Beasts of Beyond
Someday I'll Make It Out of Here / O, nightmare - Printable Version

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Someday I'll Make It Out of Here / O, nightmare - SirDio - 12-27-2020

Long lost words whisper slowly to me.
I still can't find what keeps me here.
// mention of gore in 3rd, 4th, and 5th paragraphs

Her Sanctuary had definitely grown in the past few days. A barrier of Rose bushes had grown around it, arching over the entrance with a divine elegance. Her bed was made of woven leaves, soft as cotton and stronger than usual cloth. Underneath this covering did the undead lioness sleep, breath quick and ragged. Her mind was loud and she was under a strange, surreal nightmare.

It almost seemed real. Had she gone back to him? The dark purple lion who's mane was littered with white roses and ugly thorns nuzzled her. Against her own will did she nuzzle back. The gesture was all to familiar, this routine nothing new. But something was wrong with her lover. His face appeared blurry, dark. His words came back jumbled and wrong.

She struggled to see what happened next. Maye was suddenly alone, cradling the dead bodies of her cubs. Soundless sobs left her mouth, grief apparent and ever present on her face. Three withered bodies who were once plump and happy and full of energy. The sweet licorice scent hit her nose, and she turned to her lover. His face was clear, and she saw him smile. His face appeared rotted and falling away, but this was before she killed him.

Vines stabbed her body everywhere, cutting her body with ease. Her ears ringed. He got closer. She couldn't get away. Closer. Closer. His claws raised up, then swung down onto her face. [color=red]Red.
The lioness woke with a yelp, finding herself on the dirt.

She felt something spherical in her paw, and she turned to look. A pale green eye lay there, her own paw bloodied. Lukewarm liquid fell from her face. Maye's remaining eye widened and she shrieked, throwing the eye across the sanctuary, rolling out of the entrance. She heaved, then placed her paw to her eye socket.

Something already began growing in the absence of her eye. Vines constricted her muscles and she felt vines pierce her skin, anchor into her body. A sweet, sugary scent hit her nose, and she pulled at the flower, revealing a light blue rose petal in her claws. A grief-stricken wail rose from her chest as she collapsed, gritting her teeth as she snarled. "Why? Why do you haunt me? You got what you fucking deserve, why won't you leave me alone!"

A ragged breath drew from her as she choked out more words, "You killed them, didn't you...? Why, Valore, why? They-ey were only cubs!" She sucked in air through her teeth as she held back sobs. "Why do you still hurt me.."

When all this time I've been so hollow, inside.
I know you're still there.

Re: Someday I'll Make It Out of Here / O, nightmare - butch kennedy - 12-27-2020

Firefly felt bad.  She had been stalking around the territory, unable to sleep, unable to rest.  Her body was physically tired but her mind was vividly awake and imagining.  She wished her brain would just shut up for five seconds but it seemed that sleeping was not in her cards tonight.  However!  Her insomnia was not the reason for her guilt.  Instead, she had come across Maye waking suddenly , evidently from some sort of bad dream.  It almost felt like she had stumbled across something very private, but if she were already here...

"Do you -ah, well, if it's alright - do you want some company?"  Firefly managed after a moment of awkwardly seal-posing just behind an overgrown rose-bush as if that would hide her bulky frame.

template credit to guppy

Re: Someday I'll Make It Out of Here / O, nightmare - SirDio - 12-29-2020

Long lost words whisper slowly to me.
I still can't find what keeps me here.
A glassy green eye drifted to Firefly as Maye sat up, regaining her composure a bit. "Some.. yes. Some company would be nice. Thank you." She looked at the blue petals before shaking her head. "Ah, My name is Maye, I don't think we've correctly met."

When all this time I've been so hollow, inside.
I know you're still there.

Re: Someday I'll Make It Out of Here / O, nightmare - wormwood. - 12-29-2020

Re: Someday I'll Make It Out of Here / O, nightmare - SirDio - 12-29-2020

Long lost words whisper slowly to me.
I still can't find what keeps me here.
Solitary eye drifted to Aurum, a sick laugh in her head. We are matching. The laugh never came to surface as the lion gave his worried words. Taking a glance to the ground, she shook her head, "I.. I will be fine. I had a nightmare." She didn't mention the eye, only taking her paw back to the flower before she sighed.

A droplet of blood fell from her socket, landing solemnly on the ground. Almost instantly, seemingly out of Maye's control, a red tulip sprouted from the droplet. She just stared at it while her brain suddenly slowed, a faint whisper in her head. You Did it. You did it. You did it. You did it. her lips tightened and contorted in a sharp frown and she looked as though in a trance, glassy eye more hazed as the whisper repeated.

You did it. You did it. You did it.

When all this time I've been so hollow, inside.
I know you're still there.

Re: Someday I'll Make It Out of Here / O, nightmare - arrow - 12-30-2020

Oh, nightmares. She hadn't had any since her return, mostly because she didn't sleep and didn't want to after raising her soul from the grave, but she still hadn't forgotten her own. Death, darkness, blood, and whatever else she could have fit in a unnerving emo poem. For the love of all that was holy, she hoped to whatever was out there that Maye did not resort to drinking away her youth to block it out, even if she didn't really know the girl, every unfortunate event and misstep in the Tangewood residents' luck haunted her, which was a very ironic thing to say.

Stumbling across the discarded eye itself first, Arrow's own widened, mumbling a stunned "Oh, fuck-" in her shock. Yeah that was eye. Like from a socket, in a face. Her first thought was, "Hey someone probably wants to put that back in.", which was beyond ridiculous. You couldn't just stick an eyeball back into the eye hole. It wasn't, well, whatever you could reattach.

Joke's on Maye, when she ripped into her face, she missed her eyes. That was a joke of course, and really fucked up to say. Arrow slipped past the lion, crouched low to the ground to get a look at whatever gaps lied between the plant material that was now just emerging out of the empty socket as if that was normal. "Maybe we could, uh...fuck...I never learned plant injuries."

Re: Someday I'll Make It Out of Here / O, nightmare - butch kennedy - 12-30-2020

The liger wasted no time in settling down next to the other creature, even if she did flop down with all the grace of a wingless bird.

"I'm Firefly."  Was the cheery response.  "I'm pretty new, so don't feel too bad if you missed me."  With a proper introduction given, she glanced up at the assorted gathering animals.  Aurum and Arrow had joined into this merry midnight mix, both showing more concern than Firefly could muster for the eye-flower.  In all honesty, she thought the flower was cute.

"Maybe a weed-killer?"  She piped up, hoping for at least a grimace from Maye.

template credit to guppy