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Inexplicable! - Alias Storage - Printable Version

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Inexplicable! - Alias Storage - SirDio - 12-18-2020

— general
NAME. Alias
NAME ORIGIN. A derived form of their birth name Alisia. They changed it once they became nonbinary
SEX. Born female
GENDER. nonbinary
AGE. Unknown, but appears to be 3 years old
GROUP. Night Spades
ORIENTATION. Omnisexual and Panromantic
RELATIONSHIP STATUS. Single and not looking
PARENTS. Two NPCs who left them on their own at 1 year; hardly ever mentioned in a good light
— important notes
- Their face claim is unknown
- Voice claim is unknown, although they carry a feminine voice
— appearance
CURRENT BODY. Alias holds 3 bodies, each a different animal. Their birth body is an african cheetah with draconic wings, their secondary body is a black mamba/black panther hybrid, and their tertiary form is a bearded vulture with teeth and horns.
CURRENT SIZE. Cheetah body is 3 feet 6 inches, Black Mamba Panther body is 2 feet 5 inches, and Bearded Vulture body is 4 foot.
ACCESSORIES. None as of yet
DESCRIPTION. Cheetah body - Alias' cheetah body is sleek and muscular, with ruddy brown fur as a base coat and dark brown spots dotting their coat. Their eyes are a bright red. They possess a forked snake tongue. Their wings are wide and are dark red in coloring.

Panther/Mamba body - The powerful form of a black panther with a head consisting of both Black mamba and black panther features. Their jaw is free to move however they wish it to move. Underbelly is covered in dull grey scutes that run down and end halfway down their tail. They also have wings - they are wide and draconic with black webbing.

Bearded Vulture body - Regular Bearded but with a few key changes. Natural red feathers are displayed on their neck and wing tips, with a contrasting blue color outlining their facial feathers. They have small, conical teeth in their beak and a crown of ram horns on their head. They have 4 eyes, one pair where they naturally are and a pair atop their head. This pair of eyes is very small and similar to that of a tarantula.
— personality

They are determined to become stronger, always seeking a new form or a new perspective of a fight.

- Wild card, hyper, loyal, caring, indecisive, can be back-and-forth with opinions, refuses any sort of help, hard working, persevering
- Displaying their feathers in Vulture form is a favorite behavior
- They often help keep others hidden when they are in either their Panther Mamba form or Cheetah form - this is more out of keeping others safe
- Dances when pleased or stressed
- Will forever be loyal to Night Spades, as they are the ones who brought them in when they were left by their parents
- Singing in warped tones and pitches
- Favorite food is snake and carrion, you cannot convince them otherwise
- Favorite colors are those on the red spectrum, as they often represent love and passion
- Their favorite form is their Panther Mamba
- Loves fruit juices like Apple and Orange
— other
POWERS. Shapeshifting
RELIGION. They don't have a set religion, but consider themselves Polytheistic
FIGHTING. They are semi-skilled in fighting, using their Panther Mamba body to do more damage.
ALIGNMENT. Chaotic Good
— history
code by spacexual

Re: Inexplicable! - Alias Storage - SirDio - 12-18-2020

Text here, speech in Pink

It's just a cigarette, I only did it once. Speech