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we're not dead yet // ex-pitt joiners - Printable Version

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we're not dead yet // ex-pitt joiners - VALE - 12-15-2020

graphic gore ★ genderfluid ★ 3 eyed hyena
Flying high above the land, Vale and Chernabog cut into the heart of the Iron Forged territory. The mighty dragoness, easily visible from the ground below, could be mistaken as a lone flier, for the falcon riding the wind behind her was hardly visible from such a height. Then, of course, there were the times Vale’d taken a short break by grasping her claws or perching on a horn. After all, the shapeshifter could hardly be expected to keep up.

With a sudden burst of speed, Vale cut in front of Chernabog and barrel rolled in the air before her face. “I believe this is our stop!” Vale cackled. With a salute, ve dropped like a stone, contorting through the air in a tangle of feathers and talons.

After a hundred meters, the falcon straightened into a proper dive. With a touch of course correction and little wing flutters, Vale headed straight for the Geyser Springs. Specifically, the largest hot spring, which was—thankfully—unoccupied. “COMING IN HOT!” Vale screeched in warning, anyway, as ve fell faster and the world blurred around ver.

Vale splooshed into the hot spring, wings and talons outspread to distribute the force. Water splashed, children shrieked, and the bird surfaced with an oozy, liquified beak.

The shapeshifter’s skeleton liquified and reformed as vis flesh expanded. The hot spring’s water tinted pink by the time the falcon finished transforming into a greyscale hyena with eight red eyes and not a drop of color on vis pelt. Giggling, the hyena shook the water off vis head and sniffed the air. “Greetings! My name is Vale Aston, and, you see, my friend and I are here to join your lovely group.”


Re: we're not dead yet // ex-pitt joiners - SirDio - 12-15-2020

[Image: Gojira+5.gif]
You never said 'I love you'~dark blue western dragon~Your eyes always lied~undiscerned age, presumably in the 65 million year range~honey the devil wears high heels~Sentient and Violent~Even if her lover dies~Attack in [color=#ffd700]Gold + Bold~Especially if his death is by her own hand~Speech in [color=#66cd00]Bold
There would always be moments where Cherna would reconsider options, even though she felt free flying alongside her shapeshifting friend. It was nice to stretch her wings and shed that god-awful bone armor. As pretty as it was, she could always make more.

Her speed slowed as Vale flew before her face, blinking as vey saluted and dropped. In a much more graceful maneuver, she dived down, following the falcon. Tucking her wings in, she watched as vey splashed into the hot springs, and Chernabog unfurled her wings and landed with a little more grace into the warming water. With a smile she watched as vey changed forms, and she dipped her head under the water for a moment before breaching again.

[color=#66cd00]"My name is Chernabog, and if you aren't deaf, then you know why I'm here."

[color=#66cd00]"Speech" [color=#336600]'Thoughts'

Re: we're not dead yet // ex-pitt joiners - rhosmari - 12-15-2020

Like raining chaos the pair came from the sky and make no mistake they had been seen. Most of the Ironfolk watched their lands with scrutiny for anything that crossed into what they deemed as theirs and this most certainly was not theirs. But it was an interesting occurence nonetheless that they would make contact on this day, after the sudden splashing in the waters. A gooping figure rising up and body shifting and molding itself. Interesting. Very interesting. He had personally never seen anything like it before. Truly on this rare chance he happened to be trying to call his mind and body by visiting the Springs that he would get to witness. Two individuals, one dragon and the other now a strange hyena. "I see...." Came the smooth cadence from lipless jaws as the amalgamation stepped forth from the waters. Sodden form trailing a stream of water as his dark eyes fixated on the both of them. Though his gaze lingered on the shapeshifter a lot he also looked to the dragon.

Slowly a tongue smoothed from elongated teeth as his skeletal scorpion tail dragged against the ground. "We are the Iron Forged and we inhabit these lands. I am their Dragon King and if you wish to join I will be yours as well. You will be expected to earn your places as I can not guarantee that everyone will like you." They hadn't liked him and he struggled through their taunts and jeering. He pushed back to tear through those that challenged him and he would do it again. "Pleasure to meet you, Vale, Chernabog. You may call me King but I do prefer Brymstone."

