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you had your maps drawn [ Ó Broin hub ] - Printable Version

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you had your maps drawn [ Ó Broin hub ] - aine. - 12-20-2020

[align=center][Image: mGepSbq.png]
The Ó Broin Family
♛ Gael Ó Broin [ penned by lamby ]
Aine Ní Broin [ penned by misty ]
Alaire Antione Ó Broin [ penned by petrichor ]
Kold Darcia Ní Broin [ penned by astral the mother ]
Saintkit [ penned by stilly ]
[Image: ow4rBPe.png?1]
[align=center][div style="width: 550px; text-align: justify; font-family: georgia; text-transform: lowercase; font-size: 10pt; line-height: 1.5;"]
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Re: you had your maps drawn [ Ó Broin hub ] - aine. - 12-20-2020

. general .
name;; Aine Charlotte Ní Broin
-nicknames ; Lottie

physical age;; 10 moons
ageing scheme;; at roleplayer's discretion; mental development

sex;; female
preferred gender;; she/her
sexuality;; demisexual demiromantic

powers;; clairvoyance, earth elementals, enhanced senses (hearing and taste), mental bond with Ikaia, mental bond with Alaire, shapeshifting
- some of her powers are used subconsciously, leaving her unaware she even has them.

child to;;
- Gael Ó Broin x Salomé Boudier ; onsite gen 2
mother to;;
-adopted;; Saintkit

ally to;; The Pitt [table][tr][td][/td][/tr][/table]
- is quiet and distant, but generally friendly and compassionate to those around her unless given a reason otherwise.  requires time to build a true friendship, as she has grown relatively wary of others, especially of those from other groups.
[you are amazing]
A red deer-fox with dark feathered wings.  Rather petite and scrawny with a slightly round build.  Has always been on the small side.  Fur is soft and prone to be covered in flowers, grass and leaves.

Smells like wildflowers and petrichor.  Eyes are bright hazel, that seem to change in the light, from gold, copper and green.  They seem to grow dim at times, reflecting the darker thoughts that lurk in the shadows of her mind.

accessories;; satchel for carrying medical supplies and herbs
[you are amazing]
+ | friendly, honest, intuitive
0 | absentminded, private, soft
- | erratic, impatient, naïve

tv tropes // bookworm // missing (dead) mom // beware the nice ones // the ageless // the medic // break the cutie // heroic bsod // dark and troubled past

no longer reluctant to attack.  vindictive rage.  [member=4817]aine.[/member]
small but swift-footed.  beware surrounding plants and ground.  caution: broken mind.
[you are amazing][table][tr][td][/td][td]

Re: you had your maps drawn [ Ó Broin hub ] - gael - 12-29-2020

NAME Gael Ó Broin
BORN MALE Identifies as a cis male using he/him pronouns
AGE Appears 2 years, birthday January 12
— True age unknown nor does he ever mention the number
THE PITT He is Ardent of the Pitt
— Previously Imperator

ORIENTATION Gael is demiromantic bisexual.  He is windowed and not looking for any romantic relationships.

FAMILY Gael is the head of the Ó Broin family.  He is the birth father of two; Aine Charlotte Ní Broin and the presumably late Alaire Antoine Ó Broin.  More recently he has become adopted family to Kold and Saintkit.
— The Ó Faoláin family are his cousins.
CURRENT BODY Gael is a red fox with cross coloration; a well-built vulpine with plush black and red fur.  His eyes are hazel, often appearing copper or gold depending on the light.
— Gael does not possess any other forms.
AILMENTS Gael suffers from asthma, though it is a well-kept issue due to his control of air elementals and relatively unknown to others.
ACCESSORIES None to speak of.

PHYSICALLY DIFFICULT Gael is notably experienced and well-versed in combat and possesses full mastery of his air elementals.
INTJ-T To be put in simple terms, Gael is a chess player.

Gael had always been a thoughtful, concise individual.  Intellect and charisma, he valued most as he grew -- learning with the right thinking and careful words he could be two steps ahead of those around him.  Despite being of a distinctly introverted nature, he never shied away from public speaking, nor backed away from leadership whenever it became necessary.

Driven by a passion for knowledge rather than power or material things, Gael is very straightforward and while he may be very blunt at times, it can be trusted his words will be honest.  He does not expect the same of others, but harshly judges those who constantly rely on deceit and manipulation to get their way -- he is not easy to trick, nor impressed by those who try.

Logic rules Gael's actions more than emotion, though he is notably vindinctive of those who bring harm on his family.  One may insult or harm him specifically, with little to no acknowledgement for he has seen and heard much before, but the second the safety of those in his care is put in to question, he is a harsh judge with no time or care for mercy.  He is one who has lost much and will stop at nothing to protect what he has left.

