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Crooked but upright - Open, Nightmare - Printable Version

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Crooked but upright - Open, Nightmare - SirDio - 12-26-2020

There's only one reason you've lost.
You've pissed me off.

The cold night felt harsh against fresh scales, the sounds of the forest were so loud and killing her ears. It was so dark, she couldn't see. Nothing but silver eyes and a devil's grin. Staring into her reflection she knew something was wrong. A cobra's hood with silver eyes and a devil's grin. The hybrid in the reflection leaped out, claws grabbing Medusa and dragging her into infinite darkness. "Never thought I'd see you again, kid." Medusa heard from the darkness, a voice so familiar she clamped her paws around her ears. "Stheno..! You're dead!"

"Hasn't stopped me yet. I am not finished with you, and won't be finished for a long time." Harsh fangs dug themselves in her neck, a soundless scream coming from the hybrid as she caught a glimpse of silver eyes and a devil's grin. Her words echoed in her head, I am not finished with you.

Medusa woke with a start, breathing harsh and ragged, a pain behind her right eye. Night still hung within the sky, and the noises were dulled. She looked down, seeing dying embers and scorch marks by her paws. Again those words echoed in her head...

I am not finished with you, and won't be finished for a long time.

Re: Crooked but upright - Open, Nightmare - VASS . - 12-26-2020

Family dug it's roots into Vaas and tried to hold the beast down, trapping, drowning him in it's rules and traditions when the tiger had only ever wanted to be free. Free from his home, the responsibilities and the entire facade he painted in his home to merely survive. It was safe to say that Vaas' family was gone, considering the kind of animal he showed himself to be, was known as when he first faced the glades. His only family was a found one. Small fragile strings that tied around his wrists and ankles: where obligations were welcomed instead of the burden he knew it could become.

Care came easy when it was earned, his loyalty was a hard won thing when he cut his ties- when he choose to tie himself to these people-his people. Medusa was one of them.

The medeci was patrolling through the night, a time that the truly dangerous loners tried to encroach on something that wasn't theirs. It was when the sometimes peaceful barbarian got to sharpen his claws inside another instead of the walls that already lay his frustrations along it's carved walls. It was a freeing time, to check on a choice few while he looped between camp and the forest. Medusa's den not too far from camp- but more secluded, quiet in her favorite alcove.

he heard the others distress and came to investigate. The sight- sounds of ragged breathing had him on guard. Jade eyes fever bright as he looked on into the sparse opening of her dwellings. He didn't dare encroach deeper, but he listened for movement, for anything that would push past that barrier of slightness if there was a threat.

"Hermosa medusa, is everything alright?" The tiger called, careful for any sense of offness.
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"take me into your heart , accept me as your savior nail me to the fucking cross and let me be reborn" — an antagonist with a silver tongue , a pirate with nothing to loose and everything to gain .  vaas montenegro ; he who lives to fight demons should be weary he himself does not become one ." it's not like i am fucking crazy — "

Re: Crooked but upright - Open, Nightmare - SirDio - 12-26-2020

There's only one reason you've lost.
You've pissed me off.

Her head snapped toward Vaas, not recognizing him for a brief moment as the only words that she thought up were words of begging, please don't hurt me. As she slowly recognized him, however, she relaxed. She pulled her upper body up and nodded slowly, dragging herself out of her den. Her lower legs did not like this, as evident by their stubbornness. "Yeah I'm.. I'm fine. Just a nightmare." She rubbed her right temple, right ear flicking with the dull pain.

