears flicking with a new air of surprise. Wasn't expecting a greeting so soon. But a smile tugged at her lips and she let her head hang down slightly. "Good to know my old life still gives me knowledge of things." She waved a ringed paw, "I'm Morghana, by the way. I don't have anything that'll harm anyone within these bags." She looked toward the one that was closest to her head, it lay against her shoulder. "Just some odds and ends, herbs and bones and books." She grinned. Black gums shone with an oily sheen.

She let her grin fall into a smile and she tilted her head, "Who owns these lands, anyway? I'm quite curious."

Re: Their hearts full of hate / Joining - Grimm - 12-29-2020

Beyond a manageable tally the fluctuating number of new faces that had deemed the secluded ruin parading as an inhabitable town, singular the purpose most allowed to guide their trajectory. Fresh still, memories a heavy touch disturbing the once tranquil passage of each thought until frayed had individual threads grown, beneath a tyrannical rule left prisoners within their own abode. Retaliation seemed implausible, further combat staged in land he had not the pleasure to witness, yet still weary the child —

No longer was he such, the removal of the motion inciting a sharp shake of his skull. Forgein still the notion begun the time he was at the beck and call of another, their tutelage given as widened his horizons. Such time had not transpired, necessitated a reschedule with the events that had occurred prior, yet utilised his privileges even if such was not official as of yet.

A method to clear his head, overburdened beneath the static hum of white noise that seemed incapable of drawing to an end, all his walk had begun as. His momentum drew to a staggering halt for a rather different reason, no destination nor desire to return apparent, only the unease about gentle curves rooted in honey hued depths, about ears flicking. Off the various trunks voices bounced and offered a striped back echo, origin point difficult to gauge for such. On continued Salvia, permitted the dense undergrowth to swallow him, the shifting volume all he had to guide.

By the time breached the rather ordinary conversation his breath had grown laboured, mud adorning strands once of cream, hesitance remarkably worn away beneath annoyance. This, too, slide away with the part of lips, overpowering the awe that directed his vision towards stranger. Away did it at times skip, caught in gaze for moments the other — Arrow, one of the names his father was fond of and spoke rather highly of when within the mood for tales of his own making — always drawn back.

"T-this is…. Uh…" A poor beginning, tongue tangled over such simple words and caught between teeth, downward eyes turning until observed only his paws and the terrain he kneaded. "Tanglewood. We're called Tanglewood." Finally words came forth, though still he refused to meet eye of either, agitation bubbling in the back of his throat.

Re: Their hearts full of hate / Joining - rhosmari - 12-29-2020

Careful she came, a haze over her gaze as she looked upon the small group that had come to see this stranger. Her main priority was to watch Salvia really and she was keeping the child in her gaze even as her mind wandered. Her tail flicked back and forth as she tipped her head, face hidden beneath a crocodile skull that she normally wore. She would be going off to prayer today and soon. She needed to be thankful after all that their part in this war was over. For now she would greet the stranger with warmth and encouragement for seeking Tanglewood as a home. Here she sat down and curled her tail around her paws. Taking a moment to let the others do their part. A ghost, a child, and something. She was something and didn't quite understand yet. Still she was here and that was all that mattered as the heated cheetah gave a light nod of her head. "This one welcomes you to Tanglewood. She is called Elsweyr and we are delighted to have you. Does she need anything to help with settling?" She forced the energy into her voice, the social feline she always should have been even though she was drained and tired, broken from what had happened.

Re: Their hearts full of hate / Joining - wormwood. - 12-29-2020

Re: Their hearts full of hate / Joining - arrow - 12-30-2020

"And there you have it, Miss Morghana. One Tanglewood, at your service. Within reason, of course." Hopefully a pleasant welcome was rolled out between herself and the other three, as if each brought with them an aspect of Tanglewood to create a pretty accurate image of what would be encountered further in the lands. She wasn't exactly the one to present herself in a professional manner to properly open up for the stranger, now less so, but she'd leave it to Aurum and Elsweyr.

"Bones and books, huh? If that ain't the coolest shit-" Arrow's ears perked up a bit at the mere mention of what the fanged traveler revealed to be within the confines of the fabric, mostly interested in the talk of bones. "You'll settle in just fine with interests like that, trust me. Name's Arrow, I know all the cool spots." She had immediately taken a liking to the hybrid, she had a pleasing way of speaking, and paired with the rings upon her paw something shook loose a familiar feeling. It wasn't until she gave it some thought that the image of Ophelia danced from the collection of old memories.

"If you need anything for your fascinating collection, I'm your girl." She ended off with a sly grin, a touch of theatrics for drama, although she couldn't hold herself together well enough to even be vaguely mysterious.