POSITIVE TRAITS Alert, creative, independent, decisive, intelligent
NEUTRAL TRAITS Private, reserved, smooth
NEGATIVE TRAITS Overly analytical, aloof, blunt, vindictive

MENTALLY EXTREME To Gael the mind is the strongest weapon one can possess.  While he typically refrains from utilizing his mental manipulation against others unless necessary, he is always prepared for an attack of such nature; his mind a well-guarded fortress.

BELIEFS & BEHAVIORS As an intellectual, Gael possesses a firm belief in the freedom of the pursuit of knowledge -- everyone has a right to learn and demonstrating a willingness to do so is worthy of respect.  He actively encourages curiosity and prefers studying an issue in-depth before any decision-making.  Meanwhile arrogance and deceit are lowly and pathetic in his eyes.  Opinions are important to Gael, but only so long as they are informed and willfully dismissing the truth is simply wrong.

Despite this fierce belief in truth, one should not expect Gael to be an open book.  On the contrary, his mind is his own and while he rarely lies, he hardly ever shares his deeper thoughts or feelings on issues -- he must truly trust someone to be so open.  Instead, he prefers to share the facts and logic of a matter first and foremost, for those are more important to him regardless.  He would rather offer unbiased information before any kind of emotion becomes in play.

Similarly biased in his intellectual world view, Gael tends to prioritize efficiency over personal comfort; he works hard, often with particular patterns, with little interest in taking breaks.  While he would not admit to being a workaholic or a perfectionist, it is evident in his careful routines and consistency that he is.

When it does come to emotion, he is not the most outwardly expressive individual.  He is however, an artist, and thus values personal expression, in whatever form that means for someone.  Despite his difficulty to express himself outside of a painting canvas, he does feel strongly -- protectively, over his family and those he has taken into his care.
Gael is a full-blooded FAERIE; the cause of the difference between his physical and true age.

POWERS Gael possesses air elementals, mental manipulation and communication, and clairvoyance.  He has mastered all of his abilities, though he is more likely to utilize his air elementals over the others.
I’ll keep you safe
Try hard to concentrate
Hold out your hand
Can you feel the weight of it
The whole world at your fingertips
Don’t be, don’t be afraid
Our mistakes they were bound to be made
But I promise you I’ll keep you safe

Re: you had your maps drawn [ Ó Broin hub ] - Kold - 02-25-2021

Name Kold Darcia Ní Broin
Nicknames none

Born female Considering She/They pronouns
Age 1 year 3 months

The Pitt Pittian and Marauder

Orientation Bisexual and Biromantic, single and looking

Family Kold is the daughter of two NPCs and the adopted daughter of Gael Ó Broin, adopted sister of Aine.
Current body Following an attack from a rogue at the edges of the Pitt's desert, Kold has taken on a stocky wolf form with black fur and white undertones, two pairs of wings; one pair feathered, the other pair bat-like, golden horns, and pearl-like eyes. Her tail appears to be longer than that of an average wolf, as are her fangs and claws. Her mane appears to be messy and unkept, spiking out in all different directions.
Ailments She does not have any known Ailments or injuries.
Accessories She is seen often with a dark green cloak (taken from the rogue), her necklace of a blood red tooth and a copper tooth (Signifying blooded status and Marauder status), and a silver cross necklace (taken from the rogue).
Physically difficult Kold is capable of fighting extremely well, and knows how to use her fire and air elementals to her own advantage. Tag for attacks
Personality Kold, putting it simply, is a woman with a heart of stone and gold, paired with a temper of a volcano. She is quiet, calculating, attentive, but also protective and explosive if treated wrongly. She holds her family closer than anyone else, willing to kill, maim, and die for them. There is a soft spot for her - reptiles. Lizards and snakes fascinate this girl to no end.

She can not bear the thought of her family leaving again - she lost her birth family and cannot go through that again. This gives her a vicious edge in fighting - she has a family to go home to and protect. All in all, Kold is a strong-willed woman with no room for bullshit and disrespect.

Mentally difficult Kold has handled two beings occupying her body, one caused her to become distant and the other held her together. Both are gone now but she knows what mental communication is, and deems herself strong enough to handle most attacks in the mental field.

Behaviors and Beliefs Family is above all for her. She will take in anyone willing to become part of the family, more than willing to protect them. Aside from that, anyone else is fair game outside of the Pitt, you can see her tearing down and capturing someone out of the pitt and being complacent and kind to those within the thralls of her home.

She urges others to find hope within darkness, to take care of themselves and keep healthy relationships. She sometimes doesn't follow her own advice.
- Kold has Demon Blood in her, though it is unknown where she gets it.

- Kold has Fire Elemental, Air Elemental, and Shapeshifting

- Her Voice claim and Face claim is Mikasa Ackerman of Attack on Titan.
"If You Think It's Natural For People To Die For Others. I'm Sure You'll Understand That At Times, The Sacrifice Of A Single Precious Life Can Save Many Others"