Re: Crooked but upright - Open, Nightmare - rhosmari - 12-26-2020

''Are you sure everything is alright? Ah, sorry if I'm intruding...." He had been close by, not able to sleep since he had woken up from his injuries. Nights passed and all he did was watch the ocean in fear that something might try to attack at night. His paws passed across the snow covered sands and he wouldn't really take his gaze away from the waves but he had heard the soft whispers of talking and his ears had picked up the gentle words being threaded through the air as if he was standing right beside them. Odd. He head never been able to hear things that well before and that was how he came to be there now, standing a bit further back and looking as if he shouldn't be there at all. After a moment he stepped forward and made his way just a bit closer, glancing over to the medic for a moment and being a bit respectful to keep some distance between them. After all this was the guy that had helped him to actually heal up and see another day. He was grateful for that he supposed in a way, trying to think that it was better this way as Medusa and Rhine had said. His mother had given her life for his, he needed to accept that.

Turning his eyes away he breathed in slowly and looked to the woman now that had coaxed him to understand. Told him things would be okay. She was the Primus if he remembered correctly from the knowledge he was gaining, someone important in the Glades and she had helped him as well. So he wanted to give back and help too. ''I can stay with you if you want me to. Just for company's sake.'' He knew what it was like to have nightmares now, they stayed with him sleeping or awake and he tried not to think too hard on them.
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How, how much to light up my star again and rewire all my thoughts? Oh baby, won't you remind me what I am? And break, break my little cold heart. I'm living someone else's life. Suppressing who I was inside. I don't know if I can be alone again. I don't know if I can sleep alone again.

Sorbet Monroe Roux

Re: Crooked but upright - Open, Nightmare - RHINESTONE. - 01-01-2021

Rhinestonestar didn't know much about Stheno, nor did he know much about the other snake hybrid that Medusa had talked about in her panicked state after the raid. However, he knew that both had a profound impact on his primus, whether it be a positive or a negative one. So, he had been trying to keep an eye on Medusa from afar, not wanting to make it too obvious that he was worried about her. Not because he thought that the hybrid was weak, or because she really needed his help, but because he wanted to be there for her if she wanted him to be. He knew that they were friends, and friends stuck around for each other. After all, she had stuck by his side when he had returned from the dead, disoriented and rallying against a group that he had once vowed to follow for the entirety of his life. The least he could do was stay by her side when she was struggling because of friends and enemies in her life that she had evidently been worrying about for her entire existence. At least, that's what he could assume from the few things that she had told him about Xthocoatl.

The smell of something either burnt or burning was what drew Rhinestone out of camp that night, a worried frown on the serval's muzzle as he moved swiftly over sand and into the woods. The surrounding trees of the Twisted Forest still caused the fur along his spine to raise slightly, but he found his steps were more firm, a newfound confidence in the legate's walk as he moved forward. He was surprised that it didn't seem as though he was the first to arrive, but he wasn't disappointed. He was glad that others had arrived to help Medusa as well, and he was glad that it didn't seem as though any outright flames had broken out. Still, as he stepped smoothly in beside Sorbet, his dark black gaze couldn't help but zero in on the scorch marks that marred the floor, a sigh leaving his slim form. He then let his eyes drift upwards to Medusa, offering her a comforting smile before he muttered, "Nightmares are terrible... I had lots of them, after the whole sickness incident. But hell, it won't be long before you forget about this one entirely... is your head alright?" His attention had zeroed in on her rubbing at her temple, wondering if she had some kind of stress headache. Maybe there was something that Vaas could give her, to help her sleep without a nightmare.
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tags + roleplayed by stilly + the palm glades

Re: Crooked but upright - Open, Nightmare - SirDio - 01-01-2021

Medusa took a sparing glance at Sorbet, eyes appearing to shine in a slight of shock and confusion at his offer. But in the end gratitude appeared as the final light in her eye as she smiled. Before she spoke, she looked to Rhine as he approached. His words humored her a bit, and she chuffed a laugh. "Tch.. I hope I can forget this one.." She shrugged and moved her paw away from her head. "Just a little pain behind my eye.. it's gone now."

Something whispered into her ear, and she strained to listen, angling her head toward her left and ears angled a little. A whisper in her head. Only she could hear it. You won't forget that easily. I am not leaving. She grunted a bit, a frown tugging at her lips.