Re: we're not dead yet // ex-pitt joiners - VALE - 12-16-2020

graphic gore ★ genderfluid ★ bonehead hyena
“Ah, an elegant entrance, as always.” Ve held out a paw for a fistbump, giggling softly as the flesh began oozing off vis skull. “But here’s a much better place to relax than anywhere in the Pitt, eh? Loving this place already!”

Vale licked the meat off vis face and turned to Brymstone. A smile curled on vis lips until ve ripped them off and at the flesh. Slice by slice, the shapeshifter removed the layers over vis face, until only a three-eyed hyena skull remained. Copying mutations was Vale’s MO for flirting, but, thus far, none of the single skins in the main groups’d picked up on why Vale shapeshifted, not even the easy reasons like self-expression.

“A Dragon King, eh? Can’t speak for Cherna here, but I have no issue with leaders of any sort—unless they’re incompetent. Then I take much offense!” The hyena giggled and licked vis red eyes with a far-too-long tongue. “I do not particularly care about being liked. I would rather have one true friend in a sea of enemies than false friends all around me. And you can’t have the first without some authentic self-expression! People hating on you means you’re doing something right in that area. ”

Vale leaned over the hot spring’s edge, raising a paw for a fistbump, this time to the Dragon King. “Right back at you, Brymstone. Big Stones? Big Stones, ha! Good to join your crew, Big Stones.”

Re: we're not dead yet // ex-pitt joiners - SirDio - 12-16-2020

[Image: Gojira+5.gif]
You never said 'I love you'~dark blue western dragon~Your eyes always lied~undiscerned age, presumably in the 65 million year range~honey the devil wears high heels~Sentient and Violent~Even if her lover dies~Attack in [color=#ffd700]Gold + Bold~Especially if his death is by her own hand~Speech in [color=#66cd00]Bold
Blinking, a growling chuckle left her at Vales words. As she returned the fistbump, she chuckled. [color=#66cd00]"Indeed. I love the arial view we got." she spoke casually before turning her gaze to Brymstone. Dragon king. She snorted gently buy said none against it. He certainly looked the part. [color=#66cd00]"I have little to complain about when it comes to leaders. As long as they act and aren't afraid to get their hands dirty, I have little issue."

[color=#66cd00]"I don't expect to be liked by many. But I have no problem pulling my weight. They'll accept me eventually, right?" She offered a crooked smirk.

[color=#66cd00]"Speech" [color=#336600]'Thoughts'

Re: we're not dead yet // ex-pitt joiners - mars. - 12-16-2020

Within peripheral vision reduced to fleeting spectacle, plummet conducted without grace, enacted a fall that spiralled and wound an unset trajectory. The conclusion no less an extravagant show, flourish about collision with steaming depths, garnered a reaction that spoke of horror, ripple laced surface broken by visage familiar if performed with otherwise tasteless fanfare. Followed pivot of heat by paw that scrapped along the loose rubble, behind after following the rest, anew begun his languid pace. Down brows drawn, knit together as voices arising among the hushed din, depart of those once occupying hot springs noted.

Yet none bore any importance, stragglers few brazen in their own short lived courage, cowed beneath words rounded ears flicked forward to catch. By no means was he lacking hearing, though dull and persistent the ring that echoed a droll note beneath all, and the request had been registered. It was the words of other, the boy that held tight to a crown that others sought to pluck from his brow, that drew further interest. Already low the opinion of the many, though Dylluan made no point of such he favoured the whelp and would perform no action that may impede his rule, though no more would be assist to hold it, this surely to be another strike.

Slight the frown that curled about cracked lips, briefly broken as tongue arose to wet it, stilled as witness the rather unorthodox manner vis performed a rather similar task. Well, this one was a curiosity of vis own right, withdrawn his tongue and in place of frown grew a tooth laden grin. "I thought one was enough," light the tone employed, yet hard the vision that skirted along exposed organ, a mimic yet different, vis own take and the more unique for it.

Addressal of other allowed grin to wither, arising right shoulder, stump rising with the action. "No one can say, up to them and if that changes, I would not expect it to happen any time soon if it ever does." Unlikely either to be treated in light anywhere near cordial, evidence apparent in the way the masses treated Brym.
[Image: x-TManeo8-Zl-FZ.gif]
such a daring disguise, look me dead in the eyes and cry when every stare has you gasping for air. won't you tell me why you're here, there's blood in the bag leaking love isn't fair, you can crawl back from where you came because I don't hear you the same
code by Wisker

Re: we're not dead yet // ex-pitt joiners - rhosmari - 12-17-2020

The King found himself staring, half listening and half understanding for what happened before him was intriguing to him. Watching someone else take on the visage of what he looked like was interesting. Almost captivating as he had never seen another soul that looked like him but here and now he stared. Well, he always stared as he had no eyelids with which to blink with but he was looking at them with a sharp intensity, head tilting to the side. "Is this how I appear to others?" He knew his looks, had seen them within the shivering waters but never had he looked back into something that resembled himself in reality. His question was an uttering, quiet before he realized that a paw had been raised to him. Friendship perhaps? Yet his mind was rocking with thoughts harsh things that rattled his skull. Lifting his metal clad claws he bumped his paw against theirs with ease as he kept his emotional turmoil to himself. "Welcome. We are glad to have the both of you."

Just like that he wanted to go. He wanted to get away and think. Unblinking eyes looked to the dragon companion then. Her name resting on his tongue for a moment but he did not utter it. They both wanted a leader who was no fool and he hoped to be that King for them. If not he would not see fault in their departure. Dylluan was next to arrive and he allowed a chuckle to leave him. To keep his composure. "True you will have to put in the work. Ah. I suppose I shall show you both where the Ironfolk are housed. The Ore Mountains are not far from here."

Re: we're not dead yet // ex-pitt joiners - VALE - 12-17-2020

graphic gore ★ genderfluid ★ bonehead hyena
Vale nodded as Cherna spoke, in complete agreement with the dragoness. “Only fools would say we’re deadweight, ha! Though that wouldn’t be the first time we’ve encountered that bullshit.” Vale rolled vis red eyes as memories of the Pitt flashed in vis mind; how dare idiots who never showed their faces tell ver how to “contribute.”

The bonehead’s three eyes slid to the old fart when he spoke, sighing exasperatedly and waving a paw in the air. The next instant, the hyena snapped vis fangs together. “I never joke about there being one too many single skins like you around, do I?” Vale hissed, vis teeth snapping together. “If your masses are incapable of change, then perhaps they best take a leaf from my book? Or, better, take a pound from the flesh I’ll shed. Eat my leftovers! I promise it’s tastier than the shit you forcefed your children. How else does an entire group become so intolerant?”

Vale’s neck fur flattened down as the hyena half-submerged vis skull. Air bubbled at the surface, above where Vale snorted out an exhale. The hyena looked to Brymstone, listening to the Dragon King’s words, but ve couldn’t help but notice how he’d failed to react to the old tiger’s words. Ve sighed out the rest of the oxygen in vis lungs—the shit other people put up with in the name of unity, ugh, ve needed a barf bag.

The bonehead raised vis skull out of the water, water and smoke pouring out of vis throat. “I’m sure my imitation fails to capture the beauty of the original.” Vale giggled softly, yet again, and chomped on vis tongue. “I believe I messed up the number of eyes, haha, didn’t I? It’s difficult to retrain the mind once you’re used to trinocular vision.”

Vale pulled verself out of the water. “And that is the polite way to say hot spring time is over, eh? Very well. Are we traveling by land or by wing?” The hyena glanced between Cherna and Brymstone with a nod.